Kate Hudson has “pregnancy brain”: “I forget words, how to put sentences together”


Wow, Kate Hudson looks further along than I thought! What would you say? About five or six months? Something like that. These are photos of Kate in Paris today with her lover and baby-daddy, and her mom and step-dad. They went shopping, and Kate looks cute as hell. You know I like her, and you’re free to hate her and me. I think she’s fun! Is anyone else anxiously awaiting Kate’s major pregnancy weight gain? You remember when she was pregnant with Ryder? She got HUGE. It was great. It looks like she’s trying harder to not put on too much weight this time, though.

Anyway, Kate has a new interview with the London Times, and of course she only really talks about her bump:

If Kate Hudson ever makes pregnancy look like no big deal, well, she’s just acting. The actress, 31, who’s expecting her second child with rocker boyfriend Matthew Bellamy, says she’s settling into her role as a mom-to-be – and that means enduring morning sickness.

“I’m pregnant, and I’m really sick,” she tells The Times, with a laugh. “But I couldn’t say that because you really want to keep it as quiet as you can for the first trimester.”

Hudson, who has a son, Ryder, 7, with ex-husband Chris Robinson, says she originally tried to keep her baby bump a secret – even from her closest pals.

“My friends all thought I was depressed because I wouldn’t leave the house,” she says. “But I didn’t want anyone to know for a long time. I was just hoping that all of a sudden, I could show up somewhere with a big belly.”

She adds: “But, of course, you’re somewhere in LA, and somebody says something, and it ends up somewhere.”

And as she awaits the due date of her baby, which she says is in the summer, there’s only one problem.

“I babble a lot,” she says, citing “pregnancy brain.” “I forget words, and how to put sentences together. I just give up.”

As for life post-pregnancy, Hudson says she’s teaming up with her mother, Academy Award-winning actress Goldie Hawn, for a new project: “We’re developing something that will happen in the next 18 months, but I can’t give you plot outlines yet.”

[From People]

Aw, I think she’s cute. I know a lot of you think that Kate got pregnant as some kind of “trap” to keep Matt Bellamy, but I don’t think that’s the case here at all. I think she got pregnant because that’s what she wanted, and because he was up for it. I think he really likes her, for whatever reason – she’s blonde, she’s fun, she’s optimistic, etc. That’s me being a softie. Here’s me being cynical/pragmatic: it’s not going to last. It really isn’t. But it will go on for a few years and they’ll have a lot of fun, and she’ll get him to walk on some red carpets with her. We’re not looking at some grim repeat of Gwyneth and Chris Martin. These two are going to show their love.





Photos courtesy of Fame.

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42 Responses to “Kate Hudson has “pregnancy brain”: “I forget words, how to put sentences together””

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  1. Eileen says:

    To have Kurt as a dad….freaking awesome. I remember mommy brain…ugh your brain just completely goes blank of any word. I read somewhere your brain does that when you suffer from major pregnancy sickness (I did) to help you forget how bad it was! Keep procreation going, all that. Who knows…but I don’t think it ever went away-I still loose a thought like nothing. Just stand there trying to remember what I was talking about or trying to remember my kids names! “You there…in the pajamas…go to bed!” lol

  2. mauibound says:

    I’ve always thought she was super cute, hey to each their own. As long as she and baby daddy are good with it, why not?

  3. tiki says:

    oh, stop already. pregnancy brain. please. millions of pregnant women who HAVE to work manage to do so in offices, restaurants, factories, retail stores, etc. somehow they are able to recall words and put sentences together. seriously, kate, it’s not cute to act stupid. enjoy your pregnancy, but, please, get over yourself.

  4. Bodhi says:

    I still don’t see much of a belly! But thats neither here nor there; I still think she is cute as hell. And I agree with your sentiment, I doubt her relationship with Matt will last very long, but I hope they are happy now

  5. seVen says:

    I like her, I think shes cute, but I hope she doesnt turn into one of those chicks that has 5 kids and 5 baby daddy. But hell, as long as they’re happy, who cares.

