Kat Von D and Jesse James are engaged. For real this time – it’s in People Magazine. Jesse actually spoke to People, like he was deigning to confirm something very big and exclusive, like he’s an A-list celebrity. Bitch, get thee to In Touch Weekly. Sorry, anyway… Kat and Jesse are going to get hitched. Good. They deserve each other. She’s a psycho and he’s a womanizing neo-Nazi bastard.
Start your engines. Motorcycle king Jesse James and tattoo artist Kat Von D are going to be married.
“You know sometimes the public and press gets it wrong. This is one of those times. 2010 was actually the best year of my life because I fell in love with my best friend. An amazing woman who stood behind me when the world turned their backs,” James tells PEOPLE exclusively. “I have never met anyone so kind and loving and committed to making the world a better place every day. My love for her is beyond description. So honored that she said ‘yes.’ Growing old with her is going to be a f—-n’ blast!”
The pair have been dating since last summer, following the collapse of James’s marriage to Oscar winner Sandra Bullock. Their divorce was finalized last June.
“There is no one else for me. He’s the one,” The LA Ink star tells PEOPLE.
Asked if she will move from Los Angeles to Austin, Texas, to be with her fiancé, Von D replied, “If only it were that easy. Having two places we call home will be good for now. In the end, home is where the heart is, and my heart’s with him.”
James, 41, and Von D, 28, have been engaged in Twitter PDA in recent weeks. On Jan. 13, James Tweeted: “They say True love will always shine through. The only reason I started Twitter again? so I could publicly profess my love for @thekatvond.”
She responded: “Thank you always supporting me and believing in everything I do. But most of all, thanks for being my best friend.”
[From People]
Well… they sound happy. Good for them. Do you think she’s pregnant? I’m surprised, quite honestly, that a baby announcement didn’t come before an engagement announcement.
Also… my theory: Jesse is just one of those men who always needs to be with a girl, or multiple girls. He can’t be alone. Ugh. He just goes from wife to wife to mistress to girlfriend to wife. You’ve got to wonder… why is he so afraid of being alone for two seconds?
Photos courtesy of WENN.
dumb and dumber. LOL
She just has a weird stomach.
Unholy matrimony.
5 years, tops.
Wow, what a slap in the face his comment is to Sandra Bullock, it was like he specifically worded it to be hurtful, and exactly how does Kat Von D make the world a better place everyday?
What an ASS! He sounds soooooo in love and soooooo phooooony and she looks like a pig.
If he hadn’t been married to Sandy and we weren’t all thinking “serious downgrade!” they’d actually seem like the perfect match.
“Bitch, get thee to In Touch Weekly”
“when the world turned their backs”
Gee, I can’t imagine WHY they did. It couldn’t POSSIBLY have been YOUR actions and YOUR behavior. the reason she “stood behind you” is because she’s just as much of a scumbag (and likely, a bigot) as YOU are.
and I totally agree – he’s one of those men that has to have a gf/wife at all times. why? because, very likely, he doesn’t like himself so he needs the reassurance of SOMEONE “liking” him.
this isn’t going to end well.
EDIT: Brittany, you’re being too generous. I don’t even give it a year before she finds out he’s banging Bombslut McGee again. Though, Kat would probably get turned on and want to join in. UGH.
2010 was the best year? So destroying your wife, the woman you’ve committed your life to, having racist Nazi photos come out, having your deranged mistress (and other ho-bags) come out and talking smack about you (*coughVanillaGorillacough*), having to move your ass out of CA because you’re a d-bag, having your crazy porn star ex drag you in and out of court and the countless other shit you’ve done and gone though and 2010 WAS THE BEST YEAR? You are fucked in the head.
You and Kat von Trash deserve each other.
What is that saying? Water always finds its own level….
what would this guy know about love?
I guess we can all agree that they deserve each other.
Good Lord!
Do you think they’ll get matching tattoos?
This guy buried himself last year when he cheated on America’s Sweetheart with all those sluts. Of course he is going to seriously downgrade… there is no way someone of Sandra Bullock’s stature would even look at a picture of him, let alone be with him! I don’t know how a sleaze like him got a girl like SB in the first place, but this is what he can attract on a regular day. An ugly, trashy whore who is dying for the publicity that surrounds him because of the horrible things he did.
