Kyra Sedgwick & Kevin Bacon: 22 years later, still going strong


These are new photos of Kyra Sedgwick and Kevin Bacon on holiday in Miami on Tuesday. They went for a walk on the beach together. I find both of them adorable – they’ve been married 22 YEARS. For the love of God. And you know what else I love? That Kyra isn’t all tricked out in jeggings for this little outing. She’s got an incredible figure, as I learned from watching The Closer. She has an exceptionally cute butt, but you wouldn’t know it from how she doesn’t trick herself out for casual outings. I love that.

Kevin recently sat down with PopEater to discuss his favorite Christmas memory, and of course it involved his bride. They are just too cute together:

Kevin Bacon has a lot to be thankful for this holiday season.

A critically acclaimed career, a charity that connects people with over one million philanthropic organizations and a much admired marriage to actress Kyra Sedgwick are just a few of the accomplishments Bacon can boast.

After almost 20 years of marriage and two children, Bacon recounts his favorite Christmas memory and it’s nothing short of romantic.

“I proposed to my wife on Christmas Eve and I put the ring in the toe of the stocking. Shockingly, she said yes,” the actor laughed.

[From PopEater]

So sweet. Also, for all of us Closer-loonies (what up, bitches?), sadly, Kyra leaving the series next year. Since the show is built on her (she is “the closer”), I think that means the end of the show. Truly unfortunate, because it’s one of the best cop shows out there, if not one of the best ever. Great writing, great acting, great crimes. I really wish Kyra wasn’t quitting this bitch, but I hope other networks and cable stations take note of The Closer’s success and try for more female-driven cop shows.



Photos courtesy of Fame.

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51 Responses to “Kyra Sedgwick & Kevin Bacon: 22 years later, still going strong”

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  1. Eleonor says:

    Brenda Leed Johnson rules!
    22 years together good for them.

  2. brin says:

    Love these two…so low key and genuine, unlike leann & eddie.

  3. lolwut says:

    WOW! That’s unheard of in their world. I never even knew they were married. I love his movies and his music. He’s always seemed like a down to earth guy.

  4. Gwen says:

    I really like the both of them 🙂 Why is she leaving the show? Too bad!

  5. Zvonk says:

    Love The Closer. So disappointed that she’s leaving the show. Definitely won’t survive without her.

  6. Eve says:

    I read a quote once (from Bacon) about the secret for a successful marriage: “You gotta keep the fights clean and the sex dirty”.

    I love this guy.

  7. Dorothy#1 says:

    Love them!

    Did anyone see Kevin Bacon on Bored to Death? he was awesome. And I love those direct TV spot he does, where he is this guys who kinda looks like Kevin Bacon LOL

  8. Johnny Depp's Girl says:

    sweet sweet couple. love em both

  9. spinner says:

    Like Jeff Bridges…some of the last really decent people in Hollywood. I love them.

  10. mln76 says:

    They are really cute anyone else love that movie Singles back in the day?

  11. Shay says:

    They walk in synch. Good sign.

  12. theresa says:

    Both great actors whose work I have loved for years. Congrats!

  13. mimi says:

    yeah – i loved Singles. Could really identify with her character. Kudos to these two for keeping their love alive year after year after….

    It can be done, folks 🙂

  14. jo says:

    Love them too!!! Love the Closer!!

  15. Po says:

    Love them, love the Closer. I was watching the show the other night and it seemed like they were trying a little harder to find a storyline for the characters. It just seemed a little contrived. Like I said I love the show but you can always tell when a show is coming to an end just based on what they try to do with the characters.

  16. Courtney says:

    that’s not neccessarily true some hollywood couples last double that and more. don’t forget when they were first married she played Ruth one of the daughters in the movie Mr & Mrs Bridge opposite Paul Newman & Joanne Woodward who at the time of filming were married 32 years and were married until he passed away almost 19 years later and Kyra said some really sweet things about him upon his death and it was genuine emotion as all his former co-stars who released statements did

  17. Donna Wingfield says:

    Love them both! Love The Closer.

