TMZ: Lindsay Lohan will be charged with felony grand theft


Well, we have our first glimpse of HOPE. Watch it carefully. It will be snuffed out faster than you can say “Mother Crackhead”. According to TMZ’s sources, the LA County’s DA’s office is prepared to bring charges against Lindsay Lohan for felony grand theft. For that ugly $2500 necklace that Blohan “lifted” from a Venice Beach jewelry store. While the DA’s office is refusing to confirm the reports, every outlet is running with it, and TMZ doubled down on their report by claiming that Lindsay’s lawyer Shawn Chapman Holley (that poor, poor woman) has already informed Lindsay that the charges will likely be filed on Monday. The maximum sentence for felony grand theft? Three years. Why do I think that even if this junk does end up happening, Lindsya would end up with something like probation?

Lindsay Lohan will be charged with felony grand theft … TMZ has learned.

Sources connected with the case tell TMZ the L.A. County District Attorney will file the case as early as Monday.

Lindsay is accused of stealing a $2,500 necklace (pictured above) from a Venice, CA jewelry store on January 22. Surveillance video from the store shows Lindsay with the necklace in question and there are photos of her wearing what appears to be the same necklace a week later.

If convicted … Lindsay faces a maximum of three years in state prison.

Sources connected with Lindsay tell TMZ … Lindsay says she’ll fight the charge and she’s sticking with her story that she took the jewelry on loan.

The case could also have a dramatic impact on her ongoing DUI case in Beverly Hills since she is currently on probation.

UPDATE: The D.A.’s office just issued a statement to an L.A. wire service that no decision has been made. TMZ reiterates — Lindsay Lohan will be charged with felony grand theft.

[From TMZ]

Shawn Holley released a statement to People Magazine: “We vehemently deny these allegations and, if charges are filed, we will fight them in court, not in the press.” Oh, she sounds worried. At this point, I hope she’s just racking up billable hours and making the Lohans pay her fees on crack layaway.

Oh, listen to this one – a “source” close to Lindsay (Mother Crackhead) told People: “Lindsay doesn’t understand how the store can file a police report when they let her borrow the necklace. She’s used to getting gifted items that are worth way more than that. And why would she steal a necklace? She has tons of jewelry and doesn’t need anymore.” Yes, she already has tons of jewelry that she already STOLE!! Why won’t anyone listen to Mother Crackhead?!? If Lindsay was going to steal another piece of jewelry, it would be much more expensive!! Seriously, go back and read that statement – look at the layers of denial and bullsh-t. “She’s used to getting gifted items that are worth way more than that” – meaning that Lindsay considers her crack thievery “gifting”. Meaning that just because Lindsay thinks she SHOULD get expensive jewelry for free, that gives her the right to steal whatever she wants. Ugh, I give up.

UPDATE: TMZ has a new “pity poor Blohan” story. TMZ’s sources claim that Lindsay’s thought process is, “People just don’t believe me and know I’m in a vulnerable position.” And Lindsay is claiming that “the jewelry store owner is seizing the moment by concocting a story that Lindsay stole the jewelry. Lindsay insists it was loaned to her. And we’re told … Lindsay is ‘extremely nervous’ about the prospect of going back to jail. Although she refers to the possible penalty as jail, it’s actually a lot worse … State prison. Lindsay is telling people, ‘Nothing is worth going back.'” Then maybe she should have thought of that before her crack thievery?


Photos courtesy of Fame.

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93 Responses to “TMZ: Lindsay Lohan will be charged with felony grand theft”

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  1. Samigirl says:

    Well, I have to agree, even if she is found guilty, probation will be the only thing that happens to her. I just want lilo away. Sick of seeing duckface all day.

  2. HEB says:

    Even if she’s semi-innocent for this, there are still several other thefts she is guilty of–this is for them too.

    Just goes to show-her cred is nothing now. She stole jewelry and clothes worth way more than that back in the day and got away with it. Now she can’t.

    Oh and I’m surprised neither of her parents have commented on this yet…

  3. The Truth Fairy says:







  4. Kaboom says:

    L.A. celebrity justice doesn’t hand out stronger sentences than those you know from your neighborhood kindergarden

  5. malachais says:

    While I wouldn’t put it past her to walk into a jewelry store and walk out with a necklace, this reeks of a PR stunt. Something to keep people talking, Crackie will get probation if she hasn’t been convicted of theft prior and the charge will more than likely be dropped to misdemeanor theft with extended probation, if it gets that far.

