Paparazzi pumpkin patch smackdown starring Tobey Maguire’s friends

Some people took offense to some of the swarming paparazzi at Mr. Bones’ pumpkin patch this weekend and the result was a pap taken to the hospital with blood streaming from above his eye, the police called to the scene and a crying, unknown woman. The people arguing with the paparazzi are said to be “friends” of Tobey Maguire, and the video shows Maguire with his wife and daughter Ruby, nearly two, at the beginning. It’s unclear what connection Maguire has with the people shown arguing with the paparazzi as he’s not around at that point and it could be that someone just edited video footage to include him at the beginning.

The incident where the paparazzo is struck is not on the video and all you see is an argument and then a guy sitting on some steps with blood coming down his face. It seems like the woman has a beef with the photographers, maybe for touching her or something, and one of the guys with the woman says “you want to hit my girlfriend, bring it on right now, yall are a bunch of jokes.” The cops and EMTs come and a helicopter is seen overhead. The photographer is loaded onto a gurney and taken to the hospital in an ambulance, the better to boost his inevitable lawsuit.

When is LA going to put more restrictions on the paparazzi? We’re definitely part of the problem, but it’s becoming hard to watch and no one should be getting hurt.

Thanks to Popeater for the heads up on this story. They also have more background along with the rumor about Maguire’s unseen involvement. It wouldn’t be surprising given his short temper with photographers.

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12 Responses to “Paparazzi pumpkin patch smackdown starring Tobey Maguire’s friends”

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  1. Alecto says:

    What a wimp. I cut myself worse shaving my legs the other day. Head wounds always bleed more.

  2. Codzilla says:

    “Pumpkin patch smackdown.” Lol! 😆

  3. SeVen says:

    1) If Tobey Maguire was involved, hes a tit. There is probably tons of other patches around town that are less frequented by Celebs and thus the paps. If he didnt want to be photographed, DONT go there, pick your pumpkins somewhere else.

    Thats like going to the Hyde or Ivy then bitching about paps..Self Inflicted

  4. sam says:

    If the following around wasn’t enought to drive you mad. It must be so infuriating to have people yelling at you/questioning you/verbally abusing you all the time.

  5. vdantev says:

    Having watched TMZ (I’m not proud of it) and heard some of the crap that comes out of their mouth to provoke celebrities, I’m sure the pap deserved a good punching.

  6. Jeanne says:

    Please, wait til they go to Little League games. The parents are assholes.

  7. Joe says:

    When is enough enough. If this were you or I they would have been arrested for stalking, harrassment and tresspassing, so what if it is Tobey McGuire, he is entitled to the same rights as everyone else. The paparazzi need to be put in their place. The vast majority go way to far and for what,a picture. I would have kicked his but and had him arrested for tresspassing.

  8. Tobey fan says:

    What a waste of time. Should you be smart and read the comments first, take my word: Don’t waste your time watching this video.
    Initially, you see a couple of people at a friggin pumpkin patch. You can NEVER make out Tobey. And, then, some guy that was stupid in the first place ends up getting questioned by LAPD because he managed to get his head cut.
    End of story. Boring.

  9. harleymimi says:

    Way to go whoever did bop this creep.

  10. Dennis says:

    Celebrity or not ALL people are entitled to their privacy. How would YOU like to have someone photographing every move you make 24 hrs.a day? The “PAPS” need to be given boundaries and made to abide by them or be arrested for invasion of privacy!

  11. Red says:

    If someone shoved a camera or microphone in my face one too many times, I’d probably smack them over the head with it or shove it down their throught. I work for the studios, that technically make all Actors and Actresses, My Co-workers, why should I blame them for reacting the way I would.
    being chased by paps is not what they signed up for being in film was, but there is too much of a market for pap photos and videos, it will never go away, NEVER.

  12. Geralt says:

    Since Elvis Presley and beyond, actors and singers know that when you become famous, you give up your right to privacy. It may not be fair, but it goes with the territory. If people would quit looking at the pictures then the Pap would be out of business. Until then, quit crying and just smile at the camera.