Meryl Streep at the UK ‘Iron Lady’ premiere: gorgeous, glowing & clad in a muumuu?

Isn’t it funny that while I was taking in Meryl Streep’s disheveled hairstyle, her glorified muumuu (with a cape?), and her (not great) gigantic yellow-gold statement jewelry, my only thought was really, “Jesus, she looks fantastic”? It’s her skin, I think. Meryl takes great care of her skin, and I think that’s one of the big reasons she’s still so beautiful. First, decades of great skin care. Second, great genes – she’s always been gorgeous! Third, she didn’t mess with what she was given. I buy that Meryl is all-natural. I buy it every day. She simply has one of those faces that I could stare at for hours. Cate Blanchett is the same way – and I believe Cate is Meryl’s only true heir at this point.

Anyway, these are photos from the London premiere of The Iron Lady. It seems like London got a much bigger premiere than NYC, although the New York premiere did get a decent turnout. I feel like Meryl really is doing an extra push this time around, because she’s faced so much criticism for this Margaret Thatcher passion project. If I was the studio publicist promoting the film, I would be doing the same – “Let Meryl Be Meryl.” Send her out there and let her charm her way into another successful film.

As for the fashion… I don’t know who designed the (belted, caped?) muumuu. It’s not my favorite outfit. But it suits Meryl somehow. And while I doubt that she really gives a crap about fashion in general, I like that she still puts in an effort after… what? She’s been getting dressed up for premieres and awards shows for four decades. Bless her heart. I love her so much.

Photos courtesy of WENN.

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40 Responses to “Meryl Streep at the UK ‘Iron Lady’ premiere: gorgeous, glowing & clad in a muumuu?”

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  1. Rose says:

    I agree she looks gorg!

  2. MissM says:

    She’s a lady! I adore her! She might use a garbage bag…I’d still find her beautiful!

  3. Nessa says:

    Amazing. Truly. She is the best of the best.

  4. Suze says:

    It’s because she goes about in a muumuu, lined face and messy hair, holding her head high, that she is everlastingly beautiful. Long live Meryl!

  5. bea says:

    I agree that Cate Blanchett is her successor! Same kind of beauty and talent.

    As for what she has on – I wouldn’t wear it, but it works on her. She’s got to be in her 60s by now, so instead of doing the “mutton dressed as lamb” she’s dressing age-appropriate. Plus she looks warm! The blue mixed in with the black keeps it from looking drab. Someone should get her a lint brush tho…

  6. mln76 says:

    I love Cate but Meryl has no living successor-just like Sarah Bernhardt didn’t have one until Meryl. Just give her the Oscar already.

  7. Ann says:

    She looks great. A senior citizen fox!

  8. Cirque28 says:

    Meryl makes me feel better after the Cindy Crawford post. OK, we can be old AND natural AND pretty! It seems to have to do with dignity and inner joy. (And a little blush doesn’t hurt.)

    This is a great weight for her at her age, too. Not scrawny, not fat, just healthy.

  9. Marjalane says:

    Love her, and recently saw a picture of her 4 children- 3 daughters and a son. All gorgeous. The girls were so pretty.

  10. SisterMaryHotPantz says:

    She is an amazing actress. And Humble. I think she is at the very least using botox on her forehead. You dont reach her age without any wrinkles on the forehead.

  11. mummy says:

    She does look fantastic and it has nothing to do with the outside. There is an inner quality that shines. Who cares what she looks like she is a fantastic actress.

  12. Angi says:

    I don’t think she has had any work done,because you can see she has lines. She does always wear great make-up and you can tell she stays out of the sun.

  13. Pose83 says:

    It’s cold and very windy in London at the moment. Would have been difficult for anyone to look good and remain warm in those conditions.

    I think she looks great.

  14. KaitX says:

    She looks great, but her outfit looks like my graduation robes!

    • Ally says:

      Oh no, I didn’t mind it until I read that! The outfit is okay otherwise, but the boots are bizarre — like she borrowed them from a 90s teenager.

