Amy Winehouse skips 25th birthday party, leaves guests in the lurch

Amy Winehouse’s best friend, singer Remi Nicole, threw a party for her 25th birthday Saturday night at a London club. Instead of showing up and accepting everyone’s well wishes Winehouse begged off and stubbornly refused to go to her own party. She is rumored to have told friends gathered at her house urging her to go that she wasn’t going to attend the party because she was “ugly.” Remi organized the whole thing and went to a lot of trouble, but she spent three frustating hours and Amy’s house and ultimately couldn’t convince the singer to go. This is pretty sad if it’s all true:

AMY WINEHOUSE refused to go to her own birthday party after realising how drugs have ravaged her looks and ranting: “I look “f***ing ugly.”

The Grammy award-winning singer had a furious row with best pal REMI NICOLE as she desperately tried to convince her to attend her own 25th bash.

Celebs including ADELE, MARK RONSON and Amy’s mother JANIS waited for her in central London’s Jazz After Dark club on Saturday — but the junkie, who is still battling huge drug addictions, refused to leave home.

Three cabs were called to the star’s house in Camden, North London.

Two were sent away before Remi gave up and took the third home after three hours trying to get Amy out.

Her 15 guests were then left to eat her guitar-shaped cake without ever seeing her.

A pal said: “Amy was standing in front of the mirror telling everyone how rough she looked.

“Unfortunately her lifestyle has had a major affect on her appearance and it’s only just started to sink in.

“She kept saying she was ugly and was in an awful state. They couldn’t get her out.

“Remi had organised the night and made a huge effort. They had a huge row.

“Amy can be very selfish — there was no convincing her and she ruined the night for everyone, including herself.”

Even Amy’s pal BLAKE WOOD — who she was rumoured to have had a fling with — arrived with arms full of presents, only to be told the troubled singer wasn’t coming.

[From The Sun]

Amy’s mom Janis is said to have been crying at her daughter’s absence.

Winehouse was recently photographed looking very troubled and sickly. It’s possible she saw the stories about those photos and that led her to be particularly self conscious.

Whatever you call Amy – an addict, druggie, junkie – she’s a human being and our heart goes out to her. No one deserves to live like that even if they’re “choosing” it. People are speculating that she’s near death based on her fragile state. It’s difficult to really comment on these Winehouse stories or even think about it too much as it seems very dire for her at this point.

She doesn’t need a party, she needs to be committed. There are all sorts of legal complications that make that impossible to do at this point, and I’m afraid we’ll have to just keep watching her downward slide. It’s up to Amy now, but maybe something will change and someone will be granted responsibility over her. It worked for another famous singer. There’s no comparing Amy and Britney, but Britney’s positive outcome can at least give us some hope for Amy.

Amy Winehouse is shown on 9/11/08. There’s also a photo of a paparazzi van decorated for her birthday outside her house on 9/14. Credit: WENN

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24 Responses to “Amy Winehouse skips 25th birthday party, leaves guests in the lurch”

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  1. Baholicious says:

    Ah. The selfish, “woe is me” navel-gazing of the addict.

  2. rabidparadise says:

    I miss the old Amy. Pray she gets the help she needs.

  3. geronimo says:

    “Amy can be very selfish…! FFS, she’s lost in the throes of addiction, ALL addicts are ‘selfish’, nature of the beast. Isn’t it better she didn’t turn up? Let’s see now, what would the likely outcome have been? Hmmm? 🙄

    What they should have done instead of throwing her a birthday party is stage an intervention. Because that’s the only thing that’s going to save this girl from herself. Too too sad.

  4. xiaoecho says:

    The photos in the Mail were appalling. Wonder if she’s getting gyp from Blake? He must be copping it in gaol from other inmates about how rough his wife looks. Maybe she’s nearing rock bottom cause her image is all important to her. Here’s hoping 😐

  5. Susan says:

    She was probably high as -ell and too paranoid to be in front of anybody.

  6. Baholicious says:

    Hey Geronimo, You know what you might’ve hit the nail on the head. Maybe Amy didn’t go because she thought it might be an intervention.

  7. Starla says:

    Is this the first time in a few years she’s looked in a mirror??

  8. Codzilla says:

    Starla: That’s what I was thinking. She’s been looking rough for a long time now, so I wonder why it finally sunk in now?

  9. geronimo says:

    Baholicious, I’d love to think she thought that, it would at least suggest that she knows how bad things are, but sadly, I’d say it was just Amy having a small moment of clarity in front of the mirror. 🙁

  10. Shane says:

    What kind of “friends” throw a nightclub party for a woman who is clearly dying just a little bit every day.