Go away already!
This makes my stomach turn!
2010 was that best year of his life??!! DOUCHE!
Now this makes sense! They seem to be a perfect match.
He probably can’t stand himself so that’s why he can’t ever be alone.
Well this might explain why Sandra Bullock seemed so down at the Globes. Also, “2010 was actually the best year of my life”? What an asshole.
I can breathe mush easier now, I was just hoping for something like this to happen.*eye roll*
They completely deserve each other. I feel so sorry for all of his kids-yet another step mother. And what a winner this time around!
Are there any pre tat pics of Kat???
The guy always gets engaged. No surprise here. Everyone turned their backs. LOL Poor baby. You were also married to a best friend who supported you in everything you did and believed in you and you bang’d skanks right and left and humiliated the woman who loved your children like her own. You have conveniently forgot you were once married to your “best friend” and betrayed her again and again with no remorse.
Kat is an idiot for not insisting on therapy regarding his issues.
Oh, NAST!! (my first reaction to this headline)
And, OMG, those poor kids…what a down-grade in step-moms.
good for them….a bitch always marries its match. Both of these bitches deserve one another. Boy, he is a real class act…and she is a gem. Let’s sit back and wait for this to implode in 5…4…3…2..
I’ve been divorced for around 4 years and only now am I in a really serious relationship.
Dude. You were married and you wanted to bang with anything that slept in a coffin. Then you become single and instead of riding the boner express you decide you need to be married again? Ugh.
Yeah, it’s sure going to be a f*****g blast watching those tats sag as they grow old together…
(No offense to anyone with ink, just think she overdid it just a little bit…)
What a whiner.
He screwed around with, too many to count, wh*res. He gets publicly outed by the grosses one.
His wife, who adored him, got blind sided with that bit of gossip, within days of her biggest career moment. While in the last stages of a adoption.
And he has the nerve to whine about how everyone turned their backs on him.
Well douche-bag what did you think was going to happen?
You humiliated your wife and your kids. With some real low grade jump-offs.
So to drive home what a douche-bag you truly are… you are taking a second spin of sh*tting all over the ex-wife one more time.
By giving out back handed PR announcements of your great joy in finally marrying a woman who will not care that you screw around on her.
Disgusting. Wasn’t he still begging for Sandra to come back a year ago? How do you ‘fall in love’ with a ‘best friend’ that you ‘want to grow old with’ less than a year after your ex-wife, who was totally loving and supportive of you, dumped you for your infidelity??
I hate the way people treat marriage and children like it’s totally meaningless. Now why the HELL is he getting married AGAIN, when the problem was that he couldn’t keep his peen in check??
I dated a guy like that – absolutely terrified of being alone. If I wouldn’t spend time with he he’d have to get his guys (or other girls, which let to our relationship ending) to be with him. I don’t get the fear, but it’s wild to see up close and personal.
Bleccchhh. These two should have just been together from the start. And why did Kat–who used to be pretty–jack up her face with plastic surgery?
Douche and Douchette
Thes 2 give trailer trash a good name.
perfect. match. both gross.
Oh vom!
I really hate this. Wasn’t it not long ago that they had broken up, she didn’t want any footage of him on her show, and she was back together with Nikki Six????
@Devon you said it best!!!
IF and that’s a big if…..If they do get married I give it two years tops. If he doesn’t cheat before he will after. He doesn’t know how to be faithful, Just like my ex husband, we have been divorced since 96 and he has been married 5 times since with to many too count girlfriends in between. Boys like Jesse can’t be alone period! Sad!
Kat has doubtless commissioned an microscopic tracking device which she inserted secretly in Jesse’ hide under the guise of more douche bag skin art. Who needs a PI?
Poor Sandra,I wonder if the kid told her first. Will he still be going to Austin so Sunny can see her step-mom now that she has a new one? This man is a mean mess.
What a couple of giant bags of walking STDs…
@ DeeDee – well said. 🙂
Kat looks dirty to me….like she would smell bad. She seriously grosses me out.
after reading this, i’m still coming back to the fact that her lip injections or her lipstick application or both are just ghastly!
