I spent much of 2010 on high alert, not only because of Lindsay Lohan’s unceasing crack drama, but because nearly a year ago, Khloe Kardashian announced she was off of birth control. I believed it at the time, and I still believe it. I think Khloe and her husband Lamar Odom have been trying to get pregnant for the past year with no luck. Considering Lamar is already a baby-daddy with some exes, I tend to think Khloe is the one with fertility issues. That makes me even more sympathetic towards her – and she’s already my favorite. God bless giants, you know? Plus, she’s the smartest and funniest of the Kardashian girls, although that’s by no means some great achievement. Khloe is the one I’d want to get drunk with, the one I’d want to be friends with – that’s what I’m saying. So I feel bad for her that she hasn’t gotten pregnant yet, and I hope this is her year. It could be – Fame Pictures is trying to make Khloe’s small “bump” into a Code Red BABY situation.
TV personality Khloe Kardashian did some shopping this afternoon with a girlfriend on January 3, 2011 in Los Angeles, California. Khloe wasn’t too happy to see the shutterbugs at the first shopping location but after she cleaned up she allowed images to be taken. It has been rumored in the media that Khloe and her NBA star husband Lamar Odem would be the stars of their own reality show this year. Khloe looks as if she has gained weight over the holidays or could it be she and Lamar are expecting?
[From Fame Pictures]
Yeah… I think it’s a food baby. Plus, she’s a giant, and she needs lots of food to sustain her giant frame. But here’s hoping she’s pregnant or will be soon.
Actually – do you think Khloe’s maybe-fertility issues will be a big part of her new reality spinoff show with Lamar? I do.
Photos courtesy of Fame.
Holiday food bulge…if she isn’t screeching about it to Ryan Seacrest, it’s not a baby bump.
I hope she’s preggers. Sasquatchs are adorable when they are babies.
just fat
i couldn’t love this girl any more than i already do 😀
here’s hoping for a mini chloe *soon*
p.s. is it wrong i named my pound puppy Chloe? 😉
Haha, one of my co-workers has a dog named Kim Kardashian! She fostered 3 puppies that were sisters & she named them after the Kardashian sister. haha!!
I don’t see anything…wow women can’t have stomach’s anymore or it means their pregnant? sheesh…
I guess I’m the odd one. I’ve always thought she was a pretty, normal sized girl who needs to stay out of her sisters closets. :/
isn’t it usually there? i have a “baby bump” all the time, unless i workout fanatically.
Khloe will always be the least attractive. Lamar only married her to increase his celebrity. Why else would Lamar want to do a reality show? Lamar did not realize that people are NOT that interested in him and Khloe.
I agree that maybe the fertility thing could be the subject of the reality show. Although, going thru that stuff is horrible, and I can’t imagine having to share that with the masses. I am happy for her that she found a giant for a husband – who clearly appreciates that she is not a stick figure. don’t think it’s baby bump.
the world would know by now and they’d be trying to profit off of it.
huge w/an attitude, LOL
She’s not fat. She’s not a giant. She’s not pregnant. There’s nothing wrong with her in these pictures — it’s reaching a bit to say she looks pregnant.
She ate a baby, obvs. No, really, she looks normal, not even a food baby.
Giant?? Sasquatch?? Am I just grumpy this morning or is everyone off their rocker today? The woman is 5’10” people–hardly yeti sized for pete’s sake. I’m 5’10” and the shortest of 6 kids. My husband is 6’4″ and has 3 sisters all 5’10”-6’1″. Should we all go join the circus? 😛
Bloated from the holidays just like me!
Is the baby growing out of her azz possibly….
I think the reason she looks so huge is because her sisters are all on the short size. It’s a relative thing.
I call just being bloated. I’m a size 4, but when I get bloated I look like I have a baby bump. Khloe I know your pain my friend!
She’s obviously a thick girl. I guess that translates to being pregnant..
I’m sorry but she doesn’t really have a stomach I mean that’s just holiday weight gain!
She doesn’t look pregnant, fat, or bloated to me.
Khloe is less attractive. Why? because she’s tall and isn’t botoxed to hell and back? Guess I’m an ogre.
I thinks its the outfit, those french terry/velour outfits tend to make people look pudgy/lumpy. They’re cute but not flattering. I still like her best out of the Kardashians.
She doesn’t look fat to me. She’s sway-back and that pushes your stomach forward. I think she looks fine.
Why would this girl have a baby with a man who has 2 kids he never sees? Does she not know he cheats on her already and wants her to get preggers so he can cheat more and she will be preoccupied and tied down with his baby? or maybe she just doesnt care as long as she gets Laker money and a baby and a reality show.
These Kardashian girls may make alot of quick money but they are really dumb when it comes to men.
Wow I must have a baby bump too! Oh Wait It’s just Food
Funny bitchery!
Reading about Celebrities lives is like Christmas..but Shittier!
I think she’s pregnant and that it will all be documented (in great detail) on her and Lamar’s upcoming reality show on E!
Dear Ryan Secrest, there is a special place in HELL reserved just for you for unleashing this famewhore Kardashian family on the world. UGH.
i like khloe because she is real and normal sized. 5’10” is not freakishly large. I am 5’8″ without shoes and have always had short friends so i tend to look like an Amazon woman when i wear my 3″ heels.
she has the best personality out of the sisters. i also appreciate that she has not messed herself up with surgery like kim – who used to be stunning.
i hope she has a good marriage and has children like they want.
I like Khloe. I’m also like 5’10 and I’m surrounded by a bunch of little family members. I do enjoy her.
I think Khloe is the prettiest of them, though that’s not saying a lot for me (I don’t think they’re ugly…I guess they’re just not ‘my type’?).
Food baby, if anything.
I am also 5’9″ and a normal weight and I wear my 5 inch Loubs all the time even though my hubby is my height. Revel in that height, it’s fab. Why are we so fucking HARD on every damn woman’s body we see.
Let’s spread the love for all of us diverse women out there. She isn’t thick at all. She might not be the most facially gorgeous, bu she isn’t a yeti.
My Aunt is 6’1″ and back in that day she was a freaking wallflower freak in flats. I refuse to be that woman.
Getting out massive heels to wear tonight…
shes just a curvy girl…i like her body