“Should ‘Bridesmaids’ get an Oscar nomination for Best Picture?” links

Should Bridesmaids get a Best Picture Oscar nom? Mm… no. It was funny, sure, but it wasn‘t one of the best movies of the year or anything. But don‘t listen to me, X-Men: First Class was one of my favorite films of the year. [Jezebel]
Sandra Bullock‘s son is a little ladies‘ man. [Celebrity Baby Scoop]
The Atlanta Braves are taking on Pixar. [Videogum]
Amber Portwood is in jail. [Amy Grindhouse]
Breaking news: Camilla Belle is boring, irrelevant. [Moe Jackson]
More Terrence Howard foolishness. He needs to STFU. [Bossip]
There‘s a cameltoe app. Srsly. [The Frisky]
Kobe Bryant is focused on the Lakers and his daughters. In that order. [Radar]
Emily Maynard to be the new Bachelorette? [Life & Style]
Khloe Kardashian is looking forward to the move to Dallas. [PopBytes]
Kellan Lutz is being Lutzy in Aspen. [Hollywood Rag]
1 in 13 girls has had group sex. Sigh… [LimeLife]
James Cameron sued for $2.5 BILLION. [Celebs]
Jon Bon Jovi isn‘t dead, y‘all. [Bitten and Bound]
Angelina Jolie Q&A. [Starpulse]

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91 Responses to ““Should ‘Bridesmaids’ get an Oscar nomination for Best Picture?” links”

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  1. layla says:

    No. It was funny but not up to the calibre of other movies up for nomination.

    50/50 deserves a nod more than Bridesmaids.

    I also do not think Melissa McCarthy deserves an Oscar nod either. She was funny. But not Oscar worthy.

    • Kaiser says:

      I agree! I think 50/50 should win the Oscar for Best Screenplay!

    • Erinn says:

      ughhhh. I want to see 50/50 so bad… it didn’t even come to my theatre.

    • Jane says:

      I agree. I just saw it for the first time on DVD and it was OK, but not Oscar worthy. Melissa was a stand out, but I kept thinking she was playing the female version of the brother character in Hangover. The movie was enjoyable, but forgettable.

  2. G says:

    It wasn’t that good and wasn’t even very funny. It got bogged down in “romance.”

    • searching4grace says:

      I didn’t think it was very funny, either. I just thought it got really depressing. For having a lot of really funny women in it…it wasn’t.

      • laylajanelovesgossip says:

        I was disappointed too, I thought it was just me that wasn’t impressed…YAY!!! I am NORMAL afterall, I’m gonna call my psychiatrist and tell him:-)!!!!

      • danielle says:

        Parts were funny, but overall I did find it depressing – I felt so bad for the Annie character!

  3. ella says:


  4. Kim says:

    This movie wasnt even remotely funny to me. I so want to give props to girl comedians but this was a cheap imitation of a girls version of The Hangover & not as funny.

    • Cam says:

      yes! this. Thank you! my mind boggles at how many women keep on championing this movie and saying it revolutionizes the genre… Not even close.

    • Anguishedcorn says:

      Some of the scenes from this movie actually haunted me for days afterward. It was so incredibly gross.

      • Tabby says:

        Ditto this. I only kept on watching because I have a soft spot for Chris O’Dowd. The rest was yuck.

    • danielle says:

      How is it a girl version of the hangover? A wedding is planned its a group and hijinks ensue – but the girls never even ARRIVE at their bachelorette party. I didn’t love the movie, but didn’t feel it was a copy of Hangover at all.

      • StephanieMarie25 says:

        Totally agree!! I see nothing in common with the Hangover. The only similarity is that one is about a group of guys, the other, a group of girls.
        Aren’t these events often characterized by “groups”?
        I thought it was HILARIOUS but the romance bit did get a little long/boring

      • Ally says:

        The part I thought was lame was her owning a bakery. Wholly girly cliché & incongruous for the character.

