Lady Gaga never washes her face before bed: “I’m blessed with good genes”


Sometimes, when I look at certain celebrities, I wonder what lies beneath the drag queen-y façade. Like, say, Gwen Stefani, Katy Perry, any of the Kardashians, and Lady Gaga. They all wear so much makeup, and all of them just seem to put way too much emphasis on the ridiculously “done” images they’ve created for themselves. I think my fascination with them is rooted in my personal rejection of that kind of high-maintenance beauty routine (at this point, I don‘t even wear makeup). My mother is high-maintenance like that too – she considers it a fate worse than death to leave the house without wearing makeup. You know what she looks like without makeup? Pretty much the same. In my mother’s case, I attribute it to being a “Southern thing”. What’s Lady Gaga’s excuse?

Gaga sat down for an interview with People Magazine to talk about her beauty routine, and she just sounds… gross. She wears makeup to bed!!! I haven’t done that since college, and even then, I really had to be completely wasted to not wash my face. In Gaga’s case, it’s not like she just has an odd night here and there where she’s just too exhausted to wash her face. She claims she goes to bed with her makeup on EVERY night. Gross.

It’s hard to think of someone as glam as Lady Gaga mulling over a makeup bag. But in the latest issue of PEOPLE, the superstar singer opens up about her surprisingly normal beauty routines (hint: the last thing she does before bed is brush her teeth!). Gaga, who calls her mother Cynthia Germanotta and Princess Diana her beauty influences, says her mom taught her to wash her face with Ivory soap.

But that doesn’t mean the singer always follows directions. When asked how many nights per week she goes to bed wearing makeup, she replies, “Seven. That is not good for your skin, but I’m blessed with good genes.”

What is good for her skin? The sunblock she carries around in her beauty bag.

“I don’t like to tan my face because it’s bad for wrinkles,” she explains.

The natural brunette, known for her now white-blonde locks, says she misses her dark hair when she has to “get a chemical haircut because my blonde hair is falling out.”

And that’s not the only damage fame has done: she admits that she’s dying for a foot massage, to relieve her achy feet after all those days spent walking in sky-high heels. But Gaga — whose favorite fragrances growing up were Versace Baby Rose Jeans and Revlon’s Jean Naté — says that above all, the best beauty tip is to be yourself.

“Just go with your gut,” she urges. “Whenever you try to be someone else, it’s boring.”

Perhaps that’s why she’s skipping mascara and fake lashes these days. “I think it’s more modern not to wear [either]. I just wear eyeliner.”

[From People]

Ugh, AND her hair is falling out? That’s just…wrong. At some point, maybe it’s time for Gaga to do a new look where she goes brunette. Hey, Madonna did it! I think Gaga’s monsters would still love her if she ditched the white-blonde and went dark. Also, I would like her monsters to insist that Gaga wash her face more often. You know what I wonder, though? I wonder if she goes to bed with makeup on just because she doesn’t want to start every morning from scratch. She must consider the previous day’s makeup as her “base coat”. Gross.




Photos courtesy of WENN.

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100 Responses to “Lady Gaga never washes her face before bed: “I’m blessed with good genes””

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  1. Danny says:

    Good one. I guess that explains why her pillows all are smeared with makeup.

    She is right about tanning and wrinkles though.

  2. brin says:

    That’s disgusting….she must wake up looking like Raccoon McPantless. Wash your face!

  3. Sassy says:

    Um, yeah, GROSS.

  4. Samigirl says:

    Unless I take a shower,I never wash my face before bed either. I have the worlds driest skin. I never get pimples and my t-zone is a constant flaky mess. It’s really, REALLY bad. I’ve used everything from cheap wal-mart brand to expensive lancome moisturizer and NOTHING works. But if I leave my foundation on, my skin is a little more oily in the morning, which helps me look less scaly. However,I only wear like 1/10th the amount of makeup Gaga wears, so I think it’s less gross. Right? Haha

  5. Samigirl says:

    Uch. My computer hates me today.

