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11 Responses to “Jermaine Dupri puked in Janet Jackson’s lap at his birthday party”

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  1. CiCi says:

    What a lovely story.

    This has always remained a mystery to me. In my many highschool and college years of binge drinking – I have never NOT known I was going to be sick, and I have ALWAYS made it to the bathroom/toilet EVERY SINGLE TIME. What is wrong with people?

  2. dude wtf says:

    I have to agree CiCi-Everyone knows their limit. Whether they follow it, now thats up to them.

  3. KDRockstar says:

    Agreed, but I’ve seen women cup their hands to hold their own vomit, or puke into the plastic cup (I know, *classy*) they just chugged.

    Mmm, appetizing for a Monday morn!

  4. goons says:

    this little mini mi needs to learn how to hold his liquior or stop drinking at all..he needs to leave drinking for the big boys..

  5. SolitaryAngel says:

    He should have puked on that outfit she’s wearing in the lower pics!! 😯 😈

  6. Codzilla says:

    SolitaryAngel: LOL! I was thinking the same thing. That getup is hideous. 😯

  7. vdantev says:

    WTF happened to Janet? She used to be the only one in the Jackson clan you could count on to not look crazier than a sh*thouse rat and NOW LOOK.

  8. jess says:

    yeah…i used to drink very heavily and the worst place i ever puked was in a bush behind taco bell lol. get your act together you are a grown ass man.

  9. Michelle says:

    I don’t think very much of Dupri or of his involvement in Janet’s career. He’s not a very good producer or boyfriend for that matter. I feel he is hurting her career rather then helping it. Did he have to puke on her, could he not manage to move away from her when he felt it coming?! Ugh…he’s an over grown kid. Grow up Dupri, act like a man. Janet I’m sorry your boyfriend is so insenitive, it’s time for change J.

  10. I would puke in her lap too if I saw her dressed like this

  11. deliquent says:

    this little mini mi needs to learn how to hold his liquior or stop drinking at all..he needs to leave drinking for the big boys..