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13 Responses to “Lots of random photos: Winona Ryder, Nicole Richie, Renee Zellweger & more”

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  1. daisy424 says:

    Thanks for the photos CB.

    Matthew dining alone? Do any of these celebs eat at home?

    Mr. T cracks me up.

  2. Exiled2hp says:

    I know she is a pretty good actress, but she is beady eyed, blotchy skinned & limp haired… WTF

  3. lilah012 says:

    Blair doesn’t look chubby! She looks healthy. Considering how skinny she looked in Hellboy 2, I think this is an upgrade.

  4. javagirl1 says:

    Are tight rolled jeans really coming back in style?

  5. kate says:

    i wish cristina would get some bangs to hide that forehead of hers. it would be a cute look on her. winona looks amazing – nice to see her back.

  6. Celebitchy says:

    I did not say Blair looked chubby at all. She is supposed to be playing a chubby character, and has received criticism that she’s not chubby enough to play the character. That’s why her clothes are tight.

  7. MissMara says:

    Now isn’t Winona one of the cutest girls around still? Love her look.

  8. Bodhi says:

    I love Christina! I think she is amazingly pretty.

    What is “Giggle & Hugs”? Since Jen is taking her child, I assume that it isn’t one of the dirty things that popped in my head ๐Ÿ˜‰

  9. lilah012 says:

    Celebitchy–No, I wasn’t accusing you of saying she was chubby. I had just thought it was ridiculous that she was supposed to be playing a chubby character when she looks decidedly slim. Makes sense she received criticism–where’s her actorly dedication? Eat a donut!

  10. Kaiser says:

    Renee looks really healthy! Yea!

    Nicole Ritchie does not look healthy. Boo.

    The commercials for “Kath & Kim” are hysterical. NBC is putting it in a good time slot, too. ๐Ÿ™‚

  11. Victoria says:

    Katie Holmes looks cute!!! Nicole Kidman looks like she has had a hair cut, but it may be the way her hoodie is holding her hair down, Hope so. That Violet Affleck is so cute and adorable. Jen is looking better and not so tired. Must be getting pumped up to move into her new mansion.

  12. enchantress says:

    Winona’s hairstyle looks very cute.

  13. Julia says:

    Winona looks great, but I’m kind of sick of the boy haircut she’s been sporting forever. She should go longer.