  6. original kate says:

    well, of course soap and water won’t get off all the gunk that gaga slathers on her face. i’m thinking she needs a drill or an electric sander.

  7. SHump says:

    You know she probably just washes her face in the morning, right? I mean, before she puts on her day’s makeup. I used to be lazy like that when I was in my early 20’s. Of course, I just used tinted moisturizer, mascara and maybe some eyeliner most days, so it wasn’t THAT bad.

  8. Leek says:

    She is none too cute.

  9. Silver says:

    I mean I kind of get where she is coming from, I never wash off my eyeliner. It doesn’t seem to affect anything and it is easier to reapply it. I guess it depends on how much make-up she is talking about, and how much of this is an exaggeration.

  10. icantbelievethis says:

    ‘she urges. “Whenever you try to be someone else, it’s boring.” ‘

    Umm, does she think before she says this stuff??

  11. COME ON. do you seriously believe that? it’s a f–king LIE. her foundation would never be able to look normal in the morning and she’d have to take it all off anyway – so why would she go to bed with her make up on? she’s totally f—ing w ya here

  12. chasingadalia says:

    I’m with SHump.

    Chances are, she’ll go to bed with it on, and wash it off in the morning. I know there’s many a day where I’ve left it until morning… but then again, I wear little to no makeup. *That* is being blessed with good genes.

  13. Hautie says:

    @ Samigirl

    I tend to have the same issue with dry skin. (only in Winter months)

    My favorite thing to use is liquid baby bath. (It is pH balance for babies delicate skin.)

    It has been my go to (liquid)soap, when my face falls apart in the Winter. And it does wonders for my whole flaky t-zone/skin issue.

    And it is cheap. 🙂 I buy either Johnson & Johnson or get the store brand from Kroger.

  14. normades says:

    @ chasingadalia: So agree, I’ve never worn foundation in my life. For work a little blush, eyeliner and lipstick and I’m good to go. Weekends nothing at all.

  15. Mrs Odie 2 says:

    Blessed with good genes? God, she sounds stupid. What is she? 24? She’s blessed with youth. As we all were. Briefly.

  16. kamasutra says:

    blessed with “good genes” my ass. that shit’s being played out way too much.

  17. Jackson says:

    I can hear her pillowcase weeping from across the country.

  18. Marjalane says:

    I gues this dumbshit has never seen the feet of someone who has worn ridiculous heels for years- my own mother being one who did- the gnarliest bunions and hammertoes you’de ever want to see. If she doesn’t start washing her face and sportin’ the occasional sensible shoe, she’s going to be one ugly(ier) tranny in her 30’s and 40’s.

  19. GradStudentEatingHotPockets says:

    @Samgirl ha, I totally understand. I have the same problem! I never use toner (because it will just make the skin soooo much dryer) and I will put a TON of moisturizer on before I put on my make up.

    But my dry skin gets better if there is humidity..which is always good ha.

  20. Samigirl says:

    Thanks for the advice girls. Funnily enough, the only thing that works just a little bit is baby lotion. I just steal some from my little guys stash. Thanks for the tips though, ladies. I will try them out 🙂

  21. serena says:

    UGH DISGUSTING. Going to bed with makeup it’s dirty and disgusting that’s not a matter of good genes.

  22. Pixiegirl says:

    I love how used to her crazy/awful outfits we are that we don’t even comment on them anymore. Oh and GaGa? You nasty, girl! Wash your damn face!

  23. zxc says:

    “I’m blessed with good genes” Do you have a mirror? You should sue your parents. I can’t stand her, she is stupid and ugly as *uck.

  24. manda says:

    i never wash before bed either. i think she means she doesn’t break out. because i’m sure this will be bad in the long run. oh well!

