Keira Knightley styled by Tom Ford for Elle UK: beautiful or bored/hungry?


Keira Knightley is the cover girl for the March issue of Elle UK, likely to promote one or both of her winter releases, London Boulevard and Never Let Me Go. For the Elle shoot, Keira seems to have been styled and photographed by hot bitch Tom Ford, although I would never be able to tell. When I think of Tom Ford styling and photography, I think of glitzy, sexy, just-got-nailed kind of vibes. Keira does not look glitzy or sexy, she just looks bored and hungry, neither of which reads “sexy” to me. Anyway, the interview excerpts are slightly better than the photo shoot. Keira seems to be trying to explain her squirrelly attitude with her “shy” personality. Sure. And Natalie Portman’s bitchface is just the way she looks naturally.

KEIRA KNIGHTLEY is a nightmare party guest – the actress insists she is “paralysed with shyness” when chatting with strangers. The Pirates of the Caribbean star admits she is hopeless at socialising since she began making movies as a young girl and missed out on spending time with people her own age.

She tells Britain’s Elle magazine, “I had an amazing time (starring in films), it was extraordinary, but the difference was between my age and experience. I’d experienced a lot, work-wise, but as far as normal progression… I’d never sat in pubs with friends, I’d never been out clubbing. Any of the things you normally do at uni, I’d bypassed. So on one level I was very grown-up and on another level with the whole social thing, I was really far behind.”

Now Knightley dreads attending parties – because she struggles to make conversation and ends up looking like an “ice queen”.

She adds, “Going into a room full of people at a party I find one of the most terrifying things in the entire world. I normally last about 10 minutes. I’m a complete failure. I went to one the other day. Standing in the corner, couldn’t find anything to say, just ran out. Awful. My friends are like, ‘What are you – an idiot? What’s the matter with you?’ I just can’t. I get completely paralysed with shyness, just totally paralysed. One of my friends was like, ‘You turn into an ice queen. What is it? You just turn into a b***h.’ And I don’t mean to look like a b***h, but I just don’t know what to say. This is the problem with a shy person being famous.”

Keira also refuses to keep a TV in her house because she’s convinced she would become an addict if she had access to reality shows. She says she prefers to read or sketch, and is even considering cutting off her internet connection to ensure she makes the most of her free time.

She tells Britain’s Elle magazine, “Do you know what it is? It’s that I’m the laziest f**ker in the entire world. It’s true. And stagnation is always really, really imminent. I can literally just sit and not do anything for hours and hours and hours and if there is something completely mind-numbing to do, like surfing the internet or watching cr**py TV, I’ll do it and then I’ll feel s**t about myself. So I try and get rid of it.”

Knightley now counts TV as a guilty pleasure, and admits she is fascinated by U.K. ballroom dance competition Strictly Come Dancing.

She adds, “A lot of my friends don’t have TVs either. It might be spreading. But what’s nice is that when I do see it, it’s such a treat. I did a photoshoot in Cornwall recently and a friend of mine was on the shoot and we literally just sat in my room watching Strictly Come Dancing. We were like, ‘This is amazing.’ We were talking about that for weeks afterwards.”

[From Elle UK, via Contact Music]

Do I buy that Keira’s “shyness” is the reason for her squirrelly behavior, her reticence, or even her out-right bitchiness? In part, yes, but I also think she’s probably pretty bitchy in general. Which I don’t judge her for. I would only encourage her to find a way to balance her natural “shyness” with a more professional attitude. I mean, if she doesn’t want to promote her work, so be it. But that means no more Tom Ford-styled shoots, no more mouthing off to journalists, no more snotty attitude. Just shut it down, or work to find a balance.

As far as the television thing – I was like that, years ago, in my youth. I want through a period of time when I barely watched TV, and when I did, it was such a special occasion, I would just sit there, amazed. Of course, now I love television.

Thanks to Agent Bedhead for the story!




Elle UK scans courtesy of The Fashion Spot.

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78 Responses to “Keira Knightley styled by Tom Ford for Elle UK: beautiful or bored/hungry?”

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  1. guesty says:

    Hungray. She looks awful.

  2. brin says:

    She looks like she’s in the psych ward.

