Angelina is teaching her kids to question authority; is an obsessive packer

We covered some of Angelina’s extensive Hello! interview earlier today, and she talks so much about everything that it was hard to include all the quotable parts in just one installment. My husband brought home German language celebrity magazine Bunte for me today, which also features an exclusive Angelina interview, and I had to tell him I couldn’t use it because we just have too many stories about her today. I’m pretty sure she doesn’t say anything we haven’t already heard from her, but I’ll check and get back to you if there’s anything new.

Angelina frankly told Matt Lauer on the Today Show this morning that she was considering adopting again and that her kids are pretty much used to new arrivals by now. She also said that she didn’t really think her family would settle down in one place for ten years as Lauer asked and that if they did decide to stay put it would be something the children would help decide on. She said “so far we’ve moved them a lot and they like packing their bags before the next adventure and they like making new friends wherever we go.” She said she wanted to teach them to be at home in the world and to be adaptable.

The kids may enjoy moving around, but they each have comfort items that they bring with them as their family moves around the world. Angelina talked to Hello! about how she packs and what her children have to have at every stop along the way:

On being an obsessive packer
“Brad will tell you that I’m an obsessive packer. I tend to pack my stuff over and over again, and I like to keep it all as small as possible. I have a small closet and a small suitcase, and I like to pack just exactly what I need and no more. I like to get it just right. I take books in my suitcase and usually a change of slacks and some changes of flat shoes, and that’s about it. Well, that and some private girl things. But really, I like to travel light. The kids pack a lot more than I do.”

On her children’s comfort items
“There are certain things that we know they love – favourite storybooks and things like that – and we do try and take those with us, because we don’t want to have to buy a bunch of new stuff every time we go to a new place. We do want the kids to feel they blend into the environment, so they each have a little bag that is their own, that they’ve packed with their special little things that they want to take with them to the new place. Their things are very important to them and they’re all very different.

Maddox has army men, Pax saves bits of rope
“Madd is interested in the military right now, so he has a lot of little army men and military planes. Pax has bits of rope – that’s his thing, for some reason – and also stuffed monkeys, which he loves. Pax packs a lot – his bags are very small, but they’re really heavy. Zizi has a blanket that was once actually pink, but now is the dirtiest shade of brown you can imagine. Shiloh has little, what she calls ‘silkies’, which are like these little square things with silk on them that are very important to her because she just has to have them… and I think that’s about it. Knox and Viv don’t have things yet because they’re too small, but I’m sure that just as soon as they’re ready for them, I’ll hear about it.”

[From Hello! Magazine, print edition, October 21, 2008, subheaders added]

I wonder what she means by “private girl things” – lingerie? She talks like such a mom!

Angelina also spoke frankly about teaching her children right from wrong and to trust their own instincts and question authority. I never quite thought of it that way, but she makes a good point. I’m not sure if her children are old enough to grasp it, although Maddox is seven so maybe he gets it.

On teaching her kids to question authority
“We try to teach our kids right and wrong and how to follow their instincts. When we’re watching TV, and they say to me, ‘Is the guy on the screen a bad guy?’ I say, ‘Well, is he hurting someone? Because if he is, then he’s a bad guy.’ I’m bringing them up to question authority, because I think it’s important. I tell them that just because someone is in office or is a policeman or something, that doesn’t mean they have the right to tell you to do something you know is wrong.”

On bringing up little citizens of the world
“We don’t officially live in France. The children all have American passports and are American, too, but I also think that one of the best things about America is that we are a melting pot, a mix of many, many different races and nations. My kids were born in different countries, in Asia, Africa and Europe, and I expect them to learn about those places and to appreciate all other parts of the world, not just their own. Yes, they have their own nationalities and are very proud of them, but that certainly doesn’t diminish the fact that they’re America. To me, that is what being American is.”

[From Hello! Magazine, print edition, October 21, 2008]

And finally, Angelina talked about her children’s homeschooling and her plans to go back to work next year. She says they have a lot of flexibility and advantages as actors.