  6. someone says:

    I don’t think shes even semi-innocent..does she think she can just pick out a 2500 dollar item and say “I’ll bring this back later” and walk away…its time she was responsible for the choices she makes, like everyone else.

  7. Rita says:

    If she’s charged, this will be the straw that breaks her back. The charge alone requires that she goes to jail (6 months) for violating probation. The claim she “borrowed” the necklace is ludicrous and shows how desperate her attorney is for some sort of deflection. Her only hope is to return to the jeweler and buy $1,000 worth of crap for $20 g’s and the store drops the charge. Otherwise, this is a state prison offense.

    If the judge doesn’t put her in jail, he/she should be removed from the bench because the public has no respect for a justice system that pandars to the wealthy. Light the torches!!!!!

  8. SRM says:

    It doesn’t seem like a very good business move to accuse a celeb, even a cracked out celeb, of stealing. So sick of her! I hope she finally gets to face the proper consequences. I know addiction is a disease but stupidity and lying aren’t. Doesn’t CA have a 3 strikes policy? Isn’t she like on her 9th?

  9. tekla says:

    I kinda believe the crackie this time. celebrities get tons of free items, she probably just wasn’t aware that this one was only loaned to her. it’s her stylits’ job to give it back to the store.

  10. Innocent says:

    I wouldn’t bet on her going to jail for the VOP unless she was convicted. Her serving 6 months with no early release was just a threat. In Lynwood people like Lindsay are serving 20% of their sentence because of overcrowding. She would do 24 days MAX.

    The three strikes law is for felonies.
    Lindsay currently only has THREE (3) misdemeanors on her criminal record.
    I do think she is innocent and won’t be convicted. However it was very reckless to put herself in this position which opened her up to these allegations

  11. Rita says:

    @Tekla #9

    When a celebrity borrows jewelry, a contract is signed, it’s insured and collateralized. Even AJ can’t go into a store, grab a bobble and walk out. The “borrowed” excuse sounds like those junkies sitting in a squad car on COPS claiming someone else stuffed the juice in his pants while he wasn’t looking.

  12. macey says:

    I think TMZ is exaggerating just to keep traffic on their site. She’ll get more probation at the most. But now if this were anyone else they would still be in jail on the other charges alone.

    @ The Fairy Truth
    There was also a case where the ppl she stole from had her Black Card and they attempted to charge her for the stuff she stole but it was mysteriously canceled. not sure if that was a different incident or one of those you listed?

    Its funny how the delusional Lohan’s didnt get together to tell the same story. Dina is saying it was gifted to her while Michael is saying she just borrowed it. You would think with all the scams and cons they’ve pulled they would at least know by now to tell the same story.

  13. Ruby Red Lips says:

    Innocent – I mean delusional crackie lover – you may need to go see a psychatrist, your defence of Lilo is unbelievable, and your calm measured responses make me think you are a mad Lindsay stalker or just insane! Since when is jail time a thing to be idolised??!!

    Anyhows, IMO of course she stole it, the excuses printed on TMZ all conflict each other, she is busted! Tho not convinced there will be any punishment…again!

    Sigh…I do wish Lindsay would watch a video of her being interviewed just after the parent Trap, its so sad, she was so full of life and happy and naturally charismatic even at 10 or thereabouts

    god, wish could go back in time & tell that little girl that her future involves, drug addiction, alcohol addiction, sex with anything that breathres, plastic surgery to fix a wrecked face in her early 20’s, rehab, jail, poss sex for money and klepto issues

    Makes me really sad, but fear she is completely twisted and a lost cause

  14. Rita says:


    An attorney said that even if she’s charged, she violated probation and the judge that gave her that probation is obligated to carry out sentence. Do not pass go….but I understand your point.

  15. Marie says:

    Would it be to much to ask that I woke up and read a headline where this trick overdosed or she had so much stress in her life (self inflicted of course) that they found her hanging from a bed sheet?

    I know, I know I am going straight to hell for those comments, you know what I already had a one way ticket, see some of you there that think like me 🙂

  16. Marjalane says:


    Do you seriously think there is a jewelry/clothing/electronics store in existance, (Esp in Venice Beach) that would STILL loan or “gift” this crackhead anything? Everyone in LA knows she doesn’t have a dime to her name, I doubt if they even wanted her stink in their store. Her cracky excuses reek of the kind of convoluted reasoning that sociopaths and professional grifters use.