  6. Zelda says:

    To be fair, I’ve never been pregnant. But psychiatrists and neuroscientists have found that the level/combination of hormones in the brains of (younger) teenagers can contribute to that allover vacant, “out of it”-type behaviour they tend to have. I know that at 13/14 you could’ve driven a truck through my living room and I’d have blinked maybe twice.

    Given the flooding hormones of pregnancy I don’t think it seems so far-fetched that a pregnant woman could feel a little spaced or slow.

  7. brin says:

    I hope she’s further along so we don’t have to hear more of her drivel.
    Sorry, Kaiser, no hate, I just don’t care much for Kate.

  8. Riley says:

    She kind of annoys me but I do love her style.

  9. Anon says:

    My cousin grew up in a town where Goldie and Kurt own a summertime cottage, so she got the chance to meet Kate once while she was visiting. She said she was really nice and seemed so normal/laid back.
    I’ve liked her since, and I can’t wait to hear the baby name!

  10. Stella says:

    @tiki- Pregnancy brain is a real thing! As 30-week pregnant woman I can attest to feeling like I can’t string sentences together some days! However, I still manage to do so because I must. I work in a demanding, male-dominated job where I’m not going to get any sympathy, so I do my best to act like I still having it together. BUT that doesn’t mean I don’t FEEL dumber… which is what I think Kate is trying to say, I don’t think she is trying to be ‘cute’ by acting stupid. Oh and I don’t know a single pregnant woman or mother who doesn’t remember feeling this way, so lay off.

  11. Wilz says:

    @tiki: have you ever been pregnant?

    Because I can assure you, from personal experience, that pregnancy brain happens and sometimes renders you incapable of stringing even a two-word sentence together. It gets worse after the kid is born, when it becomes momnesia.

  12. InVain says:

    No hate for Kate here. I’ve always liked her, I think she’s cute, and I love Goldie and Kurt. This pregnancy seems genuine, if she did this to trap Matt, why wouldn’t she have done this sooner with someone else? She seems happy, so good for her.

    Also, when my friend was pregnant, she went through something similar (pregnancy brain), so for those doubters, I know this can happen to SOME pregnant women. It’s very frustrating for them.

  13. normades says:

    It’s not pregnancy brain…she’s just a bit thick

  14. Anne says:

    Kaiser: Be forewarned when you post something about Kate from now on. You know how bad twihards are? Well, with Muse/Matt Bellamy not only do you have the normal R&R fangirls who fantasize/obsess about marrying Matt Bellamy, but you have the twihards as well (as Muse has their songs in each Twilight movie.) You’re gonna get a lot of screaming teenyboppers here every time you mention Kate’s name as a result. They are truly out of control if you check out the Muse boards.

  15. tiki says:

    i have six children. three of my four daughters have eleven children among them. they are hard-working, accomplished women who don’t play the pregnancy brain game. i know what i’m saying is unpopular, but there it is.

  16. Testarosa says:

    Being a mother, I am certainly not questioning the veracity of “pregnancy brain” but I think a bit of perspective is needed here. I suffer from a major case of “chemo brain” (a self-explanatory term) and, unfortunately, can attest that it does not come to pass after nine months. Besides the all-too-frequent memory lapses, it causes me deep anxiety as well as serious difficulties with multi-tasking and even everyday decision-making. Not to Kate-hate or give off a shortage of empathy but what she’s going through is ALTOGETHER TEMPORARY and should be well worth it given (what is sure to be) a beautiful end result!

  17. Fire says:

    I’ve been pregnant twice – you do space out and forget stuff. “Baby brain” does indeed happen.

  18. poof says:

    There’s been tons of studies done which shows there is no such thing as a pregnancy brain.

  19. Lady Jane says:

    How exactly does she look 6 months pregnant? She looks tiny to me…

  20. Coco says:

    Not to beat a dead horse, but having had 5 children myself there definitely is a pregnancy induced “fog”. I wouldn’t even say for me that anyone else in my life would have necessarily noticed but I found staying on track on a day to day basis to be more challenging than usual. Maybe it’s just exhaustion but even so…it’s still pregnancy related.

