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17 Responses to “British journalist blames Bob Geldof for his daughter Peaches’ drug overdose”

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  1. Kaiser says:

    This is really interesting, MSat. Several years ago, Vanity Fair did an investigation into the whole Yates/Hutchence/Geldof situation – I believe it was called “Suicide Blonde” (classy, right?).

    Anyway, the article kind of made it sound like Geldof is a man of many faces. Smart businessman, aggressive, controlling, domineering and chauvanistic. But also compassionate and a really devoted father.

    I tend to believe that this 19-year-old girl overdosed for a variety of reasons. One of them may be Geldof’s hot-cold parenting style.

  2. kitcat says:

    I’d take drugs, too, after 19 years of being called “Peaches”. God only knows what’s next for Fifi, Pixie and Tiger Lily. These are names for Pomeranians, not people, fer crissakes…

  3. Wif says:

    This is the first I heard of her overdose. Is she okay? Hopefully she’ll learn from it.

    I was never one for drugs, but I certainly had a blood alcohol poisoning experience at 15 and I have devoted, loving parents. Sometimes those teenagers are sneaky sneaky.

  4. Mairead says:

    Well, it’s not as if Bob was immune to drugs when he was younger.Bob did grow up without a mother as well, so perhaps that means that he’s a little soft when it comes to his girls as he knows what it’s like? although his father had a job as a travelling salesman, he was by all accounts a hands on dad and as proud as punch of Bob, no matter what.

    As for the girls, I’ve always seen Fifi as the steadier, with Peaches taking after Paula and Fifi like her dad.

  5. Shannon says:

    As a 19 year old myself, I say this is BS too. She’s an adult. A young adult, sure, but she is allowed to make her own decisions. You can’t just blame her father for HER screw ups.

    I get into a lot of trouble that doesn’t reflect the way my parents raised me.

  6. Blackalicious says:

    The Daily Mail has manifold stories on this brat; she plays the ‘do you know who I am card’ (when she was turned away from a Jay Z party..) and is just ridiculous. She yelled at the paps for tracking her then was mortified to find out they were waiting for Kim Catrall to leave a building, not her.. etc. Sure losing a parent is tragic but I find it hard to dig up pity for another ‘poor little rich girl’ story.Plenty of kids did lose a parent (a few I know )young and did not go off the rails like her and act like a little b*itch. She even screamed at the paramedics to ‘leave’ and ‘respect her privacy’ when they suggested she come with them for evaluation after showing up at her house. A friend revived her prior to their arrival but still…she is rough and apparently doing a fine job alienating lots of people. Her sister Fifi somehow turned out great, mature and normal. I just think she’s a dilettante and waste of time.

    Re: Geldof I want to read the Vanity Fair article; there have been people who refer to him as ‘Saint Bob’ for his Live Aid work, etc. but he def. has a dark side. I read accounts on how he was screaming at Hutchence on the phone nefore he was found dead; obv. there was hurt feelings and acrimony there. he fought Hutchence’s parents for custody of his and Paula’s kid. They claim it is not for a noble reason i.e. her to grow up with her half sisters, rather as a way to stick it to them b/c he so hated Hutchence. Who knows.

  7. Mairead says:

    Hmmm – perhaps she has “Middle Child Syndrome”?

    You have an interesting point about Bob there Blackalicious, but he’s always been known for being cranky and a tough businessman. The “Saint” business is a complete media construct and time was he’d go mental at anyone who’d be dopey enough to say it to his face.

  8. velvet elvis says:

    Looks like Peaches borrowed her extensions from Britney…just makes this story all the more sad.

  9. LOLO says:

    It has always been my contention that Geldof was part of the reason Michael Hutchence took his life, so his saint act has never impressed me after that incident. He is an opportunist at best. Tiger Lily would have probably been better off in Australia, than with her sisters and Bob.

  10. jinx says:

    Homely little thing who is trying much too hard. Little Peaches needed some parental intervention after the OD, and yet was out a at PARTY two days later. I believe she will be seeing her mother shortly.

    As for Bob he isn’t living on Boomtown Rats residuals, you know. I will always wonder how a non relative managed to get custody of little H. Tigerlily. I was going to say Haiku but it’s a much odder name, naturally. Paula sucked at baby naming. I said it, so there.

  11. paris herpes says:

    She’s like a little girl lost…her dad should reign her in a little bit, if not she’ll be dead before you know it.

  12. geronimo says:

    Michael Hutchence died as a result of auto-erotic asphixiation gone wrong. Fact. Even if there was bad blood there, Geldof is not responsible for his death. Tigerlily had lost her father and mother in a very short space of time, she grew up with her sisters. No better place for her than to remain with the people she was most familiar with and Geldof stepped up to the mark.

    Peaches does need to rein it in a bit. I assume Geldof knows this and is doing what he can about it, in as much as it’s possible to rein in a 19 year old.

    Agree with Mairead on the ‘saint’ business. Completely a media construct and one that Geldof himself never even paid lip service to.

  13. Judy says:

    There are ids out there that come from good homes that get involved in drugs. Her mother died from an overdose. This isn’t even his child and she should have been given to her grandparents to raise and not some stranger, as he was a stranger and no relation to this kid.
    This girl is 19 and is responsible for her own actions. People need to stop blaming the parents and caretakers for adult childrens actions. There are kids that have worse lives than this girl has.

  14. pebbles says:

    LMFAO, Kitcat!
    Tragic subject, but what a great comment……I’ll never look at Pomeranians the same way again…..

  15. mollination says:

    I don’t know why, but peaches and the family fascinates me. Could you report on them more, CB?

    And P.S.

    Any kind of person can get involved with drugs. It doesn’t take bad parents to make ONE bad decision (teens are sneaky and do things without there necessarily being a larger rhyme or reason), and then from there on out it doesn’t matter how strong your family life is if you’ve already gotten yourself sucked in. But yes, more often then not it’s self medication for larger issues.

  16. Mairead says:

    Judy, Paula Yates is not alive and can’t defend herself against your allegations that Peaches isn’t Bob’s daughter (which is mental, because even though she was such a flirt, it definately Paula who did all running in the early days)

    And which grandparents exactly should raise her over the only father she’s ever known? That is just not the way family law works in England you realise.

    Jinx – who said anything about Bob living off the ‘Rats royalties? Much of his wealth came from his tv empire.

  17. vdantev says:

    I’d be ODing and yearning for death’s sweet embrace too if my parents had named me ‘Peaches’.

    What is this 1942?