Gillian Anderson’s changing face at the ‘MI4’ premiere: Botoxy or all-natural?

A few months ago, I was looking at new photos of Gillian Anderson, and I became enchanted by her face. I was an old-school fan of The X-Files, and I remember what she used to look like on the first several seasons of that show, back in the early 1990s. Throughout the show, she thinned out and got a “sleeker” look – better hair, better makeup, better lighting. But even I was unprepared for Gillian’s recent incarnation. She’s really remade herself into a rather stunning woman of 43. Does she look her age? Sort of – and I’m saying that as a compliment. She looks like a really great version of “43”.

Anyway, these are new photos of Gillian at last night’s London premiere of Mission Impossible 4: Ghost Protocol. I have no idea why she appeared on the red carpet – she’s not in the film or anything, and I don’t believe she’s friendly with Tom Cruise or anything. But she was there, and she wore this odd orange-red and black dress that I’m not really in love with. As for her face… she looks slightly more plastic in these photos than in the last set I covered. Do I still think she’s achieved her look without a surgeon’s knife? Do you think that? I’m starting to doubt myself. Maybe it’s just the way she’s aging – her face has gotten longer, and it’s made her cheekbones and eyes “pop” more. The blonde hair might be throwing me off too. But there is a whiff of Winslet about this, right? I want to think Gillian is all-natural. But her boobs are making a strong case for the “Gillian has a great surgeon” argument.

Photos courtesy of WENN.

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40 Responses to “Gillian Anderson’s changing face at the ‘MI4’ premiere: Botoxy or all-natural?”

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  1. Lilou says:

    Even if she had botox, she still looks really natural… I like when actresses use botox or filters to stay young but not to look younger, you know what I mean?

    There is no shame not to be 100% natural!

    After all, what is the difference between using aging cream or having a little botox once in awhile?

    As long as it’s not too much, I won’t judge women who are using it…

    What I don’t get is the women who uses botox and filters because they want to look 20 again…

  2. Slas says:

    She looks like Kate Winslet !

  3. Kerfuffles says:

    I think she looks great. She may have had some work done with injections and the like but if so, it’s been done well and very subtlety. She looks beautiful but not at all artificial or freaky. She’s one of those actresses that had gotten better looking with age.

    If it’s due to dermatology or plastic surgery, then more peeps in Hollywood should call her doctor(s). She looks fabulous, regardless of how she got there.

  4. Cherry says:

    WTF is up with those SHOES??
    Oh, and I have to disagree with you about the ‘her boobs are making a strong case for the “Gillian has a great surgeon” argument’, kaiser. It’s true that she has rather large boobies for such a tiny woman, but I can recall her already having those in her X-files days. And they look rather saggy now. Note: showing the underside of your boobs is never a good idea when you’re over 18.

    • fabgrrl says:

      Well, she was pregnant and then nursing for the first two seasons of X-files. That might explain the boobage.

    • Girl says:

      I agree about the shoes. They look like they might require a prescription. Not that there’s anything wrong with that but they don’t look very red-carpet.

    • Alexis says:

      I actually think her boobs look great here. Not at all saggy. Maybe I just have low standards?

    • Jen34 says:

      ITA about the boobs. They are all hers, and they haven’t been lifted.

  5. DreamyK says:

    She looked much the same in “Bleak House”, but that was ’05. So, yes, I do think she is plasticking, but not sure what exactly. Which means she has a decent surgeon. Maybe Tom Cruise’s! Hah..the link as to why she is on the red carpet!

  6. paola says:

    why the Frankenstein shoes?

  7. Aria says:

    Love her! She looks amazing for her age botoxy or not. She looks like Kate Winslet.

  8. gillie says:

    Whatever work she might have had is fantastic and subtle. She looks amazing. If she were to say “I’m natural,” I’d probably believe it.

  9. Donno says:

    Don’t really follow her as far as what and if she had stuff done.. but damn I like her.. she looks great and holds herself well..

  10. Roma says:

    As my bf is in the process of making me rewatch the entire X Files series on Netflix… I honestly think she hasn’t had any work done. Maybe some tinsy tiny fillers, but she is looking good and her face is still consistent.

    She’s doing my mother’s trick – if you don’t smile, you don’t show as many lines.

  11. fabgrrl says:

    She looks good, but lately every picture of her she seems to be sucking in her cheeks. Or is holding her mouth in unnatural way. Doesn’t want to really smile and show wrinkles?

    Her outfit looks great, except for those shoes! Since the hem is so low on the dress she looks like she is wearing some kind of corrective shoes. I know that she is itty-bitty and wants to add some height, but this is a shoe-fail.

    Also, wow, she has lovely eyes! I didn’t notice them as much when she had red hair.

  12. k says:

    I think a lot of women you say have had botox look like they just had an intense facial/chemical peel. I see wrinkles on Andersen, which makes me happy. She looks great.

    • Jenna68 says:

      ITA. She doesn’t have that waxy looking forehead. Maybe a chemical peel and just taking really great care of her skin.

  13. Blue says:

    Oh golly, those shoes are awfulllll! She needed better shoes or a longer dress.