I wonder if their wedding rings will have little swastikas etched on them?
I only wish these two had gotten together before he started seeing Sandra Bullock. He was such a liar and cheat to her. But I wonder if he didn’t look more attractive to Kat BECAUSE Sandra Bullock had been involved with him.
Very deserving of each other. One can only imagine how many more “tats” this mind-numbing, so-called love will encourage.
I think they’re gonna make it. At least 5 years. They’re too perfectly disgusting for each other.
Maybe he meant he fell in love with his CURRENT best friend and that 2011 has been a great 20 days so far.
You know how often celebs get “misquoted”…..
Lots of articles that claim that she is Anti-Semitic,too. They have their love of hate in common.
They’re a much more appropriate match. He and Bullock were confusing (and doomed) from minute one.
This… makes sense. I hope they’re happy in White Trash Bliss.
“An amazing woman who stood behind me when the world turned their backs”
Not beside. Behind. Proof that she owns a strap on.
Here’s a link to a great write-up on this by Lainey:
He is so gonna hate it when he wakes up from the wedding night and finds himself hanging from her giant spider web and he’s wrapped in a cocoon of silk while his innards are getting pre-digested for her to suck out with a straw.
just sayin’.
So gross but I’m glad Sandra Bullock’s rid of him.
i don’t think anyone deserves him but i guess if she’s happy good for her. also don’t think she’s pregnant, i think she’s always had a little belly
Alfred Hitchcock marries Cruella DeVille. Run puppies run!
@ Kristin – you rock!
@Devon: Wow, you nailed it!
Makes so much sense. They won’t last though.
Everytime I read about this guy and his antics, I keep wondering what in the blue hell Sandra was thinking to ever hook up with him. Just beggars belief. This is one serious, painful lesson that she’s learned, that’s for sure.
This is a downgrade for her too. Nikki Sixx is way better than Jesse. Maybe Sandra and Nikki should hook up…..
@ Overit…thanks for the Lainey link, she said it very well…
Michael as usual is hilarious…see http://dlisted.com/node/40498
and I like everyone else is also really grossed out…
@MyMyself said: Yeah, it’s sure going to be a f*****g blast watching those tats sag as they grow old together…
(No offense to anyone with ink, just think she overdid it just a little bit…)
NO offense taken! LOL I’m inked myself and I think her tattoos look hideous…
Thats just great..the sooner they get married, the sooner they will get divorced..I give it a year!
Wow. I really find this one shocking. As I have mentioned before, Sandy and Jesse lived close to me, and I was shocked when all this unfolded last year, because they always seemed really content. It has not even been a year and the “falling in love with your best friend” line is thrown out? Wow again! Jesse, you put on a good show, but your true self is out in full force now. Pig.
How interesting that he times this right after the Golden Globes. It’s as if he can’t let Sandra have some happiness in the spot light. No, he has to stomp on it and steal it for himself. I see massive
narcissism here. I suspect he’s quite envious of the sympathy Sandra received, and would happily mess with her peace of mind. The unfortunate truth is he and his tattoo honey might have a lot in common and be perfectly happy together.
i’ll play devils advocate: in the looks and intelligence department they seem completely suited. Not making excuses for him, but sandra is obviously such a step up from what he was used to/deserved. Not implying this ’caused’ him to cheat or whatever BS he spewed, but they seem like a better match. does that mean i dont think he’ll cheat? nope
What an utter pig. And that insensitive statement It speaks volumes about his character if people didn’t already have a clue that he’s a dirtbag. I feel bad for his daughter because Kat just gives off evil stepmother vibes.
Once I heard Kat Von D being interviewed on the radio. Her laugh sounded like a cat being suffocated to death from exhaust fumes.
A lifetime of listening to that is a much worse punishment then I could ever think of to give to Jesse James.
I can’t stand this man. And Sandra made a big mistake when she married this man. She feel for all his childhood lies. He is a piece of trash and an extreme narcissist. He lied about his childhood abuse and he tried to paint a picture of a deprived childhood for street creed. He was doted on and the apple of his fathers eye. Played foot ball and his father never missed a game in the eleven years he played. His dad is destroyed by his lies. But still loves him. His treatment of his ex is disgusting. By that I mean the mother of his child. Sunny. And Sandra went along with it. Bad move on her part.
