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68 Responses to “Tom Cruise wants $20 mil; doesn’t realize he’s not a star anymore”

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  1. Anna says:

    Tom Cruise did have a hey-day, even if some might not like all that he starred in during that time. And compared to others A-list stars (current or former), Cruise can be said to have had a hey-week.
    I agree entirely with you though JayBird. It’s going to be meltdown hell if he ever wakes up from his Scientolodaze. Which I doubt he ever will.
    I don’t think that it’s particularly surprising though that he still thinks he’s the hottest of the hottest. It’s nothing to do with age (’cause he’s a man). I simply think that when you are a multi-millionaire like he is and accustomed to everyone grovelling before your feet, kissing the ground you walk on, you have a hard time combining the thoughts: “I’m a millionaire” and “nobody wants to see me anymore”. I think in his mind, (having) money equals automatic popularity. It ain’t so. Will he ever understand that? I think not.

  2. daisy424 says:

    He can mow my lawn for 20 bucks, an extra 5 if he edges.

    He shouldn’t have hired his sister as his publicist.
    He came across as an arrogant prick in that Matt Lauer interview.

  3. Alexis says:

    Let’s face it people it’s not any of the wacky behavior that’s ruined him. Tommy girl did the absolute worst thing any lady working in hollywood could possibly do, he got fat.

  4. vdantev says:

    I will never pay to see another Tom Cruise movie- ever.

  5. KERRI says:

    I can’t stand this arrogrant little pr@#%k. He’s a bully and tries to manipulate the public to his liking. A real ass____. Hate his movies too.

  6. Because I say So says:

    This just made me smile 😆 Serves him right. Hopefully that whole family will fade into obscurity and no one will hire any of them again.

    But I do predict that once he realizes just how unpopular he is, you can bet his robo-wife will suddenly become pregnant

  7. sassyspank says:

    anybody who is that much of a wacked-out control freak, deserves to be humbled. Hope he likes it with ice cream…

  8. czarina says:

    Okay, I’m not a Cruise fan and never was (even in his “possible” hayday!), but I don’t think he’s fat!
    Actually, the biggest problem is not even his crazy antics or his religion–it’s that his movies don’t do very well at the box office, and haven’t for years.
    The glow of being ‘Tom Cruise’ has never been a magnet to get people to the box office, unless the movie was a decent, uncomplicated, action/adventure. Anytime he’s tried “Acting” he bombs.
    Too many of these one-dimensional actors (who are 80% looks, 20% talent) delude themselves into thinking they have more acting chops than they do. And it ALWAYS shows at the box office.

  9. Sue says:

    Never liked him and now like him even less.His wife bores the hell out of me.

  10. Ling says:

    What shocks me is that 20 mill is a plausible salary for doing something that is, in essence, a hobby profession. It’s infuriating. He should be ashamed. If I ever become famous and get paid 20 mill to do what I do now for fun and for free, somebody please smack me in the head with a toilet brush.

  11. czarina says:

    Ling; I agree that in terms of social usefulness, I would rather pay my the men who collect my garbage big bucks (espcially in July!).
    However, if you consider how much a movie makes for the studio–in worldwide ticket sales, merchandise, DVD sales, etc.–you are talking well into the hundreds of millions of dollars. Which, to some extent, does justify the kind of salary an actor makes.
    Actors also make money from percentage of sales, etc. So, it may be more than the 20 mil the studio is objecting to in terms of Cruise’s money demands, if he’s also asking for a chunk of everything else.

  12. geronimo says:

    Jesus. This is not even something I can have a cheap laugh at. How deranged is he? I look at that pic and all I can think of is that poor little kid dragged into his fucked-up life.

  13. Anastasia says:

    I don’t even watch his older movies anymore. It got to the point that he creeped me out so badly I can’t even see his face. Seriously. Even on a magazine cover. I scrolled quickly past the pics on this page and they weren’t too bad since they weren’t head shots of him with his psycho ass maniacal shit eating grin.