        I could have done without the bridal dress shop scene in its entirety, but arguably it served a revolutionary function in the history of movies featuring women, in that you could show women being un-pretty, and the audience did not stay away.

        Hopefully it doesn’t become a trend, though. In the 00s, every serious drama apparently had to have a vom scene to show emotional upheaval, which was absurd and off-putting (especially when everyone is sitting there eating more popcorn than is good for them.)

    • paranormalgirl says:

      I loathed this movie with every fiber of my being.

  5. Jessica says:

    It wasnt that funny, so no.

  6. Cam says:

    NO! this movie is so overrated! I don’t get why people loved it so much. It had so many clichés in it that people overlook just because it has a good cast and less than terrible writing. So no! /end rant.

  7. Happymom says:

    Are you guys going to cover accident-prone Kelli Osborne who mysteriously broke her hand “falling out of bed”?

  8. Sam says:

    This film was SO funny, I don’t get the hate. I do love toilet humour though.. and I did love it when one of them puked on the other one’s head. I guess I’m immature, but I just can’t not find that stuff funny. Possibly the best film I saw this year. I also liked 50/50, Drive the the Lincoln Lawyer (can’t remember when it came out though). I cried with laughter and sadness at 50/50 and I think it’s impressive when a film can do that. Really didn’t like Seth Rogen in it though, but JGL never fails to impress me.

    • Diane says:

      I must be immature too because I was laughing so hard during that scene. Melissa: “it’s coming out like lava”

    • WillyNilly says:

      Are these people cray cray? I cried two different times from laughter. Once when Maya was attempting to walk across the street in the dress ‘It’s happening….it’s happened’. OMFG. And the second, when Kristen goes ape shit at the bridal shower and attempts to push over the fountain, it doesn’t work so she splashes the ground with the chocolate. DIED laughing. It is still giving me the giggles right now.

      Maybe I am just not cerebral enough for Kat Denning/Zoey Deschanel awkwardia comedy. Sometimes I just need some raunch. They delivered!

  9. Marjalane says:

    I loved Bridesmaids, but I think Melissa McCarthy and Kristen Wiig are funny in pretty much everything they do. I doubt if it was Oscar deserving, but there have been some Oscars won that were less than deserving, already. *cough*Goopy*cough*

    • Diane says:

      I guess we’re in the minority. I thought it was hilarious. I love Kristen and Melissa too. Thanks for mentioning goopy. She’s the worst.

      • Launicaangelina says:

        I’m with you both! It was hilarious and I’d watch it over and over again. And it’s not like the Hangover – at all.

  10. Quest says:


  11. Lara says:

    Bridesmaids was funny, mb even innovative movie for the female audience, not your usual, predictable rom-com/chick flick where everyone is perfect and everything is sugar-coated. But by no means it’s an Oscar material. I am happy though for Melissa McCarthy, she is very funny and talented, totally deserves a breakthrough.

  12. kazoo says:

    Comedies, like…traditional comedies (as in not dark humor) rarely get Oscar nominations.

  13. Jo 'Mama' Besser says:

    I’d say ‘no’, but worse stuff gets nominated regularly and since 35 films get nominated a year for Best Picture now, I don’t know what’s left.

  14. morgane says:


  15. Anguishedcorn says:

    Good God, NO.

  16. becky says:

    I couldnt get past 20 minutes. Should I give it another try?

  17. Aria says:

    It is one of the best comedy I’ve seen in a while but it doesn’t deserve an oscar nom. Kaiser, X-Men Fist Class is one of my fav too.

  18. Cerulean says:

    It was cute and ok. Nothing award worthy to me.

  19. Silk Spectre says:

    I liked Bridesmaids but it’s no Oscar material at all. I watched a lot movies but to be honest this year’s cinema kinda sucked, nothing really stood out.

  20. jots says:

    No, it was in fact one of the least funny films I’ve seen in my life and it was far from the best picture this year.

