Jennifer Aniston tells John Mayer to move in or it’s over

You know your relationship is getting serious when it comes time to have the moving in discussion. While it can be a little nerve-wracking (What if they say no? What if they’re mortified I even asked?) apparently that’s not possibility that’s even entered into Jennifer Aniston’s head. According to Now Magazine, when Jen asked John Mayer to move in with her, it was more of a command/threat/ultimatum, depending on how you look at it.

Dishing out ultimatums is a risky business and it can backfire. Jennifer Aniston accompanied John Mayer on his tour dates in Callifornia [sic] last month but her reunion with him in Chicago on 18 July, after a few days apart, wasn’t a joyful one.

After she arrived at 2am at the Peninsula Hotel bar in the Windy City, security got rid of all the other guests so that John, 30, and Jen, 39, could dine alone together and have a serious heart-to-heart chat about their future.

‘It was crunch time,’ a source close to the couple tells Now.

‘Jen’s told him she wants him to move into her £7.5 million Hollywood home once the tour ends [on 31 August], but John’s told her that, while he’s not against it in principle, they have to give it time.’

[From Now Magazine]

I think the “crunch time” is supposed to be the ultimatum. The way Now ends the article makes it sound like John said no for the time being. But AZ Central says he’s agreed, and will be moving in at the end of September.

Jennifer Aniston and John Mayer are planning a “trial marriage”. The couple – who have been dating for three months – are said to be keen to test the strength of their relationship, and think John moving into Jennifer’s house is the perfect first step.

A source said: “John wants to settle down as much as Jennifer does. “What’s more, he’s been telling her that he thinks she is the one and she believes him.” John’s move into Jennifer’s Beverly Hills mansion is set to happen after his tour ends in September.

The couple are also reportedly planning a family. The source added to Britain’s Grazia magazine: “John is the first guy since Brad who has talked seriously about having children and Jennifer is very excited about it.”

[From AZ Central]

This whole thing just sounds fraught with peril. John Mayer is not the guy you settle down with. At least current 30-year-old John Mayer isn’t. He’s the guy you use to get back at/get over your ex-boyfriend. And from the stories I’ve heard, John will help you out with that no matter who you are. But he’s not the man you start picking out china with. Generally I don’t jump on the “poor Jennifer Aniston” train because I think she’s reasonably smart and not nearly as pathetic as tabloids paint her to be. But I really think she’s getting duped here, and this can only end badly.

Note by Celebitchy: I would be surprised if either of these stories is anything more than speculation. Yes we picked a very unflattering picture of these two, but it’s hard to find one where they’re together.

Jennifer Aniston and John Mayer are shown on 6/28/08 in London. Credit: ISO IMAGES/

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38 Responses to “Jennifer Aniston tells John Mayer to move in or it’s over”

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  1. Terry says:

    look at the new OK cover. Wedding of the year.

  2. Granger says:

    I don’t believe this story for one minute. Not a fan of JA the actress, but I too think she’s much stronger and definitely more independent than the tabs make her out to be.

  3. geronimo says:

    A source close to the couple. Nuff said. 🙄
    So much bullshit written about these two. Don’t care much about either of them but hard to ignore the bias sometimes. Lazy and old.

  4. Tess says:

    Something’s not computing here. Why would a nearly 40 year-old woman attempt to settle down with a 30 year-old guy? She should be miles beyond him in terms of maturity, judgement, wisdom.

  5. SixxKitty says:

    Knowing Jen. SHE mean’t it. not as a comand but a an order…”u will move in or it’s over”.now don’t get me wrong, I LOVE JEN, but that bio-clock is ticking…so loud she can hear nothing else!!!

  6. Syko says:

    Ultimatims generally come back and slap you. Watching with interest here..

  7. All Adither says:

    It’s Bunk, bunk, bunk. I like them both and I think they’re smarter than that.

  8. Jilli says:

    I really believe Jennifer Aniston is a desperate old hag therefore she is capable of any thing. She is a pathetic fool that never grow up that’s why she wants a 30 year old man at her near age of 40. Since Mayer is with her he is just as desperate.

