LeAnn Rimes’s new interview: “I have this really wicked, sick sense of humor”


LeAnn Rimes gave a new interview to PopEater to promote her appearance on the Lifetime show Drop Dead Diva – which I’ve never watched, ever. Is it any good? Meh. LeAnn will be playing a lawyer (ha!), and supposedly, the role is supposed to be LeAnn’s way of making fun of her real life as an insane drama queen. They wrote it for her! And she thinks she’s just the biggest actress and singer EVER. Here’s the full thing:

Lately, you do more acting than singing.
RIMES: Yes. ‘Drop Dead Diva’ asked me to do an episode last year. The character they offered me the first time is the complete opposite of this one, I loved it. But the timing wasn’t right. They wrote this character specifically for me, hoping I’d do it. I loved it when I read it. The show’s great, really funny. I love playing the scorned ex-wife of a TV star.

Are you careful not to take roles from producers who try to capitalize on your off-screen life?
Completely. And I didn’t feel that this was. There are enough differences between my life, what I’ve experienced and this [character.] People don’t normally see me in roles like this. They see me in love stories. To do this was really funny. During breaks people on set were like, ‘You play a bitch real well.’ (Laughs) I said, “Thank you! That’s a compliment.”

What do you like about ‘Diva?’
The message of the show is that this aspiring model died and came back in someone else’s body, who is heavier, not necessarily who she’d want to be. But she has this amazing heart and is this smart-as-a-whip lawyer. We think body image is black-and-white, but we all come in so many different shapes and sizes. I just love that that’s on television — that there’s a real woman on television playing someone incredibly smart and successful. They break into song every once in a while. It’s really fun and really well-written, too.

Did you sing in the episode?
No. I plan on staying away from singing roles as much as possible unless it’s makes sense for the character to be doing it.

Hollywood tends to put people in boxes. Is it difficult to get producers to see you as an actress?
Yeah. That happened before, but as you prove you have talent [it changes.] My voice will always be my God-given first talent, but acting is a different way of expressing myself. I’m really enjoying it. I’m trying to find roles that are right for me and I’m enjoying them.

Do you and Eddie talk about acting?
Yeah. He was on set with me a few times, and he’d watch on the monitor. He’ll say every once in a while, “Hey, try this,” or “Try that.” It’s always great having him around. But for the most part, we let each other do what we do. (Laughs.) He gives me singing tips most of the time, which is even worse. [Note: Cibrian sang in a boy band called ‘3Deep.’] I’ve actually been working on acting since I was 15.

You did a one-day gig on ‘Days of our Lives’ opposite Jensen Ackles (‘Supernatural’) way back in 1998.
Jensen was so sweet. The whole soap world is so hard. The hours [are long] and they shoot so quickly. I got that script that morning. It was one of the craziest things I ever did. But it was dipping my toe into the deep end. I did it because Jensen is a good friend.

The NBC Salt Lake City affiliate doesn’t want Eddie’s new series ‘The Playboy Club.’
No. I think the best quote was from NBC when [execs] said they’ll find some other station to carry it. It captures that era. They really recreated The Playboy Club itself, and the hair, makeup and styling. It’s all pretty genius.

There was a recent report about Tori Spelling in a car accident after being chased by photographers.
It’s definitely out of control. They hide in the weirdest places. Eddie has two children. When my step-kids are with me, I get very protective. We can get bombarded. If we ignore it, then the kids ignore it. I saw what happened to Tori. I felt so badly for her. You can get so freaked out when [pararazzi] is following you, you don’t know what you’re doing. Hopefully, they’ll back off.

What do you want people to know about you after watching your gig on ‘Diva’?
People will either go “Oh, my God, I can’t believe she did that” in a negative way or they’ll say, “Oh, my God, it’s hilarious!” After all she’s been through, she played that role! There are so many lies that have been told about Eddie and me. It’s just ridiculous. You go through phases where you can’t believe people are doing this and being mean and hurtful. And then you have phases were you just laugh at it because it’s so outlandish. That’s the place that I’ve come to. People may think I’m an incredibly serious person, but I have this really wicked, sick sense of humor. I think the way you see I play the role [will show that.] You’ve got to laugh at yourself and your life. You can’t take everything so seriously.

[From PopEater]

There’s so much stupidity here. I love the idea of Eddie trying to give LeAnn acting notes. I love the idea that in her mind, she’s got all of the scripts and acting options open to her, and she can afford to be choosey, like she didn’t just take a guest spot on a C-rated cable show. But the real hilarity comes when she whines about people being mean to her, and has the audacity to suggest that the paparazzi just follow her around all day just because she’s so famous. This from the woman who pap’d herself nearly every day of her honeymoon. This from the woman who arranged paparazzi photos of herself to coincide with her engagement announcement! This is the woman who tweets photos of herself, just in case you wanted a closeup photo of her in a bikini! Jesus.





