Angelina Jolie is going to play the lead in the sequel to the 1999 film The Thomas Crown Affair, titled The Topkapi Affair. She will star as Pierce Brosnan’s love interest and producers have told her that she needs to be at least somewhat voluptuous to carry it off. According to Female First, which is not a reliable source, she’s been ordered to gain 28 pounds for the part. Jolie was painfully thin in the action film Wanted, and filmmakers supposedly don’t want to see Angelina looking super tiny on screen, so they’ve told her to bulk up:
The 33-year-old actress must gain up to 28lbs by the bosses of ‘The Thomas Crown Affair 2’ – who she also worked with on her last movie ‘Wanted’ – because they are desperate to avoid her fainting on set as she did while filming the assassin thriller.
A source said: “Ideally they want Angelina to put on 28lbs for the role. It is going to be very physically demanding, which is why they want her to carry the extra weight.
“They don’t want a reprise of what happened with ‘Wanted’, where she was fainting and they had to take her costumes in. She was also slated for being too skinny to portray an action woman, and for ‘Thomas Crown’ they want a convincing female lead.”
Angelina – who gave birth to twins Knox Leon and Vivienne Marcheline earlier this month – is due to play the leading lady opposite Pierce Brosnan, who reprises his role as billionaire art thief Thomas Crown.
Brosnan will also produce the movie.
[From Female First via WeSmirch]
This story could be total bullsh*t, but you could see how they would want Angelina to gain weight – or at least keep some of the weight on that she gained while pregnant with the twins. Her facial features looked so much better filled out when she was pregnant and seeing the photos for Wanted I was struck by how different she looks when she’s really thin. She doesn’t seem as sexy or womanly to me.
Rene Russo was gorgeous and kicked ass in the 1999 remake of Thomas Crown. I tried to figure out if Angelina Jolie will be playing Russo’s same character, Catherine Banning, or if she’ll be a new love interest for Brosnan’s art thief in this sequel, but I couldn’t find the details online. While I can see why they’re replacing Russo to get better box office results from Angelina it doesn’t quite seem fair. Russo is 54 and still looks great. Hollywood is of course ageist, but it’s about the bottom line after all. They could have made Russo just as appealing and I would personally rather see the film with her in the role again. Maybe Angelina will play some new character, though, we’ll have to see.
Here’s Renee Russo on 5/13/08. Credit: Fame
Rene Russo is gorgeous ❗
If they want a voluptous actress to play the part, shouldn’t they have hired someone who is actually voluptous? I mean, yeah, Angelina has large breasts, but other than that she’s pretty much always been a twig. And 28 pounds is a whole hell of a lot of weight.
Another remake. A remake of a remake done only 9 years ago. Doesn’t anyone have any originality any more? All the freaking movies are remakes!
*runs down hallway clutching head*
Agree, Kolby, this always annoys me. There are so many really good actresses out there who fit the ‘voluptuous’ thing. And with all due respect to Ang, I think her range is limited. When oh when will the studios actually realise that big names don’t mean big bucks at the box office? Annoying.
And Rene Russo is gorgeous, very sexy.
Syko, with all due respect, I don’t think it’s a remake, I think it’s a sequel. That’s a big difference.
Angelina needs to return to her Tomb Raider / Pushing Tin days – when she had a bit of meat and looked HOT….. now she just looks sickly…
I don’t think she’s even signed on for this. It’s like the “Sin City 2” rumors – tabloids just bring it up to have something Brange-related to talk about.
watch out keely brosnan!! Angelina likes them married men ha ha!!
But Rene Russo was fabulous in the 1st one!
hmm didn’t she just have twins… and this rumour about her doing this movie haseen around since 2006
Not sure this one is true, actually. I’ve been hearing about this supposed sequel for a couple of years and nothing ever happens.
Wouldn’t it be weird to be that person in the tabs and read about some movie you actually aren’t doing? LOL. I think I’d just have to laugh. “Oh really? I’m going to be in such and such movie? I had no idea!”
I wait for the day when comments about Angie’s weight loss will be prefaced with the facts that her mom had died after a long illness, and she had been breast-feeding. I know any other actress would have been given that consideration.
I actually thought she looked very good in the Hackers era!!
I don’t buy this story at all. She just had babies. Why would she need to gain weight? They have no idea what she will look like a week from now, let alone whenever they start filming.
Topkapi is another classic…but how is it a sequel to Thomas Crown?
Anyways: How in hell could Jolie ever gain 28 pounds?

That’s more than she gained in both her pregnancies – added up!