  3. liz says:

    If the girl does not in fact have an eating disorder, I thinks she looks fantastic.

  4. Quest says:

    Dude, look at me, I am bored out of my friggin’ mind, just pass me the crackers.

  5. Andie says:

    She looks horrible. And boobless. I can’t believe media and fashion designers want us to think that this is beautiful.

  6. Crash2GO2 says:

    Beautiful. For the record, I do think she is naturally thin. Her bottom half is much fuller than her top half.

  7. Missy says:

    She has admitted to having an eating disorder in the past. Seeing as she clearly doesn’t have any more she could lose I’d say she’s at least still dabbling in her (past) eating disorder.

  8. renai(jrt) says:

    She looks very Coco Chanel

  9. serena says:


  10. Miss Beca says:

    i think she’s quite lovely, but i am not sold on this photo shoot. also, would it kill her to close her mouth?

  11. Attagirl says:

    Her guppy mouth pose is getting tiresome, it’s so contrived. And it’s not a matter of not having boobs, girl has eating issues. When you can count someone’s ribs, which you clearly can when she’s not photoshopped into oblivion, they’re clearly underweight and not eating properly.

  12. almond says:

    She looks entirely too thin; and having no boobs to speak of doesn’t help her at all. But, what can she do? If this is her natural figure and she’s not having any health issues over it there’s nothing she can do to fix it. Even fake boobs would look bolted on.

    But if she’s this thin on purpose… there’s definitely a problem somewhere.

  13. samihami says:

    That’s not just being thin…that’s obvious anorexia.

    My mother is anorexic and this girl is skinnier than her. She needs to get herself under control or she’s going to die.

  14. Bodhi says:

    When did she admit that she had an eating disorder? I know that she successfully sued a British tabloid over a story that she had an eating disorder.

    My husband has a serious social anxiety problem & I totally get what Keira means. I really like her, but I bet that she is kind of a snot.

  15. Beth says:

    I never noticed before how much she looks like Winona Ryder. I wonder what she would look like if she gained 15 pounds.

  16. sasa says:

    I think she is totally gorgeous but the faces she makes while posing are not good at all. Should try relaxing a bit.

  17. Bailey says:

    she is snooty and the poses are stiff and statue like.
    I did read somewhere she admitted that her family has a history of eating disorders. but she didn’t have one.
    she is really working those plumped lips.

  18. moxy says:

    i think she just has extreme social anxiety. i think most of us would if we were as famous as her. lord i cant imagine.

  19. Kaye says:

    @ Beth I thought the same thing. If I hadn’t known who I was looking at in the leopard print, I would have thought it was Winona.

  20. gamblea says:

    What on earth is wrong with her hand and her chest in the first picture? this magazine photoshops atrociously.

  21. Ruby Red Lips says:

    Beautiful face on top of a starved body

  22. sapphire says:

    When you can see the sternum, that is scary. Such a gorgeous face, why do they have to zombie her?

  23. whybenice says:

    Is that a bat wing on the white top? Bizarre.

  24. Lynnie says:

    Will somebody please, please, please feed this pretty girl?

  25. liz says:

    it’s funny that the word’crappy’ was bleeped out in the magazine.

  26. beth says:

    she looks like she needs to be fed

  27. lrm says:

    i know i am not supposed to used the ‘R’ word anymore…but the top pic looks like a R—- mannequin. er, mentally challenged mannequin.

    and a few of th others look slike she’s on drugs.
    i dont think it should be assumed that actor=good model.

    i didnt even notice the style! couldn’t get past her ‘poses’.

    yea, she is thin and is prob. hungry, too.

  28. devilgirl says:

    I think she looks beautiful and I have always liked her as an actress.

  29. Jane says:

    Oh joy, another post talking about feeding actresses and blah blah blah. People should focus on their own bodies and well-being, jesus. She has always been very skinny on top, and bottom heavy. You can see in recent pictures she has quite large legs and very skinny arms. She doesn’t need to be fed.

  30. Megan says:

    She looks horrible… I love Keira, but she looks revolting in these pictures.

  31. carrie says:

    she looks cold

  32. malachais says:

    This bitch is fierce and always looking stunning in photographs, but she doesn’t make films that are relatable to a general audience. I don’t think she tries to though.