Photos courtesy of WENN & Fame.

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98 Responses to “LeAnn Rimes’s new interview: “I have this really wicked, sick sense of humor””

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  1. EbonyShiksa says:

    She is an A-List Celebrity, Kaiser. Don’t get it twisted! Russell Crowe tweeted her! And so did a Jenner sister! (Except she turned out to be fake like Jamie Lee Curtis)

    Ugh. She’s so delusional. Ed “giving her acting lessons”? She dragged him to set and he read and slept to escape the pain of having his balls in a vice grip. I HATE when she gets all “angry” at the paps. Look at this breakdown: http://bit.ly/k2nxyQ. The bitch CALLS them herself.

  2. Obvious says:

    Drop Dead Diva is kind of cute. It can be very funny and a major tear jerker.

  3. brin says:

    LMAO!!!! Delusions of grandeur!! She probably even begged to get this interview!

  4. Cherry Rose says:

    If she’s so open about women coming in all different sizes and we should embrace that, then why has Leann pretty much starved herself and turned into pretty much an anorexic?

    Hypocrisy, thy name is Leann.

  5. Ruby Red Lips says:

    LR is just all kind of gross…

    Skinny, starved, scrawny, plain, egotistical and vain….ughhhhh!

  6. Phantom Goddess says:

    I don’t know why Leann is so excited about her “guest starring role” on Drop Dead Diva. She played an (ex) wife of a playboy actor who had affairs on her. She is a horrid actress, and I’m glad her role is over, so I won’t have to watch her on my show again.

    One thing I noticed about her on Diva, is that her nose looks like one of Michael Jackson’s noises.

  7. Rita says:


    You forgot:

    This coming from a conniving bitch who paid paps to publish pics of her:

    Sucking Eddie’s fingers in a restaurant.
    Sexual hotel rendezvous with someone else’s husband.
    Sucking face with her husband in a restaurant.
    Stalking another woman’s husband at a Laker’s ball game
    Standing in an alley the following day wearing a Laker’s jersey.
    Gigolo leaving her house at 5:00 A.M.
    Buying a motor cycle helmet for a ride on someone else’s husband.
    Smirking on a golf course with someone else’s husband.

    It goes on and on but this part in “That Dead Diva” is really sick. She had the part written for her as a scorned wife of a TV star. If Eddie was any kind of a TV “star”, I would swear it was LeAnn simply mocking Brandi. Since nobody watched though, I’m sure we must feel sympathy for LeAnn with all the pain she has endured as the victim of this grand conspiracy.

  8. gamblea says:

    lol, the 3rd picture from the top

  9. Jezi says:

    She said they wrote this role for her. So basically they wrote a role that is similar to Brandi and Leann jumped on that just to mock and taunt Brandi. But what’s funnier is that one of her fans thought we would all be watching just to pick on Leann…lol…wrong again. Not giving that woman an ounce of ratings in anything she does. She’s the biggest hypocrite and then she wonders why people don’t buy the crap she says.

  10. Pyewacket says:

    I like Drop Dead Diva.

    As far as he “Wicked, twisted, sense of humor” goes, she would have to, looking like she does.

  11. Mshuffleupagus says:

    Sounds like she’s playing her version of Brandi Glanville.

  12. Rita says:

    One more thing. I seldom visit LeAnn’s twitter page because I expect to find a 1-900 under her “sexy” picture but after reading some twit traffic, I took a look.

    LeAnn posted a close up picture of herself and it is a nasty looking thing. Her mustache looks like a wooly worm died while crawling acrossed her face. (Zoom in on the top pic and you’ll see her 10 o’clock shadow)

    Time for an electrolysis intervention. Eddie needs to cut the chord from her curling iron and afix the electrodes to her upper lip….yeah, 110 volts for about 3 hours should do it.

  13. NayNay says:

    Why on earth would anybody still care to interview this delusional piece of shit?

  14. wtf? says:

    more like you have a real wicked, sick sense of self-importance there Lean Crimes …..barf

  15. J O'C says:

    She has a really wicked, sick sense of what is right and what is wrong, I’ll give her that. Oh, and also a wicked and sense of fashion. And nutrition, apparently.

  16. J O'C says:

    *sick….sick sense of fashion.
    Grammar Fail. Sorry.

  17. brin says:

    This “interview” is hilarious, pure fiction from a delusional wackjob.

