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5 Responses to “Nicole Richie buys yet another bikini”

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  1. docweasel says:

    weird she’s so skinny but look at the dewflap double chin action.

    She’s going to age very badly.

  2. Poor Boopie says:

    you would think she would want to be covering up that skeletal frame instead of showing it off in a bikini.

  3. lelo says:

    You think, I hope your mind doesn’t age that badly from such vapid thoughts. The double chin on an anorexic is an oxymoron, look it up in the dictionary so you get it right next time.

  4. kittygirl says:

    What is that wattle under her neck about. If shes sooo
    thin it would vanish too as its usually fat. And since she doesnt have loose skin from weight loss elsewhere, again I ask what is with the WATTLE?

  5. bitch says:

    She looks good!!!!!!!!! If only all fatties learned from her and lost their weight. Then we wouldnt have the misfortune of having to look at THEM in bikinis (shudder)