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24 Responses to “Owen Wilson moving to solar-powered sustainable community in Hawaii”

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  1. RAN says:

    Good for Owen, I hope he manages to get things back on track and doesn’t try suicide again.

  2. Bodhi says:

    Cool! I wanna go too!

  3. Snowblood says:

    I know, me too! That place sounds really, really awesome. I bet it’s hella expensive to afford to live in that sustainable community, though. It sounds like a rich-hippy kind of place. I wish I could afford to be a rich hippy…

  4. Kris says:

    Hawaii is laid back. That’s probably why I didn’t like living there. Tooo laid back for me. But for Owen, it would be good.

  5. Orangejulius says:

    That’s got to be some incredibly expensive real estate. I lived there for 2 years and it’s getting to the point where the native Hawaiians can’t afford to live there and are having to move to the mainland. I was ready to commit bloody suicide when I lived there, because working conditions are horrible. They know they can get anyone so they don’t pay worth a damn.

  6. daisy424 says:

    Wow, what a change, he looks so much better.
    The beach looks so relaxing…cute pup.

    Orangejulius; Sans the bad pay, it must have been wonderful to live in a tropical location, super blue sky, the ocean right there….I’m so jealous :mrgreen:

  7. KERRI says:

    Love Owen, love his films and, OH BOY, look at that body.

    Oh, to wake up every morning to the sound and smell of the ocean IS PARADISE.

    Good for you Owen!

  8. tp Vero says:

    hey I just say that I share a birthday with this guy– so I have read- a few years apart that is– no wonder he is always trying to 86 himself… UGH I know that beach well…. Surfs up!-

    Has the Evil Beet been fired from her blog. She seems to be mysteriously missing. Shouldn’t there be a gossip story here? What do you think? Too many vagina diaries? Or too many Leo pissing stories? Do I smell a scandal here. Lets have the whole story!

  9. lala says:

    Owen already has a house, on the beach in Wailea, Maui.

  10. Leila says:

    Awww, it’s actually pretty nice here, except for, you know, the cost of living.

    For those that are interested, this is the website for the community: and Wikipedia:

  11. patricia says:

    My life would be pretty sustainable too if I could live in Hawaii with Owen.

  12. Bodhi says:

    Well, yeah, if a mere mortal could afford it…

    It sounds WAY more genuine than some bullshit Trustafarian thing, though

  13. Snowblood says:

    @ Bodhi – Trustafarian!! 😆 That’s a GREAT new way to label the modern-day rich hippies! I love that new word, trustafarian. 😆

  14. Bodhi says:

    Its a great adjective, right? Leaves nothing to the imagination…

    I’m a TreeHugging Dirt Worshiper from hell & I really don’t mind being called a “hippie”; but I really hate the bullshit that comes with the label

  15. vdantev says:

    So he can get laid by random women who fall for his neo-hippy bullshit.

  16. Allie Anne says:

    lala – Right! He’s had a home there for a while so he probably didn’t just fall “in love” with Hawaii during this past visit!

    Maybe the article is meant to imply that he’s going to spend more time in HI (his filming schedule looks pretty open) but didn’t he just move into his recently finished built-from-the-ground-up multi-million dollar Malibu mansion this past October?

    I don’t know – the whole “story” sounds a little made-up to me.

    Maybe a slow news period for “In Touch”?

  17. Alexa says:

    I only just recently saw some of his work: “Hansel” in Zoolander and “Dupree” in You, Me, and Dupree. OMG – I’m so in love with him now. He’s HILARIOUS and beautiful too.

  18. brista says:

    I was totally on board with packing up and heading for Kipahulu for a year or two. It’s pretty, sounds really nice. No Internet? Okay. No electricity? I could probably deal.

    But no running water? No toilets? Sorry, Charlie, not for me. But it totally sounds like a place Woody Harrelson would hang out at.

  19. fantasygirl says:

    If I tell you the truth I don’t see him living there for a long time. if he’s moving there to be happier he will find that real happiness comes from within. However, if I could choose, perhaps I would move there too, and specially Maui. Who knows maybe we would even bump into each other, :mrgreen:

  20. KC says:

    If it was not for Hollywood/LA jobs for actors, I think most would live elsewhere. Calif went from …ah Calif to becoming smoggy LA, heavy gang crimes, Mexico City (no I’m not predujice but not everyone wants to live in Mexico)and it just came there!
    And to be famous and live in LA areas means 24/7 of annoying photogs that are horribly invasive of ones space and privacy. I’m positive Hawaii is a great place for Owen now. He can fly to LA to work and fly home. Good for him!

  21. KC says:

    PS: Thats why MANY MANY famous people live elsewhere. Calif has a glam facade made from Baywatch and tv/films, however, its not as great as several other places. And actors can afford to live elsewhere and fly in for work. Thats the bonus!

  22. Good for him, it will end up being the way of the future. NOt only does it help the environment but it will also save people money in the long run as well. So much energy is right there to be utilised.

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  24. kay neal says:

    so here i go. im going to live in that community. work my ace off and see how it goes.