Linnocent’s crack-denial: “Just because I’m out doesn’t mean I’m drinking!”


I can’t believe I’m doing another Linnocent story, but here you go. These are photos of Linnocent last night, exiting a screening of Source Code. Jake Gyllenhaal was there, and I would pay good money to see footage of Linnocent, cracked out of her skull, approaching Jake like a cracked-out predator and propositioning him. Can’t you just see his face? The look of horror? I can see it.

Anyway, remember those photos I linked to earlier? Linnocent on her hands and knees on the ground two nights ago, drunk off her ass? Go here for the photos. Well, we have Linnocent’s crack denial regarding the photos. She tells TMZ, “I was NOT drinking, nor do I drink! I was with my brother, sister and friends. I was making a joke. They’re trying to make something out of nothing. Just because I’m out doesn’t mean I’m drinking.” Actually, I think busting your ass as you come out of a club at 3 a.m. DOES mean that you’ve been drinking. And smoking crack. And doing lines.

Can I admit something kind of serious? This is the first time in a while where I’ve actually thought Lindsay is truly out of control. Yeah, the past year has been crack chaos with Linnocent in and out of jail and rehab and all of her crack hustling and SCRAM bracelets and all of it. But Linnocent still felt contained, you know? Ever since she flew from LA to NYC (and back and forth again), it just feels like she’s truly losing it. Maybe it’s her upcoming crack trial, and Linnocent is just trying to party her crack off before the trial starts. Or maybe she just doesn’t give a crap anymore. I don’t know.




Photos courtesy of WENN.

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62 Responses to “Linnocent’s crack-denial: “Just because I’m out doesn’t mean I’m drinking!””

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  1. sorrento says:

    Planet of the Apes has a fashion line?

  2. Rita says:

    She says we’re all “making something out of nothing” but it is Lilo whose made herself into nothing out of something.

  3. brin says:

    Just because she fell on the pavement outside a bar doesn’t mean she’s drunk. Just because she has white powder coming out of her shoes doesn’t mean she’s on drugs. Just because she opens her mouth to speak doesn’t mean she’s lying. Sheesh, people.

  4. The_Porscha says:

    Lainey had a great post about this the other day. She ALWAYS says that going out doesn’t equate with drinking, but the point that Lainey made was, why doesn’t Lindsay just not. go. out.? It’s not that difficult. She could have a quiet night at home or at dinner somewhere, that doesn’t require clubbing so soon after rehab. Let’s pretend it has nothing to do with whether or not she’s actually drinking – at what point do you realize that the perception of such behavior is all it really takes now? If she’s so serious about working again (HA!) she should realize that partying every night like it ain’t no big deal is shooting herself in the foot, and that’s the problem with this b-tch. She just thinks she should be able to get away with whatever.

  5. Quest says:

    Lie-oh-can is contantly in denial, denial, denial…this lady lies so much she is starting to believe everything that comes out of her crackaholic-infested mouth.

    Chick needs help. At this point jail maybe a good option for her to dry out (sober-up)or get some sanity back

  6. Devon says:

    Regardless if she was drinking or not (which I totay think she was) she needs to prove to people that she’s clean and sober. Her word means less than shit these days and literally stumbling out of bars at 2:30am does nothing to help. She should be staying in, going to movies, LAYING LOW until the public thinks she’s serious. All her blather about “I’m young, I was to live my life” doesn’t mean a damn thing since she lives her life in a public forum. She will never get hired like this and the worst part of it all is that no one in her family seems to understand or give a flying fuck.

    She’s claiming that she’s “a klutz” and that she tripped but the look in her face, the crack glint in her eye kind of says it all. We’ve all made that wide mouth bass smile and slapped the ground when we’ve fallen down drunk. Most people have done that exact thing and we all know what it looks like. Just keep on denying Crackie! I love that she’s got a smoke in her hand even though she reportedly quit. I don’t smoke but I’ll have the occasional smoke while drunk. Also, I think all these NYC visits are her getting her party on while she doesn’t have to be tested. Sober in LA, drunk coked out crackhead in NYC. Can’t party when you’re in jail!

  7. Phillylady says:

    She looks pretty ok and nice in these new pics. I was sad to see her looking a drunk mess with her head on the street the other night. I mean, what kind of joke was she making? Was it hilarious to see how many diseases she could contract through her forehead from the streets of NYC? Sad.
    I want her to write an honest-to-god tell all. I also want her to kick her mother out of her life. And I want her to have real friends that love and care for her. Yes, I am very want-y today!