  17. Rita says:


    You are not going straight to hell. The public is tired of talented people who have the right stuff to accumulate the right stuff but don’t have the right stuff to do what is right with all that stuff.

    Hope I didn’t confuse you with all this stuff.

  18. Crash2GO2 says:

    I’m amazed at this point that any store would even allow her to try anything on.

  19. LittleFATMe says:

    My six year old is a, well the teachers like to call it, story teller. She lies. She will lie about things that don’t need lying.

    Me: Pick up your shoes.
    Her: I didn’t wear them.
    Me: No one has your size foot, I helped you tie them this morning, don’t tell me you did not were them – you did, now pick them up.
    Her: *fit being thrown* I swear, I saw Lizzy with them on!
    Me: Your sister has been at MiMi’s all weekend. Now pick up your shoes and get to time out for lying.

    I have told her constantly that she might not care now, but one day she is going to be telling the truth and no one will believe her. Now it is starting to happen at school and such – she said the other day, “I know you don’t believe me ’cause I lie all the time. I am gonna try to tell the truth now.”

    BINGO! A six year old just grasped what Lilo still hasn’t!

  20. e.non says:

    oh man, i love that lohans are mocking the jewelry and store — that the necklace is way inferior to what lindsay’s accustomed to getting; and that lohan’s doing them a favor by bringing them this publicity.

    i can’t possibly imagine the store owner appreciates those quotes; i know i’d be more determined to press charges. 😉

  21. poopie says:

    when the harry wintsons of the world
    “LOAN” jewelry to “celebs” wouldn’t there be some sort of PAPERWORK involved that LOHAN could pull out of her stolen purse (or out of a stolen hat) and say : ‘SEE ! I TOLD YOU!’ I doubt it’s a verbal thing . Linds is SOOOO delusional to think ANY jeweler would CLIMB MOUNTAINS TO HAVE HER WEAR ANY OF THEIR DESIGNS.

  22. Innocent says:

    @Ruby Red Lips
    Who said there was anything POSITIVE about jail? Not me
    I was just pointing out that the chances of Lindsay serving a full six months for the potentioal VOP are virtually non existent.

    Lindsay might have a new mugshot tomorrow because if felony charges are filed she will have to surrender then bail out.

  23. Ruby Red Lips says:

    @ Innocent, its the fact that you idolise her and look up to her and delusionally defend her when she has been to jail, is an addict, a klepto, an alcoholic and a liar…

    Just suggesting you may need some help yourself if you think that she is currently worth defending as that is terrifying

  24. ghostwriter says:

    @Rita #14 – agree with you that the charge alone violates probation, but the judge is not legally obligated to send her to jail for picking up a new charge while on probation – maybe morally obligated, but that’s all. And, with her limited conviction history, they would not give her the max sentence if convicted – that’s the way it works, so usually no state prison for two years or less. Straight probation on felony theft with her history would be a farce, but not unlikely. At this point, the judicial system’s cred falls lower than Lindsay’s. As a former public defender, I can say I know the system, and Lilo is like Teflon.

    @Innocent – For reals. Are you Lilo; her publicist; her stylist (yeah, that one); more than a fan? I’ve been reading your threads, and I just don’t get it. Rather, you just don’t get it. But, don’t get me wrong, I acknowledge your right to your opinion, albeit puzzeling.

  25. Isa says:

    Another charge, but also this time she could get away with a scare and nothing will happen.

    I don’t want anything to happen to her, but I just don’t get why she is still hanging around HW thinking she can get it together and find work. Obviously bad luck is going to follow her around in this town.
    It kind of feels like her time there is up and she should move on…..

  26. Joan says:

    In Los Angeles County – due to overcrowding – jail time is 10% of other words if she gets 6 months..she will stay in jail approximately 6 days.

  27. Rita says:


    Loved your tale and so true of most those little rascals. If you ride them hard early, they get it pretty fast. Interesting how lying is a child’s fall-back position by nature. For mine, they quickly learned that the punishment for lying was twice as bad for the wrong they were lying about.

