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32 Responses to “Keira Knightley and Anne Hathaway at their premieres in Venice”

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  1. Alexis says:

    HOLY SHIT! Kiera Knightly is sooo thin, that it’s painful to look at her. There is no way her weight is in the triple digits. She looks like a f-ing corpse. Seriously, if you scroll down any of the pictures of her to below her eyes, she looks like a 2 day old dead body ( as seen on CSI and such). Are we all just pretending that she’s OK? WTF is going on!!!!

  2. Jaclyn says:

    Alexis, she’s always been that tiny! Plus, that dress isn’t doing her any favors! She looks about the same as she always does. Too skinny, for sure, but not dying.

  3. Orangejulius says:

    Keira looks stunning,in spite of being too skinny. Even 5 pounds would help her look better. Love the dress, but the stuff on the bottom spoils it.

    Anne Hathaway looks classy and very elegant.

  4. Alexis says:

    Maybe because it’s gone on for so long, she definitely looks worse then ever, like her body’s going to give out.

  5. Orangejulius says:

    Nasty of me, I know, but what’s with the teeth on the guy on the right? He looks like a ferret who’s about to take a bite out of somebody.

  6. Lara says:

    Anne Hathaway is growing on me lately. She’s stunning here and her film choices make her interesting. Keira Knightley in another period film …zzzzz. Sorry, I fell asleep. And her dress is awful. (I can imagine the hilarious Fug girls calling this ensemble “The Fugchess”, if they haven’t already πŸ˜† ).
    edit: orangejulius I’m pretty sure that’s Jonathan Demme, the photo where they’re hugging each other is cute)

  7. kate says:

    anne’s dress is breathtaking but i just cannot get excited by this girl at all. i find her really boring but this movie looks interesting so i will give her one more chance: hear me, anne hathaway?!

  8. I choose me says:

    Normally I hate ruffles of any kind but that is an awesome dress and Anne looks stunning in it.

  9. Wif says:

    I actually prefer Kiera’s dress. It does look itchy though

  10. Megan says:

    I wish Keira was wearing Anne’s dress.

  11. Iz says:

    I think both women look great.

    Wif: I agreee, hers does look very itchy.

  12. Ethan says:

    Anne is not pretty and quite homely.

    Even though I prefer women woman who have more curves there is no denying that Keira is a beautiful woman.

  13. daisy424 says:

    Agree Ethan, she is beautiful. Love Anne’s dress though……..

  14. Jesse says:

    Keira looks gorgeous and I looove her dress. I’m so so happy when she decides to bathe and get it together. Stunning.

  15. czarina says:

    Anne really could be a model…she truly has the build, style and classic features to wear these amazing designer dresses.
    Not every actress, no matter how beautiful, has what it takes to carry off certain styles.
    Anne seems to be very aware of what looks good on her and makes the most of it.

  16. Lizzie (greeneyed fem) says:

    I want to marry these photos of Anne Hathaway.

    Theoretically, this dress should not work for me, because I don’t like ruffles or asymmetrical hemlines, but . . . I love it SO MUCH. Her skin and coloring and the tiny, subtle earrings and the South-Asian-ish necklace, and the grey and seafoam bits . . . AAAAA! I would kill to look like this for one hour.

  17. Mary says:

    My nickname for Kira is “BOBBLEHEAD.” Her big noggin just bobbles over top of her oh-soooo-skinny body and needle size neck. Poor thing! All it will take is a light breeze….one day her head is just going to snap right off and go bowling down the red carpet. πŸ™

  18. Mary says:

    Maybe we can get a neckbrace for “Bobblehead” (just in case).

    As for Anne….its another case of huge features on a small face. The surface area of her face needs to be a bit bigger for those huge brown eyes, gigantic red lips, and big white smile. Its a sin against nature for a woman to have more than one big, huge, beautiful feature on her face. They all seem kind of crowded together. Its a fight between the eyes, lips, & teeth. Who will win? πŸ˜‰

  19. J says:

    Both young starlets are talented and beautiful. They both did some interesting works in their career. It’s much much better than some so-called actresses nowadays who, instead of making movies, just made tabloid headlines and babies.