  8. Snarky_Pup says:

    I watched part of “Mean Girls” on TV the other night and was shocked at how pretty and healthy this girl used to be. Nothing like she looks now. I felt bad for her when I saw the pics of her on the sidewalk. Truly pitiful. She’s her own worst enemy.

  9. Marjalane says:

    Why should she think that anything bad is going to happen this time? It never has before. She’s still surrounded by her cracky enablers. As corny as it sounds, those old commercials of eggs frying and “Here is your brain on drugs” are true. Lindsey has been destroying her brain cells for years and that’s why you often see really hard core druggies wandering around mumbling to themselves- they got nothin’ left to work with!

  10. Elizabeth says:

    I’ve had a feeling for awhile that it’s just too late for her. She’s not going to ever get it together, she doesn’t want to change anything she is doing and all we have to wait for is her dying from the drugs. Sad but true.

  11. Elj says:

    She used to be so pretty.

  12. Sigh. says:

    Just because she was face down on the FILTHY-ASS SIDEWALK IN FRONT OF A CLUB doesn’t mean she was drunk. Anything for a laugh, right?

    And just because she had on the pants doesn’t mean the cocaine in the pocket was hers

    And just because she walked out with the necklace without paying doesn’t mean she stole it

    And just because she was seen around town in a stolen fur coat doesn’t mean it’s not hers

    And just because her SCRAM bracelet indicated alcohol consumption doesn’t mean she was drinking

    And just because she moved right next door to her ex doesn’t mean she’s a stalker

    She needs to file a restraining order against “Circumstance,” because it’s obviously a jellis h8ter and is just out to get her

  13. Crash2GO2 says:

    @Elizabeth: Cosign. And she will be looking like Charlie Sheen’s twin all the while posing and pouting for the camera while being held up by her mother and siblings. ‘Cause that’s the way this family rolls.

  14. Anoneemouse says:


  15. dorothy says:

    Face it…this will never end. She is beyond help. No one in the family really believes she has a problem…thus, the problem. I give her 3-6 months before she buys the farm.

  16. TQB says:

    Kaiser, the reason you think she’s out of control is how she looks. I mean, she’s looked a little beat before, but the past couple weeks of this fried hair, fried face, spacey smile and no pupils thing is a new low. It’s truly creepy.

  17. Just Sayin says:

    Must have been one hell of a joke.

  18. citysuede says:

    @sorrento – HAHAHAHAHA!!!

    I was thinking the same thing! planet of the apes fashion line….that’s hilarious!

  19. the original bellaluna says:

    Too much immediate physical contact with White Oprah has done wonders for Blohan.

    I saw those pix yesterday, and if girlfriend wasn’t drunk/wired/faded, I’ll eat those same pix!

    Linnocent, dear, we know your MO: vodka (or something) in your Red Bull can; people pouring for you under the table; white powder poofing from your shoes (yeah, ’cause your feet sweat); enlarged red nostrils (uh-uh, “allergies); etc…

  20. the original bellaluna says:

    @ brin, Rita – Happy HFG girls!

  21. Johnny Depp's Girl says:

    If I wasnt drinkin, then I wouldnt be at a BAR, and when you fall out of one at 3AM, You most definately ARE DRUNK.

  22. Lady D says:

    Sigh, too funny.

  23. gloaming says:

    Oh noes! Those photos of her falling down might ruin her career.
    Oh wait…….

  24. Dana says:

    Not to be an old lady, but in those linked photos Ali is standing behind her. She is a minor and it is 2:30 am. Why doesn’t Mother Crackhead get busted for this?

  25. happygirl says:

    HAPPY FRIDAY EVERYONE! **waves to all my girls** 🙂 I’ve missed you all this week!

    Nothing like a little Friday Lindsanity to bring me back to my favorite place!

    Wow, girlfriend looks like she’s been rode hard and put up wet. I’m sorry…am I allowed to say that? Well, you all know what I mean.

    Hey, Linds, we’re looking forward to the 3rd week in April, girlfriend! If you make it that long. FAIL. On all counts.

  26. lucy2 says:

    That’s the same thing she whined years ago, prior to her 4 or 5 stints in rehab. It wasn’t true then, why should we believe it’s true now?