  25. Jackson says:

    For those who don’t wash their face before bedtime: ….and I’m not judging….but just think of how many times per day you innocently touch your face…those germs are still there…multiplying…and then on your pillow case…But, that’s your choice.

    For you dry, flaky skin ladies: remember to gently exfoliate! It may seem counter-intuitive, but you need to get rid of the dry stuff to reveal the smooth skin underneath, just nothing too harsh.

    And yeah, any wonder GaGa needs a foot massage? Anyone remember those damn fool boots she wears – the platform ones with no heel? Yeah, that might make her feet hurt.

  26. Casey says:

    Kaiser, I admire that you don’t wear makeup – I wish I could be that low maintainance. With your genes, I doubt you need any help with your skin tone at all – lucky bitch.

    Admittidly I sometimes sleep in my makeup, but I always feel groty in the morning, so I try not to do it.

    I LOVED Madonna in brunette hair. She looked so pretty and soft – she needs to go back to that. I’ve been hoping and waiting for years. *sigh*

  27. Estella says:

    This woman is dumb as dirt. I think she meant to say she is blessed with a “good complexion.” If she had “good genes” she would actually be attractive and healthy rather than fug with a chronic disease (didn’t she once claim to have lupus?). Also, stating “I don’t like to tan my face because it’s bad for wrinkles,” makes no sense. Tanning causes wrinkles. It is only bad for wrinkles if you already have them – and in your mid-twenties, you shouldn’t have wrinkles yet. I am waiting for this bitch to crawl back under the rock. She won’t have to worry about washing her face or wrinkles there…

  28. sunseeker says:


    Clinique “Comfort on Call” is the best I have ever used. After years of dry and itchy skin its been my salvation.

  29. Cheyenne says:

    Best regimen in the world for dry skin (tested and reliable):

    1) Wash all the gunk off your face with DIAL SOAP and water.

    2) Rinse, rinse, rinse, rinse, and rinse. And when you think you’ve rinsed enough, rinse some more.

    3) Pat your face damp but not dry (don’t rub it dry.)

    4) While your face is still a little damp, slather on JOJOBA OIL. This is the best stuff in the world for your face. You can get it in the health food store or in some beauty supply stores and it doesn’t cost much.

    Works for me. People usually mis-guess my age by 10 to 15 years less than I actually am.

  30. almond says:

    When I was a teenager and actually used mascara, it was such a hassle to take it all off before bed, but I did it anyway. If I was too tired, it was the nastiest thing to wake up with all that stuff around my eyes. And I didn’t even use foundation.

    She’s just running out of stuff with which to shock us. So she’s going for the nasty, TMI kind of things. And good genes? Does she own a mirror?!

  31. Newbie says:

    Why did I click on this?!?!? WHY!?!?

  32. AngelMay says:

    “Good genes”? You are fug as hell and claimed to have lupus the other day. Go away Gaga, you have become boring, can’t wait till your little monsters turn on you.

  33. memememe says:

    She’s young enough to believe that this behavior won’t come back to haunt her. I remember not seeing the point in washing my face every night, or not wearing sunscreen… now I’m pushing 40 and my view is distinctly different. I have a feeling her skin is not so great underneath that caked on crud.

  34. hatsumomo says:

    “Blessed with good genes”? She really has to be joking. Im the biggest Gaga fan, but even I know she had a ton of things done to her face before the big jump on her fame album. Her face so completely different than the ome she was born with. And not washing your face before bed is kinda gross, even for me. I have to be really dead on my feet tired after work at the end of the night, or shit-faced to not washup.

  35. CB Rawks says:

    “Just go with your gut,” she urges. “Whenever you try to be someone else, it’s boring.”

    Okay, Madonna.

  36. GrnMtGirl says:

    Why does she Carry sunscreen. Does she reapply it throughout the day…over the top of all that make-up? Does she even need it with the amount of make-up she wears? Seems like it would be a barrier unto itself.