Shouldn’t that be that she “stood by him”, not behind him?
I don’t think People should have given him the time of day. Why does he matter? Go far, far away – along with Jon Gosselin.
Her show must be tanking that she needs the publicity or something. Didnt these to try this last year only to break up a cpl weeks after all their PDA?
I think they’re perfect for each other tho, she’s as disgusting as he is.
I know that I don’t know Sandra but I really feel for her today. This is really sad. The worst part is his ass moving to Austin a place where Sandra has long called home and is bringing his tramp around town. Why can’t they stay in L.A. While Sandra lives a quiet life with her child in Austin. I really believe that he is just setting out to cause her as much pain as possible for leaving him.
This match makes perfect sense. However,how could Sandra Bullock have fallen in love with a a man like this. She needs to take a hard look at herself.
Makes no difference what he says!
“Your actions speak so loudly that I cannot hear what you say.”
— Ralph Waldo Emerson
Stay strong Sandra!
Hmmmm…..just sounds like every other Hollywood couple to me. Fickle and Fake.
This just confirms that Jesse James is a pathological liar. And he really wanted to stick the knife in Sandra, didn’t he? I guess getting engaged is payback. Crybaby.
Yeah, it does sound like he worded it specifically to slap Sandra in the face. What a dick.
PIG…..both of them.
5 years? One year? I give them no years. I’m thinking we hear a break-up story by the end of March. And then a tat-and-booze fueled quickie marriage somewhere, followed by a just as quick divorce. Sorry, Thursdays are the days I really let my pessimism flag fly.
She’s like a dark haired Pamela Anderson. Ew…
I feel sorry for his children. They are the ones that pay the price when they get attached to these women he marries and then when they split, they suffer.
I see them from time to time at school fairs. The little girl ( sunny)seems pretty clingy to her Daddy.
Man, what a narcissistic jack-off! He has some nerve putting those “tweets” out there and declaring his love for Kat Von D, after putting Sandy through the wringer, like that! Ugh! Wasn’t he supposedly so in love with Sandy, too? We KNOW she was in love with him! What an incredibly insensitive JERK! Kat can have him! I hope those two fade into oblivion! I also hope that Sandy doesn’t let Jesse have ANYTHING to do with Louis, but she’s probably too nice to let that happen.
She looks bloated and her face is like…I dunno…rubbery looking? Bad make-up, too thick, wrong color. Bad dress! Jesse looks miserable.
I hope they find eternal bliss and have lots of VERMIN.
I have to confess I’m a moron. I really thought Sandra and Jesse might get back together after the uproar died down. Maybe not immediately, but I kinda thought they might.
Now they can start their douche bag family together. With their douche bag white picket fence. However will they keep up with Douche Bags next door?
They both need to be sterilized.
Maybe Sandra should start to re-think the decision to let him see baby Louis…I mean why!? Really?! What could he possibly offer for that child, or her, nothing but a lot of drama! Sandra seems like she shies away from drama so hopefully she learned her lesson from the first time and she really drop kicks him out of her life forever!
Jesse I sense your 15 minutes are coming to an end…Does this seem to anyone else like a desperate attempt for publicity because the public just doesn’t care about this D-Bag anymore???
On another note: I don’t think I’ve ever seen ALL the commenter’s agreeing on any posting on this site ever! That’s got to say something about the disgust and hatred we all share for this man.
His poor kids.
This smacks of ‘in your face Sandra!’ Why the announcement? Why the speech? WTFE.
i agree with hautie
I hope this makes Sandra find another father figure for her son – not that it’s even necessary. I’m sure she has plenty of friends to fill any void left by this disgusting human being of an ex-husband.
@Devon – I co-sign.
These 2 pigs deserve each other.
Come on people of course 2010 was the best year of his life I mean instead of Sandra turning the other way to his cheating which he probably thought she would do she divorce him, then he meet Kat Von D who probably all for it so he gets the best of both world he get his whores and a wife that lets him do it and they really are a match he races and so is she. I’m guessing he mad about the rumors that Sandra and Ryan Reynolds have/had a thing going on and that’s what the comment about 2010 being his best year of his life was about.
