John Stamos being courted to replace Charlie Sheen, who is still rallying against everyone


Yesterday Charlie Sheen said a bunch of crazy sh*t to a bunch of different outlets, including ABC, CBS, Radar and TMZ. The crux is that he’s mad because the show has been canceled and he’s not getting paid for the remaining four episodes he was under contract to star in this season. The guy is an addict off the rails and has said some of the most ridiculous, self-entitled things I’ve ever heard. He thinks everyone is out to get him, that he’s better than everyone, and that he’s owed millions of dollars, which he plans to sue for.

Charlie also gave an interview to GQ which is online and will appear in their April issue. It includes quotes from Sean Penn about how Charlie is a free spirit who is misunderstood or something. Let’s start with that:

Sean Penn on Sheen, his long time friend:
“When you divorce the moral judgments, which I prefer to do, I see a guy who has a clearer view of the nature of the world around him than is sometimes comfortable to have. Those are the sort of people who have a tendency to find altered states. But he’s a very ironic character. He’s got pretension in the crosshairs of his wit. I think to a large degree he’s saying, ‘Guys, we’re only going to be here once, so lighten the f&$# up.'”

[From GQ]

Penn really comes across like an enabling douche here doesn’t he?

E!’s Marc Malkin reports that CBS has started courting John Stamos to fill the void of Charlie Sheen’s absence as a new character on Two and a Half Men. This is consistent with an earlier report from Mike Walker in the National Enquirer, who claimed that both Stamos and Robert Downey Jr.’s names were being floated as potential replacements. RDJ is in too high demand to consider this, but I could see Stamos going for it. What is Charlie going to do next, talk to everyone that will listen about how John Stamos is out to get him and is destroying his family?

Yesterday Sheen’s longterm publicist, Stan Rosenfeld, issued a statement that he was no longer working with Charlie, after which Charlie claimed he fired him.

Thanks to N.D. for commenting with this link to Cats quoting Charlie Sheen. It looks like we have a new meme, and there’s so much more material for it every day.



Photos courtesy of WENN.

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61 Responses to “John Stamos being courted to replace Charlie Sheen, who is still rallying against everyone”

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  1. Nanea says:

    Drug-induced paranoia.

    I guess there’s no way out for Charlie, unless he wakes up and gets help – or he’ll wake up dead one day.

    Meanwhile I can’t help being fascinated with this train-wreck, although I am repulsed at the same time, by the way CBS stood by him when it had been obvious for a long time that CS was a lost cause.

  2. dorothy#1 says:

    I love John Stamos! I would watch him in almost anything!

  3. Maritza says:

    Oh yeah, John Stamos is hot and funny, he definitely is a winner to fill in that spot.

  4. YT says:

    Self-entitled, nasty guy with a life based on drugs and alcohol. Not sad because he did it to himself. Not funny because he’s a mental case now. Since it’s Charlie Sheen, I don’t care.

  5. ordinarygirl86 says:

    Now if John Stamos was the replacement I would be all over that shit like white on rice! Full House’s Uncle Jesse has violated me MANY a time in my fantasies (I’m only 24 so it takes on a whole other perversion level)

    Charlie would go on a tirade and I’d fear for John’s safety a little bit because the man is obviously unstable right now!

  6. Bopa says:

    I think the saddest part is Charlie has probably been this way for a while but the show and his people have fandangoed a way to keep him working so they could keep making money. His family needs to stop making excuses for him.

  7. Samigirl says:

    Self entitled, self important. I don’t care what he says, he is NOT special. I normally don’t wish ill will towards people, but I love seeing him fail. I dislike him and he deserves no good in his life.

  8. Tess says:

    He was so good in Dirty Dancing… came at you, right through the screen.

    Unfortunately, it seems like his ultimate destiny is self extinction.

    He must be, deep within himself, incredibly angry and sad.

  9. Rita says:

    Wasn’t it just a couple weeks ago that Sean Penn was seen making-out with Dina Lohan or was that Charlize Theron?

  10. tapioca says:

    Well, he may be an A-grade douchebag, but that radio phone-in he did on TMZ was one of the funniest things I’ve ever heard! Let’s just be grateful we have CS, Lilo & Mel in this world, that they don’t actually hold a position of real power and just enjoy the car crash, ‘cos seriously, do you want all your slebs to be Celine Dion?!!