    Ug. He gives me nightmares.

  14. kate says:

    why do tiny tom and his robo-wife dress alike all the time? even the same hairdo now…creepy.

  15. Tom Cruise is & has been only Tom Cruise
    and that has never been a talented actor
    Pompous & conceded & overrated/overpaid yesssssssss – indeed


  16. Codzilla says:

    Jaybird, I bet he’d change his “vitamins only” policy if/when his rose-colored glasses finally fall off. Actually, considering his bizarro antics, I’m guessing he’s popping a little something behind the scenes, already. No sober person laughs like that.

  17. twaddle says:

    The Post-Scientology Katie Holmes is an eyesore now, with that smug piece-of-sh!t smirk on her face. She’s on the Titanic too and doesn’t even know it.

  18. Codzilla says:

    Jaybird, I bet he’d change his “vitamins only” policy if/when the rose-colored glasses fall off. Actually, considering his bizarro antics, I bet he’s already popping a little something behind the scenes.

  19. jinx says:

    How both of them could be so delusional is beyond me, the moment that Summer Redstone, the head of Viacom kicked him out – that was the death knell of his career. He was given a chance to resurrect his career at UA, the first movie about the assassination of Hitler is so bad it’s probably never going to be finished or released.

    Nobody cares about either of them at the box office, add in the cult and keeping the kids from Nicole. The smell like dog poo on a hot day.

  20. countrybabe says:

    I feel a little sorry for Tommy boy. (not too much he still makes more off residuals than Brad Pitt and all the oters combined) He’s a little young for this, considering Bruce Willis and that ilk, who are near his age if not older. I read it was a little to do with scientology too. I don’t think a person’s beliefs should make them loose business per se. He was very arrogant a couple of years ago. People just had it in for them. He tanked right after Katie Holmes, I wonder if he thinks she’s worth it.

  21. Bodhi says:

    Oh JayBird, you never cease to make me laugh!

    TinyTom should just fade away… A few cameos here & there never hurt anyone. It not like he or his lady love will ever be box office smashes :snort:

  22. Silly Lilly says:

    I cant help but wonder if his inner Thetan has attacked him…… hahaha… oops my bad did I make fun of scientology? Oooops….. he and Travolta can just return to the mother ship now…..

  23. ? says:

    Love Celebitchy – articles are smart and entertaining and the commentary is great, it’s a fun way to whitter away some time loafing in front of my computer:) But, there are two subjects in which I find the articles and commentary completely skewed.

    1. Tom Cruise
    2. Brangelina

    Have never been a fan of Tom Cruise. I actually think he is talentless and looks like a rodent. Unfortch, I am old enough to remember him in his prime and never “got” it. Yet he became a worldwide star and a multimillionaire….so someone was buying tix to his movies. He has been a Scientologist for FOREVER. Openly…and during the time he is was box office gold. Scientology is, was and will always be a cult. Why the sudden feverish derision? H-weird is full of junkies, alcoholics, abusers and thieves. Why is he the target of so much hatred? I actually feel sorry for him. Cults are scary things – and it is more likely than not that he and Katie Holmes are being taken advantage of too.

    AS for Brangelina?? Wow. People have blinders on. I think it’s great thing, donating time and money to worthy causes…but does everyone miss the point that these people are not for real? It’s a business and they are great at it. With all their money making large charitable donations is a necessity. The tax man would come for what they did not give away. What better PR stunt than to publicly give to worthy causes? The more they give the more they rake in. IF they wanted to do something truly amazing why not set up a home for needy kids….a place where other people could adopt? With their names people would be lining up. They don’t do this becuase they get some kick from collecting kids that they don’t have time for – yuck.

    To be honest, TC should talk to the Jolie-Pitts – they could give him just what he needs some good PR lessons.

  24. Alek says:

    There was an article in Radar recently about the demise of the movie star, the kind of star who could “open” a movie. As you point out, though, it only works lately with big dumb action adventures (Hancock). And those do fairly well even with B-listers (Transformers).

