Michael Lohan announces engagement, calls Samantha Ronson a ‘parasite’

Lindsay Lohan has a new mommy. She’s 24. Lindsay is 22. Michael, Lindsay’s dad, is 48. I bet Lindsay is as happy about her stepmother as her dad is about Lindsay’s girlfriend, Samantha Ronson, 31.

First, the engagement is supposedly ‘not official’, but Michael was happily sharing the news with close friends, like E! News.

Doing his part to keep the family name in the headlines, Michael Lohan has confirmed to E! News that he popped the question to longtime girlfriend Erin Muller.

“We picked out a ring, but it’s not official,” the 48-year-old Lohan patriarch said. But although Muller, 24, has accepted his proposal, and he’s not exactly keeping the nuptial news under wraps, he says he’s holding off on officially announcing the engagement until “some family issues are resolved.”

He had no comment to share like ‘Lindsay is very happy for me’, so I guess she either doesn’t know or isn’t sharing her blessings. He had this to add, that he thinks Samantha Ronson is a parasite.

“I’m not happy,” Michael Lohan says. “Ever since [Lindsay] got out of rehab and all these people came back into her life, things haven’t been right.

“People like Samantha Ronson don’t need to be around Lindsay. She shouldn’t be dragging Lindsay around nightclubs. Who was Samantha Ronson before Lindsay Lohan? She was nobody. She is using her for her own gain. All these people have inserted themselves into her life like parasites, and it’s not right. I’m done with them.”

E! News

Samantha’s job as a DJ involves her going to clubs, and Lindsay doesn’t have to go with her. Lindsay is an adult and she’s actually been pretty quiet since she started dating Samantha. Besides, Lindsay has been a public figure for several years now, she should be able to tell her genuine friends apart from the groupies by now.

In fact, the people trading most off of Lindsay’s fame seem to be her parents. Her mother has a reality show, her father writes a column for OK! Magazine and was pimping a reality show about helping troubled teens.

Michael claimed the family issues he needs to resolve is his father’s cancer battle, but I’d say it is related to his upcoming paternity case. If I was Michael Lohan I’d be very carefully checking the math to see if I could afford another child and another wife.

Erin Muller is a little hard to google, although I think she’s this poker playing model who thinks that Brittany Murphy is an idol. I’m not sure how long she and Michael Lohan have been dating, but he was released from prison in March 2007 so it’s probably safe to assume they met after that.

Michael Lohan and Erin Muller are shown at Bridgehampton Polo Challenge on 8/16/08. Credit: Susan Mandel/WENN. Here are photos of Lindsay Lohan and Samantha Ronson shopping on 8/21/08. Credit: WENN

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34 Responses to “Michael Lohan announces engagement, calls Samantha Ronson a ‘parasite’”

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  1. saintdevil says:

    Everything about that guy & his ex-wife sickens me.

    I don’t know anything about SamRo, but I don’t think with her family background she needs to be sponging off Lindsay.
    And she doesn’t seem to be the typical attention-whore either, unlike the elder Lohans…

  2. Blonde Ambition says:

    These are the first pictures that I have seen Samantha Ronson looking presentable!

  3. geronimo says:

    The irony, him calling Sam R a parasite….

    The more this tool and his f*kwit of an ex-wife say and do, the more I genuinely feel glad for Lindsay that she’s managed to remove herself from their grasping, lying, greedy, whorish clutches.

    Sam’s probably the first person who’s ever treated Lindsay as a person rather than a commodity.

  4. Tia says:

    He is a piece of SH*T !!!! Talk about hypocrisy ! Nobody and I do mean NOBODY would give two shits about him if he wasn’t Lohan’s Dad.. and I am using that term loosely..

    WHAT A COMPLETE MORON. Sam is a better influence in Lindsey’s life than he could EVER be. STFU you ugly moronic excuse for a sperm donor..

    EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW, not to mention the age gap.. he is dating someone his daughter’s age.. LOSER AND CREEPY OLD MAN !!!!!!!! GROSSSSSSSSSS

  5. Tia says:

    BTW, very well said geronimo

  6. xiaoecho says:

    Poor Lindz. Her father is marrying a woman 2 years older than her and calls her first true love a parasite. Her Mum tries to act like her friend. Her 14 year old sister looks 29. And to top it all off she’s walking the tightrope of addiction.

    Sometimes your family are toxic and you just have to walk away

    Save yourself Lindz

  7. Syko says:

    This man would be a total expert on parasites, being one himself.

  8. geronimo says:

    O/T Xia, go to the most recent Nicole Kidman post and read Orangejulius’s response to Kaiser’s Q. re whether or not the baby is a ‘ginger’. I guarantee you will laugh long and loudly. (It stems from your ‘Sunday Roast & Mint sauce’ comment.) GO!!

    Thanks, Tia!

