Miranda Kerr debuts baby Flynn Bloom in an intimate breastfeeding pic


Miranda Kerr and Orlando Bloom have finally introduced their huge baby to the world! They named him Flynn… Flynn Bloom. Maybe they’re fans of Lt. Flynn on The Closer? That’s all I’ve got. I don’t have hate for the name – with a father named Orlando, Flynn seems like a pretty middle-of-the-road name choice. I even like that the baby’s name isn’t hyphenated… Flynn Kerr-Bloom. Flynn Bloom gives the kid a fighting shot at being a badass.

Anyway, Miranda and Orly posted this photo, and Miranda wrote a piece on her organics blog about how she didn’t use painkillers or anything. It feels like the soul of Gisele, but Miranda is less judgy.

“On the 6th of January I gave birth to our beautiful little son Flynn. He weighed 9lb 12 ounces (a very healthy and big baby boy). I gave birth to him naturally; without any pain medication and it was a long, arduous and difficult labour, but Orlando was with me the whole time supporting and guiding me through it. I could not have done it without him.”

“We are so happy and are enjoying our time together as a family. [Flynn] is our little ray of sunshine. Thank you everyone for your beautiful well wishes and your lovely thoughts and comments. I haven’t had a lot of time to read many comments or to respond, but please know I will when I get a chance.”

[From Miranda’s blog, via Radar]

Good for them, and congratulations once again. I anxiously await Miranda’s transformation into Gisele. I also expect lots of weeping from Orly, just because.


Header photo courtesy of Miranda’s blog. Additional pic courtesy of WENN.

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98 Responses to “Miranda Kerr debuts baby Flynn Bloom in an intimate breastfeeding pic”

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  1. brin says:

    Wonder if they toyed with Flynn Kerr-Bloom and realized it sounded like a car exploding!
    Congrats to them and glad they picked a good name.

  2. Maud says:

    Noting that she didn’t use any painkillers seems very bitchy to me. I guess she’s more ‘woman’ than those who opt for some relief.

  3. cici says:

    “long, arduous, difficult” ????? 9 lbs???? NO MEDS??!!?! you are a superhero!! ::: EYE ROLL ::::

  4. Rita says:

    Wonderful, just wonderful. The picture is a beautiful piece of art. My day is made and could not have more good will to mothers everywhere. Thanks so much Kaiser!

  5. Bubbling says:

    Oh common now if you are looking for bitchiness you can easily projected it everywhere. Like look at her showing off her boob just because she is VS model and has a great twins, she wants to show to the world how better she is than the average-boob ladies.
    My God, I never really thought of it till now but she is beautiful

  6. tapioca says:

    Congrats to them, and I suspect they’ll make great parents, but as someone with a cousin who had an emergency C-section and couldn’t take to breastfeeding – and feels like a failure because of it – I’d rather she had kept the, “Peasants, with your bottles and your epidurals, cast your wondrous gaze at how motherhood really should be done” to at least her second post.

    Fabulous lippy though!

  7. JM says:

    Golf clap for her not using pain killers. I, on the other hand, demanded drugs the moment they hoisted me into the bed. Call me weak, I don’t care. LOL

    Congrats to the new Kerr-Bloom family! Little Flynn is surrounded by two loving parents. What kid wouldn’t thrive in that kind of environment. Best wishes to them all.

  8. Karen says:

    I don’t think Miranda was being bitchy at all. She provided the birth announcement and details on her blog for those who are regular visitors to her site and who likely want to know this bit of detail. Nowhere did she say, “I didn’t use pain medication because I feel it makes you a bad mother/person/human being”. I’ve never given birth but I find when a celebrity gives birth, the questions come flying in about their method of birth and regardless of the answer, somebody will complain about it.

    That breastfeeding pic of her and Flynn is absolutely adorable. No hate or snark toward these new parents…congrats to them and I wish them all the best.