Since Brad alone can’t get her to gain weight, this is a great strategy for him – to secretly work with the movie studios /filmakers/producers to force her to gain a little weight. Brilliant.
Seems to me like Brad just got her to gain quite a bit of weight.
Heehee, nice one, Syko!
And maybe, just maybe not adopting/ birthing more damn kids. That hole in your psyche won’t be filled by having more children around.
Renee Russo is the hotness but so is Angie when she really turns it on. I do agree though that she looked painfuly thin in Wanted. I also agree that if they want a more voluptuous actress then they should hire a more voluptuous actress. Also why do the same group of actressess keep getting roles even when they’ve proven not to be a bankable as they once were? Is it because they’re considered to be the ‘beautiful people.’
I’m thinking of Angelina, Renee Z, Nicole, Jessica Alba and Cameron D et al. There are so many talented actresses who get put on the back burner because they’re not perceived as marketable. Fah! I want to see some fresh faces and fresh ideas dammit but I know that’s not gonna happen anytime soon.
Her face looks so beautiful when she’s thin–the cheekbones really stand out– but her body looks paintfully skinny.
It’s almost cartoonish, she has this emaciated body but with gigantic boobs. It’s so obvious they are implants because anyone that thin would be completely flat chested.
Boob job? I would believe a good bra over her having surgery. She didn’t look like Pam Anderson to me in Wanted.
I would watch Angelina doing laundry.It is a matter of taste-nothing else.
Yes, Daisy. Her boobs have gone up & down in size with weight loss/gain, pregnancy & breastfeeding. Her bubbies are all-natural. The bitch!
Please gain weight, she is to thin. Be a role model to those girls out there.
Yeah Kaiser, I saw her in Gia, they looked real to me also. I was responding to PJ’s “obvious they are implants” comment.:wink:
She is planning to go back to work with those kids? Her box office pool is not guaranteed. Wanted did well but her only movie to dow ell in since Mr and Mrs Smith. She is not guaranteed box office gold. There are other actresses who could do better. Russo is gorgeous but too old. I loved her in the first one. I can’t watch an Angelina movie. I would miss it though I like Brosnan.
Why is she considering work at this time?
Another actress should be given the role and let Angelina stay home taking care of her kids!!!
It is possible to be thin with boobs. I am 5’7″ 115 pounds with size C boobs.
@Syko… glad you’re back! I was worried when you said you weren’t going to post as much anymore/back off (on a previous post). I don’t want you to back off your posts… you can always be counted on for a ‘right on’ comment! And you’re always nice… don’t let anyone tell you anything different
angelina is just not pretty or sexy to me at all….just..not..and the fact that she’s a homewrecker makes her even more ugly…
Even IF this is true, it doesn’t mean that filming would begin ASAP. Hell, actors can sign on for a film & wait YEARS to actually work on it..
What about Scarlett JoMANson. Sure she’s ugly, but she’s got the voluptuous part down pat!
@ER: Jealousy is SUCH an ugly emotion.
WEll there’s probably going to be a ton of pictures now of Angelina going to town on a rack of ribs. Actually, now that I recall, isn’t she veggie? She should drink lots of protein shakes and eat loads of eggs. And beans too. But of course, milkshakes work too!
A complete LIE. Angelina is not in this movie and never was. This lie was floated last year and proved to be a total lie at that time. Pierce is making a movie with Danny Devito next, not this remake. Angelina said at Cannes that she has not signed up for any new projects, that she was staying home and Brad was going to work, that the only movie she was interested in is Atlas Shrugged which is on the back burner with no script and no director at this time. She is breastfeeding the twins and will keep some weight on like she did with Shiloh when she breastfed her.
I’d be very surprised if Angelina Jolie didn’t play the same badass mama in tight leather outfit she does in all her movies.
Man, this would be like the biggest post-baby compliment a woman could ever get!! “Yes, you’ve just had twins, but we need you to GAIN weight…”
That would make ME smile! Of couse nobody would ever say that to me. (sniff!)
(but I don’t believe this rumor is true in any case).
I have a soft spot for badass mama Angelina in tight leather outfit, so wouldn’t bother me none if she did another movie like that in the future but I can list at least five movies where she wasn’t.
A mighty heart
Original sin
The good shepard
Beyond Borders
Oh and her upcoming movie The Changeling.
It s not like a big mac would hurt her!
is it just me, or have we reached the brangelina saturation point? if i never hear that word again it will be too soon. it will be interesting to see if people care about these two in ten years.
has anyone else reached the brangelina saturation point? if i never hear that word again for the rest of my life it will be too soon. interesting to see if people care about these two in ten years. 🙄