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22 Responses to “Ryan Phillippe is busted flirting outrageously with another woman”

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  1. Susan says:

    Yeah right! I don’t buy this story AT ALL — he is GORGEOUS. I seriously doubt he has to even TRY with the opposite sex. I’m sure women throw themselves at him everywhere he goes.

  2. Anna says:

    If this is true (which it probably is), I just want to say: I love that she shot him down and how she did it. Classy!

  3. TC says:

    Ryan is not bad, but that Deacon is going to break hearts!! What an adorable boy. Both kids are cute, but man, he just melts my heart.

  4. Syko says:

    I’m just upset that he wasn’t flirting outrageously with ME! I think he’s gorgeous.

  5. Kaiser says:

    Syko, ZOMG SLUT. 😛

    I think Lainey’s description of him is quite apt, actually. Carb Face.

  6. IvyMades says:

    Wow, that little kid is so cute!

    I don’t believe this story either.

    *Team Ryan!* 😀

  7. mimi says:

    yeah… I don’t think this is true at all… he seems very happy with Abbie Cornish.
    team Ryan!! 😀

  8. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa says:

    I hate that the paps stalk celebs when they’re with their kids. Look how close those pics are taken from! At least give them some space or something. Those poor kids!

  9. no so fast says:

    That NE story sounds very very fake. If he wants to get with someone he probably sends one of his friends over to her first. I can’t see him getting shot down by someone saying that.

    When Jamie Lynn isn’t pregnant they are going to look really stupid.

  10. mandee says:

    I’d hit just wouldn’t marry him

  11. Anne says:

    In the header photo that is not a pap, that’s a personal camera in my opinion. Why would anyone take a picture of another person like that? Right in his face? With his kids?

  12. clare says:

    I wonder if he felt like swatting that cell phone in his face? That is rude.
    I don’t think he has a ‘carb face’ at all.

  13. mj1 says:

    He’s fit. I don’t see any sign he eats carbs at all he doesn’t have any extra fat anywhere. I doubt he is the model boyfriend but this story sounds like tabloid fiction.

  14. jess says:

    what the heck is carb face?

    *edit* nevermind looked it up…very interesting

  15. saintdevil says:

    @jess: also looked it up.

    It’s what my boyfriend refers to as “Fleischgesicht” (flesh-face).
    Gee…everything sounds worse in German.

  16. Codzilla says:

    Good God that little boy is adorable. 😯

    Too lazy to look up carb face. I’m guessing it’s bloated or something along those lines?

  17. RAN says:

    Little Deacon looks like Ryan Gosling from the Notebook — That IS the guy’s name, right? I can’t recall specifically and don’t feel like looking it up

  18. Alexa says:

    I’m really NOT big into little dainty french men. Not feelin’ it, AT ALL!

  19. Kat says:

    The man is not currently married. He can flirt with whoever he wants, its not cheating.

  20. Linda says:

    The little girl looks so much like a little Reese. Anyway, back to subject.
    I also think that Ryan is really cute! BUT, I would not do it with him or date him because of this…I have to be able to trust him before anything serious. And get to know a person first…besides my husband is Cuter! I don’t think Once a cheater always a cheater…I’ve known people who have cheated and then Stopped completely when they found the right person! As for Ryan…Only He and Abby know for sure! The enquiuer is Not known for telling the truth for years now! Hopefully this is just another lie…otherwise, shame on you Ryan! BTW…who saw him cheat? I hope not a source, they always make up sources.

  21. Linda says:

    BTW… it IS cheating even if he is not married…boyfriends and girlfriends who are commited to each other should not cheat either! Unless you have an open relationship

  22. Lway says:

    I read up on Ryan all the time and i STILL wouldn’t turn him down if he flirted with me

    I don’t buy it.