Is Kate Middleton planning a makeover involving plastic surgery?


I’m not the only one who has noted “Waity” Kate Middleton’s diminishing frame these past few months. In her public roll-out the past few weeks, it seems that Kate has lost a significant amount of weight since the engagement announcement – and now lots of people are talking about princesses and body image. The Daily Mail ran an “open letter” to Kate about her diminished curves, basically saying that while Kate is under a lot of pressure, it also seems like she thinks she needs to be super-thin on her wedding day. Which brings up an interesting thought – just how good or bad is Kate’s personal body image? She’s billed by the royalists and Waity-apologists as a down-to-earth, athletic, wholesome girl who won the prince’s heart with her simplicity and naturalism. But is the real Waity a bag of nerves, ego, extreme dieting and superficiality? According to the Enquirer, Kate is already planning her subtle plastic surgery makeover:

Kate Middleton is on a quest – she wants a body fit for a queen! Middleton needs a head-to-toe makeover to ensure she looks her best for the future king od England, say experts. And the total body overhaul comes with a royal price tag of $150,000!

“Kate knows she’s about to become one of the most photographed women in the world, and that women will scrutinize every inch of her. She’s really dreading that,” an insider tells The Enquirer. “She wants to project a modern, glamorous image, and she knows that it’s best to have cosmetic intervention before any aging, sagging, drooping or wrinkling can mar her figure.”

The insider estimates Kate would have to drop well over $150,000 for her initial “aesthetic adjustments” and for “periodic tune-ups”. Kate’s makeover plan includes a breast augmentation, a more full and shapely derriere, hip liposuction, lip fillers, Botox shots, delicate touch-ups around the eyes, and a minor nose job, says the insider.

“Now that she’s joining the royal family, Kate obviously has to be discreet about her body changes. She doesn’t want to be embarrassingly photographed covered with bandages and with ugly black eyes from plastic surgery,” maintained the insider. “So she needs to plan mini-surgeries that won’t be obvious to the public. And for her procedures where she will have to stay out of the public eye for a short while, Kate has been looking for top surgeons in Switzerland.”

[From The National Enquirer, print edition]

The article goes on to quote a few plastic surgeons at length who talk about how Kate isn’t old enough to do a full overhaul, but they recommend Botox and lip augmentation, because apparently the British expect their future queen to resemble Lindsay Lohan.

As far as the Enquirer’s report goes, I don’t believe the bulk of it. I doubt Kate is planning or considering Botox or any kind of nip or tuck. BUT – I do think she have makeover plans for herself, I just think they involve extreme weight loss, lots of clothes and perfect hair.

Also: some people believe Waity has already gotten some subtle work done over the years, like a slight nose job and some eye work. I don’t know though – I can’t see a huge difference.

Last thing: I will continue to jokingly refer to her as Waity because SHE IS STILL WAITING. She’s not his wife yet, people! Only when she gets married will I refer to her by Catherine or whatever title she gets. Lady Waity, of Duchess of Biscuits, what have you.





Photos courtesy of WENN.

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31 Responses to “Is Kate Middleton planning a makeover involving plastic surgery?”

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  1. Kaye1 says:

    I don’t believe any of it. If you look at her mom and sister, they are very thin too. I think it runs in the family and Kate has lost weight due to nerves about the wedding and the beginning of her very public lifestyle.

  2. Vanessa says:

    She’s been dieting, she’s admitted to that.
    Her legs are so thin they pain me.

  3. kiko says:

    she will always be waity katy for us.i don’t believe she has any work done BUT if the girl wants some botox too look fresh for the wedding then i say go for it!!!!

  4. Quest says:

    Don’t believe all the plastic surgery thing but good god – I LOVE those boots… *want me a pair*

  5. Jackson says:

    Eh, I don’t really believe it, either. All she really needs at this point is someone to teach her how to apply makeup better and a bit of a hairstyle update.

    She has that unfortunate Bobble Head look going on now and it looks even worse on her since she’s got a bit of a large face that doesn’t seem to slim as her body does. Girl needs to look in a full-length mirror and stop losing weight. Her legs look like twigs.