Wow, if looks could kill! Jesse is looking around with hate in his eyes, ready to snap! You can tell he resents that whole situation. I wouldn’t be surprised if he meant the world as in ‘his fans’ instead of Sandy.
Also, bitch needs to lay off the Herve Leger dresses. This is the second time she’s worn one on the red carpet with JJ & she looks like trash in it. Not to mention that I think the bandage dresses are on the way out.
He is really putting Sandra in a terribly bad position as far as the kids. Granted I thought it was wrong for her to support him in taking Sunny away from her mother. Wasn’t she a porn star before the child? Was that and unpaid taxes the basis that she was unfit? I thought all along with the dating and ‘marriage’ that she was on a bit of a high horse and thinking she could change him,knowing what he was but she wanted the family thing so bad. I wonder if she will be babysitting Sunny while these two are off partying (I have never believed he is sober). He doesn’t want her with her real mother because that is how he tortures HER.
@tapioca – right on!
@sumodo1 – they would have to find an empty un-tatted space first. That might be impossible.
If there was ever any doubt that Jesse James was a first class douche-nozzle, his engagement and ensuing comments should unquestioningly remove that doubt. I can’t even imagine what Sandra Bullock must be thinking right now.
Jesse better get a TRO. Somewhere (prolly in JJ’s coffin-sofa office), Boobsh*t McGee is sharpening her shank, or emailing Radar Online.
2010 was a great year for him? That is an incredibly insensitive statement. While Sandra was treated like dirt and completely betrayed, he was having the best time of his life. God love his kids because they sure don’t have a stable father. This man is a disgusting narcissist. The only reason why they’re together is because their previous significant others respected themselves enough to divorce or leave these dogs. Sandra=class, she still has self-respect and honor. All Kat Von D has is a manwhore with narcissistic personality disorder. .
Sounds like he’s bitter because he moved to Austin trying to woo Sandra back. It didn’t work and now he has to prove to the world and her how blissfully happy he is. It wasn’t such a great year for your kids, you loser. You made little Sunny lose the only stable mother she’s known and had seen every day when she woke up. You made your two other children lose close contact with their stepmother. You made Sunny who was so excited with her little brother she had been living with suffer when one day Louis and Sandy were gone and she only got visits. But, hey, glad it was a great year for you.
“Also… my theory: Jesse is just one of those men who always needs to be with a girl, or multiple girls. He can’t be alone. Ugh. He just goes from wife to wife to mistress to girlfriend to wife. You’ve got to wonder… why is he so afraid of being alone for two seconds?”
This. I was just thinking the exact same thing as I read the headline. He’s a serial cheater *and* a serial monogamist, what the hell is up with that? Maybe his childhood *really* did leave him fucked up. I think this guy needs therapy, not another ‘baby mama’ or whatever.
Also I thought Kat said she doesn’t want kids?
I hope Sandra is laughing at this news.
So the stories of Sandra and Ryan hooking up and being in love hit the press (without an immediate denial) and Jesse then all of a sudden, announces that he is engaged. Right. Sure. Dude’s ego is dented and he is being reactive. If not, he wouldn’t have gone on about 2010 and her being his best friend.
Why are these two even getting attention? When he was with Sandra, I never considered him a famewhore but since the split, he is prancing around for the paps and issuing press statements. Someone needs the attention to feel validation and like a big man.
I don’t care if Sandra Bullock knew he was cheating or not, last time I checked she did not spread her legs for a bag full of skank-hos! She deserves better than this barrel of turd juice.
I actually think these two make sense together, they have a lot in common so maybe it will work!
It wouldn’t surprise me if Jesse’s already getting some on the side. And I truly believe the only reason Kat is with him is to get herself some publicity.
And we’ll probably hear of a few break ups before (and if) they tie the knot. But each is much too vain to truly care about the other’s needs or wants.
Congrats to the trashy couple. You truly do deserve each other.
I personally think these two are in a BDSM relationship of the Dom/Slave variety.