  27. dread pirate cuervo says:

    Why was her minor sister out at 3 AM on a school night? Or any night for that matter? I fell down alot when I used to drink/party. Sometimes I would swear it wasn’t my fault, but never did I try to say I was ‘making a joke.’ Why not just say you lost your balance, your shhoe slipped, your heel got stuck on gum? Something plausible, you fucking delusional lying bitch. Also, just because you’re not drinking doesn’t mean you’re not popping Oxy’s or riding the horse. Dope fiend.

  28. amanda says:

    wow that’s a nice coat. I wonder who she stole it from.

  29. brin says:

    Happy Friday, bellaluna! Looks like it’s gonna be a cracktastic weekend for Lilo.
    Hi happygirl, join the Linsanity!

  30. Shelley says:

    @Rita – zinger!!

  31. TQB says:

    @amanda, hehehehehee. WIN.

  32. Kloops says:

    I believe that she’s not drinking. She’s far too cracked out to waste her time on booze. I think she enjoys parsing her words and feeling “superior” aka delusional.

  33. hellen says:

    The most obvious excuse of all in these circumstances would have been: “I fell off my shoes!” That actually might have been believable (and explained the hilarity and embarrassment).

    But crackheads always deny, it’s their first line of defense. “I wan’t doin nothin!”

  34. bondbabe says:

    Gah!!! This immature, self-centered…whatever-she-is.

    If she doesn’t want the “media” or “us” to accuse her of things she’s “not doing,” then stay the f*ck home! Try reading a self-help book, watch a movie…something other than going out. Is she so starved for attention that it has to be in public, but she then cries when we pay attention?!

    My Lord, some of this family (Michael, Dina and Lindsay)seem to need to have attention paid to them.

    Mom and Dad Lohan need to pay attention to their daughter, but since they can only point fingers at each other, the media and the public, and then deny any problems of Lindsay or their own, it will never be resolved in a good way.

  35. Katija says:

    Why does she NEED to go out? Why not just have friends over if she wants to party? I think this girl is incredibly empty inside and feels like she NEEDS to go out to feel something. I agree, this is the first time I’ve REALLY felt sorry for her.

  36. Isabel says:

    SIT YOUR ASS DOWN ON YOUR COUCH AND WATCH A MOVIE. Or go to a spa and get some crazy awesome skin treatment. F’ing loser!

  37. judyjudy says:

    Didn’t Kingston Rosdale wear that same jacket a couple of days ago?

  38. Clavin says:

    What a lot of people do not understand about cocaine use is that a heavy cokehead is as addicted to the late-night party-all-the-time lifestyle as they are to the drug itself. Not going out and not getting totally twisted beyond belief is completely unthinkable to her at this point. Years and years of this have left her unable to enjoy anything but “partying” i.e. getting wasted at clubs. Nothing aside from being completely cut off from her cocaine will stop her and based on who she is and where she lives that is pretty unlikely to happen anytime soon.

  39. wunderkindt says:

    Forget what she says.
    Her drunkie-junkie face tells the whole story!

  40. Madisyn says:

    Good mornin @Happy Girl, @Rita, @Original Bella Luna, missed you girls. Again thanks for the invite the the crack party April 21st.

    The problem with this twit is its always a CRACK DENIAL. Its never,
    *Yes, I’m going to church or
    *Thats right, I just left an AA meeting.

    Its always,
    *I’m not drinking,
    *I’m not cracked out of my skull.

    For a person who has continually said in interview after interview,
    *I want to change my image,
    *I take my sobriety seriously,
    *I want to get back on set,
    well nothing says that better than attending club after club, with your teenage sister, and come stumbling out of clubs! Twit

    Remember its BYOC (Bring Your Own Crack)

  41. Jazz says:

    Jesus she looks busted!!

  42. bluhare says:

    Re the comments on Ali being at clubs underage. I couldn’t agree more. She should never be there and the clubs who let her in should be fined or whatever. Any normal person in there would be thrown out.

    And this goes to Lindsay as well. She was regularly clubbing in her teens, and it was reported all the time. Yet none of those clubs faced any consequences and I have no doubt in my mind that they have some responsibility in what’s happened to Lindsay. Yes, if she’s alcoholic and an addict it probably would happen anyway, but maybe not as bad? I don’t know; maybe they had no effect on her, but the fact they served her is illegal.