  28. Praise St. Angie! says:

    “The “borrowed” excuse sounds like those junkies sitting in a squad car on COPS claiming someone else stuffed the juice in his pants while he wasn’t looking.”

    Rita, if you’ll recall, Lindz DID use that one for the coke they found on her after the carjacking. I believe her excuse was that they were “someone else’s pants”.

  29. Innocent says:

    Really ? that is even better news.
    I thought it was 20% as the spokesperson said it was in October.

  30. Rita says:

    @Praise StAngie

    LOL- I forgot that one. Must be the first lesson at U of C, Obfuscate-101 (University of Crack).

  31. Glitsha says:

    WHY is she constantly posing with her hands in her mouth??????

  32. Anna says:

    Lindsey Lohan is mentally ill. It is so obvious. She is addicted to various substances illegal and otherwise, is a cutter, probably depressed, manic, maybe some sort of bipolar or personality disorder. Who the hell knows.

    She is a crazy extremely unstable kid killing herself slowly with drugs, fame, money, has a totally dysfunctional family and probably some crazy genes as well. I guess she needs to be hospitalized. Unfortunately she is a whiner and does not take responsibility for her illness. whatever

    Stealing local jewelry days after release from betty ford clinic is not a all surprising. It’s just so sad and pathetic. You’d think there was at least one sane person in her life she felt safe with who could make the hard decisions for her.

  33. MorticiansDoItDeader says:

    The Lohans lost all credibility when Dina attempted to have Carvel “gift” them a “fudgie the whale cake!”

  34. mrsodie2 says:

    Borderline Personality Disorder. She will never get better.

  35. BRE says:

    I think perhaps this time she will get what has been coming to her if for no other reason that that LA is sick of being viewed in the media as letting celebs get off.

  36. Johanna says:

    This may sound over-the-top but I cannot even begin to explain how much that picture of her grabbing her lips/mouth makes my blood boil. I know she thinks she looks cute and/or sexy but it’s not. It’s effing retarded! As a faithful reader of Celebitchy, I would kindly ask if you could stop posting that picture or better yet, could you stop covering stories about her? She’s completely irrelevant, celebrity wise.

  37. Zelda says:

    I can’t remember why, but I remember one blogger linking it with some Marilyn Monroe thing…maybe she started it after that MM shoot she did?
    I think that’s likely. It seems deliberate. She thinks it’s cute/sexy/Marilynesque. It’s her version of that annoying duckface so many girls mistakenly think is hot (!)

  38. kimn123 says:

    She is not a kid, on the contrary she matured earlier than other people in the same age, it’s why she got in to business faster, her actual inner age is probably at Courtney Love’s level, hope she goes away for everybody’s sake.

  39. LunaT says:

    @Marie—FYI joking about someone overdosing or committing suicide may not be cool w/everyone. Those situations aren’t funny for the person who is having problems or their loved ones. I agree w/you that Lindsay is annoying and I’m tired of hearing about her drama. Just saying that there are better ways of expressing that 🙂

  40. OXA says:

    Meryl Streep never had the problems “borrowing” that Lindsay has!

  41. bluhare says:

    @Innocent: Lindsay only has three (3) misdemeanors? Wow. Most of us have none (0).

    It will be easy for her to prove that it was loaned to her, though. She just has to provide the paperwork she would have completed in order to take it from the store. Don’t tell me Samantha Ronson’s dog ate it.

  42. Samigirl says:

    @mrsodie2- Having Borderline Personality Disorder is NO EXCUSE to lie, steal, kidnap cars, do coke constantly, etc. I was diagnosed at 17, and at 24, I’m a great mother to my 3 year old, I will be getting married in a couple of months, graduating one week after my wedding, and I have already started my job as an accountant. The right medications and parents who don’t sugarcoat everything you do and ok your bad actions make a HUGE difference.

  43. Jaana says:

    I think she is trying to perfect her mugshot..

  44. Hmmm says:

    I am not feeling very sorry for her lawyer. The lawyer could ditch her. IMO, no self-respecting attorney would continue defending this felonious narcissist. I wonder why she stays.

  45. Anguishedcorn says:

    Think of how much taxpayer money has been spent at this point, addressing the legal issues of this one person.

  46. wunderkindt says:

    Lohan took the necklace without either a purchase receipt or a loan agreement.

