Nicole Richie rips camera out of fan’s hand and smashes it

Nicole Richie is the latest celebrity to engage in the art of camera smashing. The petite 26 year-old mother was leaving a party at a NY club on Friday night when she jumped over a rope and threw a young tourist’s camera to the ground, shouting the phrase popularized by 1980 film The Elephant Man, “I am not an animal!”

Nicole Richie kicked off the diva fits at an after-party for Charlotte Ronson by grabbing a fan’s camera and smashing it to the ground. While Lindsay Lohan and Sam Ronson were celebrating at Country Club on West 14th Street with host Alan Philips of Sky Group, Richie left early at 11 p.m.

As she walked out, “a young, Swedish tourist was trying to take her photo,” said one witness. Richie shouted, “I’m not an animal” then “jumped over the velvet rope, ripped the camera out of the girl’s hand, and smashed it to the ground.” Reps for Richie didn’t reply to Page Six.

[From The NY Post]

Like Kanye West’s camera-smashing paparazzi encounter on Thursday, we don’t know what prompted Richie’s behavior and if that particular tourist – it’s not specified if it was a man or a woman – said something obnoxious or was otherwise following her all night. (Although in Kanye’s case the longer it takes that loudmouth to blog about what happened, the more at fault he seems. If his lawyer is advising him not to reveal details that may incriminate himself or his road manager, he should mention that.)

This is Nicole Richie we’re talking about, though, and she’s not exactly known for being the most gracious and friendly celebrity. Her sour moods and sense of entitlement are pretty much legendary, but her sweet daughter seems to have softened her a bit. Maybe she was pissed off at something else and just taking it out on that person’s camera. Being stalked like that has got to get to you after a while. I bet some of these celebrities would gladly give up their gadgets in exchange for a society in which famous people’s personal lives weren’t so publicly scrutinized and followed. If it’s getting to them so much they always have the option to move to the country.

Here’s Nicole Richie out at the Marc Jacobs show on 9/8/08. Credit: MLM/Fame Pictures

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28 Responses to “Nicole Richie rips camera out of fan’s hand and smashes it”

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  1. Baholicious says:

    Homegirl just needs a cheeseburger.

    Seriously, that reaction was entirely inappropriate. Stupid too, because she endangered herself and she has a baby to think about.

  2. Starla says:

    So she jumps over the rope, sceams “I’m am not an animal” (orginal),rips the camera out of her FAN’S hands & smashes it. Bitch, you’ve done nothing of any importance to even be famous. Be fukcin happy you have fans. It’s not like this girl was even in Nicole’s face with her camera. She was behind a rope. Spoiled brat.

  3. greer says:

    Why can’t I picture this happening? I am not a Nicole Richie fan, but I have a hard time believing this frail lollipop of a girl leaped over a velvet rope and grabbed someone’s camera and broke it. I need video evidence.

    And if she really did this she needs a sedative.

  4. Anna says:

    I’m sure she wasn’t purposedly quoting The Elephant Man, that would be way too intellectual for her!!

    As for moving to the country: Demi Moore and Bruce Willis tried that back when their daughters were younger and TomKat have also done that to a certain extent and still the paparazzi follow them a lot. I’m not sure it really is an option if you do work in LA/Hollywood.

    Then again, Nicole Richie doesn’t work, she breathes air that some people need more than her. And I didn’t mean to defend her in particular (I really dislike her in fact) but rather point something general out.

  5. Codzilla says:

    Nicole, go home to your daughter and be thankful you have a rich daddy to fund your lavish lifestyle. God knows you couldn’t earn it on your own. 🙄

  6. Kate says:

    Iam not sure how accurate this article is.Page six lately has been name dropping Lindsay and Samantha alot.Unfortunately for the NYPost the girls were up in Toronto on Friday night/No way anywhere near NewYork or Nicole Richie.
    And lindsay looked great.Her face is much better when she doesnt put that fake tan on it.She looks so much healthier and better when she doesnt put much make up.

  7. cara says:

    I thought the judge in her case just commended her in her change of behavior, guess he spoke too soon.

    But I agree with the writer, move to the country and stop going to the “hottest” clubs if you don’t want to be photographed. Oh, and maybe ditch the mananger for your public career.