  11. _ThePhoenix says:

    I think Stamos should replace Sheen. Sheen has really done his dash, burned his bridges etc. Not only has he psychotic mouth killed his own career, but he has left other cast and crew out of a job too, because of his selfish actions and reckless conduct. He is a selfish arsehole who puts himself first always. After the way he has been carrying on, he has shot himself in the foot and I have no doubt he has ruined and destroyed his career. For good. He did this 2 himself and has only himself to blame. He doesn’t only need rehab, he needs a psychiatrist and a straightjacket. I hope Stamos takes over, gets the ratings soaring, and for less than Sheen would take; that would be the ultimate ‘F-CK YOU!’ from the Producer to Sheen.

  12. Gwen says:

    @Tess: Dirty Dancing?

  13. devilgirl says:

    I think I am officially done with commenting on this delusional nut case. Over it!

    Oh yeah, and nice job asshole calling out Jon Cryer and Angus on the Today Show this morning

  14. Hautie says:

    Oddly enough… I watch the entire interview on TMZ… and he sounded clean. He did have an odd rant here and there but nothing that made me think “oh sh*t the coke is still talking for him”.

    I hate to use the word “sober”, but he did sound like he was clear in the head. And was funny.

    But I do tend to think he needs to stay clean for 6 months. Just to see if he can get a better grasp on his destructive behavior. He needs to avoid the blow.

    The best thing he could do is to eat a couple sandwiches and get some sun. The man is a bag of bones.

  15. Tess says:

    @ Gwen

    OOps. Thanks, meant to say Ferris Bueller. I was picturing him with Jennifer Gray.

  16. Bailey says:

    Stamos, now is the reason to watch the show.

    Sheen has burned his bridges, deforested and chewed the hand that feeds him. so unprofessional!

  17. Riley says:

    I watched the second half of the Today Show interview this morning. I don’t think it revealed anything newer or more shocking than previous interviews, except that it did show the Brook Mueller has got to be the absolute worst mother in the world. How those twins can stay in a house with Charlie and two porn stars is beyond me, and how she, has a mother let’s it happen, speaks volumes about where her priorities lie. I suspect she is probably still using volumes of coke and crack because she obviously does not care about her children.

  18. JenJen says:

    John has proven that he can reel the viewers in, I hope they pay him what they did that scumbag Charlie!

  19. LindaR says:

    Sheen is almost already yesterday’s news. The stupid looking hats, the 2 finger thing he does at cameras, the hyperactive state, the la la land his brain lives in. It’s getting boring.

  20. fabgrrl says:

    Yes, please! Give John Stamos the job. And give him Charlie Sheen’s baby boys too — those kids need a responsible adult for a dad.

  21. k says:

    @devilgirl: what did he say about JOn and Angus?

  22. Lee says:

    I think Stamos could do the comedy, but does he really still have the “draw” power? I’m not so sure. He may be cast as a diversion until the writers can figure out how to close the show up. This is a numbers driven business and sponsors will continue to pull out if they perceive their investment could be better spent elsewhere…sorry….that’s just the way it goes in this business.

  23. Stephy2585 says:

    Omg YES!

    This is the perfect role for Uncle Jessie!

    I’d watch the hell outta the show.

  24. poopie says:

    am i missing something ? ferris bueller? whaaaa?

  25. Praise St. Angie! says:

    John Stamos…me likey.

  26. devilgirl says:

    @K- In a nut shell, he said he is responsible for the crew now getting paid for 4 more episodes by CBS, and that he will not quit fighting until he gets the crew paid for 8, then he will worry about the cast getting paid then himself. The interviewer asked ” So you think you are the reason for CBS agreeing to pay the crew” He says yes, “Who else is doing anything? Jon Cryer? Angus? They are just sitting at home, doing nothing, waiting for something to happen, while “I” am the one making things happen.”

    Basically acting like the rest of the cast doesn’t do anything and cares not for the crew, but Sheen, the benevolent champion of the poor and down trodden, is fighting for everyone, and making it happen.

    Sheen had NOTHING to do with CBS paying the crew for the extra episodes. CBS did that on their own. Delusional Sheen would love to think he was the reason.