  21. CallieTrichid says:


  22. Happy21 says:

    I loved Bridesmaids but its not Oscar material. BUT there are now 10 Best Picture noms so maybe they can’t come up with 10 serious movies that were any good this year and they’ll throw it in there.

    50/50 was great. It fits the mold. Should not be snubbed.

    • Scarlet Vixen says:

      Actually, they’ve changed the rules yet again this year. Now there’s no set number of movies in the Best Picture category–a movie has to receive a certain number (or percentage-can’t remember which) of #1 votes to receive an official nomination. So, I think there can be UP TO 10 nominated movies but could be less.

      I haven’t seen Bridesmaids. I’m not a potty humor kinda girl, and I lost interest when I head it was gross. No way it’ll get a nom, tho.

  23. Marianne says:

    Im glad to see other people who didn’t think it was the bee’s knees either. It wasn’t terrible, but its not the funniest thing ever (like some people make it out to be). I agree that I would love to see 50/50 in there. However, it will most likely just get a screenplay nod. (which it does deserve).

  24. Seal Team 6 says:

    Yes, it deserves a nod, but it won’t get one, because:

    1. It’s a comedy
    2. It’s a sometimes raunchy comedy, and
    3. Most of the main characters are women

    I think it’s one of the most clever comedies written in the last decade, and the acting was excellent.

  25. hatsumomo says:

    My man and I really liked Super 8. It was the best film of the year for us but I knew it wasent going to get a nomination based on the fact that it came out so early in the year. No one remembers it. But the kids in it were superb and it had a good constant plot.

    • Happy21 says:

      I wanted to see that but never did. My sister LOVED it. Has seen it more than a dozen times. Once the holidays are over I am going to make a point of watching it because I’ve heard it was so good 🙂

  26. AJ says:

    It was funny, although not as funny as it was hyped up to be. like all Judd Apatow movies, it was like 30 minutes too long. I also didn’t love Black Swan and everyone talked about how great that movie was. I didn’t get all that hype either.

    • danielle says:

      I agree – tighter editing would’ve made Bridesmaids a better movie.

    • Jo 'Mama' Besser says:

      Both films could’ve stood to be shorter. I’d watch Bridesmaids again before Swan Dive, in a minute. Most films could stand to be shorter–comedies especially. Comedies need to be tighter, they’re way too flabby and meandering these days. I should be out of the theater by minute 87.

  27. Skins says:

    I watched this with high hopes but never even made it thru the entire movie because it sucked. Total Hangover ripoff except for the fact that The Hangover actually made me laugh and I don’t think I even tittered once during this movie. Best Picture? You must be joking

  28. laylajanelovesgossip says:

    Something About Mary should receive an oscar way before Bridesmaids. That was a funny movie:-)

  29. madpoe says:

    *Bridesmaid – Not a funny pix at all. Felt like I was straining to watch/focus on it.

    *Whatever happened to Group study? Now it’s group sex? Its been sometime since I’ve been to a library, what happened!

  30. Audrey says:

    This was such a bad, mean-spirited movie. I can’t believe it got all the attention it did.

  31. kimberly says:

    i liked that movie, but please . . . it’s not best picture worthy.

  32. Diane says:

    No, but it sure was funny and entertaining. I saw it 4 times and I haven’t done that in a VERY LONG TIME.

  33. Amanda G says:

    Bridesmaids as best picture? No way! The ONLY reason it was funny was because of Melissa McCartney.

  34. Abby says:

    I’ve seen it twice. I was so disappointed the first time I watched it because I had such high expectations. I thought it was going to be the funniest movie for women ever … and it wasn’t. However, I saw it a second time with with my husband and actually liked it much better. If you watch it without high expectations, it’s pretty funny. Oscar winner though? No.