On her children being homeschooled and getting family time
“The older children are all doing very well right now and I think a lot of that has to do with the fact that we’ve all been spending a lot of time together as a family. The kids are home-schooled, and until Brad started working on his film last week we’ve neither of us been working, we haven’t gone away and we haven’t spent too much time with the babies instead of with them, so we’ve been getting a lot of time together. Everybody’s been getting a lot of time, so everybody’s doing pretty good.”

On their flexible jobs
“We have to do a lot of forward planning in our lives, but fortunately both Brad and I are at a place in our careers where we can ask the studio to accommodate us. This week has been planned for the Changeling premiere for a long time, so when Brad accepted the film he’s doing now, he said from the beginning that this was a week he wanted to have off so that he could be here with the children while I work, and I do the same for him. I’m sure there are a lot of people in the studios who get very irritated with us.”

On going back to work: she did take a year off
“I’m planning to go back to work in February – there’s a project I’m looking at now that will begin at the end of that month. It’ll have been over a year since I last worked and there was a big discussion in our house of, ‘Should I go back to work?’ Brad was wonderfully supportive. He said ‘Your work is part of you and you should do this. We’ll be fine – the babies will be sitting up and hanging out in your trailer, and the kids will come to visit when they’re not at school. It’s going to be all right.'”

[From Hello! Magazine, print edition, October 21, 2008]

When I first read that she was teaching her children to question authority I thought it sounded a little extreme given their ages, but then I realized how much they must be concerned about their children’s safety. They’re probably the most photographed children in the world and there must be a real concern about kidnapping and other threats to their security. It’s smart to teach the children to trust their instincts without being scared.

Here are more stills from Angelina’s Today Show interview this morning. Her face looked a little waxy to me, as one of you mentioned on the Courteney Cox/Demi Moore post, like she had injectable fillers put in recently. I want to do that and get gorgeous dewy plump skin like that. Credit: Bauergriffinonline

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33 Responses to “Angelina is teaching her kids to question authority; is an obsessive packer”

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  1. Samantha says:

    I imagined the private girly things to be undies and tampons/pads. Just me though. 😕

  2. BB says:

    I’m not one for gushing, but that woman makes it almost impossible to avoid some awwww-ing when she talks about her family.

  3. Orangeitjulius says:

    It sounds like they’re doing a great job and having fun at it.

  4. KateNonymous says:

    It sounds like she’s teaching them the healthy way to question authority. That’s a process, so it doesn’t really matter if they completely understand it the first time it comes up. They’ll learn how to judge for themselves over time, as we all do.

  5. laurie says:

    She is a much better mother than I initially thought – I mean with 6 kids in just as many years you would imagine one of them would get lost in the shuffle of it all, but she seems pretty in touch with all of them. That is rather impressive.

    My only concern is whether or not she is also teaching her kids to respect authority – yes you can question authority (and the way she brings it up IS a rather good point), but at the same time there are rules to living in this or any society. As much as the kids need to question authority, they also depend on those same authority figures to keep them safe.

  6. Vixen says:

    Angelina used to annoy me so much it wasn’t funny!!! But this interview has actually made me start to like her again!
    Good on her for teaching her kids to question what they think is not right! I would do that to!

  7. jennifer says:

    again she sounds all sort of adorable! 😀

  8. Linda says:

    WHO CARES???? The PR machine is in overdrive because she wants an Academy Award for her latest film that no one wants to go see – much like last year’s bomb “A Mighty Heart”.

    Just shut up already Angelina – it was much better when you were in hiding.

  9. smit33 says:

    I used to have the greatest respect for this lady. She is so beautifull. But I think she’s loosing the plot somewhere. According to earlier reports she can hardly cope with the 6 she have. When will enough be enough.

  10. Buttercup says:

    She certainly does a good interview.

  11. Bodhi says:

    What a great interview! Thanks for the further details, CB. They sound like a very normal grounded family. My cousin wouldn’t go anywhere without his “Joe Guys” when he was Mad’s age.

    AMH is an amazing movie & I’ve no doubt that Changeling is as well.

