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17 Responses to “John Mayer hooks up with waitress; wants to be the number 8 song”

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  1. wonderwoman says:

    “John Mayer ends tour with cock.”

  2. Exiled says:

    Am I the only one who finds him very unattractive…and what’s with this outfit, he looks like he got off duty @ the local Applebees as a dishwasher (not that there is anything wrong with that) 🙂

  3. Granger says:

    I’m not a John Mayer fan, but really — so the fuck what? He’s young, he’s a rock star, he might as well get it on with as many women as possible. Gotta have something to tell the grandkids when you’re sitting in that rocking chair.

  4. Exiled says:

    This just in… cocktail waitress is knocked up… gives birth to a baby douche.

  5. Kaiser says:

    Damn it, it is healthier to be a little chubby!

    Oh well. So the Week of Not Calling Him a Douchebag has passed, and all I can think to say as I stare at Mayer’s horrible “O” face is: Do. Not. Want.

  6. duda says:

    god only knows where else its been… ew

  7. abbizmal says:

    Exiled, I find him unattractive as well — and his whiney music sucks. I don’t understand his appeal.

  8. KERRI says:

    Would the waitresse’s name happen to be Sarah?? 🙁

  9. Cindy says:

    I’m not surprised. I was surprise Jen decided to date him. John Mayer is trash. His career is hyped. That’s how he sale records, giving women the impression he will sleep with them. I guess Jen people where right when she said he hooked up with a waitress when they were together.

  10. cara says:

    He makes my gag refluxes begin to act up….and Kid Rock doesn’t even bring that on!!!1

  11. Tina says:

    John Mayer looks like a grubby little worm.

  12. lightastral says:

    AGAIN, so predictable. “I’m a seemingly humble guy just trying to crawl in your panties.” “You’re the woman that will finally meet that true place of love with me”

    This guy has no conception of true love. I hate his music cause his actions as so far from his TRUTH and his lyrics.

    He’s a line-maker. He sings and trills “lines” like a love bird but he’s really a coo-coo.

  13. whatevs says:

    Ew, why is this news? Something about him just screams SYPHILIS.

  14. RAN says:

    Remind me again… why is this guy relevant?

  15. anonymous says:

    She is not a waitress…she is an ex-waitress!!!!
    I am sick of hearing the cocktail shit….

  16. Jeanne says:

    I’ve always failed to see the attraction of John Mayer. I guess if you dig that registered felon look. He just never looks clean to me.

  17. Completely agree this post. Very well written based only on facts and not misinformation.