  21. TQB says:

    @Tiki, I don’t really get your point. No one is asking for special dispensation for pregnancy brain, or saying that pregnant women aren’t capable of doing their jobs. I’m an attorney, I’m pregnant and godarnit, this morning I could not get the word “re-appropriate” out to save my life. Trust me when I tell you I could do so quite easily 4 months ago. It happens, maybe not to you, but to many of us. Your denial isn’t unpopular so much as it’s just confusing.

  22. Amandahugandkiss says:

    I had pregnancy brain too. At its worst I would be in the middle of a pitch at work and suddenly I would forget words (not what I was trying to say, but most actual words). It was like being in the middle of a sentence while someone interrupted and stole my entire vocabulary.

    Hasn’t changed either- I’m even having trouble explaining this clearly! Arrrgghh!

  23. Courtney says:

    severe morning sickness can do crazy things to an expectant mom. but at least Kate hasn’t had to be hospitalized like my mother did with me

  24. Sally says:

    @Anne: It really hasn’t been that bad here. As a frequenter of some of the (albeit more sane) Muse fansites I can definitely attest that Celebitchy has been let off easy so far 😀

  25. MorticiansDoItDeader says:

    @TQB and @Stella, Congrats! Stella, I’m also 30 weeks BTW.

    @Tiki, Is it a real phenomenon or not? It appears that it is a real event. Research has now provided proof that during the last trimester particularly, a woman’s brain actually shrinks – some say between 3-5 percent and others say between 4-8 percent. Regardless which percentage group you choose, the fact remains that something happens within the brain of a pregnant woman which causes her brain to shrink in size when she’s pregnant. Heavens, that may mean that a woman with several kids could end up with a brain the size of a walnut! Not really, because the same studies show that brain size returns between a few weeks to a few months after the birth of the baby.

  26. Isa says:

    Why is it so hard to believe pregnancy brain exists?
    Research has come a long way, yes, but there is still so much that is not known about the brain.
    I think it is a combination of thinking about the baby all the time and the hormones that a pregnant woman is flooded with. Hormones can make you happy, they can make you sad, they can make you depressed, why is it so hard to believe they can make you feel forgetful?
    Last week I had a headache that lasted three days that tylenol wouldn’t touch. I’m not one prone to headaches.

    It does not sound as if she is looking for sympathy.
    Being “smart and accomplished” has nothing to do with it either. Just because you or someone people you know did not suffer from it does not mean it doesn’t exist. No one wants to suffer from it. It is frustrating.

    MorticiansDoItDeader- I remember reading about that.
    Very interesting.

    I don’t think she looks very big at all. I swear, I’m already that size and I’m only 7 weeks. 🙁 I’m gonna be huuugggeee! Wasn’t she just interviewed the other night and said she was right at 4 months?

  27. observer says:

    Ugh. I can’t stand her. And I think her brain is always like that.

  28. CB Rawks says:

    So will the Muse fans be annoyed when I point out how ugly the dude is and say I hope the baby looks like Kate? 😀

  29. LittleOat says:

    I like her as well. She seems pretty harmless. And while it’s quite possible, I doubt she “trapped” this guy by getting pregnant. He’s over 30, I’m hoping he was aware with what was going on…

    And I LOVE Goldie and Kurt. Love that Kate honored him by giving her son his last name (as a middle name).

    P.S. is that woman in the foreground of the first pic Megan from Felicity? Probably not, but it looks like her.

    P.P.S. I’ve never been pregnant, and I’ve never heard of “pregnancy brain,” but I don’t doubt it exists.

  30. Courtney says:

    Um Kate is 16 weeks which isn’t exactly 4 months 17 is because every 3 months has13 weeks not 12 which is why a year has 52 not 48. and besides a normal healthy singleton pregnancy goes between 38-42 weeks

  31. Trillion says:

    Big congrats to you Isa! In a few weeks you should start feeling like superwoman. Hope so, anyway. Second trimester is the best part.

  32. Chris says:

    “I forget words, how to put sentences together””

    Wut?! No blonde jokes?

    What did the blonde say when she found out she was pregnant?