  9. Theresa says:

    I don’t think it’s bitchy… just another detail. Same as saying “so and so was born via planned c-section”

    I had my baby at home with no drugs. It is not for everybody, but it was for me. I do not feel I am a better or worse mother than anyone else. We all have to do what is best for us and our babies.

    Congrats to them both on a healthy baby!

  10. JM says:

    @ Tapioca: Don’t let other “seemingly perfect” people make you feel guilty. I had a C-section and an extremely difficult time breastfeeding as well, finally opting for formula. Luckily, I had the reassurance of my bosses-both well respected pediatricians so I didn’t mentally beat myself up.

  11. embertine says:

    JM, good for you. Hell, I don’t even want children and I’d take some gas and air just for a tummy ache.

    Smug celebrity mums bore me rigid.

  12. Roma says:

    I’m not a mom so please don’t jump on me: but I do think she was just giving the details of her labour and perhaps she was proud of how hard it was. Maybe a natural birth was something that she studied and felt passionate about? I have a girlfriend who is studying to be a midwife and she was adamant about not taking drugs and proud of herself afterwards.

    I understand how hard it can be for women who had difficult deliveries or breastfeeding, but sometimes people just have a sensitive reaction. I don’t think this is at all a case of “I’m so much better than you”.

  13. LindaR says:

    She has a right to brag for going through labour without medication. I went through that with both my kids but only because in “those days” the epidural wasn’t given until you were 10 cm dilated and ready to push! It makes sense to give the pain medication while you are in pain, not when it’s almost over. Stupid male doctors. But, I digress. What I can’t get over is that she had a natural delivery instead of doing the Hollywood thing – plan the day of delivery – have a C-section – immediately have a tummy tuck – hand the baby over to a nanny. Will wonders never cease.

  14. munchies says:

    ohhh.. big baby Flynn got a Hobbit ear!


  15. Maud says:

    I’m not enough of an earth mother to be on this site.

  16. Mollyb says:

    Flynn Bloom sounds ridiculous. And, yeah,a big *yawn* on the “Praise me! No meds!” crap.

  17. Vi says:

    i don’t think she was being giselle-ish about it. i have to laugh at the full makeup in that “natural” picture though but she does look very beautiful and it’s a nice photo

  18. normades says:

    Congrats to them. I applaud her for not being one of those “too posh to push” c-section women. Natural birth + breastfeeding = she’ll get her pre-baby body real quick.

  19. Laura says:

    Nothing I can hate on in this – I think she looks beautiful in this picture. Usually I don’t give a hoot about either one of them, but I just think she looks so lovely and happy here!

  20. fabgrrl says:

    Whenever I tried breastfeeding my baby that way, laying on my side, milk would leak out and soak the mattress! But that is a very sweet and lovely picture.

  21. tapioca says:

    Oh, and will he be Flynn Bloom – which sounds like something goldfish are struck down with – given that his “real” dad was Colin Stone (I Wikipedia’d it), ie. is it a stage name?

  22. reba says:

    my son was almost 10 lbs. too. I had no pain meds, I pushed that child out in record time ’cause I could feel every contraction (unlike my first-lotta meds!) And YES I bragged about it, I mean damn. Then with my last baby I begged for an epidural as soon as I got to the hospital because DAMN!

  23. Rita says:


    Are you suggesting his name should be Flyin’ Stone Kerr-Bloom? (Love your pudding by the way)

  24. Kristen says:

    New moms love to tell their birth stories; I think no matter what your labor and delivery was like it’s natural to want to share the details. Either way, I think the picture is lovely.

  25. serena says:

    she really is beautiful.

  26. MrsMa says:

    She’s proud of herself, as she should be! Anyone who had a baby should be proud – no matter the details. I doubt she wrote the details in hopes to make anyone feel bad. She’s in baby-bliss, that picture is beautiful. Makes me miss my babies being so little.

