Miley Cyrus in a bikini & her mom’s giant back tattoo: cool or regrettable?


Miley Cyrus and her mom Tish were spotted in bikinis on the beach in Rio on Thursday. Miley looks great and like she’s lost a small amount of weight. (Which she didn’t need to lose, but people had noticed that she’d gained some.) Instead of seeing Miley in these pictures, I’m kind of mesmerized by the giant black angel wings that her mom has tattooed over both of her shoulder blades. Is this like a “guardian angel” type of thing? I know a lot of people believe in that.


I don’t want to get into a debate about tattoos in general. I have a couple and I don’t think there’s anything wrong with tattoos, but those things are kind of ugly, in my opinion. It could be worse. Tish could have a giant tattoo of an Ed Hardy dragon on her back, like Jon Gosselin.


Miley has five tattoos (that we know of) at the ripe age of 18. She has “love” tattooed in her ear, she has the word “breathe” written on the side of her ribcage and she has a big dreamcatcher on the other side of her ribs beneath the armpit. She also has a cross on one of her fingers and a heart on her right pinky. I got my tattoos when I was around 21 and I only regret one of them. You have to realize that those things stay with you for life unless you get lasered, which is painful and expensive. So when did Tish get her angel wings and does she still like them? At least she doesn’t have to see them.

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78 Responses to “Miley Cyrus in a bikini & her mom’s giant back tattoo: cool or regrettable?”

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  1. anyhoo says:

    Ohhh so yuckie but it’s not my back, so to each his/her own.

  2. dorothy says:

    Hey…I recognize them. I saw them in Wal Mart the other was wearing pajamma bottoms and house shoes and the mom was in cut off shorts and a halter top chewing gum and sporting a homemade dye job in her hair.

  3. tanya says:

    I bet she got that semi-recently, during some midlife identity crisis bout… Just a hunch, but I could be wrong.

  4. brin says:

    Yeah but the rest of the world has to see them.

  5. Quest says:

    I am not against tattoos – I just fear needles (alot), but when you get much, much older and things start to sag (gravity is a bitch) the tattoos would difinitely pay the price.

    Tish ‘angel wings’ would look like wet broken ones.

  6. Launicaangelina says:

    I have wings tattooed on my back. Got 5 years ago. I love them and they symbolize a couple big changes in my life.

    I don’t care to judge people for their tattoos. I’ve noticed the wing thing has exploded in the last few years. More and more women seem to be getting them.

  7. the original bellaluna says:

    OH DEAR GOD! *my first reaction to the pix*

    I personally don’t care for that tattoo, but it’s hers, and I hope she likes it. Thank God I don’t have to see it every day, because I just couldn’t…

    Hubs has a tattoo (which he regrets) that is amazingly awful. Suffice to say, IF it’s brought up, we are “uncomfortable”. (But on occasion, just to mess with him, I smack it and say “Exercise your Demon!” in my Southern-Baptist-big-hair-for-Jesus voice, because it is, in fact, a demon.)

  8. Luci says:

    Tattoos are an addiction

  9. Theuth says:

    Eh, to each their own…tattoos, if done tastefully, are beautiful: black and small, for the most part (they are also the simplest to erase). The part who irk me most, perhaps, is the fact that after having done a tattoo you have to wait several months for blood donations, be very careful (infections are not so rare), and you can’t do some therapies in case of particular desease…
    Maybe one should be REALLY SURE about getting something on his own skin.

  10. lucy2 says:

    Tish’s wings look pretty ridiculous – I’ve seen them really well done, but hers look cartoonish. Miley’s looks like a weird jellyfish or something.
    I have none but am not opposed to them unless they are too large or oddly placed.

  11. the original bellaluna says:

    @ quest – Have you seen Robin Williams’ “Weapons of Self Destruction”? It’s awesome. He has a bit in it about “tramp stamps” (my words, not his). He talks about how “Ladies, that tattoo of the sun over the ocean may seem like a good idea, but at 50 it’s an octopus chasing a starfish!”

  12. Phillylady says:

    Trashy looking. I like miley’s small ones, but big ones in general strike me as trashy. Not meaning to offend, but that is just my reaction to them.

  13. OXA says:

    Repulsinve on all counts.

  14. Amea says:

    Wow–Miley’s lips look HUGE…like they are swollen, especially in that next-to-last pic…

    As far as tattoos, I don’t care much for them on myself or on potential partners, but hey do what you want. Unless they have real significance to you, and aren’t just there to look cool or cute or trendy, I think they’re ok…otherwise, I think they look gaudy like bad jewelry and I am probably subconsciously judging you. This includes tattoos of loved ones, which I think are almost as bad as tramp stamps…just my opinion though.