  35. lucy2 says:

    I thought it was hilarious and one of my favorite movies of the year, but I wouldn’t chose it for “Best Picture”. Though I’d love to see Melissa get a nomination just to shake things up a little, plus she was great in it.

    • Camille says:

      I agree with you. 🙂

      I thought Bridesmaids was far funnier and better acted than the Hangover (I didn’t care for or even find TH all that funny or good either).

  36. danielle says:

    After reading this thread, I feel I really need to see 50/50! Did anyone else see Take Shelter? I thought that was phenomenal.

  37. SCREEEE says:

    You know, I think it should. Mainly because of Kristen Wiig, who should also be getting more attention. It was a comedy, sure, but not one of those irritating Adam Sandler ones. There was real emotion, and it was always there behind Wiig’s eyes even in the funniest bits – it’s about a woman breaking down! I also think Rose Byrne is generally underrated – incredible actress.

  38. Lucy says:

    I reallly like it…Oscar nom, mmmm, I don’t know…but I will say I liked it better than some previous oscar winners, such as The Kings Speech or Black Swan…

    • Happy21 says:

      I didn’t get the Black Swan hype. I didn’t find it anything special but I did find The King’s Speech exceptional. It wasn’t the usual movie I’d see but I was blown away. It was, for me anyway, the best movie of 2010-2011.

  39. lola says:

    that was the biggest disappointment of the year. hated it. found it depressing, not funny.

  40. Brenda says:

    Nope. I fell asleep watching it and never had the desire to go back and finish because it just wasn’t that funny to me. My husband finished watching and said it was more gross than funny.

  41. Tiffany says:

    I loved Bridesmaids. It was more than a comedy to me, I think it said a lot about how the economy can wreck a person’s self esteem, the dynamic in female friendships, etc. It was fun AND had heart. I think it should be nominated.

  42. UKHels says:

    ooh no – XMen First Class on the other hand…

  43. mimi says:

    Bridesmaids should get an Oscar nomination.

    IT WAS one of the best pictures this year.

    Just because it is “female” and unapologetic about it, and funny, doesn’t mean it wasn’t great on so many levels, smart, had a message for women and people who get stuck in life, and had wonderful cast who did a marvelous job.

  44. Maritza says:

    The movie was good but not that good,definitely not Oscar worthy.

  45. mln76 says:

    I liked Bridesmaids alot. If anyone really deserves Oscar attention though it’s Kristin Wiig . Bitch did co-write the whole thing.

  46. kbomb says:

    Am I the only one who thinks that they airbrushed about 50+ pounds off of Melissa McCarthy in that poster? Oh – and I love love love the movie.

  47. Rachel says:

    I don’t think so, but I did enjoy it, even though it was a bit too long. However, I hated The Hangover. Seriously, seriously unfunny. Way overrated. And I love raunchy comedy as much as the next guy…

  48. Jordi says:

    Absolutely it should. A Best Picture nomination shouldn’t have to have to be about the Holocaust or an illness. Like SCREEEE above said, it’s about a woman breaking down, and Kristen Wiig can show three emotions just with her eyes all at once. Comedy gets NO RESPECT and it’s about time it did. Comedy is so subjective, but as a comedy writer myself, I think that ‘Bridesmaids’ is solid work.

  49. courtney says:

    um people Comedies are never nominated for the major oscars like best picture best director actor actress supporting actor or actress or best original song. so what makes you think bridesmaids will

  50. eternalcanadian says:

    I waited until this movie came out on DVD. I am so glad I waited because it really was a very sophomoric movie that put women in a bad light (made them look stupid, as usual). It definitely is not Oscar-worthy in any category. I watched it once and I doubt I’ll watch it again. If it is nominated for any Oscars the Academy must be desparate!

