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9 Responses to “Kelsey Grammer hospitalized with irregular heartbeat”

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  1. Tess says:

    Always liked him. Hope he’s ok.

  2. vdantev says:

    this is not good 🙁

  3. snappyfish says:

    I remember Camille from her cameo in the Howard Stern Movie “Private Parts’.

    Hope he is alright. I loved his show.

  4. twaddle says:

    She could be a heartbeat away from all those “Cheers” and “Frasier” syndication profits…think of the bling, people… 😈

    Still, that doesn’t help me any. Get well soon, Frasier!

  5. SixxKitty says:

    I just love him! His wit and defined charm always gave my brain a jolt. Hope he’s doing well! Hope they both are…

  6. Nan says:

    I will always be fond of this man & wish him the best.

  7. Kevin says:

    I can’t look at this couple without thinking of them having someone else carry their baby because Kelsey didn’t want it to mess up her body. I can’t get her irritable bowel situation out of my head either. I feel there are certain things that are OK to suffer in private.
    In regards to his heart situation,,,you can’t do mountains of coke and expect to have the heart of a cardio instructor,,,take it for what it’s worth. I will save my empathy for the deserving, whether I liked his shows or not.

  8. PJ says:

    I’m wondering about this statement from the publicist.

    An irregular heartbeat and feeling faint are two different symptoms. Also, a person can’t admit himself to a hospital, the hospital admits him. Sounds like he thought he was having another heart attack. They are probably keeping him for observation.

    With the medical care available these days, he will likely be OK.

  9. Latasha says:

    If Grammer has herpes, he no doubetdly passed it onto his fight attendant gf. Certainly possiple that was the cause of her miscarriage. Or did he just tell that to his soon2-be-ex-wife so he didn’t have to perform as ‘a man?’ Bottom Line, is he really isn’t a man, he’s just a kid in an old man’s body.

    What about wives #1 and #2?
    I imagine they could add a lot to this messy situation, and I’ll be its just the standard Practices and Proceedures for Grammer’s life.
    He told Camile to ‘Grow up,’ well maybe he needs to take his own advice. Fifty-five years old and still acting like an a-s-hole. Hey, a heart attack at this point would be like a vacation, and well deserved, Mr. Grammer. BRAVO! You’ve done it again. Well, done, well done indeed.