Brooke Hogan doesn’t think women should be president because they have PMS

Feminists unite! We have a new leader! That’s right, Brooke Hogan is stepping up to the plate. Or the podium, in this case. Brooke has thought it a good idea to let forth a deluge of her own thoughts. Which I can tell you right now is never a good idea for any Hogan… lest of all this one. Brooke, who is super up-to-date on current events, doesn’t really think it’s a great idea for women to run for president. Why? Well clearly we’re the weaker sex, with all of our hormones and whatnot.

“You know what? I am actually not that much into voting. I think it’s kinda crazy that a woman is running, because I think that women deal with a lot of emotions and menopause and PMS and stuff. Like, I’m so moody all the time, I know I couldn’t be able to run a country, ‘cause I’d be crying one day and yelling at people the next day, ya know?”

—Brooke Hogan, when asked who she’s voting for by a potential roommate on her series Brooke Knows Best. (Something tells us if Hulk’s daughter really knew best, she’d keep quiet when the cameras were around)

[From E! News]

To be fair, this was possibly filmed when Hillary Clinton was still in the race. But I really doubt that Brooke Hogan pays enough attention to anything other than bleaching her hair to know that she’s dropped out.

So Brooke Hogan thinks that because she’s a moody moron who makes the current president look like the head of Mensa, all women must struggle with similar issues. Thus we’re clearly not fit to run for office. Because Brooke Hogan wants to cry and each chocolate cake four days a month. Thus, if a woman were to be president, we’d probably end up invading a couple other countries based on unsubstantiated information and refuse to leave because our commander-in-chief has some unattended to emotional issues. Thank God we have a man in charge so shit like that doesn’t happen.

Here’s Brooke deep in political thought/suntanning by the pool last Monday. Images thanks to Splash.

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64 Responses to “Brooke Hogan doesn’t think women should be president because they have PMS”

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  1. vdantev says:

    STFU mouth-breather.

    and thanks for the bikini shots, CB I just ate. 🙁


  2. amy says:

    wait. that’s a WOMAN?!


  3. Benny says:

    All the chemicals in her body have clearly affected her brain.

  4. caitlinsmom says:

    She is a complete idiot. her comments ares so stupid that they could incite my feminist rage, except that she’s just far too stupid for me to even waste my time on.

  5. Enonymouse says:

    “Thus, if a woman were to be president, we’d probably end up invading a couple other countries based on unsubstantiated information and refuse to leave because our commander-in-chief has some unattended to emotional issues. Thank God we have a man in charge so shit like that doesn’t happen.” LOL JayBird.

    As for Brooke Hogan she needs to STFU because she is an embarrassment to the female species, in fact all her family is an embarrassment to the human species entirely.

  6. Enonymouse says:

    “if a woman were to be president, we’d probably end up invading a couple other countries based on unsubstantiated information and refuse to leave because our commander-in-chief has some unattended to emotional issues. Thank God we have a man in charge so shit like that doesn’t happen.” LOL JayBird, good one.

    As for Brooke Hogan she needs to STFU because she is an embarrassment to the female species, in fact all her family is an embarrassment to the human species entirely.

  7. MISSY says:

    Dumb Cunt

  8. oxa says:

    Thank God no one takes this stupid ignorant pig seriously.

  9. Enonymouse says:

    Brooke Hogan needs to STFU because she is an embarrassment to the female species, in fact all her family is an embarrassment to the human species entirely.

  10. Jenna says:

    I think she is thinking she would be the perfect person to be in the White House. She is a man with horrible breast implants. We wouldn’t have to worry about PMS. However, she would change all the troops into WWE wrestlers and change the american flag to the WWE logo.

  11. hiya says:

    So, how do we get her to stop talking?

  12. TIA says:

    What a sorry excuse for a woman. I saw the show where she said that. It was like she was trying to be so cute and funny and ONCE AGAIN put herself as the topic.. GIVE ME A BREAK. Women have fought for 100 years to get where we are. Doesnt she realize how stupid she makes herself look. Where is your confidence, strength and PRIDE in being a woman.. WAKE UP. a WOMEN COULD DEF BE PRESIDENT.. IDIOT !!!!!!!!!

  13. KLaw says:

    She makes me so angry I could spit nails. What an incredibly ignorant woman. I immediately wonder which of her parents gave her these uneducated, caveman ideas. And I’m angry at TV producers for allowing her to speak to the TV-watching public. This is not what I want our country to be known for… how embarrassing.