  18. Atticus says:

    I love the movie Singles! Kyra Sedgwick was so great in that. It’s great to see them together, both seem like very genuine, down to earth people. I always admired Kevin Bacon’s great sense of humor about himself to poke fun of that Six Degrees of Separation game about him. The thing is…it’s so true…you can trace just about any actor/actress to him in 6 links or less.

  19. Praise St. Angie! says:

    Dorothy#1, I love that ad.

    It’s actually for a Logitech product, not DirectTV…but it’s still HILARIOUS.

    For those who haven’t seen it…

  20. the original bellaluna says:


    Oh, say it ain’t so…Please Kyra, don’t leave The Closer!

  21. the_porscha says:

    I love “The Closer” too, but good for Sedgwick for getting out before the show lost momentum or jumped the shark. It’s excellently written and she does a great job. Looking forward to whatever the last season brings.

  22. Raven says:

    Love the TV ad that Kevin Bacon is doing but I couldn’t tell you the name of the sponsor.

    I’m really sorry that the Closer will be ending. I figured something had to be happening with all the interdepartmental shakeup. Her role as Brenda was quirky and so different than cop dramas even with women in the lead role. It will be hard to find another series with this quality.

    That said, she’s a real professional and probably figured she’d done all she could with this role. I know Angela Lansbury was really eager to go at the end of Murder She Wrote, after playing the same character for 13 or so years.

  23. Obvious says:

    i like them both. but my roommates boyfriend will be so excited she’s leaving/it’s being cancelled. i’ts hi job to remove all of her “imperfections” after the show is cut, and while he Kyra’s a sweetheart, he sick of staring at her day in and day out.

  24. julie says:

    i love the closer as well and was sad when it was announced a few weeks ago that the show would be ending in the summer of 2011. i do agree with the above commentor though who said some of the story lines felt a bit contrived. not sure how many more seasons they can do with the threat of someone leaving the department. i’ve watched every season and it seems like that’s been a constant thread. great show, but at least they knew when to hang it up.

  25. N.D. says:

    Love them both as actors, Closer is cool TV.
    3 more years and it’s gonna be silver anniversary for them 🙂

  26. Tess says:

    A little Bacon/Sedgwick trivia: They share very elite, the bluist of blue-blood, backgrounds. He’s from well connected Philadelphia stock and she’s from the Edie Sedgwick clan.

  27. Nancy says:

    I love them they just seem so..real they just seem like they are above any relationship or hollywood BS.

  28. beth says:

    lemme just say how very underrated kevin bacon is, as an actor – and how very, very hard it is to stay with one person for so long no matter how you both love each other – 22 years is a feat of endurance – and when i say endurance, i mean it in the best possible terms. or maybe the better term for it is passion with staying power. marriage is hard – really hard – after the first flush of romance in three years, and after the seven year (there’s a reason why ‘itch’ follows after that), but love is always worth fighting for, and holding on to. it takes good people who really love each other to recognise that.

  29. Tiffany says:

    Me and Mr. Tiffany will hit 22 years in April, all in the music business. It’s a ton of tough work, but totally possible to have a passionate and happy marriage. It’s so worth it-someone always has my back, thinks I am gorgeous all the time and loves me and is a great father. Pick a great guy and it pays off with work and love. So happy to see ANY couples, let alone Hollywood ones reach over 20 years.

  30. Trish says:

    Thank you Celebitchy for covering the Bacons’, one of the few true “Hollywood Movie Star” couples’. Kevin Bacon is an Icon. Thanks again.

  31. Penguen says:

    Love them.

    About ten years ago my friend got free tickets to see the Bacon Brothers (yes, Kevin had a band with his brother) in concert and took me with him.

    The last song they performed was “Footloose.” It was nice to see that Kevin had a sense of humor about that stuff. The crowd went wild over it, too. 🙂

  32. birdgherl says:

    I wish there was a Kevin and a Kyra for each of us. They are amazingly lucky and wonderful.

  33. bluhare says:

    Count me in the Kyra/Kevin club. Love The Closer, and now the story line makes sense. The boss will get fired, and Brenda will get his job, thereby not being the closer any more.

    Do any of you guys think Capt. Rader will get a spin off?

  34. Crash2GO2 says:

    OK, I really hate doing the ‘team’ thing, but I am TEAM Kevin & Kyra!! Love these two.