  33. saucy says:

    i like the mod style of the shoot, but i’m wondering how this girl even has the strength to hold her own head up.

  34. jlw says:

    When I was about her age I weighed about 100 lbs, on a 5’4-1/2″ frame. I didn’t have an eating disorder, but had always been skinny-skinny. I would even TRY to gain weight, and couldn’t. I was a smoker at the time, as well, and that may have helped keep me skinny.

    But then, I passed my 40th b-day….and all that weight I’d tried to gain back then came flooding in, lol.

    Anyway, just sayin’, skinny doesn’t necessarily mean eating disorder.

  35. beth says:

    she needs to be fed.

  36. observer says:


  37. Mouse says:

    She looks like Posh’s younger sister. That’s not a compliment. Loved her as Elizabeth Bennett. She’d look soooooo much hotter with a few pounds.

  38. insidescoop says:


  39. Shay says:

    It’s nothing spectacular. The layout reminds me of vintage Vogue layouts going back to the Seventies-Eighties. This is how the styling looks.

  40. womanfromthenorth says:

    I think she is just very thin. She would be dead by now if she did not eat.

  41. albeli says:

    Beautiful but painfully thin. I agree that she looks like she has an eating disorder.

  42. bonjourmiette says:

    1. She’s always been that skinny. I’ve never seen any old photos of her looking the slightest bit un-incredibly-skinny, I think she just is that skinny. I wonder if it isn’t just as emotionally detrimental to constantly harp on people who have hyperactive metabolism and accuse them of being anorexic as it is to harp on people who are overweight and accuse them of being lazy people with no self control?

    2. That cover photo looks rather like the poster from Showgirls.

  43. Stephanie says:

    I thought she was absolutely stunning in Love Actually. Now, she does look malnourished, and it is/is going to take a toll on her looks, I’m afraid. I just want to bake her some cookies & give her a hug or something. Ykwim?????

  44. Crash2GO2 says:

    “I wonder if it isn’t just as emotionally detrimental to constantly harp on people who have hyperactive metabolism and accuse them of being anorexic as it is to harp on people who are overweight and accuse them of being lazy people with no self control? ”

    Yes it is!

    @Missy: She has never said she suffered from an eating disorder. She merely set the record straight when asked by journalists that while she did at some point have some anorexic friends, she herself was not anorexic.

  45. xxodettexx says:

    yeah, i can see how trying to make a corpse look sexy would be challenging, even for tom ford!

  46. DD says:

    I love Keira and I think she is a stunning girl, but this styling does not suit her at all.
    The hair really sucks, plus the clothes and posing are so blah.

  47. Jayna says:

    I admire one thing about her. Most stars who don’t have a television act all haughty, like they’re too good for it, and if they do have a TV, they say they only watch ESPN and the Georgrapy channel. LOL AT least, she admits she would be addicted to reality TV and would be lazy and watch it all day, There’s something refreshing about her admitting she can be very lazy.

  48. Hakura says:

    @Bonjourmiette“I wonder if it isn’t just as emotionally detrimental to constantly harp on people who have hyperactive metabolism and accuse them of being anorexic as it is to harp on people who are overweight and accuse them of being lazy people with no self control?”

    Yes. Absolutely. I’ve dealt with this sort of thing all of my teenage years. At 24, (& 5’1), the most I’ve ever weighed is 105lbs. It’s very hard to deal with (as someone who has *never* had an eating disorder) to be accused of it, or to get ‘the looks’ from people where I knew they were making judgement.

    I’ve always had a figure pretty similar to Keira’s (though thankfully a little more on top) I can’t say who is & who isn’t suffering from an eating disorder. But unless someone is downright ‘skeletal’, I try really hard not to make that judgement.

    Kiera just isn’t looking great in this photoshoot, disorder or not. And while I know social anxiety is definitely a legitimate issue (something else I’ve dealt with, though not for many years), I think she might be pretty stuck up on top of it.

  49. khaveman says:

    Lovely. Thin goes with the model/photoshoot arena, sorry folks. That’s the way it is. What I wouldn’t give for her wide-set eyes, dark brows and full lips. Good for her. Show it off.

