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13 Responses to “Kirsten Dunst spotted kissing Drew Barrymore’s recent ex, Justin Long”

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  1. Kaiser/ Hippacrat says:

    Kiki looks cute in that red flannel. But the white-rim sunglasses have to go.

    Otherwise, I think Kiki and Long are a big “meh”.

  2. Dee says:

    I used to think Kiki and Kirsten were two different people. Kinda like Sly & Sylvester Stallone.

    Justin seems like a douche though. He used to be cute. Used to.

  3. Megan says:

    They don’t hang about, do they, these celebrity types.

  4. Alaina says:

    Wasn’t Kiki also seen out with Fabrizio Moretti shortly after he and Drew broke up? That’s kind of creepy…

  5. RAN says:

    Too bad, I thought Justin Long and Drew Barrymore were really cute together. Then again, I also thought Kirsten and Jake Gyllenhaal (sp?) were cute back in the day too.

  6. kimmi says:

    Dirty hipster musical beds. Ew!
    Last I heard, Dunst doesn’t shower too often.

  7. gg says:

    Okay I know she’s trying to scare people with that outfit. pee-yew. What is with the granny shoes with cutoffs??

  8. Blackalicious says:

    She goes out with some fuglies. The Razorlight singer, johnny Borrell- UGLY! Supposedly that breakup sent her reeling (and into rehab). Speaking of which.. why is she at bars if she was in rehab? Is she really a boozer? I constantly see the worst stuff written about her, esp. her being ugly – it seems like a lot of people don’t like her much.

    @ her glasses- terrible. I think the wayfarers are unflattering to all and just cheap looking. Why are they back in style.

  9. Kathy says:

    Aw, Justin and Drew were such a cute couple 🙁
    Kris seems like a bit of a downgrade from Drew, who is just too cute!

  10. Frederico says:

    Call me conservative, but what these people need to do is calm down. Be choosy. Select carefully. They are making a mockery out of the very idea of love and relationships. There is no difference between them and dogs in a dog park, climbing on and off each other with a couple quick thrusts.

    No sex before marriage. Try it. It winnows down your options and makes you more selective.

  11. Sherri says:

    No, kirsten was in rehab for depression. She made a statement that she wasn’t there for a dependency problem but for severe depression.

  12. Lauri says:

    I’m with you, Frederico. The celebs play musical beds constantly. If they held off for, oh, at least a week, then maybe they would actually get to know each other and have a real foundation upon which to build a relationship. of course, everything thinks I am strange for thinking that people should wait until marriage (or at least a committed, long-term relationship) before hopping in the sack.

    As a side note, why would he go after Dunst? After being with a cutie like Drew, what could he possibly see in her? She so plain faced, and has an ugly, thin lipped sneering mouth. Yuk.

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