    [and apologies if this posts twice, my internet is unreliable and keeps cutting off]

  15. MeriJaan says:


  16. JoJo says:

    “Tramp Stamps” – bwaaaahahahaha!!! Really fits these two sluts.

  17. Pete says:

    The wings look poorly done, no details, and the placement doesn’t fit her body, they should start higer up and not leave out the shoulder blades, even if it means more pain.

  18. OtherChris says:

    They both look like trainwrecks, bless their hearts.

  19. ladybert62 says:

    Perhaps a discreet tattoo – but people have gone way overboard on them and they now look garish and cartoonish. I think her wing tattoos are silly – of course just my opinion as I am from a different generation – but I dont like tattoos on women and if they are on a man he should be hugh, muscular and have a manly one – none of these all over the body things that young men get today.

  20. Leticia says:

    The mom had been a groupie who hooked up with Billie Ray. Those hideous wing tattoos scream out groupie.

  21. seVen says:

    Ive got tats and i love them, i plan on getting more but i dont care for the wings thing… seems like everyone has. Ah well to each their own.

  22. the original bellaluna says:

    @ JoJo – You like that? Tramp stamps! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!

  23. Peachy says:

    Yeah, the wing trend – was cool the first time I saw it, now it seems everyone and their granny has one. I agree that Ma’s tat doesn’t look good (especially since she can fork out the mula for quality).

  24. kathug says:

    the wings remind me of Mila Kunis’ tattoo in Black Swan…..which then reminds me of the scene with Natalie & Mila together. Maybe that’s what Tish was going for? haha

  25. Pamela says:

    Miley’s “dream catcher” tattoo has the misfortune of looking like long curly hair growing out of her arm pit.

  26. whatever says:

    moth wings

  27. Franny says:

    I have a small star on my wrist. Its can easily be covered up with a watch, which makes it convenient for formal situations and job interviews. My one regret is that I didn’t get it as a white ink tattoo though – if I ever got another one, it would be in white ink.

  28. Darlene says:

    Next to the angel wings, is that a pentagram??

  29. Quest says:

    @the original bellaluna…I laughed when I saw RW’s ‘Weapons of Self Destruction’….absolutely love your take on the “tramp stamps” syndrome..LMAO

  30. Stubbylove says:

    LOL @dorothy! 🙂

  31. RHONYC says:


    Sadly regrettable indeed.

    She ain’t ‘Touched by an Angel’ but touched in the head.


  32. bagladey says:

    Those wings look like they’re not correctly placed; they look a bit too low. Sometimes, when you have children, you can’t always do what you want to do or expose the rebel you really are because your kids are always looking and taking notes. I’d bet anything that the baby bra-wearing, high-heel wearing Cyrus is probably just waiting for the day she can get her first BIG tattoo. It seems as though the Cyrus’ are just like any other trailer park family except that the Cyrus’ don’t live in the park.

  33. LindaR says:

    Cliched and tacky tattoos, just like the family.

  34. wonderwoman21 says:

    The placement of the wings is off, too low and too close together. Regrettable

  35. original kate says:

    i have no opinion on tattoos – here in seattle everyone has them so i honestly don’t even notice them anymore.

    but fuck me! those are some big angel wings!

  36. TurquoiseBlue says:

    They both look horrible. They’re lucky they’re wealthy because at least they can afford to get those tacky things removed. I wanted a tattoo once years ago and I am so glad I didn’t get it. I have seen some beautiful ones but the great majority of them just scream ‘trash’.

  37. Isa says:

    Franny-I was going to get a white ink tattoo but the artist talked me out of it. Said it would look like a scar.

  38. The wing motif is a little played out – though I think the theme in general is a lot more thoughtful than other ink fads. (Barbed wire, tribal anything, dolphins, among others.)

    And as others have noted, the placement seems off. Strong indication that it was impulsive. Would have expected more from a millionaire.

  39. Hanh says:

    Those wings do look horrible. Thats bad when people get bad tattoos done. I do love a really well done large tattoo (I love the one with the tiger on Angie’s back) but I prefer small ones myself.

  40. Zelda says:

    I have no problem with tattoos. I have a couple, and I’m sure I will get more (all small, going in a line up along the right of my back–like hieroglyphics of my life, kinda) And I have a lot of friends with a lot more tattoos.
    So I am not being anti-tattoo when I say:

    That is one ugly f*cking ink job.