  50. Elfie says:

    So if all she is saying is true, we have a lot in common. Im really shy, and very awkward, is really hard for me to socialize. And I’m super lazy too. Gotta do something about that…

    I like her, and I just hope she doesnt have any disorder. And if she has, some of her bitchy friends should stand up and help out.

  51. Kimberly says:

    Very Winona Ryder . . .

  52. Lisal says:

    I couldn’t agree more, @khaveman. And by the way, ladies: you telling Keira to eat something is the same thing as someone telling you to stop eating so much. It’s mean, insulting and just like schoolyard recess taunting.

  53. lori says:

    She looks unhealthy. And yes – boring.

  54. Jane says:

    I wonder how many of you who are yelling “EAT SOMETHING WOMAN” would freak the hell out if you ever heard someone tell an overweight woman, “You should put that food down.”

    They’re both crappy things to say.

  55. Disbelieving says:

    My mother has an eating disorder. She has had one for many years, hence, she has always been skinny. She, of course, denies she has an eating disorder she claims to eat but it burns right off. Not true. I know, I lived with her, the truth is she doesn’t eat sufficient calories. If she ate more she would gain weight. If you have wider hip bones you look bigger on bottom even if you are eating disordered. All of you need to stop making excuses for the eating disordered. These are excuses are not credible and are not helpful.

  56. Taylor says:

    She hasn’t been pretty since the first Pirates

  57. LBees says:

    I love the styling– very simple and bold. She looks beautiful.

    But I think we need to send out memos to starlettes… no more open mouths! Close those lips ladies!

  58. skibunny says:


  59. Crash2GO2 says:

    @Disbelieving: I’m not saying you are wrong. But Knightly does not look ‘bony’ to me – in other words, her bones are properly clothed in flesh. She just has a slight build and small breasts. Her legs are quite thick – that is what I meant by heavier on the bottom.

    I could be all wet. But that is just my opinion.

  60. Laura says:

    I think she’s lovely (I do think she’d look even lovelier with a few extra pounds, but as long as she’s eating…I agree with Crash that she doesn’t look like any bones are ready to pierce the skin. My only thing is her head looks a little too big for her tiny body).

    I actually tend to have the same problem (I’m very shy, and people have thought I’m stuck up and a bitch because of it), so I’ll buy it.

  61. Tazina says:

    She looks okay. She’s always looked the same so why do people complain? Save your breath. I love the fact that she isn’t caving in to the Hollywood hype and getting breast implants. Kudos to Keira.

  62. Hmmm says:

    Tom Ford styled and photographed her? She reminds me of Gumby.

    Meanwhile, Ford just went way down in my estimation. His aesthetics are warped and twisted. So much for his vaunted love of women as objects of beauty. I don’t think so.

  63. Hmmm says:


    “What I wouldn’t give for her wide-set eyes, dark brows and full lips.”

    Well it’s easy to get her full lips. Because hers are artificially pumped up.

  64. Glyrics says:

    EMACIATED! WITHOUT BREASTS! Remove her from my sight! She. Looks. Like. Shit.

  65. merry says:

    So sorry about your mom; I know how it feels: believe me, it is going to get better. With the support of her family, she’ll be fine.

  66. NicoleAM says:

    Since we have no confirmation that she has an eating disorder (she’s been super skinny since the start of her career, if it weren’t natural I’d think she’d be in the hospital by now), we can assume that’s just her shape. And enough with the “feed her” comments. It’s the overconsumption of food that’s the real issue in this country (USA). Start telling ppl instead to “Put down the french fries!”
    BTW, she has one of the most beautiful faces in Hollywood IMO.

  67. Richi says:

    The first pic looks as if she has a bad headache and a back ache!!! LOL….I like her but these pics are just awful!!!

  68. janie says:

    yes, being obese is just as detrimental as being anorexic. but you dont have morbidly obese people doing major ad campaigns and being totally glamorized.
    she has that weird hollow look to her, vs nicole ritchie who looks naturally just super petite.
    and being always super skinny…she could just always be anorexic. that is what pays in hollywood.

