Jude Law and Bruce Willis work the facial fuzz

My favorite part of the writer’s strike last year were all the strike beards. Otherwise clean-shaven men suddenly started sporting shockingly Wooly Willy-esq faces. Conan O’Brien even made a YouTube video promoting the strike beard and all that it stood for. It’s the writers’ equivalent to wearing a ribbon. Sadly by that logic the female writers had no way to show their support.

Anyway it seems beards are back again, which is making me think it has less to do with impending strikes (though that’s always a possibility) and more to do with some primal urge to grow facial fur as the weather cools. Check out these photos of Jude Law in London yesterday – he’s growing quite the moustache for his role in the upcoming Sherlock Holmes film. Jude isn’t just a facial hair rebel – he’s a real law breaker too, talking on his cell phone while driving.

Bruce Willis is also rocking the Sasquatch look – not something just any guy can pull off. And it’s kind of debatable whether or not he’s one of them. Bruce took daughter his girlfriend Emma Heming shopping at Barney’s in L.A. yesterday, where he was photographed looking all sorts of scruffy. Hemming, by the way, is a British lingerie model. Bruce Willis is one of those guys who you’d think could really pull off the facial hair look – but I think it’s a little too bushy to work for him. He’s getting towards Santa Claus territory. And while Santa’s the guy you want to have around when you’re at Barney’s, he’s not the one you want driving the Mercedes home to the mansion.

Images thanks to Bauer-Griffin.

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9 Responses to “Jude Law and Bruce Willis work the facial fuzz”

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  1. browning says:

    mmmmmm…. not really feeling either of those looks. Bruce looks like Santa and Jude Law looks like he used to do 70’s porn. Please shave!

  2. Kaiser says:

    I kind of like Jude’s stuff – is that kind technically a “Fu Manchu”?

    Anyway, the facial hair distracts from the Widow’s Peak and general smarminess.

  3. geronimo says:

    Clooney’s also sporting a porn tache for his ‘Men who Stare at Goats’ movie, currently filming in Puerto Rico.

  4. MSat says:

    They’re making a movie out of “Men Who Stare at Goats????”

  5. kate says:

    jude is not aging well.

  6. mark says:

    Jude looks like he forgot his dentures at home.

  7. Jeanne says:

    Maybe gay guys find him hot.

  8. Alexa says:

    I find Jude hot. In fact, I like him better now that he’s looking a little more like a NORMAL guy and less like a Greek god! (Call me Jude. 😉 )