  27. mln76 says:

    Uhm if I pushed out a 10 lb baby without meds I’d be bragging too she earned it. And last I heard having a baby is long, arduous and difficult. That’s going to be one pretty kid.

  28. emine says:

    going through labour with no drugs and giving birth naturally is a NORMAL thing when you are young and healthy (and not a celebrity) , she has won me as a fun for breastfeeding her son , usually a lot of women dont breastfeed for fear they would ruin their boobies(i have a lot of aquantencies who chose the formula over breastfeeding for this reason)

  29. guesty says:

    sweet pic…

  30. Jezi says:

    I’m with @Reba I had a 9 lb 2 oz boy and my pain meds didn’t even work so I felt everything and was able to push him out and damn it, I will brag about it to. Labor is no joke and from her birth announcement she didn’t sound anything like Gisele. She even said it was difficult. I really think she’s unbelievably gorgeous. I think the first shot is beautiful. Such a bonding moment when you can breastfeed your child. Congrats to them both.

  31. Ruby Red Lips says:

    Congrats on Flynn, & MK is incredibly beautiful (tho don’t think that shot was taken w/o make-up artist etc!)

    @ Normades, ur so judgemental & so wrong ;o( But anyhows, I had an elective c-sect and all the drugs I could & i breastfed. I applaud her statement, she is being honest and doing things her way – and why not!?

    Evveryone is so judgemental about how a child is born and whether or not people are evil 4 not breastfeeding!!! Mothers should do what they want, its their choice and we are all different, people are just too judgy!

  32. sammie323 says:

    I don’t think they’d name him Flynn Stone!

    When I heard the name Flynn, my first thought was another pirate movie heartthrob, Errol.

  33. janie says:

    i have kids. i tried to go naturally, and at one point i screamed to cut the baby out of me and had an epidural. Good for her to have a natural childbirth, it is an accomplishment. didn’t sound preachy anyway.

  34. Raven Sparrow says:

    Brin – hahaha that’s funny because I thought the exact same thing: kerr-bloom = explosion

    Congrats to them! That breastfeeding position was my favourite too especially for those early morning feeds, baby could feed and mommy could sleep!

  35. Bubbling says:

    I am terrified of labor, seems so painful 🙁 *it sounds a bit off but I had to say it after reading this comments, sorry

  36. normades says:

    @ Ruby red: I really wasn’t trying to be judgemental, sorry if you took it that way.

    I gave birth at a very “posh” clinic where 60% of births are elective c-section. There is no medical reason for this figure to be so high.

    Women think it will be easier to have a c-section (less pain, keeping their vaginas in check etc) but in reality a c-section imo is much harder on a women’s body and the recovery time is longer. You may never get those stomach muscles back with a c-section but you can always get the vjay back with some kegels!

    In the end everyone has the right to give birth the way they want. I was just saying good for Miranda for going against the grain (I had the epidural btw)

  37. nycmom10024 says:

    Why do people hate on new mom’s who don’t use drugs? Why is it okay to call a woman a bitch and a braggert for mentioning that she went drug free? Yet perfectly okay to say oh I demanded the drugs? Ladies, we must stop being our own worst enemies! (Rant end!)

    I used no drugs, nursed my baby all at 38. I workded out before and after she was born. I was fit not skinny. The endorphin rush of giving birth with only the drugs you body produces is amazing. Yes their are woman that need a c-section. But there are many of us that don’t and don’t need/use drugs if your choice can be right so can the opposite choice.

  38. Bodhi says:

    I don’t think she sounds bitchy or judgmental at all. Since when is giving birth the way we are built to bitchy or judgmental? Obviously not every birth can happen vaginally, but less face it, that is how we are built to have babies. Thank God we have modern medicine so that more mothers & babies can survive childbirth. Modern medicine is a wonderful, life saving thing, but that doesn’t mean that every woman has to opt for meds &/or a c-section. It drives me CRAZY that women who opt for a natural birth are considered bitchy & condescending for talking about it. All you have to say is “natural birth” & people jump all over you for being condescending to women who chose a different route. WTF? No-one should be judged for how they give birth, the end result is all that matters, a happy healthy mommy & baby.