      I know Chris March (a contestant on Project Runway who also designs drag queen costumes) designed some red carpet looks for her before, maybe it’s his.

  15. PTBoat says:

    Mumus do not have waists. That’s not a mumu.

  16. Eleonor says:

    I love the outfit, and the jewlery too!

  17. Maya says:

    I don’t mind the outfit. It suits her figure. It’s her hair that’s the problem. It looks as though she has quickly pinned it up.

  18. Stacia says:

    I looked at Meryls face…then I saw the insert below in the featured links of Cameron Diaz’s face. I’d guess that there is a 25 year age difference between the two, but Meryl skin is so much more vibrant and glowing than CD. She looks lovely!

  19. Sasha says:

    Beautiful skin! It looks so soft and delicate. I want to stroke it, ha.

  20. Ravensdaughter says:

    What a fabulous woman! Talented and beautiful with a personal style that makes age almost irrelevant. Helen Mirren is her soul sister on the other side of the Pond.
    (I do think they both have good genes, too)

  21. only1shmoo says:

    While the outfit is ‘meh’ (that’s the technical term) and her hair looks a tad like a cactus that rolled out of bed, I still think she’s radiant…I think the general consensus is that Meryl Streep can do no wrong; no, seriously, she’s awesome!

  22. Malificent says:

    Her outfit makes her look like a Jedi master, which I actually don’t mean as an insult.

    • Alexa says:

      I’m a few years younger than Meryl, but I have no real lines on my forehead – in fact I have lines exactly where Meryl has them. I think two things are at play here: she took good care of her skin when she was younger, did not sunbathe (she is too fair to tan well anyway). She also has not tried to keep a 25 year old’s figure. She is not fat, but she has filled out a bit since her youth – which is what most people tend to do.

      She looks natural and great!

  23. HadleyB says:

    I think her extra weight helps her skin / face as well. She never kept trying to be super skinny as she ages which helps A LOT.

    Even guys these days look old in the face at the gym with watching their weight too much and some are only 31 or 32.

    It’s better to have some padding and stay young in the face.. so I know when I get older I will have a booty, some thighs, hips as well as fat in my face lol

  24. I Choose Me says:

    At the risk for getting slammed for daring to criticize Meryl, her hair looks a mess. Was it windy out? Agree her skin looks well-cared for though.

  25. bros says:

    want that necklace!

  26. Julie says:


  27. Darla says:

    Hard for her to do wrong in my book.

  28. Shelly says:

    She looks beautiful as always. Love her so much.

  29. girlwithapearl says:

    to be fair to Lovely Meryl, its freaking freezing in London at the moment. And hella windy. Silver grecian gowns have no place on a cold windy day!

  30. Girl says:

    The woman is gorgeous. I love how people were (not here on CB as far as I’m aware) were blasting this movie when they hadn’t even seen it.

  31. nan says:

    The greatest actress in the history of the cinema and the classiest lady in Hollywood. She’s truly amazing!!!

  32. Lindy says:

    She can do no wrong in my eyes. I love her. And I thing that Cate Blanchett is probably her closest approximation in the next generation, but I’d also say that Emma Thompson–who is between Cate and Meryl age wise–is in the same league. Brilliant, understated, naturally if unconventionally beautiful, talented as hell…

  33. blonde on the dock says:

    Are you guys on crack? She looks like a bag lady with clown makeup on! Best actress for sure but come on. I’ve seen her look waaay better than this.

  34. Sassy says:

    Love her! She is wearing a very lovely dress with a belt at the waist under a cape-like coat. Fabulous and she personifies “this is what 60 looks like”.

  35. danielle says:

    Funny, the individual pieces of her outfit are a bit ? but the overall look is fantastic!

  36. dj says:

    Meryl seems to radiant and glow from within. This quality is what is missing with the Cindy Crawford and Demi posts. Meryl loves and accepts who and where she is. There is a gratitude and humility. Long live the classy Ms. Streep!

  37. meme says:

    She looks amazing! Stunning, Visceral Actor.