Ryan Reynolds finished the NYC Marathon in under four hours

Hot actor Ryan Reynolds, 32, finished the NYC Marathon on Sunday in three hours and 50 minutes, which is faster than he was hoping for. Newlywed Reynolds raised over $80,000 in contributions for Parkinson’s research through Team Fox, an organization founded by Micheal J. Fox. Reynolds described seeing Fox during the last leg of the race as an inspiration and the motivation he needed to keep running. Reynolds father also has Parkinsons, and he said he ran “On behalf of my Father, Jim Reynolds, who’s spent the last 15 years in a life or death struggle with [the disease].”

Mission accomplished! Ryan Reynolds completed the ING New York City Marathon on Sunday – and lived to tell about it.

“I’m still standing. I’m very excited about that,” he told reporters after crossing the finish line in 3 hours and 50 minutes, faster than he anticipated. “It was an incredible experience.”

Reynolds says in the last leg of the race, he was motivated to keep going by one special spectator.

“When I saw Michael J. Fox on Fifth Avenue, I gained about 15 pounds in goose bumps,” said Reynolds. “It kind of pushed me through the last six miles or so.”

Reynolds ran for Team Fox in honor of his father, Jim Reynolds, who has suffered from Parkinson’s Disease for the past 15 years.

“[During the race] I thought a lot about my father and Michael and the 500,000 other people afflicted with this awful disease in the United States alone. I ran for those who can’t,” Reynolds told PEOPLE.

Reynolds’s mother Tammy and brother Terry greeted him with hugs at the finish line in Central Park.

[From People]

Reynold’s wife of just over a month, actress Scarlett Johansson, 23, was not at the finish line to greet her husband. She was busily involved in her own cause and has been campaigning for Presidential candidate Barack Obama.

Congratulations to Reynolds on finishing the NY Marathon and helping raise so much money for Parkinson’s research. That’s a great accomplishment and no small feat.

Ryan Reynolds is shown filming The Proposal on 6/6/08 in NY with Sandra Bullock. Credit: PRPhotos

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16 Responses to “Ryan Reynolds finished the NYC Marathon in under four hours”

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  1. geronimo says:

    Where’s Posh? Wasn’t she supposed to be taking part in this? Or maybe she’s still running….

  2. smit33 says:

    I don’t know if it is a good time or not, but good for him. I can’t even run to the kitchen in 3 hours.

  3. ff says:

    Congrats! I’m not surprised he finished faster than he believed he would – he’s ridiculously fit.

    Glad to hear it raised a lot of cash.

  4. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa says:

    That’s such b.s. that his wife isn’t even there! Running the marathon is a huge feat and considering it’s for such a personal cause, I would be pissed if I was him. She sucks! You can leave her and marry me, Ryan!

  5. rbsesq says:

    I agree “aaaaa.” It is b.s. I understand that what’s she’s doing is important to her, but are you telling me she can’t take 4 hours out of her busy campaigning (what exactly is she doing anyway?) to support her husband? And for a cause that is so close to his heart? I think it says a great deal about their marriage that his mother and sister were there, but not his wife.

  6. Kaiser says:

    Whoops. I clicked on this because I thought it was Ryan Gosling, not Reynolds.

    But it’s still a nice post. Didn’t know about his father – what a nice way to honor him. 😀

  7. cara says:

    Thank god! A “normal” person. I was beginning to feel l-a-zaaay after seeing 2:25 finishes. Can anyone say superhumans!!!

    I think he may run about an 8 1/2 to 9 min mile. (Which is what I do, so I think it’s great!!!)- I never did 26 miles though, just 20.

  8. Codzilla says:

    snit33: Amen to that. They’d have to bust out the paddles after about ten minutes of my lame effort.

  9. DogRunner says:

    The best I have ever ran was 4.5 hours. The next day the bottom of my feet hurt so bad that I was walking very gingerly. Two days later I felt the most incredible high of my life. I can see why people get addicted to running marathons.

  10. vdantev says:

    Then he got to go home and bang Scarlett Johansson all night long. There is no GOD!!!

  11. Feebee says:

    Doing a marathon in under 4 hours first up is an awesome time. He may be ridiculously fit but there’s gym fit and then marathon fit, so my hat’s off to Mr Reynolds. I even donated $20 to Team Fox for his effort.

  12. Jen (the other one) says:

    Christ on a cracker, he’s smokin’ hot.

  13. Carena says:

    So hot! Now off to Google shirtless pictures of him. Mmmmm.

  14. Buttercup says:

    Love him, but he has terrible taste in women. I’m with those people who commented about his wife not being there to support him, it seems to say alot about their marriage doesn’t it. I’d be there for you RR! 😉

  15. nola says:

    there are pics of scarlett in NY that day around the marathon, she was somewhere in the course along with her dad, and ryan’s mother and brother (he has no sisters) were waiting for him at the end. she was campaigning the day before but was at the marathon, pics on celebrity-gossip.net

  16. Dominique says:

    He is really quick.
    But most important is he raise the money for the charity.

    Keep going.