    *waving to my sistas Rita & Jezi*

  18. Jen says:

    I saw the episode, and if Eddie’s “directions” helped her sit there with her face squished up to look bitchy and sneer, then maybe she shouldn’t be looking to him for acting advice.

  19. Nanea says:

    Is Falcor’s wicked, sick sense of humor the reason why she is copying Brandi G in nearly everything she does?

    Does that mean she’s just trying to be funny, and we don’t get it because it’s too sick for non-wicked people?

  20. almond says:

    Those are some butch shoulders.

  21. Lady D says:

    She got the wicked and sick part right anyway.
    I have a sick, twisted, wicked sense of humour. I am hard-wired for jokes that make you want to laugh and vomit at the same time.
    Wanna hear a couple sick and wicked jokes?
    A) Mary had a little lamb, her doctor had a cow.
    B) Jesus walks into a motel, throws 3 nails on the counter and says can you put me up for the night?

    No offense meant.

  22. Madisyn says:

    I can’t wait for October when the RHOBH starts and all the attention is on Brandi. LeAnn is going to bust a nut!

    I would not doubt that around that time, we will have an announcement that Falcor is pregnant. Anything to over shadow Brandi.

  23. Violet says:

    @Cherry Rose

    Yup, LeAnn is a hypocrite. The bottom line is that LeAnn took that movie ‘Single White Female’ to heart — she’s completely redone her body to look like Eddie’s ex wife and tries to copy everything she does.

    I’m sure that if Eddie’s wife had been voluptuous and flat-chested, LeAnn would’ve gained weight and not gotten breast implants.

    She’s completely mental. I’d feel sorry for her, if she weren’t such a b*tch.

  24. why? says:

    The writer for DDD use to write for CSI and what big name is attached to CSI? It’s the same name that produced the movie that Leann lent her voice to. So once again this role on DDD was a favor from her friend.

    This role wasn’t written for LR, chances are LR wrote it herself. When everyone first heard the plot they said that LR was once again SWF BG.

    When did she give this interview? Was it BEFORE or AFTER she posted twitpics of EC kids on her twitter page? Which means she purposely posted those photos of those kids on her page hoping that the media was going to pick them up and write an article about her “happy family”.

  25. Cherry Rose says:

    I love how she makes sure that her engagement ring can be clearly seen when she is papped. Narcissist.

    Anyone know when her record label is going to finally drop her? She hasn’t had a hit out or sold out a show in years.

  26. Dorothy#1 says:

    DDD is awesome, one of my favorite shows!! But she was only in it for about 5 minutes and sucked every bit of life out of her scenes!

  27. searching4grace says:

    @Jezi yeah, I loved how she made sure to insert that that was the complete opposite of her. All I can say is…For now.

    2nd photo in the bikini photo’s? She looks like Michael Jackson.

  28. Jezi says:

    @brin hey girlie!!!!!!

    @searching4grace oh yeah, totally not her & you’re right, not yet. But I would think less of a bitter ex-wife and more of a psychotic who needs to be committed ex-wife. Lol!

  29. Rita says:

    @Cherry Rose

    Her record label, Curb, has a life time contract with her. Curb is famous for allowing an artist to record dozens of songs but never releases them. Her last album was never released nor will her latest attempt. Her last three songs tanked even though LeAnnInc. downloaded big time between tweeting.

    I think all the recording, video, and promotion costs are now being paid for by LeAnn so she has something to sing at the corndog concerts.

    LeAnn is happy inside her snowglobe where a few dozen fans tell her how amazing she is as she tweets the day away while Eddie moops around wondering how he’s going to get rid of her while keeping most her money.

  30. Quest says:

    LMFAO… “Wicked, twisted, sense of humor”…leave it to Leann to call her face a wicked twisted sense of humor.

  31. Penguin says:

    ” I loved playing the scorned ex wife of a tv star “. What a c**tish comment.

  32. brin says:

    @Penquin…no surprise considering the source.

  33. why? says:

    Wait, LR was only in DDD for about 5 minutes and she gets an interview like this?

    Isn’t that strange though that she would get an interview. So is DDD going to do an interview with ALL of the celebs who guest star on their show this season, or was this interview something “special” they did for LR because she has a new single to promote in addition to trying to convince us that EC isn’t cheating on her because he gave her some advice on how to act and of course allows her to expose his kids to the media even though he threatened to sue BG just because he thought the kids were going to make cameos on her show?

    Wonder if LR will love playing the scorned wife when the media finally stops sugarcoating everything for them and exposes EC affairs.