  51. GoodCapon says:

    I’ve always thought this was just another film like Bride Wars LOL

  52. whatevs says:

    why the hell not? it’s no worse than many of the movies they reward anyway

  53. Arianna says:

    i think it really depends on whether you saw this movie before all the hype or after

    for me at least, if there’s a lot of build up to a movie i tend to be far more disappointed than if i go in hearing it’s awful or hear nothing about it.

    i personally love raunchy, dumb humour and melissa and kristen wiig are phenomenal actresses! I needed a good raunchy break from the awkward, antisocial comedic actors pouring out recently

  54. LittleDeadGrrl says:

    50/50 for sure. I loved the movie, it managed to make me shed a tear, and I don’t think that’s happened since I was about 10.

  55. JaneWonderfalls says:

    I liked the film, because it was more than what I expected. I seen so many movies that were never really that great receive an Oscar so why not?

  56. Lucy says:

    The Academy will never give an oscar to a movie like Bridesmaids because they take themselves so seriously…they act like what they do is life and death work…like they are curing cancer or ending wars…It drives me nuts and I don’t think I will even watch them this year…

  57. Oi says:

    This is not important, but I hate the poster. I mean, hate it so much that it turned me off to the movie itself as crazy as that sounds. I hate hate hate that head tilted back looking down my nose because I am so hardcore pose. And what are they supposed to be doing in an alley or whatever? The posing is awful. The photoshop is atrocious (maid on the far right has two right legs!), and the individual promo shots are just as bad or worse. Whats the point? A bridesmaid mafia? Its not funny, its not cute, its…nothing and boring on top of that. They actually wanted to make the characters look like d-list reality tv stars who pose harder than Lea Michele? Really? My god the promo art was f’ing terrible! /rant

    Had to get that off my chest. Never got around to seeing the movie. Thought it looked overwrought.

  58. notsoanonymous says:

    If I were to be honest, I usually love no-brainer, gross out humor (grew up with big brothers, what can I say?) I didn’t see Bridesmaids as that kind of movie really. It was more related to the complications (and a host of negative stereotypes) within female friendships. Maybe having come off my own wedding experience, some of the ’emotional’ side of the movie hit too close to home. It was just ‘alright’ to me.

  59. Ron says:

    I loved bridesmaids! But when i think of comedies being nominated as a whole it’s good, but its not that good. It’s no Fish called Wanda, not that it should be. I do think, however, the Melissa McCarthy deserves a nomination. She was outstanding in that film,

  60. Penguin says:

    It was funny not Oscar worthy tho. Love that christopher Plummer is nominated for first time @ 82 yrs old.

  61. Callumna says:

    Up to 10 best movie noms? Good Gawd! What nonsense.

    Nobody’s seen the winner half the years as is. They’ll need to roast these people like the GG’s for me to stay up.

  62. courtney says:

    Um most of the films that are nominated for major oscars are either period Dramas Indie flicks or biopics so no bridesmaids shouldn’t be nominated I’d rather see Hugo win best picture the last time an animated film was nominated for best picture was beauty & Te Beast in 1992 but Silence Of The Lambs won

    • paranormalgirl says:

      Actually Courtney, you’re wrong. “Beauty and the Beast” was the first animated film nominated for the best picture Oscar. “Up” was nominated in 2009 and “Toy Story 3” was nominated in 2010.

  63. Jezi says:

    I thought the Hangover was much funnier. I thought some parts of Bridesmaids was funny but I found myself getting really annoyed with that character who was trying to steal the best friend. So annoyed that it bothered me and the movie was really depressing in some parts. I found the romance to be actually cute and that was the highlight of the movie for me.

  64. Vera says:

    The movie was kinda meh.

    It was one if you saw it early enough and didn’t hear too much about it to spoil it, it was good. But I saw it pretty late and had seen the previews and whatnot for ages, and it wasn’t that good to me.

    Funny at times, but from the eight or so previews with alternating scenes, nothing in it was new to me. I did like that it was a female “raunchy” comedy – but not too raunchy like knocked up was to the point it hindered the funny. But for me, best picture should not be a film that is worse with age. Hearing more about it should not spoil the experience.