    My son is due in May & my husband & I have chosen a water birth at out local birth center rather than a hospital. (Of course if something happen & I need to go to the hospital, I will go in a heartbeat) I certainly don’t think that I’m better than my friend who had her son via emergency c-section & she doesn’t think that I am a snob or a bitch for planning to have my son naturally.

    All of this fighting about ways of giving birth is just a way for women to make other women feel bad. For God’s sake, all that matters in the end is a healthy family. /rant

    Anywho, knowing that she had such a big baby naturally makes me feel better; I have a feeling that Bean is going to be ginormous.

  39. icantbelievethis says:

    Didn’t Giselle say her labor was easy? (no drugs, in a hot tub, etc)

    I don’t think Miranda sounds preachy at all. And she is a hero, 9+lber with NO drugs?? OMG, I can’t imagine and I have 4 kids. The picture is so sweet.

  40. Ruby Red Lips says:

    @ Normades I also used a ‘posh’ clinic, though chosen specifically for the elective c-section!

    Agreed the recovery after a c-sect is def not fun and def takes longer to recover from but its not all doom and gloom and some women do go back to how they were before, I think this depends on the woman in question, her genetic make-up, her weight, fitness levels etc, there are an awful lot of women who have bad tummys and issues after a natural birth, not to mention complications from labour and birth.

    I completely agree with you that it is the individual’s choice and women should not judge other women or make them feel bad for choosing a c-sect or not to breastfeed. Everyone is entitled to their opinion & I’m sure you agree with me, just not when it is preachy or designed to make another mum feel bad for doing something different to this person’s idea of the ‘right thing’ (hardcore earth mothers I mean you!)

  41. Bodhi says:

    (hardcore earth mothers I mean you!)

    Meaning that “hardcore earth mothers” are more judgmental? In my admittedly limited experience*, I have gotten more grief from women who think that the days of natural birth are long gone. I have been called all kinds of hurtful things because I want a natural birth. Respect must be mutual.

    *limited in that this is my 1st pregnancy

  42. Darlene says:

    Good for her for touting that it IS possible to have even large babies naturally. Sometimes it doesn’t work out, but many times it does. I had a 9lb 11oz baby naturally and with no drugs with a midwife (actually a team of midwives). I applaud Miranda Kerr for raising awareness of the options of childbirth and also for posting a photo of herself breastfeeding, something Facebook deemed “obscene” only a year or so ago.

    I don’t think she’s preaching at all. She’s just stating the facts of her own birth experience. Good for her!

  43. phlyfiremama says:

    Beautiful picture! That should be La Leche’s poster. There is NOTHING more natural in this world than breastfeeding your baby, its how babies thrived before similac & other nowhere near as healthy alternatives came along and started the long cycle of obesity, diabetes, and poor health. Painkillers during the birth process are nothing to be ashamed of, nor is the lack of using them necessarily something to brag about. Unquestionably, the baby is better off without those chemicals in his/her system, but its a personal choice.

  44. Embee says:

    LOVE her robe!!!

  45. Ruby Red Lips says:

    @ Bodhi, sorry, that comment was a little flippant, but I just meant the small number of mothers who are very vocal and preachy that natural is the only aceptable way to give birth.

    Obviously I have had a very different experience to you as I got judged etc for choosing an elective c-sect, so like you I am only able to comment from my experince, but please note that I wouldn’t judge you for choosing a natural birth, nor would you I hope judge me for the elective c-sect. Sadly there are some mothers who will judge and make other mothers feel bad for not agreeing with them

    Edit – one comment I had was ‘oh it must be like adopting a baby when you have a c-sect’

  46. Whatever says:

    Saying she had an unmedicated birth is not bitcy at all. It’s good to promote natural birth and breastfeeding. People who get their feelings hurt are being too sensitive and taking a statement that has nothing to do with them personally. Promoting natural birth and breastfeeding in general is a good thing and shouldn’t be offensive, especially since she is just sharing HER experience, not saying every woman has to do it the same way.