  9. CelebitchyFAN says:

    Something tells me that Jennifer Aniston is sitting at home looking at the tabloids and thinking to herself, “where the hell do these people come up with this shit?” I don’t believe it for a second.

  10. Syko says:

    For some reason, I don’t think Mayer is desperate. He’s a pretty decent looking guy with a sense of humor and a penis. He’s not going to be sitting home on Saturday nights.

  11. Kaiser says:

    I disagree, CB. I think it’s a very flattering pic of the two of them. All you see is her ass and hair (her “twin” glories, if you will) and Dark Dick Rot’s weasel face. *shiver*

    But yeah, I doubt this true.

  12. Observation says:

    A clingy cougar? How pathetic.

  13. CinPin says:

    What’s wrong with her going out with a younger man? If she was an almost 40 yr old man dting a 30 yr old woman no one would mention it.

    That said, I think John Mayer is a douche. He seems to think he is hot shit, and bounces from one girl to the next. I personally think he looks “special”.
    Jen is stupid if she actually thinks he is in this for the long haul.

  14. Mr. T says:

    I’ll have to rub my chin over this one.

  15. Samantha says:

    I hope its true. (The moving in part, not the control freak part) I hope they settle down, get married, have some babies, and actually last in Hollywood. How freaking awesome would that be? The Man whore and Maniston proving them all wrong?? They both seem to be intelligent adults and I hope it works out.

  16. anastasiabeaverhausen says:

    Samantha, LOL, I hope you aren’t holding your breath on that or anything. It WOULD be amazing, even miraculous in Hollywood, but I doubt it’ll happen.

    I don’t even know why she’s with this guy. He’s not a good choice for a boyfriend. Right now, anyway. I agree with the article–John at 30 isn’t much of a catch. Maybe when he’s older–maybe. Nearly 10 years difference CAN make a big difference if two people have totally different priorities and I seriously doubt his priorities involve settling down and playing house right now. Why would they? He’s touring, successful (I don’t personally like him, mind you), can get women all over the place. Shrug.

    She needs to find someone more stable, maybe older. Someone who WANTS to settle down.

  17. xxx says:

    I agree w/Jaybird. No John Mayer is going to settle down @ 30. I doubt the story is true. JA doesn’t come off as desperate.

    Ps, I can’t stand that word “cougar”, totally sexist.

  18. I choose me says:

    I call BS!

  19. JohnnieR says:

    Personally, I cannot even begin to comprehend why the highly over-rated, overhyped Miss. Jennifer Anacin creature is so poopular with the paps and sheeple. Hmm, me thinks if not for her Brad nups and bye-byes, she would be as far out of the spotlight as the rest of the ‘stellar’ cast from ‘Friends’ – the wonderful Lisa Kudrow excluded. Johnnie shakes his feeble brain in disbelief.

    This woman is a desperate attention whore, who, at close to 40 is perhaps waking up and realizing that soon, very soon, her Hollywood Hourglass is gonna run out – and the Wicked Witch of Time is gonna come back and get her – and her little dogs, too!

    Oh yeah, her and John Mayer, scumbag extraordinaire, tying the knot – PLEASE.

    And remember, people, as Madonna sang,
    “Beauty is where ya find it, not just where ya bump and grind it”.

    Words for us all to ponder.

  20. JohnnieR says:

    Anastasiabea wrote:

    “She needs to find someone more stable, maybe older. Someone who WANTS to settle down.”

    How about dress designers Nolan Miller
    (Dynasty) or Bob Mackie (The Carol Burnett Show)? They’re older, more stable, and they both still want to go down….I mean…settle down, no?

  21. Nikki says:

    In almost every photo of the two of them he has at least one eye on the camera/paps …seriously. I’ve always felt he was interested in the publicity, not the relationship. But hey, we’ve all fallen for the wrong guy. At least Meyer sex is good …or so I hear.