  41. serena says:

    Meh. Difficult spot.
    You can’t rock a dress open in the back with those creepy wings.

  42. anonymoose says:


  43. Franny says:

    Isa -that’s kind of why I like it. Not in a morbid, I cut myself kind of way, but that its kind of my little secret that I know is there but not everyone sees it even when looking directly at it

  44. The Bobster says:

    It looks like Panface is finally getting a little womanly appearance to her body.

  45. ordinarygirl86 says:

    I was praying that upon sighting this picture that the person was an idiotic teenager friend of Miley’s but no it’s her mother….

    Seriously?!! I love me some tattoos but that is hideous and grotesquely big!

  46. Sassy says:

    My first thought was “The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo” is Miley’s Mom. I am unfortunately a victim of the predjudice of maturity. I, therefore, think that everyone woman who is tattooed either belongs to the circus, carnival or drug world. Or I think of Casey Anthony with the tattoo she got after the tot went missing. I feel the same about piercing of anything but ears. My problem, not being tolerant and accepting and making judgements of tattooed people.

  47. LunaT says:

    Gawd, these people prove time and again that money cannot buy taste.

    I’m a fan of tats but Miley and co seem to get them just to get them.

  48. ol cranky says:

    I know a lot of people love tats and I don’t deny that some show exceptional artistry but whenever I see someone all tatted up I just fixate on whether the tat could end up camouflaging the wrong type of mole

  49. Dingles says:

    They’re so deliciously white trash. The angel wings make it too easy.

  50. Danny says:

    I got the wings tattooed on my chest. After spending that much money on them I want to be able to see them.

    They didn’t turn out as nice as I hoped.

  51. Kim says:

    I find the tattoo hideous but to each his own and this family is in to tattoos so for her it “works.”

  52. california angel says:

    Tattoos are personal; which is why we may never understand why people get the things they get inked on themselves. I mean c’mon I have a rose on each hip that I wanted red but turned out pink/purple and a rose is like, the most unoriginal idea for a tattoo ever. However I grew up with a huge rose garden and it reminds me of home. As a bonus they make my huge hips look smaller and every time I see them I smile because they are so feminine and cute. I like her wings, if any criticism I would have made them a bit more realistic looking. I REALLY like the dream catcher on Miley’s ribs that is rad.

  53. california angel says:

    @ Sassy – Oh ya so the 70 – 90 something year old men with tattoos memorializing their war service and lost friends are so immature. Ignorance can be confused for judgement quite often.

  54. Blue says:

    I’ve seen those wings done much better. I like tattoos ( done have any, needles scare me!)
    Miley is gonna regret her stupid tatts. I think if you’re gonna get them make sure they mean something to you

  55. jc126 says:

    Horrible, ugly wing tattoos, and they do look off. Hideous.

  56. sandra says:

    Too big a commitment unless you have the $$ to laser them off. Have to say though – those wings are just FUGLY – what the hell was she thinking???

  57. Catherine says:

    If you take your time, do your research and find a tattoo artist who takes pride in their work, you can get a gorgeously done tattoo. These look like the ones you can get done in an hour on the Vegas strip for a bargain price. Cheap. Those are the ones people end up regretting because they look like garbage and are completely tacky. A well planned, meaningful tattoo will not only look great but will comes across nicely to even those who don’t like tattoos for themselves.

  58. Chris says:

    I know that a tatt I like today isn’t going to be something I’ll like for the rest of my life because my tastes change. That’s why I wouldn’t get one.

  59. Cinderella says:

    Those wings didn’t get her away from Billy Ray this go-around.

  60. Isa says:

    Franny- I see! Good luck! I ended up choosing a bright green for my tattoo. No black outline. Most people don’t notice it, but when it does get noticed they always ask if it’s real. 🙂

    Also, Miley’s tattoo totally looks like a jellyfish!

  61. Linda says:

    I think her mom is old enough that if she doesn’t regret it now, she never will. That said, the small tattoo on her shoulder blade now looks really out of place now next to the wings.

  62. honeyv says:

    how tall is she really? she’s not fat though. oh and when i first saw the pics i was kinda terrified by that woman’s tattoo (i didn’t know it was her mom). it looks big and weird

  63. B says:

    Trashy, but would you expect anything else? If the shoe fits…

    I think tattoos look tacky, regardless of what the claimed meaning is. I’ve yet to see one that actually enhances the skin where it resides, rather than detracts. I don’t know how many weddings I’ve attended where the bride wore the standard strapless gown (which few can pull off) with her back tattoo on full display. One person’s thought on the matter pretty well sums it up: it’s like flashy jewelry (her example was big fuchsia enameled earrings) that you can never take off. Sure, it may look appropriate with edgy-styled clothing, but you’re stuck with it, no matter *what* style you’re wearing. It positively ruins any attempt at formal wear.