  34. dorothy says:

    Yeah…cheating on your husband and taking someone ele’s husband..that’s a real hoot. Your a real jockster.

  35. Rhiley says:

    Fug couple alert!

  36. Baylor says:

    I knew as soon as Brandi posted pics of her sons on her twitter that LR would too! At least she hasn’t tweeted pictures of the boys with HER. Not yet anyways.

    Yet more pictures of her in a bikkini.

    She just can’t stop.

    As for her quotes. The girl just keeps giving herself away doesn’t she?!

  37. the original bellaluna says:

    Has anyone told LeAnn that when you actually a bitch in real life, it’s not really considered “playing” a bitch?

    sidenote – Ooh-hoo, this is just too good! LeAnn & Linnocent in one day again! *rubs hands together and cackles maniacally*

  38. why? says:

    So when LR single white females BG and all those other HW celebs(ie-adele laryngitis, Reese W/Mile K/Jennifer A hairstyle, “sex tape” scandals) it’s because she has a wicked, twisted sense of humor?

    Based on how LR is constantly going off on “haters” on twitter, LR doesn’t have a sense of humor at all.

    So that is why she is constantly tweeting about those kids after being asked not to do so, it’s because of her wicked, twisted sense of humor?

    I was wondering how they were going to spin it to make it look like the episode of DDD with Leann was a success and therefore LR is indeed profitable. They just released an article stating that the premiere of DDD(with Leann) was the 2nd most watched episode in their KEY DEMOGRAPHICS and the MOST WATCHED season premiere in their key demographics of course. Operative word being KEY DEMOGRAPHICS.

  39. Runs with Scissors says:

    she looks like the flying dog from’ The Never Ending Story’

  40. cracker says:

    She delivered her lines waaay to fast, I had a hard time understanding her. Slow down lady, this aint the bedroom.

  41. Thea says:

    I think that twisted sick sense of humor is called mental illness. Such as Narcisstic with Sociopathic tendencies. B**** is crazy. And Eddie isnt looking too stable either.

  42. Thea says:

    ROFL @ the original bella luna……that was funny.

  43. brin says:


  44. skilo says:

    RIMES: Yes. ‘Drop Dead Diva’ asked me(said I could after I begged) to do an episode last year. The character they offered me the first time is the complete opposite of this one, I loved (hated) it. But the timing wasn’t right.(Eddie was working and I had to stalk him) They wrote this character specifically for me,(because I paid them to) hoping(knowing) I’d do it. I loved it when I read it.(Because people will know I’m pretending I’m Brandi and they’ll hopefully think she’s a bitch) The show’s great, really funny.(Never seen it, just love that I can use it in my campaign to harass and humiliate Brandi) I love playing the scorned ex-wife of a TV star. (Because I love mocking Brandi, and am too damn stupid to realize I will be an ex-wife after Eddie uses up all my money, gives me VD, and/or leaves me for another woman.)

  45. skilo says:

    To Leann: You are a Drop Dead Dumbass if you think anyone really thinks you have talent, or that you are followed by the paps for any reason other than you pay them.

  46. charity says:

    the highest her single GIVE got on itunes was #92 then went to 97 and now nowhere around. out of the top 100. career over and finished. down the toilet. she should be running out of cash pretty soon as much as she spends holding onto HUBBY. never can forget or forgive for the finger sucking in the restaurant and then both lyin lying lying about it to their spouses and to the public.don;t see much hope for Playboy, either since playboy took a poll to see who people wanted to watch and David K got 3 times the votes as Ec Ec got 26% and David so far has 72% EC career down the toilet so go suck each others fingers now scumbags.

  47. Penguin says:

    Body from baywatch,face from crimewatch

  48. DDD is a twee bit chees-tastic to me, and I can stand to have just about anything on TV, where my wife is hella picky about her TV time and she LOVES it.

  49. “I love playing the scorned ex-wife of a TV star.” Won’t be acting in the future.
    “I didn’t feel that this was. There are enough differences between my life, what I’ve experienced and this [character.]” Not you honey, the fact that you are pretending to be Brandy on TV as well as real life.
    ” we let each other do what we do” When did that start?

    I don’t see how being the scorned ex-wife is at all making fun of herself or laughing at herself, seems more making fun of Brandy and being ugly to Brandy. Am I missing something?

  50. fannomore says:

    I know where she can put her Emmy

  51. Rio says:

    I don’t have a dog in this race, but can someone please explain her obsession with FRINGE? Seriously, she’s either wearing a fringed bikini, has a fringed bag, pairing both…Daniel Boone would look at it all and say, “Oh, honey, NO.”