  43. ctkat1 says:

    I truly, honestly believe that both Lindsay and Dina are CONVINCED that she will be acquitted at her trial, found innocent, and she will pick right back up with her career- she’ll get the parts that are now going to Carey Mulligan, Keira Knightley, Amanda Seyfried, Jennifer Lawrence, Emma Stone, etc.

    Because the thing is, I’m sure Lindsay is getting “movie offers”- by that, I mean that some C/D List director with no film credits, no studio, no money is trying to get her in his film so that he can ride the publicity. So when she says that she’s getting tons of scripts, she probably is.

    I’m sure she thinks once this pesky little trial is over, the big studios/A List Directors will begin sending her stuff again.

    It’s rather tragic, because at this point her career is OVER- she’ll never be in a film that actually gets financed by a studio and released in a theater again. Her last studio/theater released film was that I Know Who Killed Me mess released July 2007- almost 4 years ago!

  44. Hakura says:

    @Snarky_Pup“I watched part of “Mean Girls” on TV the other night and was shocked at how pretty and healthy this girl used to be. Nothing like she looks now. I felt bad for her when I saw the pics of her on the sidewalk. Truly pitiful. She’s her own worst enemy.”

    Your comment inspired me to go look up some vintage Lindsay again. It’s not like I haven’t since her downward spiral, but it still really knocks you back.

    I’m sure most everyone on CB has already seen these comparisons someone else put together, but Oh. My. God.
    And for everyone’s viewing amusement/horror, a special before & after of her lips.

  45. Devon says:

    When Lindsay was going to the clubs underage, a lot of them double as restaurants therefore she was allowed in because it was classified as an eating establishment not a night club.

    Have any of you heard the 911 call that was made the night that the mayor of Cracktown snuck out of the Betty Ford? Hilarious with a side of pathetic served over crackhead drama. Kaiser/CB please do a post on that! I wanna hear your take on this!!

  46. Theresa says:

    Lindsay has admitted in the past, during her more lucid phases, that she is incapable of sitting at home, or being alone. I believe she does suffer from some sort of mental condition that makes it impossible for her to be alone. Couple that with narcissism, paranoia and insecurity then you have the public Lindsay we are now very well acquainted with.

    Regardless of what she says, in fact, I think we can gain the truth by believing the exact opposite of whatever comes out of her mouth, she has no future. There are quite a few examples of child/youth stars that end up in the gutter or morgue, so she is far from alone in this public struggle.

    For those awaiting the downfall, consider it having happened. Just because she is not in jail does not mean she is not “imprisoned”. Just because she is free does not mean she is happy. She is miserable, and probably knows it. She is medicating herself to try and escape the misery she feels. The only thing different from her life and that of, say Dana Plato, Brad Renfro, Eddie Furlong, feel free to go further in to the past for more, is that she has multiple mouthpieces that feel quite comfortable lying to the public. Perhaps there is an archetype that we see in Lindsay, that she represents all that we love and hate about fame. There are many that think she is lucky for having a place at all in show business and therefore that much more tragic a figure for blowing it. She also happens to be playing out her story when we are more wired and connected than we have ever been.

    Don’t lose faith, people, if you are seeking some kind of retributive bolt of lightening. Nothing good is coming out of this greek tragedy. She is already gone, we just don’t have the luxury of turning her off before the curtain goes down.

  47. Madisyn says:

    @Ctkat1, oh my gosh, I couldn’t agree more. Mother Crackhead and Baby Crackhead do think the A-list movies roles are comin round the bend as soon as this “pesky” trial is over. How sad, how delusional.

    Your right, she is getting scripts, scripts with no names (A, B, or C list actors), no money, no studio backing, and people looking to ride the wave of publicity that that “Inferno” producer/director rode. Just like the twit on Radar who claims she’s going to star in their movie. You or I have a better shot at that.

    One more thing, I’ve said it before and I’ll reiterate what you said, BLOHAN’S CAREER IS OVER!

  48. HotLatino says:

    She looks really good in these pics

  49. Jeri says:

    It could be worse, she could have “bangs trauma.”

  50. Hakura says:

    @Jeri“It could be worse, she could have “bangs trauma.””

    You watch, now that you’ve said that, she’s going to show up with them tomorrow. x_x

  51. sluggo says:

    I agree with everyone who pointed it out, I was wondering the same thing: What the HELL is Ali doing out with her sister, barhopping, in the wee small hours of the morning? And she wasn’t drunk? What was she doing, testing the sidewalk? Looking for crack(s)? “Lemme see … Oooh, there’s a crack … whoops, wrong kind of crack.” Sure, she wasn’t drunk, or partying, or anything at all. Yeah. Right. And I am eloping with Prince William tonight. But there’s this bridge I need to sell first — any takers?