  12. czarina says:

    I’m always amazed by hearing people act as though six children is outragous and how impossible it must be to give them all attention. As if NOBODY has a big family or many more than six children?? My grandmother was one of twelve. My father-in-law was the oldest of six. It is only in the last few generations that the family size has been shrinking to just one or two (as an average). Big families used to be the norm, and–by some miracle–parents are able to adjust and be good parents to ALL their kids.
    It’s a matter of having priorities and making an effort. I know people who only have one child, and they ignore him most of the time because they are “just so busy”.

  13. Granger says:

    Great interview!

  14. laurie says:

    Czarina, it is not so much that she has 6 kids that dumbfounds me (I myself am the 3rd youngest of 8 kids) – it is that she is a major actress and so is her partner, they both have such busy careers and while she has slowed down hers in order to be a mother, she is still working. Yes it is about setting priorities, but (and perhaps this is naive/prejudiced of me to think) I really didn’t think actors of her and Brad Pitt could prioritize their children over their careers.

  15. czarina says:

    laurie: and yet, that seems to be exactly what they are doing, and they are probably in a better position to do that than most “average” couples who both need to work all day, every day just to pay the bills (probably most of us).
    As actors, they can choose when to work, what projects they want to take on. They can afford for only one of them to work at a time, so the kids can always have at least one full-time parent at home.
    How many of us can claim to be giving out own kids that much priority? (Although I’m sure we’d all want to if we could afford it).

  16. jordan says:

    where did this woman come from…has she had a brain transplant…nothing is fine and dandy in a world with 6 children who is she trying to kid….What happened to that other crazy woman with same name? She must have at least a nanny per child or more…no one does a 360 in this short time…By the way is this couple married for real???

  17. Best of British says:

    At the end of the day, none of us will know how good of a job she’s done as a parent until these littluns are grown up. And even then, we probably wont know. There’s no such thing as the perfect parent / perfect person but I think she’s doing a great job of balancing her life and her own needs as well as the needs of her kids. I do think she would do well to settle somewhere permanently so the kids can make some long term friends outside of the family, but its her choice as a mum and a career woman. There are millions and millions of much worse mums out there and I would have loved such a cool parent. Mine were loving but v annoying and should have divorced years ago. Parents staying together and arguing is worse than them getting a divorce. But that’s a whole new topic..

  18. devilsadvocate says:

    This woman is trailer park and always will be. Go away you blood sipping brother kissing skank. 👿

  19. Best of British says:

    Devilsadvocate – those are v strong words for someone you’ve never met and who’s v possibly a nice person at heart. She does a lot of good for the world. She may have done some dumb things in her past / youth but havent you??? Are you trailer trash too? You poor thing.

  20. devilsadvocate says:

    Oh you got me there British. I’m officially outed. Trailer trash I am. She could be “possibly” be alot of things, but what has she done for this “world”? Anyone with half a functioning brain can see she’s just on 24Hr damage control. How does cheating with her current man fit into family values and “good”? She’s got so many great things to teach her MANY children. Mommy of the Year for her. 😯

  21. Mairead says:

    Again with the cheating!! You’d swear it was the absolute worst thing in the world you could do.

    I mean, sometimes it seems with some people that they think – “Say what you like about Robert Mugabe, at least he doesn’t slut around Harare. Nor do you ever hear about Kim Jung Il having outside dalliances.”

    “Stalin may have directed the murder of millions and attempted to bring the world to the brink of nuclear war but what really gets my goat is the fact that he was unfaithful to his wife. The utter, utter cretin!!! 😡 ”

    With regard to the interview – she is very skilled at giving them, it’s just the right blend of entertaining and revealing. But I do agree with Laurie – I wonder how they’ll feel in 10 years when the kids really are questioning their authority 😈

    Oh – and Pax for President!!! I’m loving that little guy more and more. (whilst still retaining my minion status to Ms. Z, future Empress of the Universe of course 😉 )

  22. someone says:

    I have absolutely no respect for that woman, but she did finally admit to an affair with a married man..but she must figure no one cares at this point..I don’t like the fact that she pimps out her kids and her private moments to the highest bidder.

