Kim Kardashian volunteers for the LA Mission Thanksgiving Dinner

These are photos of Kim Kardashian posing her ass implants off in LA yesterday – Kim “volunteered” for the Los Angeles Mission Thanksgiving Dinner on Wednesday, where it seemed like she spent more time posing for photos and hanging out with celebrities like Jennifer Love Hewitt, Zoe Saldana and Kirk Douglas than actually, you know, serving up food to the homeless. Kim had a full face of makeup on too – I don’t know why that’s bugging me so much. I guess it’s because “false eyelashes” don’t really say “I am humbly serving up some gravy.” And in case you missed the photo shoot (that’s what it was), Kim also managed to find the time to give an interview to People Mag:

Kim Kardashian may be going through a rough time in her personal life, but there is one thing she’s particularly thankful for this Thanksgiving: her family.

“I think the holidays are just about winding down and spending time with your family,” the reality star tells PEOPLE Wednesday at the Los Angeles Mission Thanksgiving Dinner, where she was on hand to help serve food.

“That’s what it’s going to be about this year for me.”

Kardashian, 31, will be joining the rest of her close-knit clan – including Dancing with the Stars runner-up Rob – for a potluck Thanksgiving meal at mother Kris Jenner’s house.

“We’re each cooking a dish, bringing it over and just hanging out,” says Kardashian, 31, who already knows what her culinary contribution will be.

“I’m going to make the sweet potato soufflé,” she shares. “It’s really good!”

[From People]

There were some reports about a week ago that Kim was on “media lockdown” – meaning that she and her mother had decided to lower Kim’s profile in the media for a few months, and that Kim wasn’t going to be giving interviews (except for an upcoming issue of Allure, apparently). I guess that “media lockdown” story was BS though (of course). What Kim has actually decided to do is some media push-back, publicly playing the victim and painting Kris Humphries as a verbally abusive, fat-hating homophobe, and painting herself as the innocent woman (“girl”) who just spends her free time doing charity work for the homeless. Also: she and J. Love should be wearing hairnets.

Photos courtesy of WENN.

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151 Responses to “Kim Kardashian volunteers for the LA Mission Thanksgiving Dinner”

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  1. Jules says:

    Spare me the fakery….I pity the fools that buy her BS.

  2. Agnes says:

    It’s so gross that she’s using this as a photo-op… Btw, “posed her ass implants off” – hahaha!

    • duncecap says:

      Ugh. She’s not even scooping the soup anywhere. Just kind of splashing it when the camera is on her.

  3. Jules says:

    BTW….she also brought a make-up artist and a hair stylist with her.

  4. tapioca says:

    OK fair enough, Kim helped out and I like her jacket. But she should stop criticising her ex and keep a dignified silence. After first looking up “dignified” in the dictionary, obviously!

    Kirk Douglas is a legend though – I believe he’s been doing this for decades.

    • bluhare says:

      I didn’t recognize Kirk Douglas. Does anyone know if he did the plastic surgery because of his stroke?

    • MarenGermany says:

      i like the jacket, too. funny part about it is that this is her
      full make up and hairdo, but with the twist of a jacket that is supposed to make her look humble and normal, even though it probably costs more than a month-paycheck.

  5. someone says:

    the sad thing is, she’s probably going to win over a few people with this “Act of kindness”. total BS

  6. Nona says:

    this media whore is just trying to save face!! if she really wanted to help out and do charity why doesn’t she donate a couple of her millions?! fake, selfish bitch….publicity stunt and damage control!!

    • the original bellaluna says:

      Totally agree. She’s trying to gain some positive publicity after all the negative publicity she got from her filing for divorce 72 days into her big E! Wedding Extravaganza!

    • Carolyn says:

      the irony of Kim being papped as such a gathering is not lost on me. Maintain the rage people!

  7. Mel says:

    JLH looks rough!

