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13 Responses to “Patrick Swayze on the set of his new television series”

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  1. xiaoecho says:

    Go Patrick Yaaay

  2. jinx says:

    What I want to know is who insured this? Everything is stalled because of the possible actors strike, and this gets green lit to go? Really odd, and he doesn’t look very healthy – and since he is living with a fatal disease this is understandable. Just wow. Wish him the best, but I do not understand how this is getting a go ahead. So color me happily confused.

  3. Steph says:

    I’m glad he’s ok for now, but a lot (not all) cancer has a tendency to come back. Hope he’s beat it for good!

  4. Nan says:

    God, this man is in my prayers, daily. I don’t like the death I see lingering in his eyes, though.

  5. Tabby says:

    He looks mightily thin (understandable) and I do hope he is fit and strong enough to be back at work – but all power to him for beating this ๐Ÿ™‚ He’s one of the few actors who I really feel are genuinely nice people. I hope he gets back to 110% asap!

  6. Nan says:

    God, please let Patrick Swayze live to be 80 yrs. old. Amen.

  7. california angel says:

    I know someone who is doing work at Stanford Hospital (not anything medically related) and word around there is that he flies in once a week for experimental treatments that seem to be working thusfar.

  8. Sarah says:

    Way to go, Patrick!!! ๐Ÿ˜€ ๐Ÿ˜› :mrgreen: WHOOHOO!

    He does look quite thin, but otherwise REALLY good. Love to see him that way. ๐Ÿ™‚

  9. Shane says:

    Congrats Patrick. Wish you were somewhere relaxing rather than working, and also that you would quit smoking.

  10. Persephone Mills says:

    I’m a professional, and I’m telling you, no-one recovers from pancreatic cancer. The guy is a goner. He looks like a skeleton in these pictures, and you can tell he is still ill just by looking at him. He is spending all his remaining time working when he could be with his family. Pancreatic cancer is game over time, believe me.

  11. MonicaBee says:

    Way to be an optimist, Persephone Mills. ๐Ÿ™„

    I’ve dealt with pancreatic cancer; my grandmother died of it almost a year to the day that she was diagnosed. She did not look that good five months post-diagnosis, I can tell you that.

    Patrick has been through hell, and while he’s not looking his best, he’s on his way back. My positive thoughts and best wishes go out to him daily.

  12. Chloe Carrington says:

    I have spent hours watching his movies and every time I hear his songs on the radio, I turn it up as loud as it will go. I think of his sexy way of dancing and that beautiful smile and wish I were twenty years younger. I cannot wait until his new series starts. What a man! God Bless you Patrick.

  13. Mae says:

    So glad to see you do well, Patrick.
    Wish you speedy recovery and God bless you.
    I know you’ll be fine. All the best to you,