    Thank goodness my fellow Celebitchy readers have already called her the choice names that pop into my head!!!!

  14. kaykee says:

    She has big man boobs

  15. daisyfly says:

    I wasn’t aware men had PMS…

  16. what a stupid, childish opinion about women presidents and pms.

  17. Sandra says:

    Hmm…how stupid are these chicks really(ya know the ones on tmz every nite and stupid reality shows)? Fake hair and boobs plus fake annoying baby voice divided by idiotic, outrageous comments to the press and camera men equals tons of media attn! Voila!

  18. More smiley… less talky! 😆

  19. brianne says:

    way to go brooke take us right on back to pre-suffrage america thats just great. Ugh, why does entertainment media continue to keeps this vapid girl on tv to influence girls that its cool to be uninformed about the world. So sad that people with all the cash in the world still havent figured out how to educate their children properly.

  20. Syko says:

    I suspect the parent who taught her to believe in this way is the same one who was photographed slathering lotion on her inner thighs and butt while she sunbathed.

  21. Danielle says:

    LOL!@Thank God we have a man in charge so stuff like that doesn’t happen.

    Good one.

  22. G. says:

    Why can’t we lock all the HOgans in jail? It would make everything so much easier.

  23. Mairead says:

    LOL JB – although to be fair, the excuse to invade would be “Well if you don’t know, I’m certainly not going to tell you” 😈

  24. Alarmjaguar says:

    Awesome, JB. Just awesome.

  25. notprfect says:

    Way to go, brook, you just turned 98% of the women in the U.S. against you. 😆

    Some people(BROOK) are SO egocentric that they can’t possibly understand someone else’s point of view. That’s why she thinks that ALL women are as stupid and incompetent as she is.

    Sorry brook, just because you aren’t smart enough to control yourself, doesn’t mean the rest of us are down there on your level. 🙄

  26. Sandra says:

    The president doesn t declare war – congress does. And for all bush bashers- why don t you read about something called checks and balances.

  27. PJ says:

    So in Brooke’s point of view, only post-menopausal women and those with hysterectomies could be president. Uh-huh.

    Speaking of hormones, what about testosterone? Isn’t that the real cause of most wars? Hormones may make women cry, but men deal with hormones by invading other countries or torturing their enemies.

  28. Bodhi says:

    The president doesn’t declare war – congress does. And for all bush bashers- why don’t you read about something called checks and balances.

    Thanks for the civics lesson. But you should realize that Congress has not passed an act declaring war in either Afganistan or Iraq. They haven’t done so since WWII (hence the Vietnam “Conflict”). Nice try though.

    Your main man Bush & his cronies have bypassed massive portions of the Constitution. But this is not the time or place to get into all THAT…

    As for Brooke, stupid bitches shouldn’t be allowed to vote

  29. JoGirl says:

    This really reminds me of that classic gum-snapping Britney Spears quote where she insisted that we should all just listen to the president and trust whatever he says, because he’s, like, the president, you know?

    I’m almost ashamed of the role that we all play in giving these idiot celebutards a forum for their airheaded notions… but it’s just so funny that it’s hard to feel guilty.

    I wonder whether this particular quote was inspired by her own mom’s recent escapades. Maybe Brooke assumes from personal experience that all women over age 40 are just one marguerita away from jumping on boys less than half their age?

  30. sam says:

    how can someone not be into voting?

  31. Chloe says:

    I think Brooke Hogan should not be on TV because she’s stupid, ordinary & boring…. WASTE OF AIR SPACE!!!!

  32. Sue says:

    Ya gotta know if one dumb bitch thinks this so do other dumb bitches!!

  33. geekazoid says:


  34. Lilah says:

    One small blessing: At least she doesn’t vote.

  35. bros says:

    i love that she said shes “not into voting” like someone’s not into baseball or ice skating or purple eyeshadow. its not a freaking hobby or preference brooke. it happens at set intervals for major events like electing presidents. however, what she appears to be into is looking like a swollen sasquatch/loch ness monster hybrid.

  36. Shane says:

    Proof of her ignorance. The only cure is higher education.

  37. daisyfly says:

    Shane: “Proof of her ignorance. The only cure is higher education.”

    You cannot cure inbred ignorance. It’s simply impossible.

  38. Shane says:

    I’m still holding out hope for Brooke as the one in that family with some possibility to evolve over time.

  39. Jenna says:

    Who else just really wants to punch her in the face? Or maybe her adam’s apple or her testicles. Either is fine with me.