    When you look at it, Lohans tale just does not make sense. I believe the jewelry shop owner!
    Most juries would also believe the shop owner.
    Lohan has no credibility!

  47. MarenGermany says:

    sigh…what would be a lohan post without “innocent”? seriously, guys we should be happy to have him/her.

    Plus, could someone please explain the difference between jail and state prison to me?
    I always thought they were the same thing …

  48. original kate says:

    “Lindsay currently only has THREE (3) misdemeanors on her criminal record.”

    @ innocent: wow! ONLY 3 current misdemeanors? someone give her the citizen of the year award.

  49. Wresa says:

    She really must have mental illness. I can’t go so far as to say I feel sorry for her, she is too narcissistic to empathize with, but it is still sad to watch. She seems like she will never get help and does everything in her power to avoid it (i.e. getting UCLA to say she wasn’t an addict, then failing her drug test a week later). Too bad. She could have been anything she wanted to be.

  50. Liana says:

    In Los Angeles County – due to overcrowding – jail time is 10% of other words if she gets 6 months..she will stay in jail approximately 6 days.

    Your math is off. It would be 18 days (6 months is approximately 180 days). And generally, it’s 20%, not 10%, which would be 36 days.

  51. lachica says:

    Lindsay’s sense of entitlement seems to be boundless so i believe that she “took” the earring but in her mind did not steal it.

    and i believe that once again she will get off. she always does. it will take a more serious offense for her to finally get locked up. fingers crossed.

  52. Gabriela says:

    I don’t know… Maybe she’s right? She’s in a position where no one would believe her so the store owner might have taken advantage of that. Plus, I don’t think she is that dumb to steal a necklace right after she’s out of court ordered rehab.

    I don’t know, maybe I’m team Lohan this time???

  53. LEMURIA says:

    I’ll tell you all exactly what’s going on, in this and all past cases involving this girl, and all the other slaves you see on the Horrorwood scene:

    MPD aka DID (dissociative identity disorder). Due to MASSIVE, MASSIVE, MASSIVE physical, sexual, and mental abuse this girl has and continues to suffer at the hands of her father, mother, “handlers” et al. She is effectively pimped out all over the world to any “elite” debauched perv who can afford it. The violence and degradation this girl is subjected to behind the deceitful camera lens is more that ANY of you ladies tiny, little pi**ant minds could grasp. This girl is a PRISONER and as women we should all be concerned about stopping this shit. The vile-themed “photo shoots” peddled in magazines is the softcore version released to the duped-out public. If any of you had any clue what goes on really, you’d flip the f**k out. LOOK PAST THE ILLUSION you’re being fed. Don’t believe me? Open your eyes and weep:

  54. ctkat1 says:

    Everything this girl does reeks of Borderline Personality Disorder: from the National Institute of Mental Health Website:

    “Borderline personality disorder (BPD) is a serious mental illness characterized by pervasive instability in moods, interpersonal relationships, self-image, and behavior. This instability often disrupts family and work life, long-term planning, and the individual’s sense of self-identity. Characterized by episodes of impulsive aggression, self-injury, and drug or alcohol abuse. Distortions in cognition and sense of self can lead to frequent changes in long-term goals, career plans, jobs, friendships, gender identity, and values. They may feel unfairly misunderstood or mistreated, bored, empty, and have little idea who they are. While they can develop intense but stormy attachments, their attitudes towards family, friends, and loved ones may suddenly shift from idealization (great admiration and love) to devaluation (intense anger and dislike). Thus, they may form an immediate attachment and idealize the other person, but when a slight separation or conflict occurs, they switch unexpectedly to the other extreme and angrily accuse the other person of not caring for them at all. People with BPD exhibit other impulsive behaviors, such as excessive spending, binge eating, drug abuse and risky sex.”

  55. Falula says:

    Um, 10% of 6 months is not 6 days, it’s about 18 days.

  56. OriginalGracie says:

    @Samigirl: I am really, really happy for you! You sound like you have a really wonderful life going on right now.

    And you explain it so perfectly: loving, honest parents, good meds and REALITY.

    Can you imagine how Lindsay’s life would be different if she had real actual caring parents instead of the famewhore fruit-loops that she’s stuck with?

    I saw on another site a blind item that said “the mother of this troubled starlet did shots with her daughter to celebrate her release from her latest stint in rehab”. Can you guess who the answer was?

