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15 Responses to “Freshly scanned pictures of Brangelina and family in Germany’s “Gala””

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  1. millie says:

    Shiloh reminds me of Princess Caroline’s babies, particularly Charlotte. She’s going to be a beautiful girl, very classic features, big mouth. I think she looks like Brad except for her mouth and chin.

  2. Panda says:

    Maddox looks pissed off. lol

  3. Angelika says:

    I think Shiloh doesn’t look as “special” or extraordinary like on her first pictures.. Her lips are gorgeous though =) It’s just gonna take some time until she’s bigger so that you can actually recognise her pretty face and the way she’s probably gonna look like one day!

  4. jersey girl says:

    Is it just me, or did Brad wet his pants?

  5. Angelika says:

    Oh my god, you’re right, it looks wet indeed!! Could it be some strange way ot jeans style, where that part of the trousers is darker than the others?

  6. Michaela says:

    Actually the headline reads : Against all bad rumors !

  7. detox says:

    zahara is so freakin’ cute!!! shiloh isnt that special looking

  8. tammy says:

    it looks like Zahara has a snotty nose in that picture.

  9. Celebitchy says:

    Hi Michaela – I meant the headline on the picture inside the magazine, not on the cover.

  10. Michaela says:

    Oh ok sorry !
    P.S.: I LOVE your website !!

  11. Celebitchy says:

    Thanks Michaela! I’m kind of clueless about German, but it’s my husband’s first language so he usually knows what he’s talking about unless he’s trying to mess with me. 😉

  12. MizLiz says:

    Shiloh is just gorgeous…Maddox, on the other hand looks sulky and messy. Remember when Angelina used to tote him around all the time when he was perfectly capable of walking? Bet he’s got his nose out of joint now….

  13. marines all the way says:

    Am I the only one who thinks thatbaby looks wrong? She looks liek she’ll have buck teeth, and her mouth looks nothing like Angies if you look at angie pics as a baby her lips are totallt different. I’m not saying Shiloh is an ugly baby I’m just saying she’s not as cute as her mother was. Who knows maybe she just needs to develope a little more.

  14. Celebitchy says:

    Marines it is really hard to tell how babies are going to look until they get a little older.

  15. millie says:

    I think she’s cuter than Angelina was at this age. Angelina looked a bit weird but she grew into her features. Buck teeth? Not in a million years.