    Her kid’s cute though, hope Joel keeps the kid grounded.

  8. Rob says:

    What the hell is she wearing?

  9. The Old KC says:

    Glad you asked, Rob. She’s wearing the latest in Hefty bag fashion – wrap skirt with waistband detailing. Kmart wife-beater tank top with black lacy bra underneath that probably cost over $1000. Gladiator sandals from last season, that look flattering on absolutely no one. And, the coup de grace, a glittery silver headband fashioned from Christmas tinsel. Or maybe it’s aluminum foil. Sometimes she looks cute but this outfit screams “fashion victim”.

  10. anony says:

    @ the outfit: What would Jane Fonda do?

    Priceless, the Old KC. Amazing they spend a fortune to look…not so much sometimes.

  11. V. I. Pete says:

    Thanks to celebrity blogs I now dislike 99% of all celebrities, who as so many people point out have very little reason to be called a celebrity. Good work folks. I agree with all of the above.

  12. Tricksy says:

    I’m sure there’s irony in here somewhere – like the young Swedish woman was actually trying to take a picture of the person BEHIND Nicole…

  13. Maritza says:

    At least Paris works for a living selling all the stuff she does, but what does Nicole do? This girl is not even worthy of getting photographed.

  14. Baholicious says:

    @ The Old KC: ROTFL!!

  15. alisha says:

    Um, the CB article says it’s not specified if the tourist was a man or a woman, but does it not say that Nicole ripped the camera out of the “girl’s” hand?

  16. Elizabeth says:

    👿 Sue her !

  17. javagirl1 says:

    I find this hard to believe also. Nicole has really shaped up her act and is one of my favorite celebrities. If it did happen, I’m sure there was more to the story.

  18. paris herpes says:

    I hope she didn’t take a picture of her dressed up in this wet garbage bag headbandded excuse for an outfit, because this one fug ensemble. Her face looks cute, but those shoes are so ugly they should be burned STAT!

  19. princess says:

    KC- Holy crap that was funny!

  20. Jinxy says:

    The girl doesn’t even weigh 100 lbs, it’s a miracle NR can even walk upright, she’s the same size in person as an 11 year old child, seriously – if you can’t rassle a camera back from a child-like being maybe you shouldn’t have a camera.

    I dont believe this one. Sorry.

  21. ff says:

    If there’s one thing I’m getting tired of hearing it’s that someone of 100lbs or under can’t do anyone else damage – or will get blown over in the next strong wind. Total BS.

    She’s tiny sure but where there’s a will there’s a way.

    I know of a case where it took four police officers to restrain a woman and she was 100lbs or less. So yes, it can happen, actually. Particularly if the person with the camera is so busy thinking “she’s 100lb soaking wet, what can she do to me?”

    Not to mention Nicole’s past attitude excursions I don’t see it as impossible or unlikely at all really.

  22. browning says:

    It would be a cold day in hell before i would let her tiny ass take my camera! I dont believe this either. But, if this is true shame on her, doesnt she know that the economy is bad. You cant be going around smashing the less fortunates camera.!

  23. Lola says:

    Does she look in the mirror after putting on that thing around her head. She looks ridiculous.

  24. what says:

    jeez man, no pity for nicole, but i would never ever want to be a celebrity. i don’t like talking to strangers if i can avoid it, especially in NY where people are always angry. it must really kill your spirit if you can’t take a nice solitary walk for 5 min without getting hounded.

    that said, nicole’s a dumbass. and lol browning. that’s right, cameras are expensive!

  25. dumdee says:

    i never liked nicole richie, never will. i only like her fashion choices but this ensemble isnt one of them. this girl should be counting her blessings, without her daddy, she’d be no one. at least paris works for it.

  26. kit says:

    I’d say she behaved like an animal so maybe she spoke to soon.

  27. Joy Ryder says:

    Another spoilt brat, what exactly is she famous for apart from her who father is?

  28. Jeanne says:

    Why don’t the paps quit following her then? What does she even do? Little b*tch still has unresolved anger issues. Nicole has more than milked out her 15 minutes of fame, and cashing in on her daddy’s name. Promise you’ll never do another reality show, and please go away. Oh and take Lindsay, Paris, the Simpson girls and Heidi Montag with you.