    • Nicole says:

      She is not wearing any make up next to the fully styled botoxed Kim K. Anyone who is coming out to do service not planning on doing a photo op would look rough next to Kim K.

      • dj says:

        Agreed. Any “normal” looking woman with little to zero makeup would look haggard beside KK with her spray on
        Spackle! It is just a reminder of how much makeup she wears on a down day. More fakery. Nothing real to see here folks! It is like a carny family.

      • BellaLuna says:

        I feel like Kim is the one that looks like crap compared to the more natural JLove. She looks so plastic and fake…its soooo gross. Not pretty AT ALL

    • jermsmom says:

      I wouldn’t say she looks rough, just real. As in, she is there because she really DOES want to give back and help out and is busting butt serving. Unlike Kim who is so desperate to hang on to her image and get the public to like her, to “really, really like her”. It is a sick and disgusting image ploy. I feel disgusted at anyone who buys it.

    • Dawning Red says:

      I totally agree. My first thought after looking at the first photo is “Well, JLH is paying attention to the food she’s serving and doing her job. Karda$hian? Posing for the paps.”

      Tells you where their respective priorities lie.

  8. Quest says:

    Kim K only uses and it is as low as anyone can possibly go to use a mission for personal famewhoring photo-ops rather than a genuine concern for those less fortunate.

    It is absolutely disgusting just like the Kardashians.

  9. Addie says:

    She knows that a lot of people detest her, now she does fake charity to win people over.

    How stupid does she think people are to not see through this?

  10. Kaboom says:

    Maybe she can scare up a new husband among the homeless.

  11. Nanea says:

    I wonder if she actually helped serve needy people or if she just posed for pics and then left, because she was scaring off those she helped serve.

  12. e.non says:

    this effin c*nt. that she would exploit these people just proves what a soulless, amoral pig she and her family really are.

    this is truly depraved and even tops that faux friggin wedding. i hope their family turkey was full of salmonella.

  13. David says:

    I hate her and her family

  14. chloe says:

    This disgusts me more than the fake wedding, haven’t the homeless suffered enough.

  15. Celebasshat says:

    @someone my point exactly Kim fake “ACT OF KINDNESS” will win some people over.

  16. Kamille says:

    She is saint. God bless her heart. Go Kimberly. Be strong. You deserve all the best. Don’t listen to the haters be above them.

  17. Emily says:

    LOL Kirk Douglas is totally over it.

  18. Cathy says:

    Kirk looks disgusted with the whole situation in the first pic. Hope he used hand sanitizer when she let go of his hand.

  19. StAng says:

    She should take Santa Angie route and adopt a 3rd world kid and fix it to her hip.

    • leetruth says:

      Nonesense! Third world children are not accessories!!

    • the original bellaluna says:

      How dare you wish this heathen on a kid! Haven’t “third world” kids been through enough?

      My God, pimping out said kid from the time of adoption until she could ride a stripper pole like a Las Vegas whore.

      Shame on you!

  20. JaneWonderfalls says:


  21. Tristyn says:

    Oh please! How dare kow kakes use a charity event to promote herself as a humanitarian’s all about look at ME !!!! This fake ass bitch is DISGUSTING!!!!!!!

  22. Jover says:

    Yes, agree with everyone this is morally repulsive; and she brings her stylist along – but we need to also be ripping the media, the talk shows, etc. for collusion in famewhore ass kissing; don’t they have some explaining to do on why they conspired to make this dung heap “famous.?”

  23. aquarius64 says:

    Bubble Butt is in damage control mode and her stupid show premieres this Sunday. Enough said.

  24. Meanchick says:

    So in order to look as though she is doing something worthwhile and selfless, she leaves the blush at home? I don’t know any other celebrity (who is truly there to do charitable work) who’d show up in full makeup(again, sans blush) and allow so many photo ops. So transparent. She insults my intelligence by thinking I buy her as anything other than selfish and money-grubbing. She probably brought a bag of disposable cameras for the homeless to take photos of her as well. BE-ATCH!