  20. chaz says:

    i totally agree mary! i bet kiera saves alot of money on air fare because all see has to do is wait for the right wind to blow, and she’s off to the states or to france or in this case venice.

  21. Carrie says:

    I agree with the Nobblehead verdict. Tho I prefer Lollipop Head. Her head is way to big for her body for her to be attractive. I just don’t get the “Keira is gorgeous” lobby at all.

    A friend of mine financed her last film “Edge of Love” and it cost around two million dollars to airbrush her bad skin, frame by frame. Fact.

  22. Lauri says:

    There is just nothing attractive at all about Keira Knightly. She is grotesquely underweight, and I just don’t understand why no one in her circle has intervened and convinced her to get treatment for her obvious eating disorder. That is not a normal look, and nobody is that thin naturally. It takes a lot of work to become gruesomely skeletal. Believe me…I know. I grew up with an anorexic mother. It is not a glamorous disease.

    Perhaps, for her own good, everyone should boycott her movies until she gets her disease under control. That might be the wake up call she needs.

  23. Alexis says:

    @ Laurie
    I totally agree. I think all of the “oh she’s just naturally thin” bologna is as disturbing as her emaciated frame. I don’t understand why people are so supportive and defensive of Kiera, or anyone else who is so OBVIOUSLY IN TROUBLE.
    Very very sad.

  24. Carrie says:

    Looking at the trailer clips I also think she would have made a much more convincing 18th century duchess with more meat on her bones. People admired rounded women in those days.

  25. Zoe says:

    Anne = gorgeous.
    Kiera…. whatever. What’s with that stupid look she always has on her face?? She’s always so posed.

  26. ff says:

    Keira’s been looking painfully thin for a while now. Yes, she’s been thin but she’s hasn’t always been THIS thin.

    It doesn’t have to be an eating disorder either, just ask Kate ‘never had ’em’ Moss.

  27. Codzilla says:

    Orangejulius: Love the line about Demme’s teeth. I chuckled when I first read it, and now that I actually clicked on the photo, I’m laughing hysterically. I needed a giggle, thanks πŸ˜€

  28. sam says:

    It looks like Anne Hathaway is going to be great in this movie – good to see in her in not such a ‘sweatheart’ role.

  29. Phoebe says:

    I think both girls are stunning! but based on trailers i want to see Keira’s movie more!!

  30. Melanie says:

    Mmmm, I’d like to mention that it’s not necessarily an eating disorder with Keira. I’m her height and weight exactly- I swear, I’m not anorexic. I know I’m too thin, but I simply can’t put on more pounds, and not for lack of trying.

    I know how it feels when people look at you and say “skeleton” or “anorexic” when neither are true. So unless we have good proof that she’s got an eating disorder, I think we should lay off her.

    Besides, I think she’s a fabulous actress- Anne Hathaway, too! (Not gonna lie, Hathaway & Knightley are my favorite actresses).

    But I will mention one thing- anyone ever notice how, whenever Keira speaks, she juts out her lower jaw so it looks like she’s got a severe underbite, even though she doesn’t in reality? Haha

  31. Rebecca says:

    Anne Hathaway is so overrated to me. Her acting can’t hold a candle to Keira’s, nor her facial features. The great actresses of the golden era were so much more perfect in the balance of their features: Vivien Leigh, Liz Taylor, Grace Kelly. Hathaway has HUGE eyes and GIGANTIC lips. It is not pretty.
    Keira is ridiculously thin but her features are so gorgeous and balanced…not oversized. Anne was horrible as Jane Austen, as the White Queen…ugh. She looked like Betty Davis in a horror flick!!!

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