  40. Jaundice Machine says:

    I see this sound bite for what it really is; A desperate bid to convince America that she has XX chromosomes.
    Come on sweetheart, it’s a nice try, but you’re not fooling anybody.

  41. SixxKitty says:

    I bet she wonders why her eyes hurt, can someone please tell her to blink! Slash says it best with “stupid people shouldn’t breathe” and i though G’n’R were good for nothing!

  42. Julia says:

    I heart you, JayBird. You are the wind beneath my wings. Also, Bodhi, I will forever adore you for saying that so I didn’t have to. 🙂

  43. Lalalala says:

    dumbest girl alive .. honestly…

  44. DD says:

    What an ignorant bitch!

  45. andstam says:

    Miss Brooke Hogan’s comments pertaining to how a woman should not be President show her ignorance. Perhaps Miss Hogan needs to seek professional help if she feels her hormonal elevations cause disruptions in how effective she is on making decisions because such disruptions are abnormal. Moreover, the minuscule amount of respect I had for her has disappeared. She needs to be a role model for the youth of this country and comments that degrade women are far from the verbal protocol of a role model. A female is just a capable, if not more capable, to hold high power positions within our society. I wish she could understand the misogynistic attitudes that especially middle and lower class females face on a daily basis. For every dollar a male earns, a female earns only 77 cents. Females earn less than their male counterparts even if the female has the same career, education, and experience. This pay discrepancy may not seem much to an uppity and affluent individual like Miss Hogan, but to middle and lower class single mother households the discrepancy is significant. Furthermore, males have the capacity to be less effective leaders based on the hormone testosterone. Many male leaders such as Bill Clinton, Larry Craig, and David Vitter have allowed their thinking to become cloudy due to this hormone. Miss Hogan should reflect and address her sexist, insensitive comments.

  46. geronimo says:

    “..She needs to be a role model for the youth of this country..”

    Um, what, andstam? I doubt there’s a single person alive who looks at this ignorant, talentless no-brain and thinks ‘role model’. She’s seen for exactly what she is – a retarded moron, the unfortunate if inevitable product of another pair of retarded morons.

  47. Lauri says:

    One is not “into” or “not into” voting. It is a precious right, that many people fought and died for us to have. Not being “into” voting is a slap in the face to every single one of them.

    I believe it is our obligation as Americans to pay attention to the world around us and to vote for the candidates that we think will do the best job for us. I have voted in every single election since I turned 18 (a pretty long time ago!) and expect I will continue to do so until I am no longer able. It is, in my mind, a civic duty and a moral responsibility.

    Perhaps Ms. Hogan would like to move to China, since she’s not “into” voting. Then she might grow some appreciation for the right that she so blithely throws away.

  48. Nucifera says:

    Maybe, just maybe, she isn’t that stupid and knows that when she says things like this the ratings will go up. (I don’t know why people can’t resist watching morons on reality TV)

  49. Nan says:

    Butterface AND dumb, too! Butterbrain.

  50. blondie says:

    Stupid, ignorant and completely demeaning to women! How does somebody with this little amount of brain power and sense ever get any publicity or money.

    She is an example of what is wrong with a lot of people in society today… brainless famewhores!

  51. Spoonman55 says:


    She must have been suffering from some pretty serious PMS when she made these comments.

    How else can we explain her blatant disregard for not sticking with her ‘girl power’ PMS friends???

  52. Trillion says:

    I take it she thinks women have never been heads of state anywhere. What a dumbass. I’m hardly surprised she doesn’t read, but she could at least look at pictures on the internet: Thatcher, Golda Meir, Bhutto, Mary Robinson, Finnbogadottir, Aquino, et al.

  53. Debby says:

    First off, this being said by someone whose brain has clearly damaged by the peroxide she keeps pouring in her hair. Not into voting? She doesn’t need to be. All she has to do is going running to Daddy and she gets whatever she wants. She doesn’t know what the word NO means.

    Besides the fact she comes from a family where money is no object and her mother’s only concern is how to keep her boytoy happy. And her father walks around like an old aged wanna be biker or some other badass.

    And as far as that PMS crack, spare me. Men think with their little brains sometimes more than their actual brain in their skull. Look at Bill Clinton for example. He was more concerned with Monica. And then went on national TV and lied about it. Yet, she does not comment on that. That girl should either go back to school and spend a year in a middle/low class atsmophere and then see how she feels.


