This Australian model/actress Sophie Monk isn’t known for much other than getting papped, dating Benji Madden before Paris got to him, and then getting engaged to a squat orange dude who happened to be a 51 year-old millionaire. She was dating a plastic surgeon in between Benji and the oompa loompa and she regrets using his services. Well she broke up with the last one earlier this month and recently called into an Australian radio show to explain why – they had a whirlwind romance, all the louboutins in the world could erase the memory of his “O” face, etc. She also said that she’s been leaning on her brother post-split and joked that she’s gone “Angelina” with him.
Australian actress Sophie Monk has talked about ending her engagement to American millionaire Jimmy Esebag for the first time.
Sophie, 31, who had claimed that Jimmy, who is 20 years her senior, was ‘the one’, added: ‘I just got carried away, I don’t know, it’s not reality LA, and you get a bit excited.’
‘I went too hard, too fast, we both did… I don’t want to talk too much because I feel bad, he doesn’t have the microphone.’
Sophie announced the engagement from her home in Los Angeles in January, saying that she and Jimmy had know each other for a long time as friends but had agreed to marry after dating for just three months.
Speaking to Sydney-based radio show 2DayFM today about the split, she also said she feels ready to start a family like her sister.
‘That’s pretty much what I should be doing right now.’
She also said she had become closer to her brother since the split, and compared them to Angelina Jolie and her brother.
‘It’s hilarious, we’ve been watching movies in bed and fall asleep in the same bed and I think ‘this is very Angelina of us’.
‘No, he’s my best friend in the world,’ she said.Jimmy is chairman of the board of America’s Licencing Holding Group, which owns the rights to the Playboy brand and is involved with the Elite Modeling Agency in the United States.
[From The Daily Mail]
It’s too bad that Angelina’s moments with her brother at the 2000 Oscars became a euphemism for incest, but it’s predictable. It was over the top and was one of those things she’ll never live down, like that time I put bubble bath in the hot tub over twenty five years ago. When you do something that’s really dumb people will remember and bring it up for the rest of your life. It’s obviously worse if you’re famous.
Even the National Enquirer referenced Angelina and James Haven’s Oscar kiss in their most recent issue. They wrote that Haven has been with his girlfriend for two years, actress Ashley Reign, (he’s straight?) and that he’ll be able to put the Oscar kiss behind him finally. Not bloody likely. Sometimes the dumb shit we do becomes like a catchphrase, funny at first, then impossible to shake off. Like Sophie’s plastic surgery, that orange dude she almost married or most of the outfits she wears.
Here’s Sophie with her ex fiance on 2/8/11. She’s shown alone on 9/11/10 and on 8/10/10.
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James Haven isn’t gay?! I always thought he was out…
and Monk’s lips look ridiculous. the upper one looks like a caterpillar.
I’m stuck at the Oompa Loompa’s O face. EGAD.
her face should be posted on the front door of every plastic surgeon’s office, like a pictorial warning sign… sheesh!
Yeah it’s a silly thing she did without thinking that people would take it literally. I think people found her so shocking and sexual already and when she did that there was no way anyone could take it as an innocent gesture of affection.
But she has grown up alot since then. And considering what others have done and been forgiven for I think it should just be let go already.
And the National Enquirer story was so lame on so many levels.
Unlike Angelina, Sophie isn’t known for anything but her mistakes so guess she’s stuck with her bad plastic surgery, scary sugar daddy reputation.
“like that time I put bubble bath in the hot tub over twenty five years ago.”
Your Angelina moment?
Taking bubble baths with AJ 25 years ago is nothing to be embarrassed about. Kids do such things all the time. You were what, 6? It’s part of being a kid. In a way, it shows your true prodigy in selecting a bath mate who would become a big movie star. Congrats!!
She looks like you could hear the ocean if you stand close enough to her head.
I can’t believe she almost married Paulie Walnuts.
I saw her on Chelsea Lately the other night and she was surprisingly funny. I never would have expected that!
Sounds Like Brother Jimmy has a lot of power himself. I’m starting to be skeptical about watching how Non American actors come here and wield their influence.
For example, this Sophie Monk has no actual talent, does she? (Isn’t she rumored to have been Chris Martin’s jump off????)
So, why is she getting press in America. Is it due to her Powerful Brother??? (If his board owns the rights to Playboy, that’s pretty powerful financial clout.
In sum, I don’t want this Sophie Monk. She can go back to Australia and become a mom.
Damn.. How do you get to be that shade of orange??
Who the Hell is Sophie Monk and why should anyone care what she does with her brother?
@Rita Bwahahahahaha.
I’d take a bath with Angelina if she’d let me. ;D
Oh My, what is going on with her face? Why do pretty women screw with their face??? WHY???
Whoa…James Haven is straight???
sophie has terrible taste in clothes. and men.
That guy looks like Rodney Dangerfield’s slightly younger brother.
I’ve fallen asleep next to my brother.. I’ve actually slept next to plenty of different people, completely platonically. I don’t get the big deal about sleeping near a person.
@min76, that’s d point;it was just something weird she did a long time ago and as long as AJ is famous that joke or reference will never go’s not like she committed a crime and we think she should be forgiven because she has changed a lot since it happened.
“When you do something that’s really dumb people will remember and bring it up for the rest of your life. It’s obviously worse if you’re famous.”
This should be the theme of the day as it also applies to Chris “it’s no big deal any more” Brown.
How very “Angelina” of her? More like, how very “desperate for attention” of her. 🙂 Sophie Monk is one of the very few Aussie celebrities in Hollywood who just embarrasses me with her silly antics.
Yes, please let’s forget her wild past, but do not forget the awards she got during that period for acting. It is very important to forget one thing but not the other.
@gee “I don’t get the big deal about sleeping near a person.”
says Michael Jackson
Melanie take your own advice. Its so important to forget her awards and what she is and does in the present day, but god forbid anyone not get past her past. (rolls eyes)
LMAO @Melanie! Your sarcasm is THE best thing on a Jolie-Pitt thread. Love love love you!
I’m sorry to say this, people: While I really liked the Angelina of yore, and I felt she was more of an honest and emotional person rather than the emaciated robot of today, even I can’t deny the weirdness there (with her bro.). Some of you talk about it as though it was just the one kiss at the Oscars. It never would have been such a controversy if that were the only thing. There were multiple kisses on multiple red-carpets, and there was a photoshoot (or two?) of them acting like lovers. I’ve seen the photos and you can too if you choose to believe in Google. I recall a lovely one with Jolie in a very low-cut mini-dress…silver and sequined, with James’s arms around her (her back is to him) and his hands resting really low on her abdomen/waist and her head turned up and nuzzling him…um…I don’t care how close a person is to their sibling. You don’t pose for shots like that…doing things like that… in attire like that. Hollywood IS shocking by nature. It takes more than a kiss at the oscars to freak people out.
There’s also a bit about James in the Rolling Stone interview circa 2000 (I LOVE this Angelina!). She bursts into tears when the interviewer asks her about James, and explains that her brother decided it was “best that we don’t see each other anymore..”. I kid you not. I tried to shrug it off as sadness over your brother not being around you for a while…but she talks about him as though he’s her lover. Very odd.
She probably even wasn’t engaged to the Tandoori tanned millionaire. She is probably ‘paid for’. It’s not like she has had a load of lucrative work lately, unless you call being ‘engaged’ work.
Ahhhhhh…the girl works so hard to stay relevant and I still don’t have a clue who she is…
Are her lips fixable? Or is she stuck like that?
That chewed jerky of a man, is disgusting. I trully could not do it my golddigging gene it ain’t so developed to ride on dry crusty schlong.