    What I think has killed the movie star, the kind where people would go see the movie because they wanted to see the actor… is that the movies suck. Actors seemed interesting because they were playing interesting characters involved in interesting plots (from Cary Grant and Katherine Hepburn to Dustin Hoffman and Meryl Streep).

    But even those people couldn’t make a “Knocked Up” interesting — not in a way that makes you thrilled when you exit the movie, makes you want to watch it again and again, and makes you eager to see the actors in their next project.

    Get better writers working on real human, adult stories again, and you’ll revive the movie industry. Right now this movie buff hasn’t seen or rented more than half a dozen new movies this year. 95% of what’s produced has no bearing on my life experience as an adult or as a feeling human being.

    The thing with sucky movies, is that people may get tricked into them once (“Knocked Up”) by low-expectation critics’ positive reviews, but after seeing them onself, people now know to avoid Seth Rogen and Judd Apatow in the future. Then all the movie studios are surprised at the steadily falling revenue from subsequent copycat movies (see also: Will Ferrell, Jim Carrey, Harrison Ford).

    As long as he was in good movies (his best, directed by the great Sydney Pollack), Tom Cruise was a star. When he started acting in crappy movies (and actting crazy), people realized there wasn’t much there.

    Hire good writers to deal with human subjects, auteur directors, keep studio stooges out of the cutting room, and the movies and movie stars will make a comeback.

    I’m not gonna hold my breath, though.

  25. rue says:

    In all honesty I really don’t know what Tome Cruise has done that is so bad. Jumping on a couch wasn’t smart but many more in hollywood have done worse. I really believe that he is a good father and a good husband. Honestly the tabloids have made him disliked. They pick some people who they love and other who they hate and the majority of people just believe the tabloids. He has done nothing worse than most other stars. Domestic Tom’s last three movies have made 383 million dollars,as compared Brad Pitts last three movies have made 155 million (and one of those was Ocean’s which made money alot because of Matt and George)without Oceans his movies have made like 35 million (really bad!). If you look at the track records Tom has made millions more than Brad and yet people would never say that he was not a box office star. Honestly Tom has made millions for the studio in the past he is a great actor. Katie is a sweet person – she is not a robot and I honestly think that people should think before they post.

  26. Scott F. says:

    Oh come on! I hate it when people say that Tommy Boy is just being ‘picked on by the tabloids’. My ass! Every time I see him on the cover of something while waiting in line at the checkout, it’s about his kid!

    It’s pretty hard to blame other people when it’s his own words and actions that turned people off of him. Did the tabloids make him go on national TV and make an ass of himself? And why do all the people that defend him say ‘he just jumped on a couch’? Most of us could care less about that dumbass interview with Oprah – it was the Matt Lauer interview that freaked us out and proved what a nutjob he really is.

    I don’t particularly like Brad Pitt, but he’s not trying to tell psychotics that they should get off their meds and get auditing. Scientology is dangerous, and he made a conscious decision to become a vocal proponent of it. There are those of us out there who will no longer be paying money to see anything he’s in because of that.

    For anyone out there who doesn’t think his ‘religious’ views should effect his pocketbook, ask yourself this: if he was a self-proclaimed member of a White Supremacy movement, would you boycott him? Because Scientology is just about as destructive and divisive as they are.

  27. Steph says:

    Alek I totally agree with you…so many mediocre movies are made nowadays and people accept them as good. I understand what youre saying about knocked up.

  28. Salty Beans says:

    I can’t talk shit about somebody I don’t know. Period.

    It amazes me how “deep” and personal some people get when it comes to celebs. Chill out. You don’t know these people and you never will. Who are we to say what how much they deserve to be payed for a film?

    Vapid conversation indeed.

  29. Blackalicious says:

    Salty Beans: it is ‘paid’… not payed.