    Though I briefly considered getting a memorial tattoo in honor of my deceased father, I’m glad I didn’t do it. I would have deeply regretted it and I can guarantee he would NOT have approved.

  64. liser says:

    her tattoo reminds me of something i thought was cool when i was 13 😛

  65. Estella says:

    I think the “Victoria’s Secret Angel” campaign influenced many women to get tatted with wings. AS IF.

    The only tattoos I have ever seen and liked on a celebrity are Angelina Jolie’s. Jolie’s acting sucks but she is a beautiful woman and wears tattoos just as beautifully. The Cyrus family, unfortunately, has been collectively struck with the ugly stick. No tattoo in the world can cover that.

  66. LunaT says:

    @B—it might ruin your attempt at formal wear. If someone didn’t want to show off their tat, they could’ve worn a dress to cover it. Just b/c you don’t think it looks beautiful doesn’t mean the brides didn’t feel beautiful. But if you’re passing judgement on what dress brides choose to wear on their wedding day then I guess it makes sense for you to talk trash about their tattoos as well.

  67. Hakura says:

    I’m not sure, but I think my previous comment may have disappeared. >.< Just going to send it through again.

    Re: Miley’s Mom – I don’t like the placement. I mean, angel-wings on the back are pretty cliche to begin with, but they should’ve been closer to her shoulders. I wonder if she got them recently, since she seems to be going through some kind of ‘mid-life crisis’, trying to be Miley’s best girl-friend.

    I think a lot of people are too careless about tattoos. I knew I wanted one since I was 15, but waited until I was totally sure both WHAT & WHERE I wanted it & didn’t start it until 24. I believe they should always have personal meaning. (Helps the odds that you’ll never regret it.) As an artist, I find tattoos to be an awesome chance to make your body a piece of artwork.

    Also, PLACEMENT is so important, & I don’t think some people give it any real thought. I wanted to be able to show it off in normal clothes, but also hide it easily, especially so it would never prevent me from getting a job… Plus we all have to consider the affect gravity is going to have on us as we age. (So it’s on my upper back) I think getting a tattoo on one’s breast area is just BEGGING for it to look like silly putty at some point.

    Personally, I can’t stand hand tattoos. I’m definitely not trying to insult anyone here, I just think it looks sort of trashy. (Plus it’ll always clash with your rings/jewelry…) & you can never hide them in normal situations.

  68. Isa says:

    Hakura– I don’t really like hand tattoos either but I know a girl that has a tiny pair of scissors in the inside of a finger. She is a hairdresser and you can see them when she cuts hair. It’s very simple and so cute!

    I want a tattoo for my children, just haven’t decided what yet! Plus my husband hates tattoos on women and the ones that I have…

  69. skinanny says:

    Nothing pretty about an “old Lady” and tattoos

  70. Trillion says:

    Hakura, I’m not insulted that you don’t like hand tattoos but just want to say I’ve got rather large tattoos on both hands that make me feel elegant and strong. They are similar but not identical stark flower-like objects with some accents around them that look like atom signs. No shading, just 2- dimensional graphics in black. Hard to describe them because they are pretty interpretive but I get compliments from people from all walks of life on them because they are so feminine and unique and the placement is bold. Trashy tattoos look trashy and trashy people make tattoos trashy. Simple as that. And all women with tattoos will someday be old ladies with tattoos. And I happen to think that’s cool. As long as they or their tattoos are not trashy.

  71. Hakura says:

    @Trillion – I do apologize. I realize how judgmental my statement came across. Perhaps my opinion of hand tattoos comes from not having seen them done well. (As opposed to on people like Miley Cyrus, or God forbid, Kat Von D, who to me looks like a dirty wall covered in graffiti.)

    “Trashy tattoos look trashy and trashy people make tattoos trashy.”

    I’ve seen a lot of them (hand tattoos) where I live, but notably not on women that were particularly classy (to begin with.) & I know that a lot of people get tattoos more impulsively (without as much thought), which is always going to affect the way it’s perceived. (I just can’t even imagine getting one spur of the moment. Once I figured out *what* I wanted, I spent more than a month drawing it. I spent a lot of time, thought, & effort on mine, so I can really appreciate being proud of showing it (as you are, yours). Incidently, if you have a picture you’d be comfortable sharing (of yours), I would love to see.