  23. geronimo says:

    If your name is AJ or BP, then yes, it IS the worst crime ever in the history of crimes committed anywhere, by anyone, ever. Those loser clowns you mention are needy amateurs by comparison. Try and keep up, Mairead. 😛

  24. lady garden says:

    girlie things=dildo’s

  25. Kaiser says:

    Girly things = whips, handcuffs, riding crop, Brad’s leather hood. Or would Brad pack his own leather hood? 😛

    I wonder what film she’s doing in Feb.? That Salt movie that she “stole” from ZOAZ Cruise?

  26. aleach says:

    girly things= brads balls??
    joking!!!!!!! 😉

  27. jess says:

    i don’t know WHAT you are talking about! i am absolutely DYING to see changeling.

    *edit* why why why why why do people keep calling brad a cheater?! they both maintain that they didnt cheat. why is it so hard for people to understand that sometimes it happens that way? I worked with my now boyfriend for 9 months before we started dating. we both had significant others before that but we didnt cheat…AUGH!

  28. Redd says:

    Has anyone thought of the fact that maybe he and Jen were on the outs before hand?? They obviously have different goals in life and want different things. He wants a large family, she wants a perfect, sculpted body and nothing chaining her down. I think it’s great that in all the craziness of this life they have the ones that were made for them!

  29. Amy says:

    That’s amazing–I used to have “silkies” as a little kid, as Shiloh does!

    I grew up one of 5, and you learn to rely on your siblings for bonding and you all get really close. While I would never have 5, I loved growing up w/ my sibs.

  30. Di says:

    Sorry. I’m just not buying it. I’ve never met a single adult who liked moving around all the time as a kid. Not one. Every single one of them resents it because developmentally children need stability and consistency. All of this moving creates an extreme social imbalance because the only stable relationships they can form are within the family; they cannot form healthy attachments to teachers and other children. She says she wants her kids to learn about other cultures, but she doesn’t really want them to have contact with anyone outside of their immediate family. I’m tired of people thinking that just because she’s pretty that she’s raising her children properly. I think her white children are going to be ok because they will always get so much affirmation for being their kids, but her non-white children are going to be a mess. As a black woman, I am particularly worried about Zahara. She is the only black person and the only non-white girl in that household and has no opportunities to form attachments to people who look like her. That always leads to problems. Zahara’s going to be in a lot of trouble by the time she becomes a teenager. Angelina sounds like a selfish mother whose children are going to really be angry about some of these choices when they grow up.

  31. Shayla says:

    Di, I’m black and was adopted by a white family and have a Korean adopted sister and you know what? I turned out just fine. Family is about love, not race.

  32. tigerlille says:

    As others have mentioned, it is difficult to evaluate a movie star’s effectiveness as a parent, but I find the frenetic pace at which this family grows disturbing. Not to mention the constant restlessness and upheaval, constant moving from one location to another. Children need roots, structure, and consistency. Somebody that Angelina respects, such as Jane Aronson (a pediatrician who specializes in international adoption), needs to sit down with her and have a frank talk about how to best meet her children’s developmental needs.

    Di raises concerns about Zahara being the only non-white female in the family – I have a bad feeling that Angie already has a solution in mind for that issue, i.e., adopting an African baby or toddler girl (or boy). Angie would do much better to settle down in a racially and economically diverse neighborhood, and give her kids a stable foundation from which to explore the world.

    And this business of her children learning about different cultures as a result of constant traveling? I can’t see what they are learning. Where ever they go, they live in luxury and eat the same junk food. Maybe they encounter the occasional maid from what ever country they visit?

    Too bad. I used to respect Angie so much when she was just Maddox’s mother.

  33. tigerlille says:

    Actually, Shayla, research about trans-racial adoption indicates that adopted children need to have exposure and contact with other people of their race, and an opportunity to learn about the culture relevant to their race, in order to thrive. Yes, family is primarily about love, but for a healthy self-identity, trans-racially adopted children have additional needs.

    I am glad that things have worked out so well for you. I hope that my daughter (transracially adopted) will feel the same when she is an adult.