  30. Hollz says:

    uh, Rue- Tom’s last three movies,War of the Worlds, Mission Impossible III and Lions for Lambs made a combined $10,448,668,192 (numbers from Wikipedia)
    I’m not agreeing with you, it just annoys me that you seemed to pull the numbers outta thin air.
    Also notice that these films are high action which typically out gross dramas by a large margin.

    Speaking of movies, since I’ve been DYING to say it- I’ve seen Dark Knight TWICE and it’s AMAZING!!!!

  31. drm says:

    Scott F I agree totally with you. Salty Beans it has nothing to do with getting ‘deep’ about celebs, in this case Tom Cruise. I will not give my money to someone (via seeing a movie he’s in) so that they can turn around and ‘push’ their belief system on others, a belief system that, as Scott F rightly says is dangerous in what is encourages people to think, and in some cases do, like not take medication for depression etc.

    ‘Nuff said…

  32. Shay says:

    I used to like Tom and thought he was a cool guy. Until the stories of him auditioning his girlfriends, trying to groom them into scientology, and attacking Matt Laurer. Katie Holmes I used to feel sorry for until it seemed like she encourages this nonsense. It’s as if she thinks she’s American Royalty because she won the job as her child-hood crush’s beard.

  33. hom says:

    Scientology is just rubbish.. no one needs it. Kinda freaky cult.

  34. Sandra says:

    Where in the world are connor and isabella? It’s all suri all the time.

  35. MizLiz says:

    Connor and Isabella have met the fate of John McCain’s adopted daughter. Not photogenic, not good for publicity. Also, the adoption thing only points out Lil’Tommy’s inadequacies.

  36. xiaoecho says:

    MizLiz…Connor is absolutely georgeous!!

    Isabella?…Well it’s true, she isn’t a conventional beauty but she’s still only a kid

    Sandra’s right though

  37. Diva says:

    I bet if Tom found a GOOD, well written, high energy block buster type movie it would probably do as well as any Will Smith one. I think the problem is that he has overestimated his acting ability and is just taking “intellectual” roles that are just too big for him.

  38. Kat says:

    After the way he divorced Nicole, it went down hill ever since. They were a power couple. After that, he just turned plain nutty to me. He thinks he knows it all, and I refuse to be talked down to by a blooming idiot. I wouldn’t pay 2 cents to see another one of his movies. He has a serious PR problem.

  39. saintdevil says:

    He thinks he actually is an actor as opposed to someone who was thought hunky back in the 90s and has since lost his charms.

    Not only due to ageing, but mostly to his completely wacky attitude.

  40. Carrie says:

    Agree saintdevil. His worst failing is not to realise that people find his behaviour creepy and repellant. As for him and Kate-bot….there’s just something deeply unnatural and WRONG about every picture of them together.

  41. Anon says:

    Someone who was high up in Scientology for a long time says that Tom Cruise has basically morphed into a carbon copy of his best friend, David Miscavige (Scientology’s supreme creepo.. err, leader).

    The fanatical behaviour, the uncompromising stance, the fervour in his eyes- it’s all exactly like Miscavige. I guess he’s discovering now that being like Miscavige may garner him a lot of ‘respect’ by intimidated cult members, but the real world out here just thinks he’s creepy.

  42. dstella says:

    The best thing Tom Cruise can do is avoid the spotlight for a while (is that possible?) and let all the bad press die down for a while. No doubt he was “the” star in Hollywood, despite what anyone thinks of him now. My sister in law works in a 5 star hotel in NYC where many movie stars stay & she said he is one of the nicest guys & treats the staff well. Other young stars such as Leo barely acknowledges others & have the whole “star” thing going on. Don’t believe everything you read, though it is true, Tom Cruise did this to himself, by being himself and not the person he plays in a movie. I think alot of stars would lose thier power if they were to act themselves.

  43. Anon says:

    Also, it’s very likely that Isabella and Connor have had the scientology course about ‘potential trouble sources’ and have been instructed to distance or even disconnect from their ‘suppressive’ mother. They’ve basically been poisoned against her, and this process is cult policy.
    I’m sure the only reason they ever see her at all is because it looks bad PR wise.