  69. munchies says:

    She is gorgeous

  70. Debra says:

    laughable responses to this post.
    Anyone of us would wave the magic wand and switch places with her in a hot second given the chance.

    I dont believe a word of it..or them.

  71. samihami says:

    “Yes. Absolutely. I’ve dealt with this sort of thing all of my teenage years. At 24, (& 5′1), the most I’ve ever weighed is 105lbs. It’s very hard to deal with (as someone who has *never* had an eating disorder) to be accused of it, or to get ‘the looks’ from people where I knew they were making judgement.”

    If you are 5’1″ and 105 then you are at a normal, healthy weight for your height and I doubt that anyone calls you anorexic. Anorexic is my 5’7″ mother who at one point weighed right about 100 pounds-and was STILL bigger than KK is in these pics.

    This IS anorexia and it’s obvious. I don’t know how anyone can look at this poor unhealthy woman and think that she is in any way attractive. She needs help.

  72. Lynda says:

    I loved the way she looked in “Love Actually” but herre she just looks awful and the whole thing is been there done that.

  73. Annie says:

    I have a serious question – if Keira gained 50lb would everyone still say how thin she was? I think the only reason everyone goes on about it is that she has gotten a *reputation* for being very skinny rather than judging her recent photos objectively. Here these photos are photoshopped, plus the way she’s posed make her look thinner making it pretty much impossible to pass any judgement. The girl did look too skinny at one point but if you look at candids she certainly ain’t any more.

    Also I think it has to do with her body type. I know I can look either ‘anorexic’ if I’m showing off my arms and wearing something loose over my lower half or ‘voluptous’ if I’m wearing some form-fitting jeans. I look around the same size as KK (in recent, not photoshopped pics) and I’m 5’7 and 130lb.

    If I was poor Keira I’d probably eat myself to death trying to ‘prove’ I wasn’t anorexic.

  74. Crash2GO2 says:

    @Hmmm: “Well it’s easy to get her full lips. Because hers are artificially pumped up.”

    Her lips look the same as they have looked since I first saw her on the screen nine years ago in ‘Bend It Like Beckham’. Have you got some information otherwise?

  75. nikki says:

    I don’t think she is, nor looks, anorexic. But apparently there are some professionals here that just KNOW she is. Oh well.

  76. Truthzbetta says:

    Way to kill those eating disorder rumors that used to get her in a tizzy.

    She’s shrinking in front of our eyes.

    And no, she was not always this skinny which is why it freaked people out.

  77. Hakura says:

    @Samihami“If you are 5′1″ and 105 then you are at a normal, healthy weight for your height and I doubt that anyone calls you anorexic. Anorexic is my 5′7″ mother who at one point weighed right about 100 pounds-and was STILL bigger than KK is in these pics.

    This IS anorexia and it’s obvious. I don’t know how anyone can look at this poor unhealthy woman and think that she is in any way attractive. She needs help.”

    You really weren’t paying attention when you were reading, were you? The most I’ve ever weighed is 105. For most of my teenage years (up until 22), I weighed 85-90 lbs, even eating regularly, not counting carbs or obsessing. Quite the opposite. I never watched what I ate, always ate what I wanted, just in small consistent meals throughout the day. My upper half was stick skinny, awkward looking.

    You doubt anyone has ever called me anorexic, but how could you possibly know? You have no idea what I currently look like, or have looked like.

    I do feel for what you’ve dealt with in regards to your mother, & I’m sorry for it. But you should know better, or at least pay attention, before you criticize. Your comment was rude & judgmental.

    I’ve never met Keira, & neither have you. We’re all aware of how different a celebrity can look in person, in photos, & after being photoshopped to hell in the final images that end up in magazines. Especially high fashion magazines.

  78. Trashaddict says:

    Interesting. I know I go to this site for shallow, guilty pleasures but this is taking it a bit far. She’s talking about what is called a social phobia and all the responses were about her weight! Maybe she has nothing to say at parties because the other people there aren’t really saying anything….feel a lot like her although I don’t interpret it as phobic any more, I just find discussion at group gatherings to be kind of forced and artificial. Some people do it naturally and some do not, and it’s too bad she’s marked as a bitch because it’s not in her skill set.