  35. Flamingogirl says:

    If you haven’t seen Pyrates take the time to do so. They were the lead characters & were fantastic. I have always loved how Kevin Bacon is willing to poke fun at himself (like his appearance on Will & Grace). They both seem down to earth.

  36. MsDeb says:

    Fell in love with Kyra in the Dennis Quaid/Julia Roberts movie, “Something to talk about”. In my own personal opinion, she stole that movie! My husband and I watched it again recently, and found ourselves waiting for her scenes! And yes, I must agree with all other posters – they are adorable together. Remembering that we are on the outside, and no one really knows what goes on behind closed doors – they appear to be so happy together, so in touch with what they want and need from each other. Sad to hear that Bernie Madoff destroyed their financial security. Sad to hear that “Closer” may be closing. I hope she goes on to create yet another memorable character. Love that Brenda Lee Johnson. As for Kevin Bacon, love that Direct TV commercial. My husband took forever to recognize him! Happy New Year to all!

  37. original kate says:

    “You gotta keep the fights clean and the sex dirty”.

    my new mantra. thanks, kevin bacon!

  38. Jeri says:

    Love The Closer and Kyra especially and Kevin. Congratulations on 22 yrs.

    The whole cast on the series is just perfect and of course everyone behind the scenes must be too (writers, etc) to showcase these people so well.

    So bummed they’re leaving next year.

  39. Lady D says:

    @ Original Kate, exactly what I was thinking!

  40. lachica says:

    i’m happy for her decision to leave the show while we are still interested. that’s always a good call. Bones need to wrap things up as well. not every show is Frasier which lasted 11 seasons. and even Frasier could have probably wrapped it up by season 8 or 9. never outstay your welcome i say.

    love em both. they seem like good parents.

  41. Whitey Fisk says:

    When she’s not all made up, doesn’t she kind of remind you of Carole King in the late ’70s?

    22 years, good for them. And I think his advice is spot on!

  42. Sassy says:

    Love me some Bacon! Yum. They’re a cute couple. 🙂

  43. Sparkly says:

    I tried watching The Closer, but I couldn’t get passed the weird accent she does. It kept throwing me right out. I do like them though. Always refreshing to see a strong, long-lasting Hollywood couple.

  44. PrimeO says:

    I hope this isn’t a prelude to their break-up… ‘look how happy they are, they’ve lasted so long…’

    ‘oh, they’ve just announced they’re divorcing…’

  45. KatScorp says:

    I’ve been a Closer fanatic since season one. In Australia, the analog television is two seasons behind, but I just bought myself season four for my birthday (season five DVDs were just released, but they’re $49! I can’t even afford a digital receiver). I’m so worried now that I’ve been spoiled about Kitty leaving and a cousin Oliver niece showing up.

    Oh #33 Bluhare! The Pope gets fired?!? Say it aint so 🙁 I love the Pope; his blue eyes and snarky lines: “Let’s pretend, Brenda, for the moment, that we live in a universe where YOU work for ME”, “PLEASE tell me I didn’t just say all of that in front of your parents!”

  46. lucy2 says:

    Love them both. Talented, down to earth, and seem like great people and a great couple.
    I thought I read the show was ending next season, not just that she was leaving. I’ve always enjoyed it, but after 7 years, I can understand wanting to move on.
    @Flamingogirl – Kevin’s Footloose dancing on Will & Grace was probably my favorite moment from that whole series.

  47. Leslye says:

    It’s Brenda Leigh Johnson. I absolutely LOVE this show and this couple. They are a class act. I will miss *The Closer* when it goes away. G. W. Bailey’s character, LT. Provenza is histerical.

  48. orion70 says:

    Ahhh, don’t scare it away !!!!! 😉

    While we’re having a little walk down memory lane…. ahhh Footloose.

  49. I Choose Me says:

    Great write up Kaiser. I love them both. I’ve watched a couple episodes of Closer and enjoyed them but I watch little tv these days and always forget when it’s on. It’s good she’s leaving the show while it’s still at it’s peak. Too many shows hit the skids/jump the shark after too long a run. Smart move Kyra.

  50. slymm27 says:

    oh no….pre break up for these two. So sad after 22 years…

  51. The Closer is my favorite show.