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22 Responses to “Are Reese and Jake drifting apart?”

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  1. Syko says:

    I hope so, I like him MUCH MUCH better than I like her.

    If he’s sad, he can come over and I’ll console him. 🙄

  2. KERRI says:

    I never believed this relationship would last. It’s difficult to maintain a long-distance relationship.

    Reese has two children and her own career to focus on and has to decided whether long periods of separation will sustain their relationship.

    I believe she has joint-custody with Ryan, so I’m not sure if she can leave the country with the kids for long periods of time to be with Jake.

    They do make a sweet couple. Perhaps they can work it out, but I doubt it.

  3. Jinxy says:

    I wonder if Star Magazine is making this up because there really isn’t much in the way of celebrity gossip of late. I wonder if they have ulterior motives for a story like this. Actors know they are going to be apart for filming. It’s their profession. It’s like saying it’s surprising to work in a bank and be around cash all day long.

  4. wonki says:

    I hope its true. I really can stand Reese and I’m not fond of Jake either.

    Team Ryan!

  5. dumdee says:

    im rooting for them to settle down and have kids so im really hoping this is not true at all!

  6. vdantev says:

    Jake’s been nicknamed Jake Gayashell for a reason.

  7. enchantress says:

    I wish it weren’t so, but I agree that Jake sets off the gaydar. 😥

  8. Lane says:

    Gayashell? V you can be so arrogant and stupid sometimes.

  9. vdantev says:

    Lane: V you can be so arrogant and stupid sometimes.

    Still beats being a humorless troll with no life.

  10. geronimo says:

    I like Reese, don’t get him at all (Maggie much more interesting and talented imo) and can’t really believe these two are together in any meaningful way anyway.

  11. Kaiser says:

    I think Jake is seriously looking for a wife… but maybe Reese has too much baggage, and he’s just starting to figure it out.

    Or maybe this whole story is bs. 😕

  12. mimi says:

    I always thought that they were gonna last more than ryan & abbie… 😐

  13. Codzilla says:

    I like Reese. She’s a rare gem in a sea of Hollywood bimbos.

  14. someone says:

    If his being out of the country for work reasons, causes them to drift apart, then they shouldn’t be together…

  15. tanias says:

    I love Reese and Jake togheter!!!

  16. Tess says:

    it’s very hard for a guy to really commit to kids who aren’t his own. It may be a lark at first, but after a while reality sets in.

    She ought to focus on her kids for the next 10 years. Let them grow up without her latest boyfriend drifting in and out of their lives.

  17. czarina says:

    Tess–while I agree that having a parade of “uncles” in and out of your kids’ lives is likely damaging for them, I don’t think a young woman should have to be alone for a decade to raise her children. Lots of women find a wonderful marriage the second time around.
    Besides, should Ryan break up with Abby Cornish (sp?) and give up women so HE can devote HIMSELF to his kids for the next ten years? Reese and Jake have been together for quite a while, now–it’s not as if she has a new man every week.
    I think this whole thing is just a bunch of paps and tabloid editors sitting around saying “Hey, haven’t heard anything about Reese and Jake in a while…no pictures of them recently…things must be cooling off…”
    They do the same thing with Brad and Angelina whenver there isn’t a recent photo of them to sell a magazine.

  18. Kennedy says:

    May be Reese is staying in the states because the kids are in school?!

    Love them as a couple.

    Looks like everybody has moved on from the Reese, Ryan, Jake and Abbie situation – except the tabloids and people who actually believe those magazines.

  19. Kennedy says:

    By the way –

    get over the jake being gay thing….. it’s old and you sound homophobic or in love with him

  20. Kennedy says:

    Tess ~


    I thought Jake is the only person that has been in her life since she started dating Ryan when she was 21?

    She seems to focus on her kids alot and that is probably why she is in the states and not across the pond.

  21. whatevs says:

    I don’t really give two shits if they break up or not, but something about them is so BLAH. I look at them together and I just think “beige”. I used to be a Reese fan until recently and she used to be so cute. Now I just want to scream at her, slap on some lip gloss! Wear some blush, put on a pink shirt, I don’t care, just get some color already! The two of them together make THE most boring couple on the planet.