    “Maybe she just doesn’t give a crap anymore,” as Kaiser said, but it’s just as likely that Our Miss Linnocent figures she’ll walk away scot-free … and why not? She’s wriggled free SO many times before, that any other outcome is inconceivable to her.

    Sad, really — I’m fifty years old and she looks WAY older than I do. Even with all the work she might have had done … those fine (and not-so-fine) lines and crinkles speak volumes about her self-abusive life.

  52. Snarky_Pup says:

    @Hakura, Wow. Those pics say it all.

  53. kwoww says:

    i cant even stand the sight of her anymore. she’s the poster child for entitled no talented bitches. What has she done, mean girls? that was years ago. she SUCKS as an actress, she SUCKS as a singer, she’s become PARIS HILTON LITE.

  54. Hakura says:

    @Snarky_Pup – I know =( Whoever put that comparison together did a great job of illustrating how ruined her looks are.

    The Lindsay of today doesn’t even look like she could be the twice-inbred-red neck-mentally ill cousin of the Lindsay of yesterday.

    @Kwoww – I think she had a ton of potential, she was still so young & could’ve improved. She didn’t have a bad voice (certainly a better voice than half the pop singers out right now) but it was bad timing, & didn’t really stand out.

    It’s pretty pathetic for her to always be referred to as ‘The Mean Girls star‘ when it was 7 years ago.

  55. icantbelievethis says:

    what happened to her pupils??

    I remember years ago seeing a video of Eminem and his pupils looked like that. A few months later he went to rehab.

    How can she be on probation and get away with this stuff? What happened to random drug testing? How did she not get in trouble for sneaking out of court ordered rehab and refusing a breathalyzer?

    What’s the point of probation again??

  56. gg says:

    Well, STAY IN for a change, IDIOT!!

  57. Mary jones says:

    If shes on probation doesnt she take random drug tests? And wouldnt she have to take them in Ca? So why is she allowed to leave the state? Just wondering.

  58. Hakura says:

    @Mary Jones – “If shes on probation doesnt she take random drug tests? And wouldnt she have to take them in Ca? So why is she allowed to leave the state? Just wondering.”

    I’m curious about this too. I’m wondering if her probationary requirements didn’t follow her to NY on this ‘visit’. If that’s the case, it would mean no meeting with the probation officer, & no random tests to worry about. It would make sense, after seeing that picture of her drunk on the ground outside that club. Probably thought she could get away with it in NY.

    But I’m also interested to know if the pictures of her (drunk on the ground) in NY… could be used against her by her probation officer (& the court). She was in another state, but the pap-pics document her behavior (when/where/who). Though there could be ‘red tape’ regarding her not being tested while she was there, but it’s SO obvious she was plastered.

  59. Connie says:

    I recently gave up drinking for lent, about 47 days, to see if I could do it. I enjoy going out and I enjoy drinking.that being said, the last place I’m trying to be is around a bunch of drunks, and I don’t mean that in a bad way. I haven’t been going to my normal spots because it’s not worth the temptation. I recently went to opening day with customers literally trying to pour drinks down my throat. That

  60. Hakura says:

    @Connie – “ I recently went to opening day with customers literally trying to pour drinks down my throat. “

    Congratulations on making it to 47 days! That must have been difficult if alcohol was a big part of your routine for a long time.

    You’re totally right about your success depending quite highly on the company you keep. Lindsay obviously has no interest in stopping her addictive behaviors, or she wouldn’t be going to bars & parties. Like you said, it’s just obvious that she’s going to give in. It’s disgusting that people are so insistant about drinking that they’d try to force it on you.

    I’m not sure if I consider myself ‘fortunate’ in this, but I don’t get anything out of alcohol. My metabolism is quite fast, so even after having very little, within minutes, I start to feel super sleepy, & just want to crawl into bed. (Which is not the effect one wants while out having a good time.) No buzz or anything. But because of this, there’s no chance of my becoming addicted to it.

  61. MrsOdie2 says:

    Her alibi is that she was with her family? No one enables like her family. No one. People in recovery do not go to bars. Going to bars and hanging out with drunk people is boring when you’re sober and trying to live a sober lifestyle. I don’t believe her. But I think she believes her own lies.

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