  27. mln76 says:

    @Bopa you’re right 110% . The network and writers are greedy bastards who don’t give a damn about Charlie Sheen and used his behavior as fodder as long as they could make money out of it. The network should have demanded he went to rehab again after the incident at The Plaza and should have had a back-up plan/replacement in hand then and made him aware of it so he couldn’t have claimed he wasn’t warned. You can’t blame anyone for Sheen’s behavior but Sheen himself but those greedy bastards definitely enabled him.

  28. Quest says:

    Stamos – Yes

    Charlie – Hell no…keep blaming everyone else but yourself for your failures.

  29. OriginalGracie says:

    I am jumping on the John Stamos train!
    I personally would give the show a chance if he was on it. John is a very talented man.

  30. Crash2GO2 says:

    CB, in this title, did you mean ‘railing against everyone?’

    How can Stamos ‘replace’ Charlie? The two are nothing alike. He has such a wholesome image, doesn’t he? They would have to completely rewrite the show, which – hey – I guess they could.

  31. hairball says:

    I’d love to know what Jon Cryer really thinks of Sheen. But instead, he chose to go the route CBS always did in the past and make jokes and enable Charlie Sheen.

    I am afraid to hope that CBS actually has the balls finally (only after the boss was insulted of course) to throw him the f*ck out.

    If CS didn’t sign for next season yet, maybe they only have to pay him for the rest of this season and can move on.

    I would actually watch 2 1/2 men with John Stamos. I think it might actually get new viewers and help ratings for people tuning in to see. I also think it could be a better, more in depth show.

  32. lucy2 says:

    I like Stamos, and I’d be glad for everyone else on the show to get back to work. Probably still wouldn’t watch though, not my type of humor.
    So Sheen expected a 16 year old kid (who’s probably freaked out by all this to begin with) to go fight the network for crew pay? GMAFB. This is all Charlie’s fault, but he’ll blame anyone who’s name he can remember!
    I’ve seen a few interview clips, and he is batshit crazy. I just hope he doesn’t take anyone else down with him.

    ITA Riley, CPS needs to get in there and check on those boys. Sounds like the “divorce” was more for appearances, and Brooke’s hanging around for the money and coke.

  33. Fuzzy Cat says:

    With Stamos on the show I’d watch it for sure!

  34. Kim says:

    Charlie kind of killed it on Piers Morgan last night, though. When asked about whether his behaviour is appropriate for a family show, he mentioned how juvenile and gross some of the humour is for a so-called “family” show, and how it’s unfair for his bosses to meddle in his personal life when their lives aren’t necessarily wholesome either. Honestly, they should have given him an extra hour because the guy was entertaining as all hell.

    When the topic of his replacement came up, he hinted that Stamos is actually more fucked up than he is. I mean, yes, you have to take that sort of thing with a grain of salt, but sometimes it takes one to know one.

  35. Tess says:

    Poopie and Gwen

    My bad. I left out an important bit of info: I was talking about Sheen—not Stamos.

  36. mii says:

    I love John Stamos–but he would be an oddball on 2 and a half men.

    If they replace Sheen–they will feed his ego–because it will be bound to fail and Sheen will think that nobody can do anything without him.

    Cancel the show. I wouldn’t watch it with a replacement

  37. Bill Hicks is God says:

    I think Stamos could work.

    I’m amazed Sheen hasn’t started blathering about aliens yet. Give it a few days maybe.

  38. guesty says:

    Did hear a sound bite of CS raging to Billy Bush about the whole Stamos replacement thing. Uncle Jesse is still hot…so I would tune in just for that. Lol.

  39. mrsezc says:

    If Stamos is in I think they’d find new life for the show!! John is more talented than Charlie Sheen any day!!!

  40. Praise St. Angie! says:

    “He has such a wholesome image, doesn’t he?”

    not so much, from what I’ve heard him say. when he and Rebecca Romaine (spelling it that way bc I can’t remember how she spells it) were together, they were quite the party-ers, and if some rumors are to be believed, swingers as well.

  41. Melanie says:

    The show is craptacular anyway, I never have understood its ratings. I think they should write this funny, funny breakdown into the script. I would watch it. Come on now, He IS very funny!

  42. dromedary says:

    Seems like someone is rationalizing amoral, selfish, entitled behavior again with the “An artist creates his own moral universe” line from Bullets Over Broadway. Sean Penn is such a douche.

