Singer Christina Milian was married to music producer The Dream all of 10 months and had a 5 month-old daughter with him back when he was photographed ass grabbing his female assistant this July. The two then announced their separation, with Dream’s rep claiming they split up in late 2009.Divorce papers filed in February tend to support that, but whatever happened it looked like Milian was the wronged party. The Dream later issued a self-pitying statement in which he said that he and Christina were having problems or something and he was only human. He didn’t deny cheating or say that they were split up at the time.
Judging from Christina’s latest interview, she was just as surprised by the photos as everyone else.
29-year-old singer/actress Christina Milian sat down to talk to us exclusively about the cheating scandal that ended her marriage to The-Dream (aka Terius Nash), and how she made it through “hell and back” to relish her new life as a single mom.
On her failed marriage: “No matter what, you can’t change who you are. I know that now. I tried to be someone I wasn’t because I wanted my marriage to work. But ultimately, if it’s not working, it’s not working.”
On the cheating scandal: “I didn’t know anything. But looking back, my gut was telling me something was off. But I thought I could fix it.”
On lessons learned: “I learned a lot about myself this year. I learned what I can handle. I learned how much I can take. I learned who I am and what I will accept for myself and my daughter.”
On becoming a mom: “Being a new mother definitely makes me feel so much sexier than ever before. There’s a certain responsibility that I carry being a mom that makes me feel very confident and so blessed. Being a mom is the best thing that’s ever happened to me.”
On what’s next: “I feel brand new. I’ve been to hell and back, but I survived. I’m stronger for it and now I’m ready for the next phase of my life.”
To read the whole story, pick up the February 2011 issue of Latina magazine, on newsstands January 11th!
[From Latina via Huffington Post]
You see a lot of photos of Christina out with her adorable daughter, Violet, and she looks like such a loving mom. It had to hurt so much to see those photos of her husband with his personal assistant, but at least her suspicions were confirmed. If the guy wasn’t so thoroughly busted he surely would have lied to her about it, continued to treat her like sh*t and then justify his behavior because they were having “problems.” Now she can move on with her life and hopefully make better choices in men.
Christina Milian is shown on New Year’s Eve and on 12/4/10. She’s shown with Violet and with her mom. Credit: Other photo is of Christina and The Dream in July, 2009. Credit: Getty
She’s painfully beautiful 🙂
She is so beautiful and has that everlasting cuteness about her.
I really like her personality and outlook towards life.
The hair in that first pic is ridiculous.
What the hell was she doing with him?
He’s a minger.
omg she can do sooooo much better, but in my twenties i did the same mistake. sometimes you just gotta learn…
Beauty and the runt.
She looks beautiful, but different in a plastic surgery way. I can’t put my finger on it. The nose?
She is just simply beautiful, men are just not normal people.
If anything in her marriage is off it’s the high estrogen levels of that short, fat, effeminate The Dream. Ick. Glad she’s doing well and moving on. She was too beautiful and talented for him anyway…
She got what she wanted out of that marriage to that producer so I don’t feel too bad for her. She now doesn’t need to work quite as hard on her nonexistent career so she came out a winner.
He’s such a dirtbag..
She and her beautiful baby are better off.
Yup she’s a pretty girl, she needs to just settle with a good guy.. And not a lil bad boy record producer wanna be thug..
LOL @ gloaming- Minger!! totally the word of the day
And what made the whole thing even worse was that her personal assistant who stole her husband was supposedly her best friend! Imagine how crushing that would be? He’s a douchebag and I do not support anything with his name on it….
So many men are utter dogs and will hump just about anything in heat. All of my relationships ended because of philandering by the men I was involved with. Either I have extraordinarily bad judgment about men or it’s written into their DNA to think with their dongs. I’ve actually been celibate for 6 years now and I can’t tell you the number of times married men hit on me thinking I’m desperate. Uh no….my vibrator takes care of that thank you very much.
what does “minger” mean?
“I’ve been to hell and back, but I survived.”
to hell and back? really? ummm…it’s not like you were trapped in a mine or battled cancer.
Who marries a guy who goes by the name “The Dream” and thinks they’ll grow old together?
Lol, Prudence, I am so there with you on the vibrator comment! My favorite too is when a guy is like, “So, uh…my divorce just went through and uh…I have the whole house to myself now…” Like, yeah, buddy, lemme just go home to Mr. Neon Vibe and sleep in peace.
ANYHOO, she is way to pretty for this dumass, who seems to be the type of guy who would never be faithful to ANY girl. Dude has horn dog written all over him.
I’m sure she has been through emotional hell, but she has a beautiful daughter and is well rid of that minger. Thanks for the excellent vocab lesson. From Urban Dictionary: Minger: a male or female who fell out of the ugly tree at birth and hit every branch on the way down
@ Embee – LOL at the definition!
oh…men, men, men…when will we femaless learn…aint no faithfull one in all of the earth.
“I’ve been to hell and back, but I survived.”
Hell? Really? Folks may jump all over me for this, but what she went through, the cheating, abuse of trust, etc., however upsetting, wasn’t ‘hell’.
Being trapped in an abusive relationship, losing a child, surviving rape, THAT sounds more like hell.
Then again, I’m a judgmental bitch at the best of times.
An affair can devastate even the strongest of the relationship. To get through an affair will be the toughest part going forward for her.