  6. jemshoes says:

    I don’t believe it, either – but it is troubling to see her diminishing almost overnight.

  7. lilibet1 says:

    There is no way she’ll have plastic surgery anytime soon, she would be ripped to shreads by the British press and the people of Britain would hate her for being so appearance obsessed. Not a good thing for a future queen!

  8. EdithP says:

    She looks fine! She could use a little exfoliation and a lighter touch with the eyeliner, but she’s a pretty woman.

  9. Crash2GO2 says:

    “she’s got a bit of a large face that doesn’t seem to slim as her body does.”

    She’s lucky. She gets to keep those lovely full high cheeks and dimples while losing weight to what I predict, is wedding nerves.

  10. liz says:

    I think she’s dull as shit, but I really hope she isn’t planning on doing this to herself – -please! She looks the way she does and if she just embraces her only slightly contrived loveliness, she may actually evoke loveliness without the need for falsities.

  11. KLO says:

    Bleh…she looks perfect. I think this story is bullshit. She has lost weight though.

  12. Snazzy says:

    IMO, she should have went for Harry. He’s hotter and seems more down to earth than his pompous brother, and she probably wouldn’t have had to wait as much.

  13. mln76 says:

    I read that VF article and it described her as very athletic. I think she is dieting and overexcercising to look ‘good’ for the wedding photos. Waity is also just a bit of a Bride-zilla.

  14. Hautie says:

    Leave it to the British press to start in on telling her she needs 150K worth of body work. hahaha!

    I don’t believe for one moment that she is remotely insecure about her looks.

    She is a pretty girl. With gorgeous hair. And great boots!

    Granted she has gotten really thin but it is the pressure of having the idiots of the British press screaming at her that she needs 150K worth of work done. Which is just beyond tacky.

    And I hope they realize by picking on her, William is not going to let any of them near her for that exclusive interview they all want.

  15. Heatheradair says:

    I can’t even imaging the STRESS of knowing you’re inevitably going to become one of the “most photographed women” in your entire country – for a time, perhaps in the world. SO, you figure the average bride stresses out and drops pounds just to look her best in wedding photos, imagine the ENOURMITY of getting ready to be the next “bride of the century.” YIKES. Would be enough to drive anyone to a size 00.

    So I don’t blame her. I’d barely be able to keep my coffee down if I had that much pressure on me to be perfect…..

  16. lilibet1 says:

    Hautie: I think this was printed in the Enquirer which is a US publication not British.

    The British press have been printing that she’s too skinny but nothing about having plastic surgery…yet!!

  17. Mshuffleupagus says:

    I remember reading an article in Vanity Fair about their whole relationship and they mentioned a lot about whenever William would dump Kate so he could nail some South African Heiress or some sh*t, she would lose a ton of weight because of the stress. Then Will would notice how hot she looked thinner and would come back to her.

  18. bluhare says:

    I saw the photos of her before and after the surgery you mention, and it does look like she had something done, maybe when they were broken up in 2007. It is very subtle. They say she had her eye bags done and a very subtle shaving of her nose. I don’t see her doing the body overhaul though.

  19. Mrs.Krabapple says:

    She’s starving herself. Her hairline is receding, which is not normal in a woman her age, and is one of the signs of malnutrition.

    Doesn’t ANYBODY in her world notice or care? Her mom? William? Anybody? Is her fitting into runway-size clothing really THAT important? Somebody better get her help before she develops full-blown eating disorder like Diana. But maybe nobody in her world really cares. It wouldn’t surprise me if her entire world was filled with shallow, shelfish people (including her family, and that’s really sad). And the “public” doesn’t give a crap either. She’s a dress-up doll to them.

  20. Lisa Turtle says:

    Is she going to fully line her eyes on her wedding day?

    I’m not okay with that.

    Dated, raccoon eye makeup is not really suitable for the role of “blushing bride.”

  21. Lisa Turtle says:


    “Which brings up an interesting thought – just how good or bad is Kate’s personal body image? She’s billed by the royalists and Waity-apologists as a down-to-earth, athletic, wholesome girl who won the prince’s heart with her simplicity and naturalism. But is the real Waity a bag of nerves, ego, extreme dieting and superficiality?”