This is so disgusting. I do not have words to adequately explain how disgusting this is. I hope for the sake of society that she is sterile.
The man is a moron. There’s nothing more you can say!!
Kat is disgusting…I think her tattoos are horrid. For the record – I have a few of my own and am not anti-tattoo, but I really don’t like the Painted look.
Two enormously insecure fugs marrying. What ugly kids they will produce.
“You’ve got to wonder… why is he so afraid of being alone for two seconds?”
He had a really messed up childhood. Not saying that to defend him, but it would explain both his sex addiction issues and his need to constantly have a woman in his life.
Anyway, I think they’re both using each other. Jesse is using Kat to make it look like he’s turned respectable and monogamous. Kat is using Jesse for the attention because she’s gotten a little taste of fame and loves it.
I used to love Kat, but over the past year.. I can’t defend her anymore. She now looks like a tranny thanks to the plastic surgery and she is a total famewhore.
They can both fulfill their Nazi sex fantasies together.
Oh so this time it’s for realz people. Does this mean that since they’re besties, James won’t cheat? Or rather she’ll understand when he cheats on her too, even if the world turns their back on him? BFF’s all the way!
Two pigs in a blanket.
UGH!!!!!!! That is all.
Jesse does not love this woman at all – body language speaks a lot. He did this as a revenge thinking Sandra was dating Ryan, so he must have gone nuts this month and the only way to escape was to engage and maybe it will help him forget Sandra completely.
How Sandra did not sense the weird behavior of this guy for five years? My take is that he is either the most manipulative person in the world or Sandra was really blinded from love. But I am sure she learned her lesson. Don’t trust 100 percent or don’t assume that the other person is perfect. Anything can happen at any time.
“Good for them”
Really, Kaiser? Really?
I think Devon nailed it.
It takes a real special kind of asshole to make a ‘best year of my life’ speech knowing the suffering he caused. Oh, and way to respect the years you spent with your previous wife.
If I may speak for a moment for the ‘world’ (that ‘turned our backs’); I rather we kicked you in the head. Repeatedly.
And….. YUCK.
What is with these bitches where they think “oh THIS time it will be different with me! I’m special!” LOL they never learn….but these two deserve each other.
He sure has had a lot of “best friends”.
Penicilin anyone?
How rude of him to say the best year of his life. How many times has this guy been married? What the hell does he have to even attract women to him?
Those poor kids of his will need years and years of therapy!
@ number 70
it tickles me, here is this piece of trash racist engaged to someone born and i believe raised in Mexico. one of his favorite slurs is wab, i wonder if that is his pet name for her?
remember this? seems nobody recalls that kvd is a nazi!
frightening and clarifying – the match is made in perfect hell:
28? She’s 28yrs old? Are you fuqking with me? For a 28 year old woman, she looks like she was rode hard and put away drenched.
That dress is beyond fug.
@Jason: Very perceptive post all around.
He has the creepiest, smallest, beady little eyes ever. *shudder* They freak me out!!!
Bottom feeders both…
He’s a prize catch this one. Poor Sandra. She must be absolutely kicking herself for ever giving this jackass the time of day. She defended their relationship from start to finish, and he’s done nothing but betray and humiliate her at every opportunity. She must be questioning her own judgement which is far more damaging legacy of their relationship than any public embarrassment could ever be. I hope she’s able to find healing at some point.
you know that’s not what she looks like AT ALL…
Without make-up i might run screaming and crying
They deserve each other but I’m not buying it. His body language is saying the exact opposite of his official statements. I think he’s just trying to hurt SB because he’s a big crybaby and is throwing a fit because she didn’t accept his lame ass apologies and take him back. I give this farce two years, but he’ll be cheating well before then.
This guy is the most pathetic creep ever.
Sandra’s probably laughing her ass off at this news. They really do deserve each other.
UGH she is so effin nasty. Nasty nasty. She looks like a corpse in the first photo, all weird face bloat and squinty. EW EW EW.
Also, prediction: 1 year tops. Living on opposite sides of the country isn’t going to work. It rarely does.
I don’t understand why he’d want to marry again when he clearly can’t be committed to one woman.