  25. normades says:

    Whatever she’s serving in the first pic looks really gross.

    • ugh says:

      What she’s serving in the first pic is a heapin helpin of “please-for-god-sake buy my bullshit”. Look at her face.

  26. Skins says:

    So pathetic on so many levels. Does she really think anybody will see this for anything other than the photo-op that it is? I’m sure she stays up nights worrying about the homeless. What a lowlife

  27. Jag says:

    Jlove looks like she’s trying really hard to distance herself from Kim. I would, too.

    I bet Kim can go even lower with the self-promotion. Watch her be papped with a puppy next. She and her entire family are beyond disgusting!

  28. Str8Shooter says:

    Look at that first photo. Just the fact that she is POSING for a camera…rather than just helping out SELFLESSLY speaks volumes about this girl.

    No doubt her UGLY MEDIA WHORE of a mother was behind this ‘opportunity’


  29. becky says:

    Damn! JLH looks SO sad. I don’t even like her (and how could I?) but I feel badly. Getting dumped really sucks.

    • ZenB!tch says:

      I don’t follow JLH (not a fan) I seriously thought her disgusted/depressed look was because she had to pose with the LardASSian.

  30. GirlyGirl says:

    This is a new low, even for the Kardashians.


  31. Sam says:

    Kim is in full damage control. Don’t be fooled every again. Everything she does is fake,fake.

    Spread the word to not watch her show on Sunday, collectivly we can get her cancelled.

    We can read about it here on Monday and not contribute to her ratings.

  32. Jenn says:

    This is Image Rehab 101 and she failed. When you want people to think you are being unselfish, don’t look directly into the camera. You should try to look like you are working and enjoying yourself, which she does not do at all. She looks miserable, having to soil her hands on the great unwashed.

  33. Marjalane says:

    Well, if it isn’t Sister Mary Kardashian! I hope that at least one homeless guy asked her, “Hey is that ass real? Can I touch it?”

    • Madisyn says:

      Wouldn’t that have been great? And if audio and video caught the interaction on tape. Now THAT is a video of KK I’d LOVE to see!

    • GirlyGirl says:

      Like she was ever near ANY of the homeless, Michelle Bachmann has had more convincing “Look at me I’m helping” photo-ops than this one.

  34. truthful says:

    her and Jennifer were all chummy, it sickened me that Jennifer was acting like Trashian is SUCH a celebrity.

    Zoe was having none of it, she does it every year.

    Publicity stunt, I heard Trashian has some new publicists–and they are pros.

    BeBe has pulled out and fired them, Kim will not be able to sell that wretched jewelry line there.

    So she is refusing to go away, that is alot of “entitlement and NERVE”…

    she’s gonna show US huh??

    • ShanKat says:

      She stole almost every “design” from another designer. I hope she takes a huge loss AND gets sued.

  35. MorticiansDoItDeader says:

    After seeing Kim pose next to J. Love I’m now certain she is no where near a size 4.

    • Madisyn says:

      Mornin Mort

      How was Thansgiving? I certainly ate! As for this piece of shit, TMZ and ROL had this up yesterday and there wasn’t ONE positive comment. ROL even quoted someone as saying Zoe Saldana and JLH both do this ANNUALLY, of course, this was KK’s first time. HA! I made a funny, Kim and ‘first time’ are an oxymoron.

      • MorticiansDoItDeader says:

        Evening Madisyn!

        Turkey Day was great until I got called into work 🙁 I still got my eat on though. Hope you had a great holiday!

        PS. Where has the original Bella been? I haven’t seen a post from her in days. Hope everything is ok.

    • Sassy says:

      Totally agree – JLove looks tiny next to Kim. And – she has a big butt!

      • MorticiansDoItDeader says:

        My thoughts exactly, they both have large bottoms, but J Love’s arms, torso and face look MUCH thinner!