    And then runs to the press when she doesn’t want to come.

    With leeches, errr, I mean friends, like that who needs em?

  11. daisy424 says:

    I tend to think that her epiphany is a stage of her downward spiral.

  12. Orangejulius says:

    Damn. She’s starting to look like Keith Richards.

  13. Syko says:

    It’s really hard to look at her and realize she is just 25 years old. She looks like a poorly cared-for 40. I do wish she’d come to her senses, dump Blaaake, and commit to rehab.

  14. Lola says:

    They threw for her a party. Hmmm. Which part of her life did they want to celebrate? I wonder. Look at her, she is right when she says she is ugly, because she is. I wonder how long till all her systems shut down. I have to give her body credit for resilience.

  15. kate says:

    i agree, this woman does not need a party in a nightclub. she needs to be in a hospital getting help. anyone know what the laws are in england regarding involuntary commitment? if at all possible her family should step in, take control and get her committed. she may hate them for it, but at least she’ll be alive.

  16. kelly j says:

    For God’s sake, what kind of animals would hold a party for someone who’s clearly dying on their feet? There’s truly nothing to celebrate here.
    If you took everyone out of the room who stood to gain something from this, would there be anyone left? Even among her family? The only things Amy should be hearing about are recovery, rehab, harm reduction.

  17. Lauri says:

    OrangeJulius: Sadly, even Keith looks better than this poor train wreck.

    No question…if someone doesn’t intervene, and FAST, she’ll be dead soon. So sad; such a waste.

  18. Victoria says:

    AGREE SHANE AND LAURIE….. The news media has already stated that they have her Obituary started, and are just waiting to finish the ” death date “…Amy’s fingernails look dirty and yellow, and her arm’s are pretty scarey looking, not to mention her skin and hair…I would have had a hard time knowing who THAT was….I agree with whoever said she may have thought her party WAS an intervention!!!….Pity it was NOT one after all…If her so-called friends really want to help her, they should have done the intervention WHEREEVER SHE WAS.,…With or without Amy’s temper or sarcasism towards everyone…It may just save her life, if it is not too late already…No wonder her mother cries alot. I would also if a child of mine looked like Amy. The difference would be, is that I know without a doubt, I would have already done something major to try and save my child. With or without people to help me!

  19. JaundiceMachine says:

    This could be a revelation for Amy, or it could be the beginning of the end. I hope she summons her inner strength and starts making productive life choices, instead of acquiescing to a slow-burn suicide.

  20. huh says:

    It is my understanding that anyone in the public eye, no matter how healthy, has a partially written obit by the media. B/c they want to get them up online asap if there were an accident. They wouldn’t have time to research everything so they keep them on file for everyone. It sounds grim but with the speed of the news cycle it’s necessary. So having an obit for Amy isn’t really meaningful, they have them for George Bush or Julia Roberts or anyone else…

  21. Ninjajeje says:

    @ Kate – supposedly it’s pretty hard to get someone sectioned in the UK…although it doesn’t sound like her Dad Mitch is trying too hard, in every news item I hear about him, he’s downplaying her drug use. Her PR department is useless, blaming ‘dehydration’ and ‘exhaustion’ for her hospitalizations over the past few months. I don’t understand why it isn’t as simple as the baker act like we have here…I mean, that doesn’t dignify a ‘handler’ or ‘conservator’ but it at least holds the patient for three days to sort out what to do with them next. It’s really too bad, because Amy used to be good. Now she’s a slip of a girl that looks nothing like her former self.

  22. prissa says:

    I totally agree with Shane. What I don’t get is her mother was crying because she didn’t show? Why isn’t her mother by her side trying to help her instead of making a show of herself at the party? Foolishness.

  23. Trashaddict says:

    So it’s hard to commit someone in Great Britain.
    If the record company has big money and a big investment in her, can’t they freaking hire someone and do a private intervention to dry her out? She’s so messed up right now, what would she even do about it? Please, freakin’ take her away someone and lock her up until she detoxes. Who cares if she sues later, no one would prosecute if her life was saved.

  24. CB Rawks says:

    “What kind of “friends” throw a nightclub party for a woman who is clearly dying just a little bit every day.”

    Yep, I agree with Shane.
    And if these people actually cared about Amy, where do they get off pressuring her and guilt-tripping her into doing something she’s not comfortable with? Who is the party for, anyway? Apparently it was really for them.