  37. Jenny says:

    God. I would be so happy if I never had to read another story about this dirty twit.

  38. jc126 says:

    I think she falls asleep with it on and washes her face in the morning. You can get away with that when you’re 24.
    Incidentally, I started using Cetaphil this winter, since I always hear how great it is, and it made me break out! It was the kind for oily skin, too. Back to Clearasil Daily Face Wash for me.

  39. Anti-icon says:

    She annoys the H-E-Double Hockey sticks out of me. Is her 15 minutes almost over?

  40. laura says:

    She is ugly.

  41. starfire says:

    Who cars. She is ugly. She’s making up for it by trying to be relevant.

  42. Solveig says:

    The way she insists saying “be yourself” is ridiculous, she’s always pretending to be someone else, always channeling someone else’s look and music.

    @Samigirl, my skin too is very dry and nothing has ever helped me to fix this issue until I tried the oenothera oil. I put it in my face before going to bed (it is an oil, therefore it’s better to use it when you stay at home or at night), and my skin looks better, even my dry lips become soft and smooth. It’s not miraculous, but it’s the only thing that helped me to fix my skin a bit.

  43. nita says:

    @ Rawks….bwahahahaa …my thoughts exactly…

  44. curmudgeon says:

    “The sun is bad for wrinkles”
    Its very good for them actually. They thrive in it. The sun causes them. DIdn’t this silly ass broad go to college? Then why is it every time she opens her mouth she sounds like a flaming idiot? Why can’t she speak? I have to admit I would enjoy the spectacle just a little if she didn’t make me cringe every time she talks.

  45. Becky says:

    I don’t think she’s ugly (although her hair and make-up are). I’ve seen photos of her without all of the make-up and the odd hair and clothing and she’s cute. She has a nice body and a cute face. Maybe when she changes her image (if she’s modeling herself after Madonna she’ll have to do an image change sometime soon) she can go for a more natural look.

  46. Shay says:

    Tacky as ever.

  47. Kelly says:

    It’s dumb not to wash the crap off your face before bed; not that Im a nutty hygiene freak, it’s just that it’s risky bacteriologically not to scrub the shite from around your eyes etc. It’s actually been implicated in ocular disease and corneal injury.
    Always wash your face, you dirty hoes!

  48. Devon says:

    I used to not wash it off and then just wash my face in the morning, but now that I’m getting close to 30, if I don’t wash it off at night then I break out terribly. Isn’t it suppose to be the other way around? Plus now that I have to do my own laundry, I hate trying to remove mascara, eyeliner & foundation from my pillow cases and towels. It’s easier to wipe it all off (those pre-moistened facial cloths) then hit the sack. Even when super wasted.

  49. Missfit says:

    It might not affect her skin now, (cause she’s young) but it might later. I like washing my face before bed…makeup or not…cause it’s so relaxing and refreshing, it makes me feel better. And too much makeup all the time can ruin the skin. Less is better and lotion is very important. So is moisturizing soap. I have to usually use antibacterial soap or oatmeal soap, cause my skin is sensitive.

  50. abip says:

    whenever i see close up pictures of her i always think “that girl needs a shower”. some people just look grubby but now i know she really is! all those manmade fabrics she’s wearing…not washing…gross! and she’ll have to be careful when she goes for the natural look that she doesn’t lose everything she’s built up with her craziness. Having said that i love her music

  51. MarenGermany says:

    this is so easily explainable on a psychological level:
    she seriously doesnt know who she is anymore, without having a mask on (even at night).

  52. MeriJaan says:

    she looks like she smells…gross

  53. Cat says:

    I don’t wash my face before bed either. In the morning I use regular face wash & a buff puff to cleanse, followed by whatever hand lotion I’m into at the time. Never had more than the occasional “period pimple” until the last few months, but it’s the result of developed food allergies. Even as of late, it’s one or two additional to the “period pimple”. I’m almost 36 & fresh faced or with makeup am always thought to be in my early 20’s. -Genetics rock!!