  47. Nicky says:

    Cute flynn

  48. Dana M says:

    Congrats to them. What a beautiful picture. So sweet. Good for her for doing the natural birth with no meds. It’s truly an accomplishment. Kuddos.

    Btw, going the no meds route decreases the chances of a c section by almost 1/2.

  49. Melissa says:

    I had my daughter via c-section (breech) and didn’t breastfeed, and I don’t think her comments are preachy or bitchy at all. She just stated the facts on how she gave birth. Unlike Giselle, who thinks that it should be international law to birth and parent your child exactly like she chooses to birth and parent hers!

    Congrats to Orly and Miranda – the baby is beautiful!

  50. The Hamm is My Dream Man says:

    I don’t think she sounds bitchy, I think she sounds excited to have given birth and wants to talk about it. New moms can’t keep their mouths shut about their babies and the birthing process and I think it’s really sweet that she’s excited about it and talking about it in a very real manner instead of talking about how easy it was.

    Now, as for the breastfeeding picture-I hate those with a passion. I would never share a picture of me and my (future) baby in such an intimate and private situation. It’s an overshare, in my opinion.

  51. Bodhi says:

    No worries, Ruby Red Lips! 😀 and no judgment at all!

    I can’t believe someone said that to you! I would have smacked them & shown them my stretch marks! Geez!

    Some stupid lady told one of my friends that breastfeeding is for 3rd world countries & Americans should use formula! WTF?!?!

  52. normades says:

    Ruby Red Lips: Peace and cheers to that

    Bohdi: Good luck, I’m sure that will work out well for you. Try to “enjoy” the last few months 🙂

  53. Quest says:

    That’s one heck of a cute family. Liking the name. I wish them the best.

  54. Solveig says:

    Flynn Bloom? Bless cacophony and onomatopoeia…

  55. Ruby Red Lips says:

    @ Bhodi, that comment re breastfeeding is just as awful as my adoption comment,ffs, some people are just so ignorant!!!

    Gd luck with the rest of your pregnancy & birth and enjoy every moment with your new little baby – its such a cliche but they grow up far too quickly 🙂

    @ Normades – right back at u! 😉

  56. Johnny Depp's Girl says:

    YAY!! Call me crazy but I loved my epidural before my C SECTION!!

    Anywho, congrats!

  57. Bodhi says:

    Thanks y’all! 😀

    Nah, not crazy, Johnny Depp’s Girl. A lady who knows what she wants & how she wants it! 😀

  58. Ruby says:

    Geez women can be so judgmental. Just gave birth two days ago via planned c-section. It will not make me less of a good mother (hey, I plan on formula feeding too). This little girl is my third and I feel I made the right choice for ME. My last pregnant I had placenta preveia so my choice for natural was taken away from me. My first was was natural I ended up after 15 hours with a fever, very sick and with a forceps birth. I also put up with mastitis twice. I felt like crap and failure with both my first and second. Now I don’t care. Heck my mother bottle fed me and smoked through her whole pregnancy ( I don’t smoke). I turned out ok and went to university and have no health problems. I think any mother who tries their best and is content with her decisions with her body and baby is my hero.

  59. MomInNH says:

    I gave birth to both of my bio children without the aid of drugs or pain meds. I don’t think saying so makes her any more smug than people who tell others about their birth stories. Whether natural or aided by drugs. The only women who seem to be bashed for telling their stories are the women who have had a natural child birth. Everyone who’s had a c-section, forceps assisted, medication assisted labor? Not so much. I just don’t get it. How is she being “smug” by telling her story? If she’d have had a c-section she wouldn’t be getting this kind of bashing.