  52. Kim says:

    She has to laugh at her life because shes a joke.

  53. Kim says:

    Runs w scissors – best call of the year! hilarious!

  54. Rita says:

    Yeayyyyyyy, @Little Fat Me is here. How are you honey? Hope you come back to say hello.

  55. jocular says:

    @skilo – spot on!

  56. beclove says:

    good lord – doesnt this woman have anyone who gives enough of a crap about her to tell her to STFU? Can’t she PAY someone to give a shi*? Ugly inside and out. GO AWAY

  57. LittleDeadGirl says:

    Girl needs to not be saying Jensen’s name and friend in the same sentence … it taints a hot boy …

  58. betty says:

    Leann doesn’t have a wicked sense of humor but wants to be a smart a$$.She thinks she taunting Brandi, but I bet Brandi will have the last laugh. She probably get a chuckle watching Leann stalk Eddies every move and in the end he will find a way to cheat like most cheaters. As Brandi tweeted he Leanns problem now.

  59. charity says:

    in the 3rd picture down, looks like she has food stuck in a horse veneer and shes trying to suck it out or then again maybe not could just be shes pissed because Eddie was off to the side talking with the men. she is so far up his butt that when he lets out a fart, shes there to catch it in a baggy. shout out to rita Deb, Jezi and any other buddy from twitter.

  60. why? says:

    So when they calculated the ratings for DDD, did they factor in the number of times that they aired the premiere?

    You know that they are not being truthful about the ratings when they start changing when they are going to show the episodes. I saw a tweet stating that they were going to air the premiere again on Monday night, but decided to move it to Tuesday night instead. Which means did they move it around to a day and time they knew they would have the most viewers presents?

  61. why? says:

    It looks like the twitpics of LR in a bikini and EC on a volleyball court while on vacation have only made it to less than 5 sites. Usually LR is bombarding EVERY media outlet with these photos. Maybe she hasn’t bombarded the media yet because she has some sort of “Father’s Day/My happy family” exclusive with People mag first.

    It’s interesting because it goes to show that LR does indeed control what, where, and when her staged photo-ops and twitpics are posted.

    I hope that she doesn’t do a massive media blitz tomorrow where she leaks every twitpic plus the staged photo-op to every media outlet.

    Now if LR could lay low(no staged photo-ops ) and keep quiet for the rest of the week(ie-close the twitter account and stop giving interviews about EC kids since EC was going to sue BG if the kids made cameos on her show), I’m sure that her career will be right on track and Lifetime doesn’t have to keep spinning things to make it look like LR is successful.

  62. brin says:

    @why?…the only careeer Leann has these days is tweeting about her “amazing life”.

  63. Lucy says:

    I seriously CANNOT stand reading about this delusional, hateful, jealous, self-important bitch anymore. This was the last straw for me…this interview was it…OHHH now she worries about Eddies boys with the paps…didn’t seem to worry about them when she was stealing their daddy away…and to do this part in this show, practically doing an FU to Brandi….doesn’t she realize every time she opens that mouth people hate her more and more….bitch will get hers in the end…karma baby, karma….

  64. Steffie says:

    she has a good voice though

  65. Jennifer says:

    Acting?! Puh-leeze. She is no actor. God did give LR a good voice but not many care to listen because she is a BAD person. Just like most don’t care to watch her any where because she is a disgrace.

  66. Emily says:

    So…. now Leann is SWF-ing Brandi by pretending to be her on tv?

    Does anybody else think Leann is going to find a way to wriggle into Brandi’s new show? It could start with dropping off ‘her’ boys to Brandi or some BS. I can see it now.

  67. gg says:

    Mornin and waves to all. It is obvious that MeAnn reads this post, as she tweeted about the record breaking ratings that that Diva show got. As usual, love all of your comments. LoVE and blessings as Saint MeAnne would say!

  68. brin says:

    Hi gg! I’m sure Meann thought the ratings were for her, but I doubt it, especially if she wasn’t on more than five minutes and she sucked as badly as people said.

  69. Baylor says:

    LeAnn’s response to someone saying that she shouldn’t tweet pictures of the boys was that she had Eddie’s “permission”. Therefore she can tweet whatever she wants as long as she has Eddie’s permission. What a joke! No respect for Brandi’s wishes at all. Brandi should soo take them to court.

  70. brin says:

    @Baylor…Eddie gave his permission right after he gulped down his 5th bottle of Don Julio Tequila.

  71. Baylor says:

    Anyone ever read or have scans of the latest Star magazine with the article on LeAnn? What does it say Brandi is doing?!