    • ZenB!tch says:

      My first thought was “Is J-Love still ‘fat’? If so KK must be a 14!”

  36. Laurie M. says:

    I thought Pimp Mom Kris said Kim gives to charity all the time WITHOUT people knowing?!

  37. jc126 says:

    Want to bet she stayed about 15 minutes or so? She is so disgusting. I wish she and the rest of them would just go away.
    I notice there seems to be a little bottle of Sriracha sauce in front of Jennifer Love Hewitt. That stuff rocks! I think JLH was there to actually help, btw, she’s not all glammed up and posing for the camera.

    • valleymiss says:

      I agree that JLH looks like she was actually there to help. As a matter of fact, while I’m no big JLH fan, I recall seeing photos of her serving food at the LA Mission for *several* years running. She would often be serving next to Alyssa Milano (who was probably home with her newborn). So I give JLH a lot of credit for that. Kim Backlashian sucks and only did this for publicity to rehab her image. What makes me sick is that TMZ, which can be fairly snarky, is only running pro-Kim stories. Kris Jenner must have Harvey Levin on speed dial.

  38. ShanKat says:

    Happy Skanksgiving, bums!

    At least JLH does it every year.

  39. hottathanholywatta says:

    Everyone should take a stand and kibosh their season premiere when the numbers aren’t there they will dissappear like a smelly fart

  40. Franny says:

    I think she looks really pretty.

    And thats all I think she’s really good for. Looking pretty and having clothes I wish I could own.

  41. Mary jones says:

    JLH has been serving food at Thanksgiving for years. The people their should have said sorry we dont need your fake fat ass charity, and not let her exploit them for her own gain.

    • Jag says:

      I wondered about that – if they could’ve just told her to leave. But they probably like all the publicity because it keeps mentioning the homeless.

    • ZenB!tch says:

      Not that I think it has *ever* come up before but I thought they didn’t turn anyone away – homeless or volunteer.

      The only thing I don’t hold against her here is her taking a posse (although it should have been all the other Lardassian-Jenners). I would only go down there as part of a group. It’s not the best area. My company signs people up who want to help and buses them down there in groups as part of their community effort.

      They also sponsor other holiday giving like Toys for Tots or Adopt an Elder for the more squeamish… a suggestion for Kim if she really wants to rehab her image and look a little more helpful.

      Lastly there are shelters that only take women and children. Those are my preference.

  42. Denise says:

    So she has now stooped to using the homeless and hungry for her fame whoring; this is as low as it gets. And why did they not wear hair nets?? Can you imagine finding one of their hairs in your food? I would vomit.

  43. macey says:

    this is beyond pathetic. I didnt think it was possible for them to stoop any lower but this takes the cake.
    She definitely wins the Phoniest, Most Transparent Publicity Stunt award.
    I feel bad for those people. they’re already down on their luck and now they’re being exploited by the Fat-Asses Publicity team to make her out to be a do-gooder. I hope the people in the pics sue her fat-ass for selling their pics without their permission. I know she gets paid some cash for all her pics on the tab sites.
    Anyone that takes a camera crew to any charitable event is never in it for the charity itself but for their own image. Hopefully this stunt puts the nail in their coffin, I think most ppl are smart enough to see right through this stunt even tho KK obviously think people are stupid enough to believe this was for anything other than publicity.

  44. CJW says:

    Can we just take a look at how much better Jlove’s face is naturally than Kim’s face is? That is what a semi-natural thirty year old’s face should look like and how it should move!!!! Kim needs to lay off the fillers, now.

  45. Estella says:

    It’s hard enough to be homeless and to come to a food kitchen for a meal. But to have this stunt queen there with her camera crew and rubbing her wealth, fame, and fakeness in your face? I feel even more pity for those poor souls who were just there for a meal.

  46. Ketielynn says:

    I’m sure Kris set it up strictly for some good PR which makes it all worse. Sadly some will not see the “forest for the trees”. Disgusting.

