Gwyneth Paltrow was all yellow for an LA book signing: canary-fug or really cute?


These are some new shots of Gwyneth Paltrow at a book signing in Los Angeles yesterday. Because Dame Goop will not deign to autograph copies of her book to any peasant living in what she deems “the fly-over, peasant states.” Seriously, she only did book signings in Manhattan, New Jersey (eek!) and now LA. This is likely her last stop on the tour. Sources say she stayed for two hours and signed a lot of books. There was a line to meet her and everything. Ah, the peasants coming to worship at the altar of Goop.

The Mail thinks Gwyneth is sending some kind of message with this dress. Something about her marriage and Coldplay’s “Yellow” – which is actually still one of my favorite Coldplay songs, and I’m not even a big fan of the band. I wouldn’t think Dame Goop would be able to pull off yellow so successfully, but it actually looks nice on her. Here’s a closeup of the shoes (and Dame Goop’s unmanicured toenails?!?!):


Goop also appears on Ellen today, I think, and there were some just-released quotes from her chat with Ellen. Ellen asked about Gwyneth’s singing career, and Goop said: “Well, I haven’t signed anything but I’m thinking about it. I kind of have to get my head around the concept of it and how I would want to do it. Do it in a right way. It’s hard to think of switching because all the signing I’ve been doing has been coming out of Country Strong or Glee. So I think, how would I do that? Just a record by myself feels a little scary to me. I would like to in theory but we’ll see.” When asked if she wants to become a Britney-esque pop star, Gwyneth snotted: “Not totally. She’s cornered that market.” So… if Gwyneth records an album, it would have to be “country” because no one has “cornered that market” and because Gwyneth thinks she would be more easily accepted in the country world.





Photos courtesy of WENN.

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58 Responses to “Gwyneth Paltrow was all yellow for an LA book signing: canary-fug or really cute?”

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  1. Crash2GO2 says:

    Oh noes, she’s back to the middle part in her hair again!! Big mistake Goopy.

    The yellow would be ok if only it weren’t so SHINY. And a wee bit shorter in length would be nice. And I’m not loving the shoes.

  2. Merry says:

    Oooh, but it’s not’s GOLD, peasants!

    ps. To be read in Gwin’s nasal voice…

  3. Jackson says:

    Yellow is such a difficult color to wear, especially for blondes. And no, she didn’t pull it off. The dress itself is ok but really, really bright. It seems like way overdone for a book signing. I think the shoes are fug, too.

    What happened to the side part? Ugh. Goopy will never change.

  4. Hautie says:

    Too bad she didn’t keep the side part. It was much more flattering.

    The dress is fine. Pretty color. Long enough.

    And she is not flashing everyone her business while wearing it.

    So I am going to put this dress in the win column.

  5. Jackson says:

    @Merry – LOL!!!! You are correct! The rest of us are such peasants!

  6. brin says:

    ITA @Crash2GO2.

  7. tracking says:

    After LMAO at the Jessica Seinfeld interview, I feel I can give Goop this one. She looks very lovely. Stunning color on her. Middle part works ok here, maybe because of softness (extensions?) at bottom. She should hold on to the stylist after the book tour.

  8. Lala11_7 says:

    I never drank from the Gwinnie/Jennie cauldron of “haterade”…I’ve always like Gwinnie (I’m sorry, I became her bitch 4eva after her first appearance on SNL…”I JUST GOT TA HAVE MY PORN”!!!) loves it!

    That being said…the last couple of years hasn’t been good on Gwinnie when it comes to pics…however, the ones on this book tour are EXCELLENT…she looks the best she has in more than a minute…whatever she’s doing, she needs to continue it…

  9. kimm says:

    Excuse me – but not everybody gets the mani/pedi thing – what is wrong with you people – def drinking too much haterade!!!!

  10. NancyMan says:

    In old China, that would be known as ‘Imperial Yellow’ and only to be worn by the Emperor or Empress on pain of death. Buttercup or primrose didn’t count.

    From a man’s point of view, the shoes are distracting. I think the whole gladiator shoe trend is nearing its end because the latest ones are starting to look like parodies of the original great idea.

  11. Annaloo says:


    So sick of the media juggernaut over this cookbook about her daddy issues… she’s exasperating and tiresome and boring.

    If I have to see another picture or see another video of her flat mouth and praying mantis face yapping on about gluten free crap, her mommy and her haters, I WILL STAB MYSELF.

    Over this overgrown Pollyanna and her self-entitled “everyone-loves-me-soooo-much!” fairydust.

    Stick a fork in it, Goop.

  12. Hakura says:

    I’ll grudgingly admit she looks okay in this outfit. I hate bright yellow with a passion, though.

    I *adore* the shoes (though I’d no doubt break my ankles trying to walk in them). But even though she’s tall with long limbs, the dress hits her in a weird place on her legs. I dislike the ‘mid-calf’ length on anyone.