    Yet still this ‘church’ maintains that disconnection does not exist..

  44. Cletus says:

    Who am I to say what a person should be paid for acting in a movie? I’m The Public, damn skippy I should have some say about it. It’s disgusting, I fully agree with the person up there who made the crack about the toilet brush. NOBODY should get that much money for playing pretend. I just… I don’t care.

  45. poopie says:

    PLAYING PRETEND ! I LOVE it ! it perfectly fits Tiny Tom (among others).. good lord, the amounts they are paid you would think it’s someone who cured cancer or a mother theresa type? these actors are NOT important, most don’t even have a high school diploma, yet they come off knowing EVERYTHING about EVERYTHING. Tiny Tom just gives me the total creeps always. and he IS a one dimensional character- LOTS and LOTS of people can dance in their underwear and slide around on the floor !i’m glad he’s not getting the $$ amount he demands — i’m sure the ‘church’ of $cientology is PISSED OFF !!!

  46. Leandra says:

    There are only a few actors now that can command $20 Mill a film. Will Smith is one of them because he’s loaded with charisma. Tom comes across as intense and not that appealing anymore. It amazes me the bloated salaries these actors get for a few week’s work. They need a reality check and a whole lot less money.

  47. CB Rawks says:

    “It amazes me the bloated salaries these actors get for a few week’s work. They need a reality check and a whole lot less money.”

    I disagree. If the actor’s performance puts the asses on the seats, and the movie makes a bajillion dollars, they SHOULD get a very high payday because it’s because of them.
    Who should get the money instead? Some corporate suit douche who only pushes paper and uses his bluetooth wanker phone loudly and excessively, making a living out of suggesting your people call his people?

  48. Zoe says:

    Bravo Alek, I totally agree.

    “Get better writers working on real human, adult stories again, and you’ll revive the movie industry. Right now this movie buff hasn’t seen or rented more than half a dozen new movies this year. 95% of what’s produced has no bearing on my life experience as an adult or as a feeling human being.

    As long as he was in good movies (his best, directed by the great Sydney Pollack), Tom Cruise was a star. When he started acting in crappy movies (and actting crazy), people realized there wasn’t much there.”
    —————————————-I’ve never liked Cruise as a person, he always seemed like he didn’t know who he was to me. But I was damn impressed by him in some of his movies: Born on the Fourth of July; Magnolia etc. He def. has talent if he’s in the right kind of movie.

    Too bad he’s such a self-righteous freak.

  49. Silly Lilly says:

    Whoa this thread got a bit nuts. The big reason that nobody goes to see Tom Cruise films are 1- he chooses crap and 2- he lost public interest.

    Its not that he is “nuts”… really that brings people…its that he has ALIENATED (no pun intended…okay pun intended)people. He no longer comes across as quirky or interesting.

    He comes across as a pompous control freak who feels he can say or do anything he pleases.

    It has zero to do with talent because someone as controversially talented as keanu Reeves (whom I personally love so much its insane) can open a film and command any salary he wants in specific genres.

    However, Reeves has been known to dramatically drop his command price to work with an actor he WANTS to work with that gets bigger money. Like Pacino in Devils Advocate and even in The Replacements for Gene Hackman.

    And while he has alot of bombs he has alot of ridiculous blockbusters as well.

    Tom Cruise WOULD have that same power IF he had not gone the way of the asshole. NOBODY likes a Zealot. It doesnt matter for what religion or belief philosophy. He is no different than an angry bible thumper condemning the entire world. THAT is what people do not like and that is why nobody wants to make any money for him by going to his films.

  50. Michele says:

    He’s had decent movies. He needs to work on his image.

    Katie also needs to work on her individuality. Tom married someone young and naive so he can mold her the way he wants.