  47. logan says:

    Fool us once, shame on you. TRY and fool us twice, shame on us. That’s what I do when I volunteer with a hands on project, make sure I have my make-up plastered on just so. WHAT A FAKE!!!
    First she used a man in a FAKE marriage, now she is using homeless people for FAKE volunteer press. Sorry, Kard clan not believing this.

  48. Eleonor says:

    Somewhere in LA Paris Hilton is laughing.

  49. palermo says:

    Damage control. Nobody is buying it. She probably chipped a nail for nothing.

  50. anne says:

    OMG, hopefully none of those people had a fake eyelash on their plate.

  51. aquarius64 says:

    Bubble Butt is in damage control mode. Enough said.

  52. Happy21 says:

    Yeah she helped out. Really big of her. Did she bring some of her 10 million dollar earnings from her farce of a wedding to donate to the homeless people she was serving dinner to? Nah didn’t think so.

    Damage control much?

  53. Blue says:

    If you are doing selfless volunteer work, then you don’t need a makeup artist, hairstylist, body guards etc.

  54. bettyrose says:

    Oh, gross with the loose hair. Where is the health department??

  55. MarenGermany says:

    plus, I read somewhere else that she never did that thanksgiving thing before whereas JLH and some of the other celebs do that on an annual basis.
    Timing is pretty convenient, isnt it Kim?
    Speaks volumes, doesnt it?

    I really wanna meet people who actually buy into this bullshit.

  56. Steph says:

    I agree with @MarenGermany, so convenient for her. Spare me Kim K. Go back into hiding

  57. Toni says:

    At least she went!

  58. Madisyn says:

    Pimp Mama Kris probably ‘suggested’ Kourtney and Khloe also ‘volunteer’. Kourt and Khlo said “Uh no, the people don’t HATE us, WE didn’t dupe some schlub into a FAKE wedding and make MILLIONS, thats on Kim, let her do this damage control p.r. stunt”.

    But no worries, Kuntra$hian didn’t over exert herself, 60 SECONDS after the paps left, she rounded up her stylists, publicists, and bodyguards and high-tailed it out of there.

    This bitch!

    • MorticiansDoItDeader says:

      There was a blind that suggested that the family is in such turmoil that Kim is thinking of telling Kloë that Lamar has been consulting a divorce lawyer. Why Lamar would tell Kim is beyond me, so it’s probably BS, but it sure sounds funny (so I’m going with it).

      • the original bellaluna says:

        Agree about the turmoil (kan’t have Lardassian tarnishing the Kartrashian Klan brand) but I highly doubt Lamar would tell Lardassian anything other than “FO!”

        Of all the Kartrashians, I think Khloe and Lamar are the real deal. (Or the most “real deal” we’ll get from the Kartrashians.)

    • Madisyn says:


      Lamar would not tell KK. You tell one Kuntra$ian, you tell them ALL. But if you wanna think its true, by all means.

      As for the turmoil, now THAT I believe. The rest of the family is PISSED that because of the greediness of Pimp Mama Kris’ prized pig, the others may see THEIR gravy trains dry up. I’d be pissed too!

      As for belle, I don’t know. Its the holiday and I know she’ having guests, so I don’t want to call and bother her. YET. I’ll give it a couple of days and then I’ll give her a call.

      • MorticiansDoItDeader says:

        Yea. I don’t blame you. I’m sure she’s just busy and shouldn’t be bothered. I try and check in almost every day to say hello to you and the others. My kids are usually in bed by 7:30 EST, so if I’m too busy at work I stop in then. Have to have my daily gossip fix!

      • the original bellaluna says:

        I’m here. I’ve just had an EXTREMELY busy week, what with shopping for (a total nightmare; we’ll have to discuss later) and hosting the Thanksgiving dinner and all. (And with 2 more guests than anticipated!)