  13. Katie says:

    I thought she had said, not that long ago, that she had no intentions of making an album. I don’t think she should. Her voice is not that strong and as far as I know she’s not a song writer, so what would she bring to the table other than being her? Leave the music to people like Adele.

    I actually like the yellow though, but I like wearing yellow in general.

  14. BW says:

    Her toes look fine. I wish mine looked that good.

    The yellow works, but the dress does not fit her. It’s too bunched up through the torso.

    I like the shoes but not with that dress. With a different outfit perhaps?

    She looks like she tried to work on her roots. I think she’s too blond. It looks like straw. She should try a more natural looking color.

  15. JenJen says:

    I always notice the toenails, too! Is all this to distract from her not going to the royal wedding? You would think she would want to share in the excitement with her children because they are Brits aren’t they? All about the Goop!

  16. Ari says:

    Regardless of my despise for her – she looks goddamn gorgeous

  17. Ellie says:

    She has the worst taste in shoes.

  18. Isabel says:

    Aw, her husband totally hates her.

  19. kazoo says:

    i like the dress, but not with those shoes & her make up looks bad.

  20. guesty says:

    It’s ok. But pedi those toe nails!

  21. k says:

    The interior hanger ribbon is hanging out of her right arm hole. I am a big fan of center parts, but side parts are def. more flattering on her.

    I just saw her Ellen spot. I think she’s just completely clueless as to how self-centered she seems, because she’s used to getting the full support of everything she’s ever done since she popped out of Blythe’s birth canal.

  22. LadyBert62 says:

    Ugly dress, ugly shoes – and get a decent haircut!

  23. lucy2 says:

    I like the dress, but it is too bright and shiny. Don’t care for it with those shoes though.

  24. Nanea says:

    Nice dress, shoddy workmanship. Look at the seams and the hem.

    Can Goopy please go away now and shut up about her potential singing career too?

  25. Irene says:

    ugh, not another post about her. Maybe you can take a chill pill and stop commenting her every move?
    She looks good in these pics. Love the shoes!

  26. original kate says:

    she looks like her usual simpering self, although i’m not gonna hate on her for the yellow, as it is a hard color for most people to pull off. and i also saw that seinfeld/goop video and made it only about 4 minutes in before my eyes glazed over. what simmering cauldron of self-satisfied smugness it is. and to that end, i came across this “review” of goop’s cookbook and it cracked me the hell up:

    hopefully the link will work. this is from a comedienne called hayley terris, so you can find her on youtube. her other videos are funny, too.

  27. Enny says:

    She did get a pedi – and probably a very expensive one at that – but just left off the polish. Only peasants actually put paint on their nails, y’all.

  28. leuce7 says:

    I think she looks great, actually, and I’m not a particular fan. I do agree with the people who say a different length may have been better though. But I’m a fan of bright, sunny colors, and I think she pulls it off.

  29. hello, extensions! well, at least they don’t make her look like a cheap ho. yet.

  30. everlyo says:

    I am not a fan of Goopy but…. she looks great here! The added hair pieces fill out her usual scraggly thin ‘do and the makeup is very pretty.

  31. spinner says:

    Gwyneth looks lovely. But do I spy extensions??

  32. Hakura says:

    @Katie“I don’t think she should. Her voice is not that strong and as far as I know she’s not a song writer, so what would she bring to the table other than being her? Leave the music to people like Adele.”

    Agreed… as I said in the other story, I found it pretty arrogant for her to choose a song by someone like Adele to cover. I mean, she’s just tops… A beautiful, smooth, soulful voice. Lack of vocal ability in Goop’s case aside… Adele’s songs simply weren’t meant to be ‘country-fied’.

    It would be a big mistake on her part to record an album. She may be ‘passable’ enough to do a song cameo for a tv show, but that’s far from having the chops to support a music career.

    @Irene” Love the shoes!”

    I’m surprised, we seem to be in the major minority in our approval of the shoes. xD I don’t like them that well with this *outfit*, but I think they’d be *great* with something else.

    I don’t understand why people are bitching about her toenails. Her’s look a hell of a lot better than mine, that’s for sure. (granted I’m not big on seeing people’s toes to begin with, my own included.) Her feet look fine.

  33. Isa says:

    Definitely extenstions though these are quite nice.

    The dress is wayyyyyy to yellow, I love the shoes, but they do not go with the color of this dress.

  34. bored says:

    yellow is the only Coldplay song i like

  35. Susan says:

    Trying waaaaaaay too hard.

  36. Aurelia says:

    The sad thing is those aren’t hair extensions. Her real hair looks like plastic.

  37. Scarlet Vixen says:

    @Katie & @Haukura: There are also way more less-than-amazing singers in the industry than awesome ones. For every Adele there’s 50 Rihannas, Britneys, etc. Also, the actors on Glee don’t choose their own songs. The songs are chosen by Ryan Murphy/the writers.

    I love Goopy, but think she often gets her outfit/shoes combos wrong. I like the dress (her body looks fab), but think it should be a couple inches shorter, and I don’t like the shoes with it at all. I also prefer the side part–not many people can pull of a middle part, IMO.

