Jonas Brothers to get their own Disney TV show

The Jonas Brothers are taking over the world. At least, that’s how it seems to those of us who are tying to ignore them. It’s getting harder to avoid them, though: they currently have the #1 CD on the Billboard charts, and their TV movie “Camp Rock” is rapidly approaching mania of “High School Musical” status. I don’t really get it; they seem like little more than another Hanson to me. But they’ve garnered enough popularity to land their own show on the Disney Channel.

After the success of their TV movie Camp Rock, the Jonas Brothers are now prepping for their own Disney Channel original series.

“It’s going to be about us as a band but dealing with normal things like trying to take out the trash and not get hounded by fans,” Joe Jonas tells ELLEgirl magazine about the as-yet untitled series. “It’s going to be a funny show, and it’s going to be a great cast.”

The show – originally about the boy band living a double life as spies – has recently undergone a conceptual change. The trio, who just released their third studio album, A Little Bit Longer, told Ryan Seacrest on his KISS-FM radio show that the series will now be more like HBO’s Flight of the Conchords.

[From People]

Yeah, except Flight of the Choncords is funny, edgy and enjoyable to watch. You know, the one good thing about being the next big teen sensation is that sooner or later, you grow up and your voice changes, and there’ll be some other floppy-haired, squeaky voiced kid right behind you ready to take your place. So I’ll continue plugging my ears and crossing my fingers- after all, when was the last time Hanson had a big hit?

The Jonas Brothers are shown in the header during a break performing on GMA on 8/8/08. They are shown below at a taping of MTV’s TRL on 8/12/08. Credit: Janet Mayer/PRPhotos.

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26 Responses to “Jonas Brothers to get their own Disney TV show”

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  1. xiaoecho says:

    who are they?

  2. Jennifer says:

    I’m really puzzled that people actually find these three attractive at all! And whats with the tight ass jeans? Men who wear those should be exiled! Not cute…not cute at all

  3. Lara says:

    I don’t know either who they are. But just judging from their looks, girlfriends please, how dare you compare yourself to the fabulous Flight of the Conchords :mrgreen: .

  4. Diva says:

    UGH! I listen to pop music radio in my office all day, because I like it 88.8% of the time… but when these guys come on, it makes me need to find something far away from my desk to do! Cannot stand to listen to them.

    They seem like good kids and everything, and that’s all good, but I resent a little that I have to listen to their gratingly whiny little voices right after a good 3 Doors Down song.

    I would bet that if Disney had had this tween tv hold on the world when Hanson was popular they would have been in this exact show.

  5. vdantev says:

    Because kids today need more soft fruity limp inoffensive metrosexual wuss music that doesn’t challenge the social order or make them ‘feel’ anything their parents might get upset about.

  6. SeVen says:

    I’m trying to care…. Its not working. Give them 3 years , maybe 4, they’ll be washed up drug addicts on the DUI lane just like every other Disney Produced “act”. Until then we can only band together and hope that some real music can come our way and not plastic manufactured shit.

    EDIT : What vdantev said. Now excuse me I’m going to go draw hearts on my notebooks and find blog posts about Miley Cyrus and call you all poop heads cause shes SOOOOO GR8!!

    I just threw up in my mouth a little.

  7. Roni says:

    My little girl LOVES this group, she’s five years old but she has me singing their songs when we are around the house…I could just take a gun (NOT to myself of course) but to that damn TV everytime they come on! But I have to thank God that she does like the Jonas Brothers and she is singing that instead of Lil Wayne’s song; “licky licky like a lollipop (I hope I spelled that right)! Everytime that comes on the radio and she starts to sing that…something inside me dies and I hurry up and change the channel! I refuse to have my 5 year old sing those lyrics! NOT YET…maybe in another 16 years (MAYBE)!

  8. Codzilla says:

    I thought they already had their own show. Isn’t that how Disney pimps out all their kiddies?

    Jennifer: Agreed. The jeans are awful, and when combined with the boots, definitely warrant permanent exile.