    Since normal parents are not possible, she needs the heaviest hand of the law to come down and smack her entitled little butt. Hard. And then they need to follow through with real punishment.
    And keep doing it till she gets it.

  57. Stef says:

    Was it Kaiser who posted, or did I read it in the news, that the jewelry store released their detailed procedure for when they loan out jewelry that includes paperwork, a credit card authorization, and insurance information?

    Meanwhile we’re supposed to believe that any jewelry store owner would just be like, “nah, go ahead Linds, borrow it for as long as you like, i trust you!” and not make her fill out the paper work? Please.

    Her and Dina think she is way more important than she is. She is famous for being a criminal. For being a drugged out, alcoholic, thieving disaster. Not for anything reputable that a store would loan things to her for.

    Crackery at its finest.

  58. The Truth Fairy says:

    OK let’s think about this for a moment …

    You are a jewelry store owner. A famous actress comes in with her stylist and asks to borrow a necklace for a photo shoot. You agree. You then realize that the actress has left with the necklace, but without completing the necessary paperwork that you have for these instances. Knowing that you want to preserve a good business relation with said actress, and any other stars who may borrow your jewelry in the future:

    DO YOU

    #1 Call the actress and her stylist and ask them to come in ASAP to fill out the paperwork?

    #2 Go straight to the cops and say she STOLE the necklace, just to mess with her.

    What possible motivation could the jewelry store owner have to lie about someone they’ve never met, knowing they will be charged with a felony and could go to state prison??? Why would they do that?!

    The Lohan’s will probably offer the stylist big $$ to lie for Lindsay, as usual. But she will be dead or in prison eventually.

    PS The Lindsay supporters on these sites are actually Dina, Lindsay’s publicist and her friends.

  59. JenJen says:

    Wait til the real “Mean Girls” get a hold of her in prison. It’s not going to be the female feast she is dreaming of.

  60. Kristin says:

    I’m starting to think Lindsay isn’t doing this for the money; rather, she is a klepto. It’s just another “high” for her.

  61. normades says:

    @ Hmmm: Innocent or guilty a lawyer’s job is to defend their client. We all have the right to be represented in a court of law. Plus why should we feel sorry for her lawyer? She’s getting paid by the hour and must make some bucks representing Blohan.

    Also I am starting to wonder if there’s some bi polar stuff going on, or is she just on something??? How can someone be so delusional and such a compulsive liar?

  62. Marie says:

    @Luna just to clarify I wasn’t joking about anything I said. There are so many people that have a worse life (with mental disorders, abused children, etc.) than this piece of garbage and they turned out great. She is hopeless and I hope she takes her mother and father with her. Just saying.

  63. mln76 says:

    ITA w/the borderline personality assesment. As is typical with untreated mental illness she’s getting worse. I think she is probably beyond help and will likely end up in jail even if these charges don’t stick because she feels so entitled and she is still surrounded by enablers. And no I don’t feel sorry for her she’s had to many chances and doesn’t want help.

  64. Hmmm says:


    As much as we have to be represented in court, it still makes me wonder when the lawyer is lying for her.

    I don’t think she is bipolar. She is a dangerous narcissist, IMO. Regardless, both are personality disorders, both intractable. Don’t feel pity. Fear them.

  65. Amy says:

    Oh Lindsay… she obviously did it. She has stolen stuff in the past and I seriously doubt the jewelry store has anything to gain by filing charges against her. It’s more of a headache and the store has nothing to gain. I doubt the girl has any money left. Wasn’t Mean Girls her last successful movie? She is obviously a klepto which only adds more to the mountain of mental issues the girl deals with. I doubt she is going to walk away from this one with just a slap on the wrist.

  66. lin234 says:

    The stylist excuse doesn’t make any sense if the store has Lindsey herself on camera IN their store walking out while wearing the necklace in question. Did the stylist go to the store with Lindsey at the same time? The stylist excuse just seems so thin.

    I don’t think this is a mental problem as much as she still thinks she’s a huge star and should get freebies just for being in the store.

  67. guest says:

    A small observation:

    “Lindsay doesn’t understand how the store can file a police report when *they let her borrow* the necklace. . . And why would she steal a necklace? She has tons of jewelry and *doesn’t need anymore*.”

    Why borrow any jewelry at all when you have a ton and don’t need anymore?

