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9 Responses to “Jude Law and Bruce Willis work the facial fuzz”

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  1. browning says:

    mmmmmm…. not really feeling either of those looks. Bruce looks like Santa and Jude Law looks like he used to do 70’s porn. Please shave!

  2. Kaiser says:

    I kind of like Jude’s stuff – is that kind technically a “Fu Manchu”?

    Anyway, the facial hair distracts from the Widow’s Peak and general smarminess.

  3. geronimo says:

    Clooney’s also sporting a porn tache for his ‘Men who Stare at Goats’ movie, currently filming in Puerto Rico.

  4. MSat says:

    They’re making a movie out of “Men Who Stare at Goats????”

  5. kate says:

    jude is not aging well.

  6. mark says:

    Jude looks like he forgot his dentures at home.

  7. Jeanne says:

    Maybe gay guys find him hot.

  8. Alexa says:

    I find Jude hot. In fact, I like him better now that he’s looking a little more like a NORMAL guy and less like a Greek god! (Call me Jude. 😉 )