  9. vdantev says:

    5 years old? She should still be investigating what smells bad in the toybox at that age, not being indoctrinated by the media. Kids that age need to play, and interact with other kids not listen to the sqawk-box. There will be plenty of time for that when she’s a sullen teen.

  10. Jill says:

    Roni I agree with you. I have 3 daughters(13,10,5) and a son(9)and I would prefer they sing these songs and like these boys than some of the other stuff on the radio. There whole family travels together for their careers and they seem somewhat grounded considering the circumstances. It’s inevitable that our kids are going to be inundated by different media influences. I personally would rather hear my kids singing Camp Rock and High School Musical songs than anything with cuss words or about drugs. That will happen soon enough.

  11. anony says:

    HA HA! Best comments ever Vdantev.

  12. Bellatrix says:

    Mmmbop anyone?

    Is it wrong to think it would be funny to see the Hanson brothers wearing those tight jeans and dancing next to Miley?

  13. jessiee says:

    My 14 year old will be thrilled.

    I, on the other hand, will just continue to drink while the TV blares Disney.

  14. MSat says:

    How about introducing your kids to The Beatles or Bob Marley? Not much to object about content-wise- and your kids might actually develop good taste in music instead of becoming mindless consumers!

  15. Codzilla says:

    That’s the route I’m taking with my kids, MSat. With different bands, but the idea is the same. I’ll let you know in 12 years if my mission is successful.

  16. Jill says:

    I realize that your recommendations were said in frustration but I didn’t know I was suppossed to list all of their music favorites. The Beatles are a huge hit in our house just like The Highway Men and many others. The reality is that kids want to be able to talk to their friends at school about bands and at my kids ages not a whole lot of them are Eric Clapton fans. I hadn’t thought of Bob Marley… Thanks…I will choose to ignore the future mindless consumer part

  17. WENDY says:

    Wow, I am looking forward to the boys coming on tv…Tired of Miley Cyrus taking over hollywood and tv!!

  18. Jeanne says:

    Noooooo! Will they too succumb to the Disney curse of having sex too early, drinking, drugs, shortened childhoods.

  19. You know, these Jonas dudes aren’t awful, but Disney reruns their shows to death.

    And, yes, my daughter will be watching, I’m sure of it. Sigh.

  20. Sarah says:

    I don’t know why you guys all hate the Jonas Brothers. I’m 18 years old and I’m in love with them.. Not all of their songs are that good, but I’d rather listen to them than listening to other songs about drugs and other awful stuff. Right now their giving the world a really good example of rolemodels. These guys actually wear purity rings, how many famous people do that now? The celeb world is out of control and i think that Jonas Brothers can make a difference.

  21. brista says:

    I, uh…I thought they already HAD their own Disney TV show and that was why we knew of them in the first place…? No? Oh. Okay.

    Kids these days! Get off my lawn!

  22. Malyce says:

    Forget that they have no talent whatsoever, they’re not even remotely good-looking. I thought the point of boy bands was to have PRETTY BOYS even if they can’t sing for shit?

    And it takes that much coordination to bastardize both the skinny tie and skinny jeans in one go. That’s some serious fail.

  23. Shiloh says:

    if you hate the jonas brothers so much why are you even looking at this?
    i love the jonas brothers everytime i see nick smile it gives me chills!everytime i hear kevins guitar solo i go speachless.when ever i hear joes voice it makes me wanna melt.they say the sweetest things there songs are like love letters from god!
    if you guys ever read this i love all of you! 😀

  24. sEdaqN1#82 says:

    I have a daughter (17) and she is a huge fan. She’s embarrassed about the show. It is aimed at small children. Also my kids love the beatles because that is what I listen to oldies. But the Jonas are good kids with positive values that is needed today.

  25. I really liked your blog! I submitted it to digg. The jonas brothers are awesome

  26. I am not sure if this is the correct place, but I figured you should be aware that I saw this post awhile ago on another site. I think it was a wordpress blog with the same title. The content was almost the same, but I noticed that this one has an older date. I guess they grabbed it from you, but maybe not who knows. Thought you may want to know.