  22. gracie says:

    I think she should stop….if she is indeed looking for “the one”…and just relax.

    Have a baby by herself. Enjoy it. A nice guy could wander into her life simply because she isn’t looking for him.

    Maybe the whole story is bullshit…but if it’s at all true it will end badly with her crying her eyes out cause he made a rope ladder out of her silk bedsheets and ran off into the night.

  23. anon says:

    Clingy pathetic woman!

  24. anastasiabeaverhausen says:

    gracie, I agree. If it’s a baby she finally wants now, just have one on her own. No problemo. Many women have done the same thing.

  25. Samantha says:

    I can see why she is with him…Who WOULDN’T want to tap that? (seriously..) And it fits perfectly with her need to mold the perfect man. He is a wild stallion he is, and she needs to tame him. Of course we all know how that works out…but she can still try. =)

  26. anastasiabeaverhausen says:

    I don’t want to tap that. Yuck. He’d have to double-bag it for all the random women he’s been with. He’s probably not that good in bed and I really don’t think he’s all that good-looking.

    But hey it takes all kinds, I guess.

  27. Samantha says:

    I’m attracted to sickly raccoon eyed men who have an overabundance of self confidence. I guess we can’t all swoon over the Butlers and Pitts. (well…Gerard Butler…*swoon…but still minus the Pitt)

  28. anastasiabeaverhausen says:

    Don’t like Pitt, either.

    Gimme Ewan McGregor. Rowr.

  29. Kaiser says:

    McGregor is teh hotness – so is Gerry Butler, Clive Owen and Daniel Craig.

    If I ever had the “chance” to get with Dark Dick Rot, my vagina would laugh and go on strike.

  30. I choose me says:

    @ Samantha. I’d double bag it and stuff a gag into his mouth so I wouldn’t have to hear him speak but I would sooo hit that. What can I say, I think he’s kinda hot.

  31. Le Petomane says:

    Wrong. So very wrong.

  32. Nan says:

    Did anyone ever think that Aniston does not want children? Has she ever said she does? It could be she doesn’t as a result of her poor relationship with her mother. I’ve know a few people like that. These people who state specifically in their online dating profiles that they do not want children usually have a history of strife with their parents. Hey, I’m just throwing it out there…

  33. sj says:

    i think Jen is desperate and she is too old to still be making the same mistake with men, she is not smart. she used brad for status, now john is using her for the same thing, karma any one?

  34. sj says:

    Jen could stop all the speculation, she loves the attention and she allowed herself to look like a fool, she is indeed a media whore. she probably paid to be on the cover of these mags so she can remain relevant. she’s old and a has been. it’s pathetic.

  35. Christina X says:

    More efforts of the media spin doctors.

    I’m not saying that she’s faultless, but I appreciate her more because she actually seems normal.

    I don’t really believe this, or I think they exaggerated it to portray her negatively as bossy, demanding, and possessive.

    Unfortunately, I watch the Entertainment news because I can’t look away from it, but my point is that I noticed that the headline previews always exaggerate an anticlimatic and boring story, especially when it comes to Jennifer Aniston.

    I don’t know why the media hates her guts so much right now so much as trying to seem selfish and domineering, but the bias is so present, you can cut it with a knife.

    I don’t believe it.

    And Jennifer Aniston is 38, 39ish at the oldest and hooking up with a 31 year old. That’s a seven and eight year difference. Wooh. It’s not like she’s getting dipped by some barely legal 18 year old boy. And, if I’m not mistaken, Angelina Jolie is 33 years old, and Brad Pitt is 43 or somewhere around there, so there’s just as much of an age difference there. Amazing how that isn’t “pathetic”.

  36. spotshot says:

    i dont believe it one bit.

  37. enchantress says:

    Nice boob grab John!

    What a pack o’ lies.

  38. Christina says:

    I don’t understand why everytime Jen and John are mentioned, their ages have to be said. He may be “young” but look at Angelina and Brad, shes 33, he is 45, hello….bigger age difference!!And does it honestly even matter!Let them be, love is love.