  9. Maritza says:

    Eww, his girlfriend is looking to be in the spotlight together with him. What exactly does he do for a living other than talk about his family?

  10. CoCo says:

    Too creepy…

  11. Feebee says:

    After reading the comments, there’s not much more to add. People have pretty much hit the nail on the head. Michael Lohan really is a waste of time, space and energy.

  12. daisy424 says:

    Isn’t Tia, Lola? 🙄

  13. czarina says:

    I agree with every comment regarding Michael Lohan.
    My question is, why is he announcing an engagement that is not “official”?
    Is it because of the paternity suit or is it a very manipulative way of getting the woman to agree to marry him becasue he’s already publicized it?
    (Like asking someone to marry you on TV or in a very public place?)
    What a worm.

  14. Codzilla says:

    Maritza: I was wondering the same thing about whether or not this fool has a real job.

    Also, is there any one person in this world (besides his “unofficial” fiance) who actually likes this man? Every time he opens his mouth he seems even more idiotic than before. What a loser.

  15. cali angel says:

    I’m 24 and there is no way his fiance is 24. Seriously. 🙄

  16. dovesgate says:

    No way she’s 24. 34 maybe.

  17. princess says:

    What an idiot.

    There is no way that woman is 24.

    Maybe he is soooo toxic that he actually makes the women around him age. Even his own daughters.

  18. kate says:

    the thought of him calling anyone a parasite is too hilarious. and as for the fiancee, be nice, people: you’d look alot older too if you had to wake up every morning next to that jackass!

  19. Baholicious says:

    I feel a “hello pot? this is kettle” coming on…

  20. CC says:

    I’m 25 and i would want nothing to do with that man. he isnt even rich. Samantha looks great in these photos. First time I’ve seen her looking like a normal person

  21. Syko says:

    After reading about this on CDAN, I found out Samantha is writing a book about her life with Lindsay. Maybe that’s what he meant.

    Of course he would write a book himself, if he knew how to write.

  22. duda says:

    that super caring father with drinking and drug problems, with a damn drink in his hand… wow.. and its sam’s fault that lindsey has problems..

  23. I agree with the comments above. Samantha is one of the only people in Lindsay’s life who cares for her and is truly concerned about her well-being.

    Someone grab a stack of newspapers and slap him in the face.

  24. Orangejulius says:

    Oh,my God Geronimo! She was referring to the baby? Duh! Removing foot from mouth. I’d totally forgotten that the British refer to red heads as ‘ginger’, and I’m from there!

  25. stellapurdy says:

    hmmm, you could land a plane on his forehead…I mean eighthead

  26. krissy says:

    Sympathy goes out to all the kids he has ever fathered. He is just awful.Doesn’t he realize that he himself is perceived as parasite numero uno when his role really should be that of the protector? And that means not blabbering all over the press about your daughter every other week.He is irrelvant. Make him go away please!!!

  27. Ninjajeje says:

    You know something, since Ronson came around she hasn’t been flashing her lady bits, getting arrested, running people down with stolen cars, or ‘accidentally’ (on purpose) making off with priceless fur coats. That woman has been the best thing that ever happened to Lindsay. And the hilarious part, is that Sam was a ‘nobody; before she started dating Linds…Her brother is a very successful music producer. She still would’ve been pretty well known anyway whether she’d met her or not. What an imbecile

  28. czarina says:

    True, Lindsay has never looked happier or more relaxed and ‘normal’ than she has over the past few months while she and Sam have been together.
    I think it’s terribly sad that we, total strangers only seeing her picture on the Internet, can see such a world of positive difference, and yet her self-absorbed father can’t seem to grasp it.
    He has said he doesn’t approve of gay relationships. OK, he’s entitled to his opinion…but that hardly gives him an excuse for a personal attack on Sam Ronson. Self-absorbed AND hypocritical. Yuck.

  29. GREG HOOPER says:


  30. Kat says:

    Wanna bet, how long this sacred union lasts? Dingbats should not marry dingbats. Suggest a very longggggg engagement.

  31. geronimo says:

    Orangejulius, honestly, I laughed solidly for about 10 minutes when I read it, best wake-up call ever, just the funniest exchange. I could picture both your faces, you thinking ‘why is Kaiser on about ginger in mint sauce?’, and Kaiser thinking ‘what the hell has mint sauce got to do with whether the baby’s a redhead or not?’. lol, laughing all over again now!

    Thanks so much for getting my yesterday off to such a brilliant start! 😆

  32. vdantev says:

    Leave it to Micheal to identify his own kind.

  33. Craig says:

    Lindsay’s father is a dumbass. He should be thanking Samantha because clearly she saved Lindsay from become more of disaster than Lindsay used to be. Lindsay actually has a chance of making a comeback… Thanks to Samantha and her helping get Lindsay back on track.

  34. Dee says:

    The pot calling the kettle…