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21 Responses to “Eva Mendes says she’s more of a ‘serious actress’ than Jennifer Lopez”

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  1. anony says:

    Team Eva. Sorry Lopez is annoying and deserves it. Never hear about Eva doing crotch shots/spilling out of clubs, etc. or being an OTT diva. Though saying this in an interview will come back to bite her in the ass. Not that Lopez has any pull anymore but it’s best to steer clear of derogatory comments about anyone in an interview.

  2. Kaiser says:

    I don’t know… I don’t like it when any actor takes a dig at any actor.

    But I don’t really consider Eva and J.Lo actors. Hmm.

    Sidenote: Salma Hayek once said something horrible about J.Lo too, right when Lopez was at the top of her game. It *does* seem cheap that all of these Latinas think they have to take shots at J.Lo. Stand on your own talent!

  3. ff says:

    Doesn’t matter, if I had to choose between the two of them I’d pick Lopez every time.

    ps – you also forgot the ‘i r serious actress’ clip from Ghost Rider.

    Her and Jessica Alba crack me up with this ‘take me seriously, no seriously – I’m a serious actress’ insistance they keep giving. Seriously? No one cares.

  4. anony says:

    True Kaiser it does tarnish their professional images. In the golden era in Hollywood when actors and their loves (er, I meant lives but this is true, too) were carefully controlled by the studios actors reigned in their personal opinions. Not so much nowadays, though.

    Such candor might make her peers leery about working with her. When it’s J Lo though I just look the other way, haha. She doesn’t seem to be winning any popularity contests.

  5. Hmm says:

    Yeah because Fast and Furious 2 and Ghost Rider were such important films. I don’t understand why women have to come out attacking other women. She didn’t need to mention J Lo and it makes her sound catty.

  6. Feebee says:

    C’mon, it can’t be that hard to be a more serious actress than Jennifer Lopez now can it?

  7. Savanah Anderson says:

    She is not lying. She can act better too.

  8. browning says:

    Well…it is hard to believe that you are a serious actor when you star in the movie “Stuck on You”. That comment just makes her look stupid to me. Karma people, karma!

  9. clare says:

    Yep, she should’ve kept her mouth shut.

  10. dan says:

    eva….serious actress……LFAMO!!!!! she should be a commedian with comments like that!

  11. rottenkitty says:

    So, Lopez is Eva Mendes’ standard? Really? I’d’ve thought a serious actress might aim higher.

  12. lilah012 says:

    Well, JLo at least turned in a couple of good performances early on in her career before the branding… like in Selena and Out of Sight. And even though she’s lame, at least her full-of-herself tendencies get acted out in funny outfits and serious, pouty poses for the camera. Eva is pretty but her self-righteousness irks.

  13. Christina says:

    wow, some of those shots are really pornographic… why would anybody in mainstream media agree to those? โ“

  14. Anna says:

    Aside from the fact that she absolutely cannot act – Stuck on You was the perfect example – Eva Mendes strips buck naked anytime someone waves a checkbook. And I’m not a big JLo fan but she rocked in Out of Sight. Eva didn’t fare so well in Out of Time.

  15. Jeanne says:

    She does act better than J-Lo, but that’s not really saying much. Either actress would have performed about the same in Anaconda! J-Lo may be a better dancer, and Eva is more sexy. It’s the mole I tell you!

  16. vdantev says:

    Plus, if Eva ever starts losing her hair, she can comb her eyebrows over. ๐Ÿ˜†

  17. Vannuccia says:

    Something about this girl always really bothers me. She always comes across as being arrogant, conceited and a desperate “try hard” (for want of a better word). The only thing she has going for her is a good body and fantastic skin tone- beyond that, she really doesn’t have anything to offer, and that face is going to look horrendous, masculine and heavy in 10 years time.
    If anything, she should be grateful to Jennifer Lopez and stop her jealousy. After all, JLo could actually act, dance and hold a note early in her career and built herself a nice little business empire in the process. Also, unlike Eva Mendes who likes to strip at the drop of a hat, Jennifer Lopez has only appeared semi-nude for 2 roles IN A FILM ROLE! (U-turn with Sean Bean and the Money Train).

  18. abhay says:

    she is wright insense of dull reactions of Jlo in her own vedio albums….
    So vote for Eva
    I love u Eva…….

  19. LLB says:

    Jennifer *is* a very talented actress. She’s also a very talented dancer! About the only thing that’s not so hot is her singing voice, although she can sound very pretty singing the right song.

    She has a much prettier face than this Eva chick. Who is this Eva chick anyway??

  20. Jasmin says:

    This pisses me off ๐Ÿ˜ˆ … Cuz i love jlo,\

    her movies have inspired me to be a strong woman. to me she’s a beautiful strong latina. and for those who dont like her acting, there no need to comment on it, juss dont watch her stuff and dats dat.


    ๐Ÿ˜€ ๐Ÿ˜€ ๐Ÿ˜€

  21. fan says:

    JLO can’t act or sing
    the only reason she is moving on up is for sleeping around in Hollywood.
    she got the role for Selena because supposedly she came close to Selena’s body fit which was proven she was sagging and out of shape.
    they both are pretty
    JLO is very ambitious which that I do admire a lot.
    they both have good and bad…
    Jlo cant act but I like her movies…
    she cant sing but I like some of her songs.
    Eva I like her and her movies…
    Im sure there might be something I don’t like about her.
    the point here is they both are famous and they just need to respect each other
    and better to compliment one another then become enemies when they are two grown women…