  14. scarlett says:

    I honestly thought this was Blake Lively for a split second. This is definately Blake’s face in about 15 years. She does look good though..dare I say better than Blake who I’m not a fan of BTW.

  15. The Original Mia says:

    She looks great. Pretty natural to me. I like the dress, but those shoes are awful. Absolutely ridiculous.

  16. Cathy says:

    The whole outfit (shoes included) is awful. Why do these women think that everybody wants to see their ladies?

  17. I Admit It says:

    I’m 42 – I do chemical peels regularly, very light Botox & religously use sunscreen on face/neck. I’m often told I look mid-30’s. I am not trying to look younger, but my mother has not aged well. (She smoked for 40+yrs) Now she’s trying to undo a lifetime of neglect…

    I look at it similar to knowing your family has history of heart disea se… I think ifyou consistently take care of yourself, the results are more graceful.

    • fabgrrl says:

      Amen. I just got my first Botox for my thirty-*grumble*-th birthday. And absolutely nobody noticed — which is what I wanted. No big change, just ME without the frowny forehead line. I’m looking into some light fillers next. I’m not trying to turn back the clock or change my face, just do a little maintenance.

      • sandra says:

        I’ve been botoxing for one year now at age 49 – 50 in January. I love it – it’s just enough to raise up my sagging eyebrows/brow and erase those angry frown lines. No filler – I’m afraid of that – but I also get microdermabrasion and IPL on my face. Why not? I don’t want to look too much younger but my skin looks great and i feel confident.

  18. sartori says:

    Hate the shoes. they look orthopedic

  19. Sara says:

    I think she is beautiful. If she is getting stuff done, it looks natural.

  20. Mara says:

    She looks different because she is thinner and you can see in her face more but she is very pretty

  21. DeeVine says:

    Everyone in Hollywood over 40 (even 30) has had botox or fillers. If done well it looks very natural. The problem is it gets addictive and you have to constantly do it to avoid suddenly looking your age when it wears off. That is when people go overboard, cos they start forgetting what normal looks like.

    She looks great, in fact, better now that ever.

    A chemical peel is next on my list!

  22. Mia says:

    She can lift her brows and have lines. If she did it, she did it well. So I say we start applauding the stars that are doing it without overdoing it. I’m also a fan of her dress being different, I like the feel of it. Those shoes though…Now those are tragic.

  23. Lisa says:

    The boob comments reminded me: She has a portrait of (her?) boobs hanging in her house. I can’t remember what magazine it was in, and googling ‘gillian anderson breast painting’ doesn’t really do the job.

  24. theaPie says:

    “But her boobs are making a strong case for the “Gillian has a great surgeon” argument.”

    Or perhaps boob tape? It’s a little hard to tell, honestly.

    As far as her face, I can see fine lines. It’s too early for facial sagging, so I’m not surprised I don’t see any. Having said that, I nothing would surprise me. In an industry where a premium is placed on looks and actors have plenty of cash at their disposal, one never knows.

  25. Cathy says:

    She was at the premiere because her friend Simon Pegg was in the movie 🙂

    I saw her close up a few months ago and she had plenty of lines (not in a bad way!!), I don’t think she’s done anything. She has regular, v expensive facials according to a beautician on twitter.

  26. KsGirl says:

    She’s probably had a little Botox (done well, Botox can still allow you to make expressions), some very good fillers, great dermatologist etc. She looks GREAT, imo. This is the definition of appropriate ‘work’ – she looks like herself, but fresher, better, glowier, not like she’s trying to be 20 again. I also LOVE that dress. Can anyone ID the designer? Also, what shoes ARE those? I can’t see enough to tell – could they be a pair of those Loubs with the giant chunky platform?

    Lastly, yeah, her boobs look great as well.


  27. danielle says:

    She’s know as a very good actor, so not sure she’d screw up that ability like Kidman has. Also, I see lines (not bad, but there). Also, her boobs don’t look like oranges bolted onto her chest. So I vote for all natural.

  28. HadleyB says:

    Botox is not a wonder drug. It doesn’t perform miracles and I think she uses Botox, maybe just going more often but not getting so many units.

    However, to keep looking good I am sure she also has laser, peels, fillers, etc. Botox does’t help everything on your face. Just wrinkles when you smile/ dynamic movement.

    It will not help wrinkles that are at rest too well, so when a celeb has no wrinkles at rest, and slight while smiling you can bet botox AND other stuff.

    Especially over 40. Sure we all hear about people who are 60 who look 20 especially on the net but thats RARE and honestly, more girls in their 20’s these days have more wrinkles than celebs. So please. Of course she is doing botox and more…just not severe filled to the point of bursting or under the knife. Not yet.

  29. Mani says:

    She hasn’t had work done!!! WTF guys, have you seen Real Housewives???
    Gillian looks natural and she has always had a young face, I mean she looked 12 when she was 24. I don’t think some of you see naturally beautiful people a lot. Everyone isn’t going under the knife and Gillian isn’t the type.

    P.S. Gillian and Kate have always looked smiliar, one reason why they should do a movie together.

  30. whatevs says:

    slight botox on the forehead but she looks great