    DBT (Dialectical Behavior Therapy) developed by, I believe, Marsha Linehan, is a recognized treatment for Borderline Personality Disorder. It may not be helpful for Lohan, but it is helpful for those who work at it.

    Please don’t discourage people who want to get better who may not know about this option, by saying BPD is hopeless.

  68. Wingnut says:

    She keeps doing this crap because she never has to take any responsibility for her actions. Everytime anything happens you’ve got Dina whining about everyone picking on her “child”. They sound like a family of grifters.

  69. StraightfromA says:

    To my recollection the only thing that has stopped other famous trainwrecks in her position is JAIL TIME (see Robert Downey Jr.). If someone truly decides they don’t want to go back to jail then they won’t- because they will turn away from any and all potential situations that will send them back.

    She was in a pretty high end rehab center and I am certain they have at least 1 Psych that saw her and diagnosed any personality disorders she may have- so she is probably aware of them. I also strongly believe they would have medicated her. Now that she’s out who knows if she is still on them. She needs to pull a Halle Berry and be quietly broken, on meds, and in therapy every other day (this is not an insult since mental illness is not something you catch its something that happens to you and my heart goes out to anyone struggling with it).

    That being said, I am tired of her and I wish she would go to jail already.

  70. Ruby Red Lips says:

    I don’t think she has a personality disorder per say, I think she had hopeless parents, including a mum who encouraged, smoking, drinking, sex and drugging at a really young age, plus an alledgedly violent and drug taking fraudster of a father (rich trailer trash!)

    She was thrust into hollywood, far too young with far too much money and all yes people, w/o any proper guidance or carers, and ended up drugging and drinking etc with everyone making her believe she is invincible and can do and behave exactly how she likes.

    This is her reality and she obv doesn’t have enough gumption to realise somewhere along the line her behaviour has gotten completely out of control and I fear she never will, esp as she is enjoying the drama and subsequent infamy of the media attention.

    She doesn’t want to, or have the tools to realise she needs to change, which is inevitably leading her on a continual downward spiral

  71. *-* says:

    It’s all so sad cause she clearly has some serious mental issues :/

  72. lachica says:

    Lindsay’s problem isn’t only BPD. She seems to have a mixed personality disorder with borderline, antisocial and narcissistic features. It is this combination that makes her so out of control. She needs long term intensive psychotherapy in addition to a life coach. The problem is that she is too narcissistic to truly accept help. She goes through life with such a sense of entitlement that she is probably genuinely shocked that this jeweler is coming after her. She probably truly feels victimized.

    Question: Does anyone think that Michael’s recent ambulance escapade was meant as a distractor?

  73. Kloops says:

    I think she did it. I think she’ll get away with it. I think she has an untreated personality disorder and she is never going to get better because she is surrounded by enablers. We’ll be reading these stories until there is someone else to take her place and considering LL can’t get work it looks like her time is almost up. Thankfully.

  74. CB Rawks says:

    Innocent gets off on every moment of this, especially the attention if we notice her delusional psychotic comments defending Lindsay. You’re right, that is a psychosis in itself. I don’t plan to give her even one moment more. She can go beat off in an alley, like a normal psycho.

  75. weeble says:

    I’m not going to get into the whole business of running down all her misdeeds or her obvious mental and familial issues. But the truth is this: she won’t be convicted; she won’t go to jail for this one.

    As much as I would like to see her pay her dues for her behaviors and decisions, this simply will not happen. I do not have any faith in the justice system, particularly when it comes to young starlets.

  76. Shannon says:

    State prison is NOT worse than jail at all, whoever the “source” is has obviously never been to either or studied them. In jail you have people coming down from all kinds of drugs, going through withdrawal, being violent and puking and acting crazy. Speaking of crazy you also have lots of mentally unstable people in jail. By the time you get to prison, the crazies have mostly been weeded out and sent to mental facilities, the violent ones are in solitary and the ones on drugs are either done with the withdrawal phase or finding enough drugs in prison to stay high. In addition to this, you cannot form relationships in jail because people are always cycling through and the staff are overworked just trying to do their jobs. Prison is reserved for sentences over one year, so you’ll actually get to know the people there, including staff.

    So no, I’m not going to boo-hoo for poor Lindsay. Prison is overall much better than jail, aside from the longer sentence.