    P.S. I’ve yet to wake to makeup on my pillow, but I’m natural in my approach to applying makeup. One could only wonder rubs off on hers…now I have to go bleach my eyes after seeing those pictures.

  54. Kiska says:

    She obviously takes care of her body, why doesn’t she take care of her face and hair too.

  55. Laura says:

    “Just go with your gut.” “Whenever you try to be someone else, it’s boring.”

    Splendid advice. Why don’t you try it yourself sometime?

    I don’t ever wear make-up if I have a choice, but a few years ago a friend of mine insisted that I get a pro make-up job when I was her bridesmaid. The ‘pro’ put a TON of black eyeliner on me, and although I scrubbed I couldn’t get it all off that night. When I woke up the next morning I not only had eyeliner, but lots of nasty white gunk around and in my eyes. Never again.

  56. polo says:

    Does she have her bodyguards styled too before her appearances? They look surprisingly polished, I guess in order to blend in. This isn’t the usual polo shirt look seen on Britney or Katy’s rent-a-cops.

  57. Vesper says:

    Honey, u are not blessed with good genes, beauty, class, or intelligence. U are probably too insecure to have someone see u in bed without ur mask. Get off ur lazy ass & wash ur face, put on some decent clothes, trim those claws, and STFU.

  58. Ally says:

    Kaiser, off-topic, but you gotta check out this new breakdown of Tracy Anderson’s epically awful (and ana, basically) regimen:

  59. Paige says:

    OK everyone (1) wash your face (2) if you can’t find anything for sensitive skin, google Paula’s choice

  60. Caz says:

    Unbelievable that this tripe is considered newsworthy. Be yourself?? Her whole being is totally PR-created and these inane comments scripted. She doesn’t have an original thought in her body.

  61. kiko says:

    she can’t go brunette cause she will look like amy winehouse…

  62. MsCatra says:

    @ Samigirl

    I know you’ve probably received enough advice, but have you ever trying CeraVe? Oddly enough, my gynecologist recommended it to me and my skin has never been so balanced or clear. I have dry skin that overcompensates itself to oily if I use anything drying, so I use the hydrating cleanser and moisturizing lotion, but they have a moisturizing cream that might be a better choice for suuuppper dry skin.

    Good luck with all the advice!! It’s frustrating dealing with crazy skin.

  63. Liana says:

    I swear by jojoba oil, too. It’s an oil, but it soaks in fast and doesn’t leave you greasy.

  64. lmp says:

    I think gaga is just lying because she wants to and she doesnt take these interviews seriously.


    Dry skin you say? Ever try Vaseline? it’s cheap as hell, last all day and will def keep your skin moist. However, this may dry your skin out even more if it isn’t applied, so than you’ll become dependent on it and on some people (not me) it might cause acne/deep pores.

  65. orion70 says:

    I am a lazy make-up remover, I buy those baby-wipe type cloths and use those at night. It’d be useless for me to buy those multi-step “routine” things because I know I’d never use them, and I don’t notice any difference in my skin anyway (thankfully)

    Also re: photos, holy man-nips batman !!

  66. yes! says:

    ‘Be yourself……’
    But she’s always someone else…….

  67. Dizzybenny says:

    @66-…and she wasent born that way!!!
    I never wash my face before going to bed 😛

  68. Christina says:

    I’m surprised she didn’t admit that she doesn’t wash anything before she goes to bed. Or any other time of day or night for that matter.

  69. LindaR says:

    Well this officially makes her Lady GagGag in my books. Also, notice she has some gingivitis going on. She’s just a walking fungal infection, that one.

  70. the original bellaluna says:

    Blessed with good genes? Does she even own a mirror? Has she never seen a picture of herself?

    I’ll be 41 this year, and when I bought a bottle of wine last time I went to the store, I got CARDED! No make-up, un-dyed hair in a ponytail, and the baby was with me – those are good genes, dear.