  51. chamalla says:

    I poke gentle fun at the Cruises frequently, they do seem to be easy targets…. but, Tom does have an impressive resume. He has had a string of stink bombs, for sure, but the first fifteen years or so of his movie career produced a LOT of movies a LOT of people love(d). There are only a handful of actors that can say that, and even if Tom is a whackjob, he can still claim membership in that elite club. Being crazy now can’t make his other movies retroactively bad, can it?

    Maybe since Conner and Isabella are teenagers, they don’t WANT all the public attention?

  52. daisy424 says:

    In some states, when a child reaches the age of 12, they can decide which parent they choose to reside with.

  53. geronimo says:

    Although never a fan as such, he WAS a really good actor. Agree re BOTFOJ, Magnolia (best performance IMO), also Rain Man, Jerry McGuire and, more recently, Collateral. Which makes it all the more tragic that he’s come to this.

    The day he dumped his old agent Pat Kingsley (the person who advised against going public with scientology and kept most of his mania under wraps) was the day his career and reputation officially died. The piper aka Miscavige wanted paying and I doubt if Cruise ever realised the price was going to be so high.

  54. ri23 says:

    “Tom Cruise wants $20 mil; doesn’t realize he’s not a star anymore.” Ooh,ooh, can I tell him? Huh? Can I?

  55. Mairead says:

    Hmm. Perhaps it’s less to do with the “crazy” and more to do with the fact he’s peaked? It happened to Fred Astaire, Marlon Brando, Steve McQueen, Paul Newman et al – it can happen to Cruise.

    To be honest, the only star who will definately drag me to see a film is Michael Caine, and the only director that will guarantee my audience is Wes Andersen. Who is a legend. Full stop. :mrgreen:

    AND that has to do with the point that Alek had. It’s only the small indie films or “foreign language” films that have any modicum of originality or interest lately – with the exception of Andersen.

    But the fact is, if middle America will go and watch a remake in the cinema and “Middle rest of the world” will rent or buy the DVD, why on earth should they change?

  56. Snowblood says:

    Mairead, the only big huge major difference being the fact that Astaire, Marlon Brando and Steve McQueen were geniuses,hands down, and Paul Newman is a wonderful, talented and long, long resPECTed living legend, whereas Tom Cruise is none of the above and never has been, and of course never will be, either genius or respected, the guy is a complete has-been, and HAS been for a few years, now.

    I really, really always love your posts & have so much respect for the things you say here, constantly, but this one I just can’t agree upon at all, at ALL at all. Putting this gross skeeze in with the hallowed likes of McQueen and Brando?! No, no, no way in hell, bella! No way!! Not even a mile close. Tom Cruise is not a legend, nor a genius, nor even a memorable true talent – his days of thunder have long passed him by, and it has to do with his innate talentlessness and his loss of boyish charm now more than his disgusting cult insanity, he just doesn’t have the ol’ “it” factor anymore. He’s forgettable. He never has been any kind of an icon, and he’s utterly one-dimensional as an actor anyway.

  57. Snowblood says:

    And Silly Lilly, loved your post, agree with what you said, so true.

    Well, if Isabella and Connor are technicallylegally allowed to decide what they want to do at this point, it is a little late, now, as they’ve been very carefully hard-core brainwashed into the cult since they were wee adopted babies. They’re very indoctrinated right now, and since they’re both in their teens, now, as well, add to that awful cult indoctrination the intensity of being a teenager, can you even imagine what these two kids are thinking & feeling right now?? All kinds of vicious confused, for starters. What Tom Cruise has done to these chldren, and to his former wife and now current wife, and to his own flesh & blood baby daughter now, is foul, appaling and grossly wrong, and ought to be punishable in a court of law as a crime or crimes against humanity.

  58. Lalalala says:

    I look at him and see a future of making low rate children’s films about the dooming of ourselves by our alien brothers … kind of like veggie tales for scientology.

    He freaks me out and he took Joey Potter and made her a Stepford Wife…

    uh – I would pay him to go away – does that count?

  59. Wil in Mpls says:

    Ya know … for someone who berates mental health professionals .. he could certainly stand to see one! Delusion, thy name is Tom. 😆

  60. Nan says:

    major psychotic episode. I agree. He’s clearly suffering from a mood disorder and when reality comes knocking, he will probably have to be hospitalized.