    I think its likely a combination of both. Aren’t all women? I know I vacillate between my more confident self, and my insecure self who always sees the imperfections.

    Most brides lose weight before their wedding. What Kate has going for her: She’s almost 30, she knows herself, she’s set healthy habits for herself, and has more of a self-identity than a girl of say… 19?

    What she has against her: Does she have a self-identity? Should we worry that she’s really just spent 9 years practicing to be a princess, and has no real interests that are all her own?

    The speculation about her weight and her health won’t stop. They’re going to be critiquing her ability to bear children (some apparently are already saying she does not have child-bearing hips). I imagine that only time will tell what sort of self-image Kate has for herself.

  22. junk573r says:

    I don’t see the skinny legs everyone is commenting about. I think she looks perfectly fine. Actually, I don’t think she looks that thin at all.

  23. Amy says:

    I’ve already said this but I am as skinny as Kate–yes there are people that skinny out there and we are like that naturally. Kate will put on weight when she gets pregnant, no worries.

  24. JulieM says:

    I will always call her Waity, because that is her only claim to fame. Marriage or not, she subjugated her entire adult life to this man. Duchess Waity/Princess Waity, whatever.

    As for plastic surgery/botox; eh, she may have had something done. Maybe she should get the boob job as mentioned; the girl is built like an ironing board. And I don’t think she looks healthy; legs like toothpicks, receding hairline, pasty complexion. She had some meat on her when she was younger.

    As for the pressure, this is exactly what she has been waiting for for the last 9 years. Be careful what you wish for.

  25. says:

    i thing she did plastic surgery, because she looks more young like before…

  26. Benny says:

    They both look much older than their ages. I wouldn’t care if BOTH have a little nip and tuck, botox, whatever – if they are HONEST about it.

    They are not doctors or engineers or school teachers. They don’t need to be smart or even nice. Their job is public relations, but at it’s most superficial level. They need to APPEAR to be nice, and they do that by smiling and pretending to enjoy shaking hands with strangers. They also need to have rather good posture, wear neat and decent clothing, don’t laugh or fart at the wrong moment, and that’s about it. Because their job is so superficial, people will obsess over their physical appearance – people will like them more if they are physically attractive (I know that sounds stupid, but face it – humans beings are stupid a lot of the time).

    If I sound like a hypocrite, maybe I am. But I don’t hold the royal family to the same standards as actors (who I critizie for plastic surgery). Because actors are SUPPOSED to have actual talent that they should be judged on (being able to act), whereas the royal family has no real job requirements other than smiling and looking attractive. So I don’t really hold them to any kind of standards.

  27. luls says:

    ALRIGHT FOLKS! first of all, Katie looks like one of those NATURALLY skinny-legged types. How do i know? becuz her thighs are the same thickness as her lower legs, and THAT folks cannot be achieved with diet & exercise. If she were really on a severe diet, it would show on HER FACE too.

    again, how do i know? My ROOMIE was one of those tall leggy types with no hips. and no matter how much weight she gained or lost, her legs were always like bambi! all her weight went to her upper-body.

    I will buy that she is on a regular diet or stressed about the wedding, but nothing borderline disorder-ish! (a chick with eating disorders looks like the olsen twins or LEANNE RIMES lately).

    Kate has a very healthy looking face.
    be nice!!

  28. mystified says:

    I truly think it’s nerves. I have a hard time eating anything when I’m over anxious and I can’t even imagine the anxiety that the Royal Wedding could be causing her.

    I sure hope the plastic surgery rumors aer false. I love her narrow lips; it would be nice if she made them fashionable again. If she goes the trout pout route I guess she’ll be cast in The Real Housewives of Buckingham Palace.

  29. santacruz says:

    Kate is a natural beauty. I cannot forsee her giving way to plastic boobs, lips and collagen. She is British, and in that part of the world women are more content with what and who they are.

  30. argirl says:

    I love her style! Not gonna lie – she’s fabulous! I think she’s pretty and looks respectable and still fashionable.

  31. Vera says:

    Sure she’s lost weight, I think most brides tend to try and lose weight and look their best – but she doesn’t look unhealthy.