    I bet no one ever stays the night with her – one look at that pillowcase in the morning, he or she would be scarred for life. Of course, the same could be said if she actually did wash her face before bed, so I guess the outcome is the same.

  71. Jayna says:

    She’s only 24. She’s nothing special Most girls at 24 look good no matter what they do for a beauty routine before bed. You still have fresh, unlined skin at that age. But I can’t imagine choosing to sleep in full makeup every, single night. I understand the odd night off being too tired and lazy to take it off or from being out late and just crashing.

  72. Nancy says:

    She is disgusting!

  73. haha says:

    She’s not really all that ugly, she just highlights her worst features. NO ONE would look good in what she wears and I think thats the point. I bet with a major makeover she’d be half decent but then she wouldnt be Lady Gaga. Its all too political for my tastes but its the truth.

  74. di butler says:

    She’s 24 and has that much breast sagging??? That’s NOT good genes. She needs to worry less about her leather bras and invest in some support bras, says the 45 yr old with much firmer boobs…….

  75. Emma says:

    Good genes? Seriously? Yeah, good genes can give you decent skin, but that’s ridiculous to say that she never washes her face. She wears a ton of makeup. If she never washed her face, she would look like an accutane before picture.

  76. Cat says:

    To the posters who have very dry skin: you should try microdermabrasion treatment to get rid of the dry skin. It leaves your skin super soft and your moisturiser can penetrate further.

    Also try at least a teaspoon of flaxseed oil a day. I notice it helps my skin all over. It is also worth seeing a nutritionist. If your skin is that dry it could be that your gut isn’t functioning properly so you aren’t getting nutrients from your food. a Vogel’s yarrow complex is good for getting your gut in working order.

  77. Crash2GO2 says:

    @Cheyenne: Dial is pretty harsh and has added scents to it, so it’s not a good choice if you have sensitive skin.

    “I think she meant to say she is blessed with a “good complexion.” ”

    Genetics have everything to do with a good complexion. You can screw with it to some extent with excessive tanning or putting something on it that you are sensitive to, but she was actually correct to attribute her presumably good skin to genetics.

  78. Lemon Drops says:

    She probably doesn’t wash her face before bed, because she’s too coked out to go to bed.

  79. Kim says:

    She is young. ALL young girl scanget away without washing their face at night – but it doesnt mean they should – its just nasty!

  80. lrm says:

    First time I have ever written this about a post:

    like she is something to aspire to?
    lol omg
    ‘blessed with good genes’
    she’s a freakin’ riot.

    and she is also disgusting and i hate her-i loathe her copycat faux talent obnoxious ways.
    And she just plain creeps me out.

    That said, for people with skin issues who ‘have tried everything’=check out chinese medicine.
    Skin is the largest organ, and much of skin health is internal, not external. Great skin is mostly about your inner terrain, with a little help from the outside/external products.
    I’d imagine there are foods you can eat that will greatly contribute to minimizing if not eliminating, dry flaky skin.
    It has worked for me-whether it’s not eating something or eating more of something else….works like a champ!

    I am 41 and am mistaken for 20’s or early 30’s regularly. In my mid 30’s I was still carded. I don’t buy alcohol these days….so i don’t know.

    but yea, do some nutrition and chinese herbal medicine research.

  81. gg says:

    Ivory Soap on your face?? That stuff is like detergent – not made for faces, dummy.

  82. Esblondie2 says:

    I can’t believe I’m the first one to comment on the bodyguard or whoever he is totally nipping out, in his jaunty scarf.

  83. GradStudentEatingHotPockets says:

    I know my excessive dry skin comes from little to no humidity in the air. Humidity and my skin go together. When it’s super dry air though, I have to put on tons of body oil after showers and I put on tons of face moisturizer on. I don’t normally break out though (unless it’s because of my period).