  72. Baylor says:

    “@starmagazine Mostly untrue!! 😉 You can read whole truth in the book I have written!Honesty is the best policy but sometimes it hurts. !”- Brandi’s latest tweet.

    I can’t wait! LeAnn is going to have to be hospitalized in a psych ward when it comes out! LOL!

  73. why? says:


    Basically the article from STAR was a major fluff piece depicting LR and EC as the victims and designed to make BG look like the villian(ie-Leann’s marriage meltdown).

    It accused BG of

    trying to ruin LR Christmas Party(which was supposedly LR engagement)by sending EC friend nude pictures of her

    sending LR mean notes via the kids(placed note in a Sports Ill which fell out of the kid’s bookbag)

    and get this, it said that BG was the bad guy because she wanted to talk directly to EC instead of going through his people(ie-nanny, assistant, I guess LR)

    calling EC friends to trash LR for interfering in BG and EC marriage, the article
    even had the nerve to be upset with BG because she blamed LR. Seriously LR was meeting EC at hotels and going out of her way to make BG leave EC.

    BG is the villian because she threatens to go public if EC doesn’t do what she wants(I find this funny because if that was true then how come EC allowed LR to post photos of those kids on her twitter page after he threatened to sue BG?)

    It also tried to make EC out to be the victim, he is afraid to go public with the things that BG is doing because she is the mother of his children and he doesn’t want to say bad things about her. Yet the lowlife continues to do just that when he allows LR to post twitpics of those kids after he made a big fuss over them being on BG show.

    There were more things, but I couldn’t finish the article because it was very obvious that this was LR attempt to redeem herself(just in time for DDD) by degrading BG. I find it vey disgusting that Leann waged a character assisination against BG and DS just two weeks apart via STAR mag.

    What I found quite interesting is how they titled the article. They knew that people weren’t going to read it, had they put a title referencing the true nature of the article. So they put marriage meltdown on it to draw people in, but when you read it, it’s not about EC and LR marriage at all. It’s all about BG. It’s not even about how BG supposed actions are impacting LR and EC marriage. It was just a way for LR to go after BG, which she probably thought was okay to do since Lifetime and DDD allowed her to go after BG in their premiere. See Lifetime and DDD, this is what happens when you invest in LR. She uses it as an opportunity to pay tabloids like STAR to trash BG and DS.

  74. why? says:


    I forgot the article even mentioned how BG was wrong for telling LR not to sing at her son’s family day because EC son asked LR to be there. Seriously, if the child asked not to take a bath for a week, would LR do that as well because if we go by her logic, he asked not to take a bath?

    We all know that LR and EC probably talked the kid into it, seeing as how the week she sung at the school was the same week she was doing promotion for her music career, she had a radio interview and the same week that she lost the Grammy. So now she is using those kids to justify her bad behavior.

    Besides, LR only used this incident to talk and promote her wedding, even going to far as to unlock her account just so that she could talk about family day with her BFF.

  75. why? says:

    Record breaking ratings? And if LR hadn’t created a “sex tape” scandal or pimped out EC kids via her staged BOYS photo-op and daily tweets/twitpics faeturing those kids, where would those ratings be?

    So it’s safe to say that those ratings came at the expense of EC kids, so could BG sue EC because according to LR and her friends at Lifetime/DDD 2.9 million people tuned in to watch DDD because of LR, this coming after she made over 50 tweets about BG kids, posted twitpics of them on her page, and staged photo-ops with them?

    Since we know that LR role on DDD was a favor from her friend, I don’t trust the numbers that they are reporting. Plus did they also factor in the fact that they aired the premiere 2-3 times on Sunday?

    So this is why NBC/Playboy/Lifetime/DDD won’t put EC and LR in check because they have ways of spinning it to save face. We already know that Playboy is having problems because Utah doesn’t want to air it, and even though NBC/LR denied it we all know it’s because of EC personal life which overshadows everything.

  76. brin says:

    @why…Thanks for the Star info…I don’t believe anything that Leann says.

  77. brin says:

    Brandi said on her twitter page that the Star story was mostly lies or stuff that happened two years ago. She said she isn’t obsessed with her ex, his wife or her weight. LOL!!!

  78. Jezi says:

    @brin Brandi would never, ever leave a note trashing Leann in her kid’s bookbags. I think that’s the part of the article that pisses me off the most. Say all the other crap you want to say but stop alluding to the fact that Brandi is a bad parent. She’s a wonderful mother who loves and adores her boys more than anything. If she wants to call Leann a wh*re, she will do it to her face. She has no problems with that.

  79. brin says:

    Mornin, Jezi….ITA. I may not know Brandi, but just by reading her twitter page I can tell she is honest and says what she feels straight out. She is the total opposite of Leann.