  61. paris herpes says:

    He’s delusional. He won’t realize that he’s no longer a star until no one will work with him.

  62. paris herpes says:

    Alek, you are so goddam right. Tom Cruise ISN’T a bad actor, he’s always been a sort of good actor, and he’s probably better than Brad Pitt anyway, but he just showed the crazy early and now people want to stay away from him. But movies are not as good as they used to be and it’s sort of sad. We need to get the writers really writing again and the directors doing shit that they actually are about. Then all this, this is just fluff really.

  63. Cory says:

    All Tom Cruise needs is a nice blockbuster and you will all be swallowing your words. Until he has had one and it has not tanked, I would never write him off. He is a good bloke and most of you here are just taking your frustrations with scientology out on him. Sad but this is hollwoodland, very forgiving. He is keeping a low profile and has not done anything bad in the last couple of years. He will bounce back and you will eat your words.

  64. Cory says:

    Sorry to rain on your parade my dears, you celebrated too quickly. Be wary of Friedman’s articles on Tom Cruise, he is so biased that he gets his facts wrong all the time.
    Moviehole reports: “We can confirm that this isn’t true – none of it. High-ranking contacts within the production tell us – and we quote – “The studio, producers, director and potential star (Cruise) are all waiting on a rewrite of the script from Kurt Wimmer, which is due in a few weeks. Will Smith has not been approached to star. Cruise is the only actor who has been approached.”
    No, I am not scientologist, just someone who knows this business well and still likes Tom Cruise. I doubt though that celebitchy will print this anytime soon.

  65. Mairead says:

    Cory, calm down with the paranoia there – 😉 CB tends to let each comment stand unless it’s had multiple complaints. (the moderation thing you may see is generally the spambot, although occasionally the post can go straight into the site’s spam folder, but this is usually a mistake. But your first point is very interesting and well made, I think.

    Snowblood, thanks for the lovely words, and since I love a good debate it’s great that you are disagreeing with me in an articulate manner, as always 😉

    Although I’ve not had much liking for Tom since, well Cocktail, the man was very liked and could be depended on to deliver a solid performance in a solid film. Indeed everytime I’ve watched a film with Cruise in it, I’ve generally enjoyed it in spite of myself. And your point in comparing him to Brad Pitt – well, Cruise did wipe the floor with him in Interview with the Vampire.

    In relation to me comparing him with some of those former screen legends. In one way, you’re kind of proving my point – they were legends, were beloved by the public, but many of them went though some sort of an acting dry-spell. Now some of that was self-imposed I know.

    Now, I’m not comparing their acting ability, but their marketability. Possibly the example I was most thinking of was Brando. As far as I’m aware, in the 50s and early 60s the man was on fire; but in the 60s he could barely get arrested. It wasn’t until Godfather that he became marketable again in the 70s. Sure even the same thing happeed to Elvis.

    Perhaps Cory is right, perhaps he just needs one good hit to bring his fairweather fans back. But for every comeback kid like Elvis, there are plenty of other half-forgotten hitmakers.

  66. vdantev says:

    The clams are out defending their Jesus figure again I see. You Xenu-fearing morons are predictable and the words you choose so coyly supportive. Can’t slip past my radar, little clams. Go back to Clearwater and sign me up as an SP.

    We do not forgive.
    We do not forget.

  67. daisy424 says:

    Brando’s financial & moral support of the Black Panthers & Native American Rights groups caused him to be ‘blacklisted’.
    Remember when he won the Oscar for the Godfather, he boycotted the ceremony and sent Sacheen Littlefeather in his stead. He was great in Apocalypse Now.

  68. Spoonman55 says:

    It is bound to happen sometime soon.

    Risky Business 2, Top Gun 2, Days of Thunder 2.

    Tom’s got to hold out for quality scripts and his 20 mill pay days-Right???