  43. hellen says:

    He may be “clean” (still have my doubts) but that is the sound of a fried-up brain sending out the last few coherent signals before lapsing into static and eventual radio silence.

  44. Johnny Depp's Girl says:

    LUV LUV LUV John Stamos.

    Goodbye Charlie

  45. gg says:

    I think Stamos would be great.

    With all respect, I think the you mean, “railing against everyone” instead of rallying against. Nobody’s on his side so he’s got nothing to “rally”.

  46. The Bobster says:

    No-talent Alley Oop couldn’t carry Charlie’s jockstrap.

  47. CB Rawks says:

    If they hire Stamos, I will watch the show religiously. Just to piss Charlie off. Hate that ahole.

    I loved the idea of Uncle Joe Estevez joining the show. It was just a joke from him, but he is actually awesome and funny and in some of the worst/best d-grade horror movies you’ll ever see. 🙂

  48. CB Rawks says:

    “Seems like someone is rationalizing amoral, selfish, entitled behavior again with the “An artist creates his own moral universe” line from Bullets Over Broadway.”

    Love that film, dromedary!
    “Don’t speak!”

  49. brenda says:

    I’ve never watched the show before, but I would for Uncle Jessie!

  50. Bill Hicks is God says:

    @Bobster: Charlie has a hard enough time staying in pants, why would he complicate things with a jockstrap?

  51. Dromedary says:

    @CB Rawks – I love that movie too… maybe it’s time to ignore all this CS nonsense and just go watch Bullets Over Broadway instead 🙂

    “Olive, I think you should know this: you’re a horrible actress. [bang]”

  52. Jammin says:

    Charlie hasn’t hit rock bottom yet. He needs major psychological therapy, and a therapist “on top of the game” re: Charlies manipulative ways. He has serious issues and rehab for 6 months won’t even help even if he could stay there. He needs to WANT help. He talks a good line. I would say he very well could commit suicide if he doesn’t get help. As for 2 1/2 Men, they have a great cast and writers. Replace him! The show will outlast Narcissist Charlie!

  53. Alexa says:

    I read somewhere that Narcissists are unlikely to kill themselves.

  54. Gabriela says:

    I can buy John Stamos as a rich middle-aged guy who owns a house in Malibu that all the girls fall for. Can you buy Charlie Sheen zombie look-a-like as this? I know I can’t.

  55. Jeannified says:

    I can see Sean Penn’s perspective on this…totally. Still…that doesn’t mean that Charlie Sheen isn’t nuts! It will be interesting to see how this whole thing continues to unfold.

    John Stamos taking over for Charlie Sheen on “Two and a half Men”?…maybe.

  56. Emily says:

    @Gabriela, I agree, Stamos would be a lot more believable in that role than Sheen ever was. Even before all this drama started, I never bought Sheen in that role-his character was as creepy as he his, and had a horrible wardrobe to match! How many 20yos are going to get off with a 50yo in shorts??

  57. d says:

    Re Penn’s comments about Sheen: exactly how more insightful is Sheen than anyone else. That Hollywood is all about money, and power, and image? Nothing new there? Same with the Pr machine and marketing and the drugs and whatnot. You’d have to be living under a rock not to know what a mess hollywood really is. If he’s complaining about Hollywood both fronting good PR while enabling bad behaviour, well, it’s not that surprising either…I’m glad he’s calling them out on it, but still, it’s not like it’s earth-shattering. i think if you live in teh hollywood fishbowl-high school life, it’s like Sheen’s pissing off the jerk principal. So yeah, it’s funny and entertaining. but let’s not go overboard there, Penn.

  58. Seer says:

    Stamos would be great! That’s too bad about Sheen. Drug abuse always drags people down to the bottom of the scum swamp.

  59. Chris says:

    Stamos?! Why not throw Tony Danza’s name into the mix while you’re at it? Meh, what do I care, I don’t even watch the stupid show.

  60. Sparkly says:

    Looks like I’m in the minority, because I just keep going, “Stamos? Really???” Although that would be hilarious if he did save the show. Charlie would look even douchier, if that’s possible.

  61. Shoe_Lover says:

    if they get John Stamos i will watch every second of every episode he is in.

    am i allowed to say that my nipples tingled at the picture of Stamos?

    Stamos for HGF!!!