  60. mauibound says:

    @#1 car expoding Bwahahahahah! loves it ! I’m still laughing ! super cute baby

  61. the original bellaluna says:

    You do what’s right for you at the time. The baby’s and mother’s health are paramount. Nothing else matters. No metals are awarded for those who go through labour and delivery without drugs (trust me, I’ve done it twice); no judgement is passed on those who have a C-section (I had an ER C-section with my youngest). We mothers, we stick together. No one cares HOW the baby got here – the baby is HERE and we’re alive to experience that joy. THAT’S what matters. (And in my case, I very well could NOT have been.)

  62. Cheyenne says:

    That’s a lovely photograph.

  63. Alex says:

    I had my baby 4 months ago and I opted for the epidural and I don’t feed bad at all that I didn’t go all natural lol. I don’t like pain. Good for her for doing it natural. I exclusively breastfeed my baby even though it is hard now that I am back at work.

    Congrats to them

  64. Scarlet Vixen says:

    I’m glad that I came back to this thread and everyone has kissed and made up! When I first read it everyone was bashing Miranda Kerr (and each other)for ‘bragging’ and whatever. Like another poster said, new moms just love to share the details of their pregnancy/birth/babies. 🙂 I catch myself oversharing all the time!

    And I’m sure I’ll get bashed for saying this, but it seems the debate of natural/breastfeeding vs medicated/c-sections/formula will never end because both sides tend to be pretty passionate. I will fully admit that some ‘natural’ moms are very proud, and some can be judgy. But I’ve found many c-sections and/or formula moms to be pretty defensive and snippy, too. I’ve delivered w/an epidural & without. Breastfed my 1st until 14mos (even after having mastitis), & am nursing my 5wk old now (even after a clogged duct), because all the research shows that formula (aka artificial milk) is not nearly as good for babies as mom’s breastmilk (or as cheap and convenient :-)). But those are only my choices, and I don’t personally knock anyone who chooses differently.

  65. Anon says:

    I love how people say celebrity mothers are being judgmental and bragging bitches if they say they gave birth to their child naturally, but also give them hell if they didn’t give birth naturally.

    Like.. what?

    Congratulations to Miranda and Orlando – beautiful photo!

  66. Trillion says:

    Awwww. So effing sweet! My little dude is 2 and no longer breastfeeding and I really really miss it more than I ever thought I would.

  67. Trillion says:

    Oh and good luck Bodhi! Birth is FUN, really it is! We brought champagne to the hospital. My ob/gyn called it a “push party”.

  68. Namezook says:

    Model Miranda Kerr and husband actor Orlando Bloom named their new son “Flynn”. So what is a Flynn going to be like?? Well the name “Flynn Kerr- Bloom” sounds like a bomb exploding .. coincidence?? I don’t think so! This kid is going to be one feisty, live wire. Full of energy, creativity and a zeal for fun! His parents will love his sense of humor but they won’t be too thrilled with his independence .. this boy has a mind of his own and won’t listen to a thing his parents tell him. So Miranda & Orlando – don’t be surprised that your little party animal has lots of friends, and a great imagination – which will come in handy when he needs an excuse for when you catch him trying to put a hot tub in his tree house or when he has a 100 person house party, the 1st time you go out for date night! So in conclusion .. enjoy the time between now and when he learns to walk & open doors – ’cause this kid is gonna want to explore the world and create an adventure for himself!

  69. Runs with Scissors says:

    It took a great deal of courage, hard work and a rather profound lack of vanity, considering who she is, to give birth the way she did, so let her brag, she earned it.

    Let’s face it, there are mothers who are so in love with being seen as Earth Mothers, that they’ll endanger their children and themselves by insisting on doing everything naturally, even when there are medical issues that make it safer not to.
    And then breast feed (publicly) long past the period during which it’s nutritionally beneficial. (like 5)

    And there are women who are so vain and lazy that they schedule an unnecessary c-section + tummy tuck, flooding their baby with drugs and then refuse to breast feed because it’s painful and might change their boobs. (what are they for then? to fill with plastic and flash at men?)