  77. Ruby Red Lips says:

    @ C B Rawkes,

    “She can go beat off in an alley, like a normal psycho.”

    😀 😀

  78. CB Rawks says:

    heheh Pardon the imagery. 😀

  79. NicoleAM says:

    I don’t believe she has a mental illness. I think she’s a drug addict. Drug addiction can mimic various mental illnesses. She’s in an environment/profession that gives a million chances for drug addicts. How easy do you think it would be for a doctor/teacher etc to keep working if they were busted with drugs. Half of Hollywood is on drugs or has been (ya know, ’cause they’re “artists”), so it’s the land of 2nd chances. She was still getting some work despite all her probs. Before the last jail/rehab trip wasn’t she set to host SNL?
    I was also diagnosed w/ Borderline Personality Disorder a number of years ago. In my teens and early adulthood I engaged in petty shoplifting. I haven’t done it in years and a big incentive was I didn’t want to be thrown in jail. Outside of Hollywood, having to check off that box saying you’ve been convicted of a crime on an application means you ain’t likely to get the job. I’m all tapped out of sympathy for this self-involved twit and her trashy family.

  80. Liana says:

    Prison is overall much better than jail, aside from the longer sentence.


    Prison is not “much better” than jail. Prison contains violent offenders and not all violent offenders are in solitary. I had a friend who did time at Riker’s Island and he said he would have much rather have served his time in a local jail rather than a prison.

  81. Renee says:

    Somewhere in the Pacific, Fudgey the whale is having a good laugh.

  82. hairball says:

    I am SO sick of hearing about her. I could care LESS. I agree with above, my sympathy is GONE for her. I’m tired of these losers who, as was said, if they had normal jobs, they would have been thrown in jail and lost their career with no second chances.

    Put her *ss in jail like a normal person and shut the F*ck up about her. So sick of this asshole.

  83. Pirouette says:

    I have 2 genuine questions:

    1. Honestly, has there been proof (or even credible speculation) that Lindsay Lohan used/uses crack, in particular?

    2. Why are some people’s panties in a bunch about “Innocent” and her/his posts on this thread? If the answer was immediately clear to me, I wouldn’t ask.

  84. bunkins says:

    She is a liar and a thief. Fingers crossed she goes to JAIL. It is the only thing that can help her now. Rehab etc clearly not changing her at all.

  85. happygirl says:

    I am going to sit back VERY patiently today in hopes of this being true! Sorry, crack-thief, but it’s just not fair that you continuously get away with your crackery.

    Her nose should be expanding across the world by now with all the crack lies.

  86. Isabel says:

    Lohan should be in prison. Any average person with her track record would have already been in the system for multiple years.

    And if this jackass store owner actually lent the necklace to her…then he or she should be in prison for being an absolute moron.

  87. Trippin says:

    At least Courtney Love doesn’t steal shit. Look out for Mama-Lo to come to the rescue again.

  88. original kate says:

    FYI, peeps: lying and stealing does not make someone bipolar. it just makes them a lying thief.

  89. la_chica says:

    At this point, it doesn’t really matter if she stole it or not. All that does matter is that this is the only news out on her.

    Her career is dead, as it should be for someone who has acted like an entitled, spoiled brat their entire life. Her name is now synonymous with lying and stealing.

  90. Shannon says:

    “Prison is not “much better” than jail. Prison contains violent offenders and not all violent offenders are in solitary. I had a friend who did time at Riker’s Island and he said he would have much rather have served his time in a local jail rather than a prison. ”

    And violent offenders don’t go to jail? You do know that jail is the entry point to the criminal justice system, right? Even if you end up in prison, you’ll start in jail. At least in prison you KNOW who the violent people are and know to stay away from them.

    Having one friend who went to prison doesn’t make you an expert on prisons.

  91. Jenna says:

    wait a second.. prison is WAY worse than jail!!!

  92. alice says:

    I agree with pirouette that those are two good questions. why did people respond to innocent so vehemently when the comments were so benign. Contrary to others opinions but benign. A true BPD cannot stand not being validated so perhaps the objectors should turn the mirror around. and I have seen no charges about crack-alcohol but not crack. and as far as the comment about the jewelry store by the truth fairy-they tried to contact her and couldn’t so they filed charges. they would probably have tried harder had she not been an embattled actress. I would think twice about going in there if I was a celeb.