Lauren Conrad gets 3 book deal with HarperCollins

Lauren Conrad is really moving through side careers quickly. She worked at Teen Vogue for a bit, then moved on to her own fashion collection (always a great idea when you’re a celeb that wants to take credit for other people’s work) and now has decided she’s a writer – and she’s even got a three book deal with HarperCollins.

Conrad, 22, has signed on to write a three-book series of young adult fiction for HarperCollins, the publisher tells PEOPLE. The books – the first of which is scheduled to hit shelves in the summer of 2009 – will be loosely inspired by Conrad’s own experience going from an ordinary teen to a reality TV star.

“It’s definitely influenced by my own life,” Conrad tells PEOPLE. “The books are about a girl who moves to L.A. and stars in a reality show, so obviously there are some similarities.”

Conrad’s best gal pal and The Hills costar Lauren Bosworth has already been offering advice. “I run ideas by Lo and I’ll ask for her opinion because I value my friends’ opinions,” says the budding author, who has completed the outline for the first book.

But not everyone in Conrad’s life has been clued in to her plans to pen a series. “Honestly I haven’t told everyone,” she admits. “I’ve told my best friends and they have all been really supportive. Nobody was worried.”

[From People]

Lauren says she doesn’t plan to make any digs at friends – current or former – in her books. Though some of her old nemesis have played a part in her life and characters with some of those traits may end up in her book, it’s not intention. That’s like when Law & Order gives that little qualifier about how the show you’re about to watch is totally fictional, and then goes on to do an exact dramatization of OJ Simpson or something.

While it’s kind of annoying to see Lauren flit about from job to job, it makes sense that at her age she’s trying to figure out what she wants. It’s just that very few of the rest of us could say, “I want to go into magazine publishing… no wait, I want a fashion line… never mind, I want to write books,” and have anyone take us seriously.

Not that I’m expecting her to actually write a single word. I’m guessing she’ll Kate Price it and “direct” a ghost writer, then take a lot of credit and sign a lot of books. So basically, just sit there and look pretty. Now that’s the life.

Here’s Lauren at the VMAs on Sunday. Images thanks to PR Photos.

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13 Responses to “Lauren Conrad gets 3 book deal with HarperCollins”

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  1. Granger says:

    Wow. The suspense is killing me. What will I possibly read until her first book is released???

  2. vdantev says:

    All written in crayon?

  3. cc says:

    Vdantev:Maybe finger paints. I hear it is the new thing to “write” a book with.

  4. Prissa says:

    Oh great, another “celebrity” author who will take time & attention away from all the struggling authors out there who have been working hard at perfecting their craft and hoping for that break that will allow them entrance to the writer’s world. What a sham! Sickening. 😡

  5. Kaiser says:

    Jesus, is there any part of this twit’s vapid existence that isn’t obsessively documented? What’s next, a three-part “very special” coffee table series of her last pap smear?

  6. ri23 says:

    Three books — not necessary. “Like, I was on a TV show” can fit on a business card. Useless twit.

  7. haly says:

    did she get A cup implants or something? her breasts look odd.

  8. elisha says:

    Well, in defense of her “fashion” line, that IS what she always wanted to do, even before reality TV came a-knockin. She went to school for it for a little while.

  9. DogRunner says:


    In the last picture it definitely looks like she has implants.

  10. Abby says:

    she seems to want to make white her signature color, even though it’s fall. she keeps being photographed in it.

  11. whatevs says:

    I can never quite put my finger on it, but every time I see this girl there’s just something…off….with her head/neck/shoulder region. It’s like she has no neck or something, just this head (a pretty head) floating on rounded shoulders. She needs to stop shrugging in every pic or stop trying to show off her clavicles, the look is not working for her.

  12. cara says:

    first thought in my head….. ARE YOU F*&%#NG KIDDNG ME!!!!!

  13. Alice says:

    Hii Laren Is Guw Gus and leave her alone she just wants to suceed
    Love You Laren!!! xoxo