  80. why? says:


    I just want the media to call Leann out for leaking info to the tabloids, when Star released the story of the sex tape many outlets gave LR the benefit of the doubt and that was their biggest mistake because she turned around and took their sympathy as a sign to use STAR to /degrade BG.

    I heard that LR is doing more interviews and photoshoots, now what mag (other than People mag) in their mind would put LR on their cover or invest in exclusive interviews with her? It’s only going to backfire because people are turned off by the fact that she used STAR two weeks in a row to wage a war against BG and DS character.

    What she did to both BG and DS with those STAR mag was disgusting and it just goes to show just how vindictive and out of control LR is. Any mag that would put her on their cover or do an exclusive with her needs to re-evaluate and think twice because it’s going to result in LR taking some bizarre action against BG and DS.

    If LR would go so far as to tarnish both BG and DS reps by paying STAR mag to write fluff pieces depicting LR and EC as the victims, then what else is LR capable of? I think it would be a good idea to get those kids as far away from LR and EC as possible because her vindictiveness towards BG is just getting worse and worse. The public is already saying that LR was responsible for leaking the sex tape scandal to STAR mag(85% of the media didn’t think she would do something like that), and then LR turns around and leaks info about BG under the pretense that it’s an article about her maritial problems with EC via STAR mag again.

  81. why? says:

    Leann is so tired of being “hounded” by the paps, that she staged yet another photo-op yesterday.

    I heard that Leann is now giving FREE concerts to her “fans”. Which means it’s more like a bribery thing, she throws a “special party” for her radio friends and they agree to play her song on their stations so that it charts on the Billboards.

  82. brin says:

    She’s just a nasty creature, payback really is gonna be a bitch for her.

  83. betty says:

    Anyone can make the cover of Star With all the fame whoring she does people still dislike her .Just shows how unpopular she is giving free concerts and appearing on radio to push her music but her concerts have poor sales all her bookings have ticket available. Her. envy of Brandi is blatant. Trying to steal Brandi life must not be working for her. Things Leann knows for a fact: Eddie married Brandi because he loved her for herself and his family also loved her ,Brandi has 2 beautiful kids from this union.Brandi had an intact family life growing up with both mother and father. Leann has none of these things That’s why she tweets trying to give the impression that everything so blissful with her show and tell act. When a person knows they have something they don’t need to advertise. Leann is a seeker not a person sought after.Nothing she can say can make Brandi a bad mother because we know where the father was and what he was doing when Brandi was home with her kids.

  84. Baylor says:

    Read on various people’s tweeter that LeAnn is claiming she was offered a spot on “The Voice” and that she turned it down so they offered it to Xtina? That she was “tooo busy” to do the show?! Can anyone confirm that? Perhaps give me a quote.

  85. brin says:

    @Baylor….I think that’s a typo, she was offered “The Vice” where she judges the worst vice (who better to judge that?).LOL.

  86. why? says:


    Didn’t LR also say that she was offered a spot on Dancing With The Stars 3 times, a spread for Playboy 3 times, and a chance to host one of the country award shows but of course she just had to turn it down because she was “too busy” with “her family”?

  87. Baylor says:

    I doubt they “offered” it to her. Why would they want both her and Blake up there? That wouldn’t make sense. I can see them “approaching” her though as they probably approached alot of singers/artists to see who would be interested and then offer the job to the biggest names. I sincerely doubt Christina was second choice and LeAnn would have gotten the salary Xtina is. LOL!

    Funny, LeAnn often says she gets all these big time offers. Yet, why does she always pick the least impressive/the ones with the smallest amount of publicity/money? I’m not surprised she says these things though. She can’t have someone else get recognition/kudos/attention for anything without trying to get some for herself even in a passive aggressive way.

  88. betty says:

    To show that Star mag is BS.I know of few 8 yr,old that have Sports Illus in their backpack. Brandi unlike Leann and her mouthpieces have no trouble speaking her mind. If Brandi did wrong why wouldn’t Eddie criticize her .What did Brandi do to cause adversity? Poor Leann desperate much.It must have slipped her mind this is the same woman that she caused adversity Leann gets no sympathy you get what you give.If Brandi kicked Leann a$$ on national TV she would be applauded.

  89. why? says:

    Did you know that Leann gave a FREE concert today? And according the media outlet she hired to write this fluff piece it means that Leann is “down to earth”.