    “And all women with tattoos will someday be old ladies with tattoos. And I happen to think that’s cool.”

    I definitely think seeing ‘older ladies’ with tattoos is awesome. I just don’t think the breasts are a great choice of location for women, as that’s the one place almost *guaranteed* to sag with age. It definitely distortsc the image, if it stretches, which can ruin it. I know I’d be really upset for it to get damaged, if it meant something to me.

  72. Trillion says:

    Hakura, no worries. No insult taken at all. I fully realize they’re not for everyone. I’m just on a bit of a campaign here on CB to encourage people to not dismiss someone as low class because they’re tattooed. I did not get that impression from your post in the slightest. Differences in tastes make life more interesting. That’s different from prejudice, which is what I’m against. Maybe I’ll change my avatar to my hand tattoos…

  73. Camille says:

    I have no problems what so ever with people having OR not having tattoos. It is completely up to the individual and I don’t judge people for getting them or not getting them. However that family has some damn ugly tattoos. Hideous.

  74. ZenB!tch says:

    Klassy! I realize fashion has changed but way back in the 90s when I was Miley’s age…

    It may be an age and an aesthetic thing but I like color in my tats. I’m not into the tribal monochrome thing. I’m just thankful they didn’t use green ink or else I would be thinking “sailor” or “prisoner”

  75. Hakura says:

    @Camille“However that family has some damn ugly tattoos. Hideous.”

    I know, right? You’d think someone as financially well off as Miley would be able to afford an *amazing* artist for her work. (& for her mom’s… Provided the wings are recent.) I just can’t understand the lack of *quality* in a lot of celeb-tattoos.
    @Trillion“I’m just on a bit of a campaign here on CB to encourage people to not dismiss someone as low class because they’re tattooed. I did not get that impression from your post in the slightest.

    I’m *so* glad I didn’t come across that way, as it’s the exact opposite of how I feel. During the last few stories here on CB where tattoos came up, I’d get really indignant when someone commented negatively. It’s nice to know that I’m not alone in feeling that way.

    It just felt a bit insulting, to those of us who do have them… Claiming that everyone who gets them ends up regretting it at some point. I end up going off on a tangent trying to defend the positive aspects of tattoos. They just don’t see there’s a differences in the process people go through. You should put your tattoos in your icon (I wish the icons were a little bigger) I really am curious to see them, after your description. =)

    I’ve been really surprised by how many people (more than 100 random people since I started it 8-9 months ago. I know, that’s insane) have approached me about the tattoo…I’ve even had a few different hardcore-looking biker dudes came over to tell me it was awesome, which caught me offguard. But comments from so many different kinds of people (men & women, different ages/races/styles) has to be a good thing. I’m hoping I can do as good a job designing/drawing for my mom’s first tattoo. =) She’s always been fascinated by them, so she’s finally going to get one.

  76. B says:

    “Just b/c you don’t think it looks beautiful doesn’t mean the brides didn’t feel beautiful. But if you’re passing judgement on what dress brides choose to wear on their wedding day then I guess it makes sense for you to talk trash about their tattoos as well”

    The last wedding featuring the god-awful strapless dress w/shoulder tat combo…the bride apparently felt her back tattoo so “beautiful” that she made a unsuccessful attempt to cover it up with heavy Dermablend-type concealor. Unfortunately, it didn’t work out too well and was horribly distracting.

    But, to address your indignation further: I’m sure that all the brides that I’ve witnessed in strapless, corseted wedding dresses, back fat spilling over (some had some quite impressive back cleavage) thought they looked “beautiful”. Or just stubbornly refused to accept that the style they forced themselves into was not for them.

    At any rate, my opinion of tattoos is an unpopular one, perhaps even socially unacceptable (especially since everyone and their grandma now has at least one or two). Tattoos are not something you’re are born with-they’re something that you willingly impose upon yourself, with the intention of garnering attention (much like most other forms of adornment-except far more permanent). Some people (like myself) have a strong, visceral reaction to seeing ink upon flesh, much like seeing graffiti on a beautiful building. Sure, not all buildings are beautiful, but that doesn’t make a graffitied one any less visually offensive. I will admit, some graffiti is quite impressive-but like tattoos, most is not, and I prefer artwork to reside on canvas-not buildings or flesh.

  77. Laura says:

    I like the huge angel wings that cover the entire back. If you’re going to do it, do it right. I also knew a girl that had huge pink and purple faerie wings tattooed on her back that were lovely. But the generic wing tattoos…meh.

  78. I think the tattoos are cool, especially that wings on Miley’s mom.