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12 Responses to “Liv Tyler talks about the pain of her divorce”

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  1. Lara says:

    I think she was promoting “The Strangers” when giving this interview (re: her motivation to speak to a magazine). The film opened here last week or so.

  2. daisy424 says:

    I have always liked Liv, she seems genuine to me also.
    Divorce is hard on everyone, but mostly on the children. Good luck Liv 😉

  3. Kaiser says:

    I like her, but I’m also kind of “meh” about her acting chops.

    Still, it’s nice to see a relatively successful actress who isn’t bone thin.

  4. Zoe says:

    Actually, I was going to say how thin she looks! She used to be much heavier, but she looks great either way.

  5. Linda says:

    Divorce is really a rough, raw emotional time to go through – it’s much like dealing with the death of a loved one…except that it is harder in so many ways.

    What I cannot understand the sympathy she is now given – example being:

    “I hope that she’s able to get through this difficult time in her life and move forward to a happier place”

    And when Jennifer Aniston talked about the loss of her marriage, it’s turned into “a pity party for Jen”…

    I certainly don’t mean to start anything – but it just strikes me as a blatant double standard.

  6. Shane says:

    What an open and honest person Liv is. Hope her career continues, I like her.

  7. anony says:

    It’s a word I love but rarely use to describe anyone, but she’s darling.

    And I love Cancers anyway. I always seem to gravitate towards them:)) T

  8. crab says:

    Linda, I totally agree with you!! I like Liv and I like Jennifer and they both had a death in marriage so why do people have double standards??

  9. Kaiser says:

    There are too many differences between Jennifer and Liv to count…

    The biggest difference (in my mind) is that Liv seems to have come out of her divorce with grace and humility, and is trying to find her footing as a single mother with no gratutitous axe to grind. Pity Party, not so much.

  10. Cinderella says:

    I’ve always adored Liv. Her dad once described her as an “old soul” in an interview, and I totally agree. Any appearance she’s ever made has shown her to be very likeable. Good luck to her.

  11. vdantev says:

    and all she has are her paltry millions and legions of men who would be at her side to comfort her in an instant- poor thing 🙁

  12. Trillion says:

    Royston’s kind of a dick. I knew him briefly and didn’t like him one bit. She’ll do much better.