    Oh I hope it isn’t mine. 🙂

  33. Isa says:

    Courtney- I didn’t know how many weeks she was exactly, but man, I hate all that technical stuff! Most women just say four months or five months or whatever since it’s time consuming to explain. During my first pregnancy I used to tell people I was so many weeks and I’d get blank stares and then they would say, “so you’re four months?”

    Thank you SO much Trillion! I sure hope so too! I’m ready to not be so tired all the time and hopefully start working out to slow down this weight gain! 🙁
    Also, I’m kind of looking forward to looking pregnant instead of bloated. 😀

  34. notsoanonymous says:

    It’s possible someone else has pointed this out – but do you remember a few months back when everyone was going off about her ‘boob job’ – given the timeline, it sounds like it was her second month-ish of pregnancy. For many women, that is one of the first changes in their body.

    I’m happy for her. I know lots of people hate on her too, but she has always seemed so nice and so much like her mom. Sure, since her marriage ended she has run around with guy after gy, but don’t we all have a friend like that who comes off as desperate and clingy? Do you love her less because she sucks with men? I can’t judge someone because they are bad or unlucky in love.

    (I can however, judge someone who hooks up with A-Rod – I’m a Mariners fan and I still boo that a-hole when he comes to town!)

  35. Isa says:

    notsoanonymous- I googled it and the stories came out in April, which is too long ago.

  36. LunaT says:

    A second pregnancy can show earlier than the first one. Maybe Kate is as far along as she says and is just showing more earlier.

    I don’t think that Kate trapped the guy, but how many people would think that it was a good idea to get pg w/your boyfriend of 8(or whatever) months? Less than a year of knowing someone and you decide that you want them to be the father of your child. Doesn’t seem to be a formula for a long lasting relationship.

    @Rawk– I shouldn’t have giggled, but I did.

    @Isa–congrats! Loved being pg. Love being a mama 🙂

  37. CB Rawks says:

    heeehee 😀

  38. LindaLu says:

    According to the distinguished doctor, author and childbirth guru Dr Michel Odent, who is best known for introducing birthing pools into hospitals, there is a good medical reason my wife is losing her mind. Her brain is shrinking.

    ‘The priority of humans at the end of a pregnancy is to feed the brain of the baby,’ says Odent.

    ‘A human baby is born with a brain which is almost 25 per cent of its adult size. This is huge compared to anything else in the body, and it creates a tremendous demand for Omega 3 fatty acids and key minerals.

    ‘To satisfy this need, some women deplete the nutrients they have in their own brain.

    ‘Brain imaging at the end of pregnancy shows that the brain of the mother is sometimes shrinking, becoming a bit smaller, because the mother is obliged to use the fatty acids which would be going to her own brain to satisfy the huge demand of the foetus.’

    Odent says the solution to the problem of preg-head is simple. He prescribes sardines.

    Eating plenty of oily sea fish, such as tuna, mackerel or sardines, he suggests, should top up the system’s brain juice in the form of long chain fatty acids.

    This, with luck, will not only ensure that we are not prejudicing Junior’s chances of being the next Einstein, but should also allow us to retain the small amount of precious sanity we have left over the next few days or weeks until the baby arrives.

    Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-488233/Ditziness-sobbing-lack-spatial-awareness–yes-pregnant-womens-brains-DO-shrink.html#ixzz1CdrCRaTl

  39. TQB says:

    @LindaLu, GAH!! I am never forgetting my fish oil pills AGAIN! TX!

  40. Casey says:

    Matt was cheating on Kate in Australia.

    Now it transpires he was cheating on his unborn kid too.

    He is a disappointment.

  41. nonnie says:

    @Casey….What proof do you have that Matt was cheating on Kate in Australia?
    Exactly…. “NONE” that’s what I thought! Why do people like to stir the pot and cause drama when there is none?
    These two seem very happy together and looking forward to their new bundle of joy. People just need to let them live in the moment and enjoy the love they seem to have for each other.

  42. Casey says:

    Oh puh-lease “Matt was shagging all and sundry in Australia – he even pulled a journalist!”

    Eye-witness account, plus his loooong history of cheating on every long-term gf he has.