    I would never put dial on my face. That shit dries my hands out (which is why I wear gloves when I wash dishes haha). Maybe that person meant dove soap? I know when I was younger (like a kid) I would use that…

  84. Micki says:

    I wish she keeps this routine and with 40 comes again and shows us her good genes.

  85. Samigirl says:

    Thanks for all the tips ladies. I live in Louisiana. Most months, even when it’s cold, we still have a ridiculous amount of humidity in the air. In the summer, 100%. 100 degrees in Louisiana feels a LOT hotter than 100 degrees in California. Promise. I’ve used vaseline, dove, neutragina, and that Clinique’ stuff that was mentioned above. Hopefully with ya’lls help, I can find SOMETHING that works.

  86. Cletus says:

    Try NIVEA, Samigirl. You only need a little bit. I live in Florida (Panhandle) so our environments- with regard to weather- are pretty much the same. Nivea works for me and it has never broken me out. And for some reason, it make my pores (which are nostril-sized, I swear to god) look smaller.

  87. Delta Juliet says:

    I have not been blessed with good skin 🙁 I wash my face every night to get the make-up off, but I still get breakouts and blackheads. I have tried everything…even got a Clairisonic, none of which have helped me out. The only time I had good skin was when I was on the Pill, and I’m not going back to that.

    Oh well, at least I have a hot bod ;D

    Gaga is F-U-G

  88. Lala says:

    Easy: she is cracked out of her skull every day when she passes out, how can anyone expect her to wash her face???? honestly!

  89. jover says:

    I sign on to your comment marengermany – there is nothing cool, hip, edgy, or fashionable about this famewhore – she is just plain gross and ugly in those pictures. I could be wrong but i’m sensing a lot of the public is finally over this one.

  90. REALIST says:

    The story as to why Gaga dyed her hair in the first place is she didn’t want to be confused with Amy Winehouse. I love the tragic Amy, but I doubt anyone could confuse her smoker’s face with anyone else’s. On the other hand, I could see that a young artist might be phobic about being confused with her.

  91. The Bobster says:

    I guess the sandblaster makes too much noise that late at night.

  92. Anon73 says:

    i think the reason behind her poor skin quality is b/c Gaga is using drugs. this well-timed “she does not take her makeup off before bed” claim seems to preemptively explain why she’s looking rough as of late.

  93. eggy weggs says:

    What’s a “chemical haircut”?

  94. GradStudentEatingHotPockets says:

    @eggy weggs
    It’s just where she’s bleached her hair out so much and for so long (or used other chemical treatments) that her hair has dried out and is breaking, so you get a chemical haircut to remove the really nasty breaking hair.

  95. Emily says:

    I only take off my makeup and wash my face before bed about half the time. But I’ve got a really good mascara that will still look good the next morning without flaking or smudging, which is a real help if I’m running late the next day. That said, it’s my new year’s resolution to wash my face more often, and I’m getting better at it.

  96. anonymoose says:

    overbite? check
    rat nose? check
    flabby bod? check
    underarm chicken wings? check
    beaver teeth? check

    good genes? um, no.

    this person is 24? eeesh!

  97. Jay says:

    She is sooooo ugly! Its’ quite sad that she’s in such denial..I would be very upset if i had her genes! As for her dress sense, she looks like she should be stood on a street corner, but it would have to be a badly lit one for her to make any money!

  98. BB says:

    “I’ll be 41 this year, and when I bought a bottle of wine last time I went to the store, I got CARDED! No make-up, un-dyed hair in a ponytail, and the baby was with me – those are good genes, dear.”

    I guess good genes and humility aren’t always a package deal.

  99. Jamie says:

    #97, completely agree. Do not get the hype surrounding her whatsoever.

  100. Matt says:

    I think she needs all the make-up she can get – and she still looks like the total dog that she is…

    Anything to detract from that face like a welder’s bench…