  54. Heather says:

    Since women have PMS, menopause & all that stuff, (lmfao)! Men shouldn’t run the 4 president either! Don’t they have mid life crisis! Lmfao again! It use to be “ignorance is bliss”, I guess it’s “stupidity is bliss”! MORON!

  55. larry says:

    thank you brook! finaly someone said the right thing. it is a fact that women have pms and it does change them for a short time weather they like it or not. they do not need to be in that position off power!!! everyone live brook alone for saying whats right!!

  56. Melissa says:

    A few people were wondering who gave her these “cave man” ideas? If anyone every seen an episode of “Hogan Knows Best,” it was her father. I’ve seen it a couple of times (guilty pleasure,) and in one episode, he’d let her little brother keep his girlfriend in his bedroom but he’d never let Brooke do the same with her boyfriend. He’s done/said many sexist things on his show. As for “Larry” on here, it is true. Scientifically speaking women (in general) are more emotional than men BUT if women can make it as brain surgens why not the white house? Plus, I’ve read recently that men too are effected mentally/emotionally by the hormone testosterone. In fact, look up Andropause. A male can get this when his testosterone declines. This starts at age 27 and you feel the effects by age 35 (the age men can run for PRESIDENCY!) When a man get this, this is what happens to him:
    Decreased mental quickness and sharpness
    Decreased energy, strength and endurance
    Less desire for activity and exercise
    Decreased muscle and increased body fat
    Mild to moderate depression and irritability
    Depression and/or loss of eagerness and enthusiasm for daily life
    Decreased sex drive
    Decreased sexual function and/or sensitivity

    ALL OF THESE SYMPTOMS can effect a MAN with his job. If he is president and has this… It’s way worse than being a woman and having PMS four days a month (or however long we have it.)

  57. Tammy Dunlap says:

    Thank goodness she was able to say what we are all thinking! I am very pissy when on the rag. She is just a realist, we woman are the weaker of the species. So, I still look pretty!

  58. Trashaddict says:

    Dunno if it’s true, but I recollect reading somewhere that a premenstrual woman’s hormones levels are as close as she’ll get to a male’s. So, you can deal with someone being this way ALL the time, or just a week or two a month…..

  59. shader says:

    well id like to make a point that the person that wrote this would also fit into her category of unfit to do run for election. If you will note this person that wrote the article, got so upset they made a grammar mistake “Because Brooke Hogan wants to cry and each chocolate cake four days a month.” each? is that suppose to be eat? o.0? by the way, i do think that some women are right for politics just not Hillary , if you would look at the race between her and Obama then would notice that her little group would always yell sexism , or some crap trying to make him look bad and he would apologize and make sure not that it wouldn’t happen again. however if he said anything about her comment, they would blow it off. great choice there, a little whiny girl , so you know maybe brook had it right, Hillary it just too emotional.

  60. R. Kavanagh says:

    Nomatter who is president everyone complains about something, you cant please everyone- certainly not a whining bunch of liberals.

    If liberals had more control over this country we’d all be under Japanese rule (or at least lost millions of American lives) right now or yelling “Hail Hitler!” on a regular basis.

    As for a female president, who cares? The only difference there is that sexists will blame the “estrogen factor” for mistakes that are made, opposed to sheer stupidity (in the case of our current commander in chief).

  61. peg says:

    why does this chick even have her own show to begin with? Like her dads show didnt suck enough already they had to make a knock off. The only thing I can think of is that people just like to laugh at her complete stupidity.

  62. R. Kavanagh says:

    I find it amusing that people actually respond to stupid statements made by ignorant children.

    Did you really need to devote an entire page to the thought process of some bimbo rich kid making thoughtless statements on a “REALITY SHOW” (the cesspool of our television culture).

    What a waste of your own intelligence and time this has been.

    “The world according to Brooke Hogan”

    Lets discuss this important and influential person’s viewpoints even further!~

  63. Cheekybugger says:

    What people seem to forget here is that shows like hers exist because of people like us.

    It doesn’t seem to matter what reality show you tune to, there are complete morons on each. So, when they say something like this, we all get riled up and smatter our thoughts in every forum we can think of. This, of course, puts more attention on the show because some people will be unable to resist watching an episode to “see if they are really that stupid.”

    It’s really no different than kids with behavioral issues, they would rather have negative attention than none at all.

  64. Staci says:

    I disagree with Brooke, but what does how she look have to do with her opinion?

    a lot of you sound just as childish and ridiculous as she does. grow up.