    Anyone falling between these two extremes is perfect, in my book. JMO.

  70. sam says:

    She is a proud first time mom. Stop looking for a negative angle.

  71. daisyfly says:

    Love the picture and the name.

    And after giving birth to four children (my last one almost in the car) I can say this without judgment: screw thanking the dude! My husband, while there, holding my hand and rubbing my back, did NOT push those babies out of my crotch. Hell, half the time I wanted him to STFU and go get a vasectomy while I was in labor.

  72. Fishlips says:

    What a beautiful picture.

  73. MrsOdie2 says:

    @Bodhi, when you say this: “All you have to say is “natural birth” & people jump all over you for being condescending to women who chose a different route.” my response is that my birth was also “natural,” but it was medicated. The implication that if you don’t suffer horrible pain your birth is “unnatural” can be offensive to those of us who (cowardly) chose pain relief during delivery.

  74. Aries_Mira says:

    @ Karen (#8), Bodhi (#38) and The Original Bellaluna (#61) – You took the words right out of my mouth 🙂

    Each pregnancy, labour and delivery is different for every woman every time. If you need pain medication, that does not make you any less of a mother than if you gave birth without it; if you had a c-section vs vaginal delivery. It’s wonderful that we live in a society that gives us options and that we have the tools for an emergency if something unexpected arises.

    My only advice to anyone who is preparing for the birth of their child is to remain flexible in your birth plan. The end result is a healthy, happy baby and family is what matters, right?

    Oh, and I LOVE the picture!

  75. Catherine says:

    What a lovely pic. Congrats to the family.

  76. janie says:

    #73, it is unnatural to have pain medication.it is a chemical. god didn’t provide our bodies with epidurals. and good for her to stick with it.whatever, that epidural is heaven, but i dont think it is a personal attack on those of us who have used them.

  77. Bodhi says:

    @MrsOdie2 – Did you read the rest of my comment(s)?

    Directly after the passage you quoted I said WTF? No-one should be judged for how they give birth, the end result is all that matters, a happy healthy mommy & baby.

    In no way, shape, or form, did I (or would I) imply that women who don’t “suffer horribly” in childbirth are cowards or had an unnatural birth. [Generally speaking, however, the term “natural childbirth” means no medicine. Of course this does not mean that any other form of childbirth is unnatural.] The entire point of my comment(s) is the women shouldn’t judge other women for their method of childbirth & that I don’t judge women for their choices in labor. I am sorry if you are offended by my comment(s), but I can assure you that no offense was meant. I thought that this was apparent in my comment(s), but maybe not.

    Thanks Trill!! I think champagne in the delivery room is a splendid idea & I think that I shall steal it for myself!!

    And thank you Aries_Mira, I agree 100%

    -Edit- Thank you Janie. My comment(s) was not at all meant to be a personal attack.

  78. jaye E says:

    I think the folks who are at all offended at the fact that she mentioned the fact that she gave birth to that big baby without meds are the ones with the issue. I gave birth to a 9lb 1oz boy and I had meds and finally had to have a c-section and that fact doesn’t make me feel like less of a woman. We all have a right to tell our stories and squeezing that big ol’ baby out of an opening the size of a lemon without the benefit of drugs IS boast worthy.

    Anyway…congratulations to the new family.

  79. Mistral says:

    They are all adorable. Love the baby’s name.

  80. Camille says:

    @Kaiser- totally got the whiff of Gisele with that too. 😉
    I like the name though, Flynn was one of the ones I thought about for my son. 😀

  81. KS says:

    orlando bloom has always said he’s a big errol flynn fan, i’m thinking that’s the reference

  82. Miriam says:

    Funny, these pictures are “nice”, “great”, blah, blah, YET, some other actresses pictures are deemed “self serving” amongst all the other negative comments…

  83. Ruby Red Lips says:

    @ Janie – so is it unnatural to have an anesthetic(sp) next time you or a loved one needs a life saving operation???!! Or a cancer treatment drug???