  38. JenJen says:

    I just saw her on Ellen, she had the most air time I have ever seen on her show.

    Ellen: You cook everyday?
    Goop: Yes, I do!
    Ellen: Wow, you do it all, act, sing, dance, cook.
    Goop: Yes, and annoying people all over America doing it.

    Don’t limit yourself Goop,it’s not just the Americans!

  39. pixiegirl says:

    Can she raise her arms in that dress?

  40. DrM says:

    @Annaloo – couldn’t agree more!! Well said and so true. For starters…if you are going to plug a cookbook you should at least look like you eat…which she doesn’t. And what is with the knock-kneed stance she puts on??? If you look at pics of Gwyennie this is a standard pose…cannot and never have been able to stand this woman…beginning with her Oscar win when she stood in her pink, too large gown with her clavicles showing and had verbal diarrhoea all over everyone…

  41. JSobz says:

    I actually think she looks really pretty here. Hate the shoes, though.

  42. Jeannified says:

    Love the dress and her look (makeup, hair…) HATE those SHOES!!!

    Man, what is Goopy trying to prove with this cookbook qand new singing career? Is she that competitive with Chris Martin?! No wonder he’s always mad!

  43. original kate says:

    “Goop: Yes, and annoying people all over America doing it.”

    no…did she really say this? ugh.

  44. Pitita says:

    What is fug is the distance between the dress and the shoes (her legs look short), and the shoes’ color (they don’t match the yellow). Fire your stylist Gwynie! (Or don’t take advice from your daughter; she is just a child!)

  45. Hakura says:

    @Scarlet Vixen“There are also way more less-than-amazing singers in the industry than awesome ones.”

    A valid point. But that’s precisely the reason we don’t need anymore >.< She already has 800 other projects going in every conceiveable industry. Assaulting our senses with interviews, images (vision), food (taste), & now her mediocre voice (hearing). Can’t she leave our ears alone? Is that too much to ask? x_x

    @Pitita“Fire your stylist Gwynie! (Or don’t take advice from your daughter; she is just a child!)”

    Isn’t it Suri who dictates her mother’s wardrobe? xD She’d still do better than this, surely. (I agree, either just above the knee, or full length. I don’t like this ‘mid calf’ thing.)

  46. MaudeLebowski says:

    Gwyneth, you have a terrible voice! For singing AND talking. How can you not have noticed that? Is it being rich and dementedly entitled that makes people tone-deaf and stupid?

    Hey, she’s pigeon-toed. Way to look five years old, Gwynnie. Now stick your thumb in your mouth, because I already feel like puking.

  47. jemshoes says:

    It takes a lot of confidence to wear bright colours, and no one could ever accuse Goopy of being a wilting wallflower! I think she looks quite radiant in these photos – but is it the lighting and/or makeup? And, yes, if you’re plugging a cookbook, you should look like you’re eating, if not actually eating from your own recipes! 😉

  48. jr23 says:

    color good should be above the knee and strappy shoes the boot sandal clunky doesn’t look go on anybody

  49. KateNonymous says:

    Good dress, bad shoes. Take another look at the toes, though. Those nails look perfect, they’re just not polished.

  50. blouson says:

    Shoes are great. Look if I was her stylist would I have picked shiny yellow for daywear? Never. But it looks ok and shows off her long long body which is her main asset.

  51. Dee Vine says:

    Love the shoes! Dress is ok, but the 2 don’t go well together.

  52. S says:

    The dress looks fantastic on her IMO, but the cut of the shoes combined with the length of the dress are giving her cankles. Plus I was hoping the side-part would become a regular, not just a once-off 🙁

  53. Newbie says:

    Yellow agrees with her. She looks stunning, imo.

  54. Prettywitty says:

    I detest that color, but it looks ok on her. Most unflattering length, though, and the shoes are just hideous and don’t do a thing for her. Besides, they really don’t look good with yellow. I think the dress looks kind of cheap, actually. I like her middle part, but I think it looked better with the shorter hairdo she was sporting for a while. That was a good look for her; the longer hair is looking a little raggedy.

  55. harfang says:

    Ow. Eye-stabby. Many blondes cannot pull off canary or gold, and she is one of them, to me.

  56. danielle says:

    Huh, not a fan, but think she looks beautiful here.

  57. Holly says:

    Personally I think Gwyneth looks stunning here, she really pulled it off. The outfits all goes together and her hair is amazing, wish mine would just go like that. Personally I don’t like the shoes, but we all have different taste in clothing and other things. Some are saying its too much for a book signing? Maybe she wants to look formal and professional. Its not everyday you see an actress bringing a cookery book out! I think she is gorgeous, but thats my opinion. I’d defiantly wish I could of bought her book and got her to sign it, but she did the book signing in the USA and not the UK. Damn. I’m just going to buy the book. I am truly one of her biggest fans at the age of fifteen.