    Does LR ever do anything nice without her trying to benefit from it? She expresses concern for the victims of tornadoes but that was just so that she could promote her relationship with EC and her single release. She expresses concern for her people with eating disorders, but that was just so that she could release bikini twitpics. And now she gives a FREE concert to make it look like she is a “nice person”.

    We are supposed to believe that LR is a “good person” because she gave a FREE concert? Now where was this same compassion where she posted those photos of EC kids after EC threatened to sue BG if the kids made cameos on her show?

  90. Baylor says:

    Wonder what other “offers” LeAnn has gotten and has turned down? The role of Danny or Cersei on Game of Thrones? A role in Bridesmaids? The main female role in Pirates of the Caribbean? Don’t tell me… Mccain asked her to be his running mate before he asked Palin…

  91. why? says:

    LR obsession and SWF of BG is getting worse. I knew that LR was jealous of BG being on the show, but I didn’t think that she was going actually try to associate herself with the show by any means necessary.

    Now LR is trying to associate herself with the Real Housewives reality tv shows by using her music. She is now trying to “work” on a music deal with Khandi from the Real Housewives of Atlanta. Which means that if Khandi returns the Real HW of Atlanta, LR will be featured as one of the artists that she works with.

    Oh and LR found a way to get on a reality tv show via the Kardashians. I thought LR said that reality tv stars were famehungry so why would she then agree to be taped on an episode of Kardashians(the one about Paster Brad’s wedding)?

    Just when you think that LR can’t get any worse, she pulls another stunt.

    Seriously someone needs to get those kids away from LR.

  92. why? says:

    The STAR mag article that LR paid STAR to write about BG must not have drawn a lot of attentoin from the media or public because I saw someone on two other sites working VERY hard(they posted the message under several different names) to get people to read it.

  93. Jezi says:

    @Baylor yes it’s true, she did say that she was offered to be on The Voice but turned it down because she had other things going on at the time. So they went with a less, well known singer…*rme*

  94. why? says:

    CB was right, LR has seen how much coverage she gets by talking about her weight issues and bikini twitpics, so that is the focus of her media blitz this week. She has given yet another interview where she whines about how unfair the media is for criticizing her and being obsessed with her body.

    It seems like the media isn’t paying as much attention to her “don’t criticize me for being skinny” interviews like they were before. LR interviews from this week are only being posted on very minor sites and most of them are fluff which means that they were pieces bought and paid for by LR. Which is made obvious by the fact that the article also advertises her concert.

  95. Baylor says:

    She has really topped herself with her latest blog. Go see. Try to prevent your head from exploding.

  96. why? says:

    I thought Eddie was SO against his kids being exposed to the media and press; afterall, didn’t he threaten to sue BG if the kids made cameos on her show? And now Leann has posted a photo of EC kids to give the impression that she and EC plus his parents and kids are a “happy family” along with a post about them and how they spent their family vacation. LR must think that if she posts photos of EC, his kids, his parents, and her that it will once and for all convince people that EC isn’t cheating on her. But posting that photo just confirms that EC is cheating on LR and LR isn’t as happy as she wants us to believe.

    So in EC mind it’s okay for him and LR to exploit those kids when they have something to promote? Because we all know that LR interest in those kids only surfaces when her career needs a boost.

    So is that what LR does, when the media and press won’t pay attention to her fairytale with EC and his kids she just posts stuff on her blog with the intention of it being picked up by the press.

    Wow, that was such a bad move on both EC and LR part. Now why would anyone believe that EC is in love with LR when EC sells out his own kids by allowing LR to plaster their names and faces on her blog where it will soon be exposed and seen by millions of people.

    BG seriously needs to get those kids away from EC and LR because they are nothing more than props for LR and EC.

    EC is such a lowlife, what type of man allows his kids to be exploited because LR is trying to release an album?

    NBC/Playboy is sending a very bad message to it’s viewers by continuing to allow EC and LR to constantly seek attention like that. Now it’s at the expense of his kids.

  97. betty says:

    Just read on OMG blog how Leann is giving stepparents a bad name.So true!!!! Using another womans kids to create a family she wish was hers. That” bonus mom routine is not working either Leann. If you want a “real”family have your own kids.

  98. why? says:

    Playboy is being boycotted. But of course NBC/Playboy spins it so that EC and LR don’t come off looking like they were the causes of it.

    How interesting that a day after Leann releases her “family vacation” blog entry to People mag and other various media outlets and the article about how she and EC are apt/condo shopping we hear that Playboy is being rejected by the public.

    Maybe it’s the amoral behavior of LR and EC that has these groups in such an uproar. So I wonder if NBC/Playboy will continue to allow LR and EC to do their attention seeking because as we can see it is backfiring against NBC/Playboy.