    So in your opinion, any drug that saves life or alleviates pain is not ‘god like’ and therefore wrong so lets just hope in your natural life time you don’t require medical assistance…

    @ MrsOdie2 – leave Bhodie alone, she is pregnant and supports everyone’e choice regardless of their view – you are reading too much into her statement!

  84. Mizz Tickles says:

    So if Orly had his bio fathers last name the kid would be Flynn Stone.

  85. Ruby Red Lips says:

    @ Janie – I apologise if I have read your comment wrongly – on re-reading you sound like you had an epidural and are saying what is wrong with that? …if that is the case then I agree with you & pls forget my last comment, if not or anyhow, can you pls clarify which view point is actually yours??

  86. The Hamm is My Dream Man says:

    Ruby Red Lips: I think you are overreacting to what is merely a truthful statement. Epidurals, truthfully, are not natural. They are drugs given to us so we can alleviate some of the pain of childbirth.

    There is nothing inherently judgmental about a mere truism.

    Cancer treatments, yes, are unnatural, so is anesthetic. But janie didn’t say epidurals were wrong, just merely stated that they were unnatural as a response to someone else’ comment about a medicated birth being a “natural” one.

    These types of knee-jerk reactions are the things that cause unnecessary confusion, arguments and hostility.

  87. Dea says:

    This is picture perfect. Congratulations to both of them.

  88. Isa says:

    To me, drugs are not considered a “natural” birth. I had drugs, I delivered vaginally. Also, I was induced (hopefully won’t do that again.) Some women have c-sections. There are different ways to have babies.

    I love the picture. She looks so beautiful. It reminds me of when my daughter was born and we would spend all our spare time in bed. I would nurse her, in the same position as Miranda and we would just glow with happiness!

    I don’t think Miranda sounded judgemental, just matter of fact. I mean she’s not saying that it didn’t hurt at all and blah blah blah like Giselle. She’s just stating how she gave birth. Like someone else said, many women can’t help but give details.

  89. crtb says:

    Beautiful picture

  90. erika says:

    Natural, drug-free birth is safest for the mother and the baby (barring serious complications.) Good for Miranda.

  91. jemshoes says:

    What a beautiful, uplifting picture! 🙂 Congratulations again to MK and OB.

    I had an epidural, and as it turned out – after a whole day of contractions with my cervix being still too ‘high’ for me to deliver naturally and the baby’s heart rate racing – I had to have an emergency C. I have no regrets about having the epidural! 🙂

  92. Munkin says:

    It’s funny how almost everyone is commenting on the drugs vs natural but all I can think of is Flynn Kerr-Bloom sounds like an explosion. Flynn Ka-Pow!

  93. Missfit says:

    I know I sound all gay saying this, but…what a beautiful picture and beautiful baby…AWWWW. 😀 She looks so happy and relaxed. There’s nothing like that feeling of seeing your newborn for the first time and bonding and all the mooshy loving stuff,lol. She’s really pretty and Orlando is good looking, so that baby is going to be stinkin cute! 🙂

  94. Richi says:

    Aww the 1st pic is adorable! God bless them!

  95. Nic says:

    I think it is Flynn as in Errol Flynn – and maybe Elle McPherson also has a son called Flynn.

  96. RHONYC says:


    she looks 15.

    i’m sure she’ll be back to a size 0 next week on the victoria’s secret runway. 😆

  97. Cele|bitchy » Blog Archive » Miranda Kerr debuts baby Flynn Bloom in an intimate breastfeeding pic Will you be writing more about this particular Genre.

  98. sugar says:

    their baby is beautiful,not taking drugs to help with birth is not whats called being bitchy,a drug free birth is actually what is recommended for most mothers