        It was a success. Everybody ate too much, and the only thing not home-made was the chicken broth (for the stuffing).

        KK is only trying to mitigate the damage she’s done by being a vapid superficial fame-whore. I don’t think she saw this divorce back-lash coming, but I do think it’s TOTALLY DESERVED!

  59. Kim says:

    And she made sure the paparrazzi was on hand to photograph her “charity” work. Pathetic & desperate.

  60. anonymoose says:

    Plastic Face makes me lose my appetite!

  61. nikzilla37 says:

    OMG this is so fake. KK needs to disappear entirely. Also, didn’t realize that J.Love’s skin was that bad. Make-up and lights are amazing.

  62. Harley says:

    Just when you think thia famewhoring bitch has hit rock bottom and sunk as low as she can go, she manages to pull out a shovel and starts diggin’.

    Absolutely hate her.

  63. Amy says:

    As with most of my fellow posters, this is like waving a red flag in front of my cynical side. But my favorite picture is the one showing her name tag.

    She’s wearing a name tag?


  64. Wilma Flintstone says:

    Hating and haters aside, am I the only one who thinks KK looks infinitely better in informal shots and with minimal makeup?

  65. Darla says:

    it’s hard to assigne charitable motives to a woman who probably wipes her a$$ with a starving child.

  66. Madisyn says:

    Look at the pic of JLH and KK. Boy, KK’s getting a little THICK. Wow! Size 4 my ass.

  67. dj says:

    Wow. How many other charity type things has she participated in BEFORE this PR debacle? Absurd.

    • Madisyn says:

      Uh, none.

      Charity and KK are never to be used in the same sentence, unless, damage control is the order of the day. Theres no $ in charity.
      Signed, Pimp Mama Kris

  68. Michelle says:

    If you look at all the people in the background, no one is wearing a hair net or doing anything to protect it from falling into the food. That is messed up.

  69. JaneWonderfalls says:

    Wait guys you can tell how genuine she is by the way she is posing for the camera… I bet some of the homeless people are like “She made 18 million dollars off of a faux wedding and all I got was this shitty soup” 😀 Her time is over!

  70. Dana says:

    Now I am no fan of these people, but Kim K is not the first celebrity to use less fortunste people to further an agenda. Why a few weeks ago, Gisele used some cancer-ridden teenagers for a photo op.

    • MorticiansDoItDeader says:

      That may have been even more sick and famewhorish than this.

    • Gina says:

      You’re going to compare Giselle Bundchen to Kim Kardashian?

      I’m from the Boston area and while I was not at the cancer ward Giselle never gave any interviews about it. The video footage looked like it was from someone’s camcorder (yea, I know it could have been made to look as such) and it was only the hospital, patients, that spoke about it.

      “Gisele rearranged her international schedule to make sure she could take part in that event.”

      Do the Kim Ks of Hollywood have us so jaded that we can’t believe that Giselle or some other celeb might be mor genuine and really just trying to do good? I mean, JLH has been going to the mission for years (I’ve seen the pictures!)

      Let’s call out the appropriate people if we must.

  71. Mark says:

    The only thing worse than the Kardashitans are thier envious fans. Those that patronise them do it in the love of getting something for nothing. Be rich and have fame without any work, art or talent.
    So sad for them all. AND, it was all due to her being a porn star. NICE

  72. dorothy says:

    How stupid does she think we are. This is so fake, so set up…it only hurts her case, rather than help it. Loser.

  73. VanRijn says:

    Can’t this be a Kardashian free gossip sanctuary? I love this site but I just need there to be one place I’m not afflicted by her dumb face. please.

  74. Hmmm says:

    Soulless freak.

  75. Sassy says:

    She’s such an asshole. No way did she do this because she “cares.” It’s all for show and public sympathy! Ugh. I wish her and her whole family would just go away.

