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18 Responses to “Lynne Spears claims she didn’t push Britney into show business”

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  1. The Old KC says:

    Why now? Because narcissists can’t stand to have other people think they are at fault. Although I haven’t read the book, I think this was an attempt by Lynne to diffuse the blame toward everyone but herself. She knew the world was calling her a crappy mother and her ego just couldn’t take it. (Is diffuse a word? Or is it defuse…) See, it’s not about Britney – it’s all about Lynne.

  2. Diva says:

    I KNEW IT!!!

    I totally called this when the first story came up on here!


  3. california angel says:

    Oh my gosh, my heart sinks into my stomach at just the thought that any mother would attempt to profit off of their children, at all, let alone to the extent that Lynne (edited for spelling) has taken adantage of her children. The joke is on her though because the more that she reveals herself, the more idiotic she sounds.

  4. Baholicious says:

    ‘Stage mothers’ – talk about eating one’s young.

  5. snappyfish says:

    yes she did. Britney financed her entire white trash family. end of story

  6. Mpea says:

    She looks old. Its so sad. Shes not even 30 …. Meth will do that to someone.

  7. SolitaryAngel says:

    In the eternal words of Michael K:
    **clears throat**
    **drum roll, please**

    Ho sit down!!

    πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€

  8. Bodhi says:

    Does Lynn REALLY think that the public will buy that swill she is shilling? Puh-fucking-lease. If she had such serious concerns, she could very well have intervened with Brit’s management team.

    I don’t doubt for a second that she loves her kids, but she sure seemed to love profiting off ’em too

  9. Bodhi says:

    Crap, awaiting moderation. Does the f-bomb automaticaly cast one into comment blackholes now?

  10. Victoria says:

    right on CALIFORNIA ANGEL and BAHOLICIOUS………..She is silly and ridiculous…I had a feeling when she kept saying that Jamie Lynn was ” more than ready to get married”, and that Casey was a ” faithful and loving young man “, this was going to backfire in their faces…..NOW, she is upset that Casey wants custody of Maddie and is sueing for millions…backed up by his gold-digging parents…..I wonder if Britney and Lynn and daddy-o, can cough up enough dough to get Casey out of their lives?…According to Lynn, Jamie bought him everything from a new truck, an expensive watch, hunting equipment, clothes galore and other electronics and gadgits…He was draining her bank account ( star magazine )……Maybe now Lynn can keep her nose OUT of the girl’s business, because Britney was known to have told Jamie NOT to marry Casey…She was too young, and that he was after her money, and that she ( britney ) knew better than anyone, the signs of a gold-digger and a user. BUT, mommy dearest Lynn wanted her ” baby married “, to do the right thing for Maddie and the families. I bet she regrets pushing her daughter into ANY relationship with him now… She only pushes her ” babies” into a situation where she can profit and SHE can drain their accounts. $$$$$$ Sorry about the rambling, but this person is NO mother of the year. Had to vent guys !!

  11. Just Me says:

    Lynn Spears is a pimp. Period. I don’t know why she even tries to pretend otherwise. And she must be a narcissist as well to publish “Through the Storm”. She would be FAR better served to keep her mouth SHUT and to stay OUT of her daughters’ lives.

    Thank goodness for Jamie Spears. Otherwise who knows where Britney would be right now? She looked better at the VMAs than she has in years, and the leaked videos of her dancing show she’s back to being in pretty good shape (especially considering she’s had 2 kids since her heyday).

  12. mogoo says:

    So true to the poster who said narcissists can’t be at fault for anything. And it looked real bad for Lynn when Britney was having a meltdown. Mom just couldn’t be bothered with her little money maker then. The way Lynn buttered up to K Fed during the meltdown spoke volumes to me. Can you imagine the sense of betrayal Britney felt. She couldn’t see her kids but mommy spears made sure she saw them and was pictured with them. The ever loving grandma. Dad Spears was shut out by Lynn years ago. Narcissists own there children. Lynn only handed Britney over to him when she was to damaged to be of any narcissistic supply for Mrs Spears. The only way a child of a narcissist wins is with therapy. Drugs will not solve this black hole inside of Britney. Understanding the damage Lynn caused will. Britney is an inverted narcissist.

  13. actingrc says:

    devil’s advocate here: hadn’t she already gotten advances for a parenting book when jamie-lynn got pregnant? if she couldn’t or wouldn’t give up the money, she had to write something…

  14. santacruz says:

    …but she certainly is cashing in on her daughters now… this woman has no soul.

  15. Judy says:

    Brit may look a little older but it not from doing Meth. They have never proved or found Meth in Brtis blood tests.
    Her mother has lived off of Brite and Jamie Lynn for years and quit her jon to make them make it big so she couod sit back and reap the benefits. Now she writes a book calling her kids trash in so many words. I think the book is a pack of lies.

  16. Jeanne says:

    Okay maybe we’ll buy that Mama Spears wasn’t a horrible mother, but why didn’t she, at the very least make sure both girls were managed properly? Only Ma and Pa Spears are responsible for how they raised their children. When they made the decision to put their kids in show business they took risks: the girls would have a short childhood, grow up too soon, use drugs, have sex, etc. Mom and Dad Spears need to be held accountable and shoulder some of the responsibility for how their girls turned out. Anyone can write a book and tell their side of things, but really Lynn is exploiting her own children by telling all their business, and making money in return. There’s nothing noble about her writing this book. A real mom, a good mom, a mother bear mom, wouldn’t do that to her children. Our loyalty is fierce and our love is unconditional.

  17. ejt81 says:

    have read the book and there are none of the drugs or sex scandals as previously touted aruond by various press outlets. the book is an honest one – the first third of the book is about her as a child, her husband jamie’s alcohol problems, her family and starting a family. it then goes on to britney and her career, bryan and his and jamie lynn with hers. it doesnt particularly tell you anything new about britney, there is no scandal. it tells you how lynne dealt with everything that was thrown at her and her children. i for one think lynne has done a good job and most of the mistakes made were that she should have paid better attention to britneys career and who was managing her rather than letting her get on with it herself. i dont think she was a pushy mother at all – read the book and make up your own minds,

  18. Lawn says:

    This is never easy.