  76. Joanna says:

    JLH looks really tiny in these pics. It’s funny how she can look so much bigger other times, then here she looks so little. JLH is really pretty IMO. and genuine. unlike KK.

  77. Laura says:

    I get such a Michael Jackson vibe from her face

  78. Lynne says:

    She also gave interviews to US Weekly and Telemundo so her one hour at the mission was very productive.

  79. dorothy says:

    What a pathetic attempt at damage control. Using this venue to gain attention is beyond grotesque. I wouldn’t be suprised if Kris sold the rights to this photo for millions. I just cannot stand the sight of these people.

  80. Bambi says:

    Nothing says “being real with the homeless” like plaid, right? Homeless people wear a lot of plaid!

    And after she served the poor canned gravy with weave hairs in it and sucked up to Kirk Douglas, she went home to have her chef whip up a sweet potato souffle to take to her family’s mansion for their potluck dinner.

    I assume the homeless people weren’t paid extras because actual celebrities were involved.

    And I can understand why she had bodyguards around– just judging by comments I’ve read, a lot of people really hate her. The vast majority just wish she’d go away, but I would not be at all surprised if one or two haters were deranged enough to try and do away with her themselves. You never know these days!

  81. SEF says:

    Please ignore the KK beast and make her go away sooner rather than later.

  82. Ramie says:

    I’m sure someone already mentioned this, but she could melt her giant @ss down & serve it up as gravy.

  83. kazoo says:


  84. Sam says:

    blackout kardashian show Sunday night

    boycott the show and do not cross the picket line by peeping! Hey, no taping either.

  85. palermo says:

    Just read in the Enquirer that Kris and Bruce’s marriage is in trouble. The whole family is imploding

    • Bambi says:

      Yeah, and next week maybe we’ll hear that Mason is actually an intersex baby, Kourtney has a drinking problem and Khloe might be pregnant! I think this family will keep throwing out various storylines, hoping to find something that sticks.

  86. Sophie says:

    How many times has she done this before? Where are all members of her family doing the exact same thing she is doing if they all believe in charity work and giving to the poor?
    Answers to these questions would tell people to not get fooled by these professional scammers. Wake up people!! I know majority of you know this but I am talking to the ones who ares till blinded by these immoral and selfish human beings.

  87. Alynn says:

    This bitch is disgusting! Hypocrite and full of crap! I dont think she really care about these homeless people, its just for publicity. I hate her even more now plastic bitch!

  88. Alynn says:

    The first picture annoys me big time. Stop looking and posing at the camera u famew*ore!!

  89. Sam says:

    tonite it’s time to hit the movies and go out to eat, I will not cross any picket line and support their boycott

  90. dahlia1947 says:

    She really thinks the public are a bunch of dummies doesn’t she? This is a new low for u Kim! And she probably has no idea that she’s posing w one of the greatest actors in Hollywood!

    I’m obsessed w old movies so it makes me sad that one of the greats(one of the greatest Hollywood legends that is still with us. sigh..) Mr. Kirk Douglas posed w THAT!

    That’s why when I went to L.A. I ONLY visited museums that had classic Hollywood relics!

    AND I only looked for prints of the old greats at Grauman’s. Gable, Crawford, Stanwyck and not today’s ‘actors’ prints. Sorry wasn’t interested!

    They don’t make em’ like that anymore! Sorry for the rant. Just kind of disgusted at WHO is considered a celeb now a days.

    • Bambi says:

      I’m sure you were extra disgusted when this bimbo interviewed Liz Taylor! ;^P Even I felt sad reading excerpts and I’m not a huge fan of Old Hollywood.

      I really couldn’t believe Liz was willing to give KK the time of day let alone answer her idiotic questions.

  91. Camille says:

    She is a disgusting excuse for a human being.

  92. bondbabe says:

    [I’m rolling my eyes so hard they fell out of my head]

    I’m sure serving the homeless was on her calendar 30 days ago, right? She was going to do this even if she had stayed blissfully married, right?
